Design of a Circular-type Pod Silencer
for a High-pressure Axial Flow Fan
Hyun Gwon Kil
, Chan Lee
, Jong Jin Park
and Sang Moon Yang
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Suwon, Hwaseong-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea
Samwon E&B, Siheung-si, Gyeongg-doi, Republic of Korea
Keywords: Circular-type Pod Silencer, Axial Flow Fan, Transmission Loss.
Abstract: A circular-type pod silencer has been designed to reduce a high noise level generated from an axial flow
fan. The noise consists of two components such as discrete frequency noise component at blade passing
frequency due to rotating impellers and broadband noise component due to turbulence produced in the axial
fan. Main contribution into the high noise level is due to the discrete frequency noise component. In order to
effectively reduce the noise level of the axial flow fan, the circular-type pod silencer has been modelled in
this paper. In order to identify critical design parameters, finite element analysis (FEA) with commercial
ANSYS acoustic code was implemented. The results of the design parametric study have been used to
design the circular-type pod silencer that effectively reduces the high noise level of the axial flow fan in
subway ventilation system.
Axial flow fans are widely used in low pressure air
handling systems such as cooling, air-conditioning,
or ventilating equipment (Dixon, 2014). But subway
ventilation systems require axial flow fans with
relatively high pressure at high flow capacity. Those
generate high noise level. The noise consists of two
components such as discrete frequency noise
component at blade passing frequency (BPF) due to
rotating impellers and broadband noise component
due to turbulence in inflow and exhaust jet mixing
(Lee and Kil, 2018). Main contribution into the high
noise level is due to the discrete frequency noise
component. It is needed to attach silencers to reduce
the high noise level. Rectangular silencers in subway
ventilation systems have been widely used. But
those silencers generate relatively high pressure loss.
Therefore, there have been industrial needs for
reducing high noise level with circular-type pod
silencers effective to axial flow fan performance
with lower pressure loss.
The circular-type pod silencer was analyzed by
using transfer matrix method with plane wave
approximation (Munjal, 2003). Multimode sound
propagation was used to analyze the circular-type
pod silencer (Kirby, 2006). FEA approach was
implemented to analyze dissipative silencers (Peat
and Rathi, 1995; Mehdizadeh and Paraschivoiu,
2005; Cui et al., 2014). The design curves for
performance evaluation of passive pod silencers
were provided by simulating the acoustic
performance of the silencers with commercial FEA
software (Ramarkrishnan, 2015). Practical design of
the circular-type pod silencer have been widely
performed experimentally or based on existing
experimental results and design curves in reference
(Ver and Beranek, 2006). In this paper, in order to
reduce the high noise level of an axial flow fan in a
subway ventilation system, design of the circular-
type pod silencer has been performed with FEA
simulation using commercial ANSYS acoustic code
(ANSYS, 2019). The transmission loss of the
silencer was evaluated by solving the three-
dimensional sound wave equation inside the silencer.
The design parametric study has been performed to
identify critical design parameters. It has been
implemented to design the circular-type pod
silencer that
effectively reduces the high noise level
of the axial flow fan in the subway ventilation
Kil, H., Lee, C., Park, J. and Yang, S.
Design of a Circular-type Pod Silencer for a High-pressure Axial Flow Fan.
DOI: 10.5220/0007838402630268
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications (SIMULTECH 2019), pages 263-268
ISBN: 978-989-758-381-0
2019 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved