validation. This quasi-serial RobotArm desktop
model was subsequently rapid prototyped via 3D
printing. The parameters input into Cura for slicing of
the model have been outlined in Section 3.
The kinematic model was then derived for 2D planar
space via a closed loop vector method. These
kinematic equations needed to be validated and hence
an empirical versus analytical test approach was
implemented. The graphical empirical results were
obtained with the use of an equivalent SolidWorks
model of the physical RobotArm geometry. The
analytical results were obtained via the forward
kinematic equations outlined in Section 4. The results
were then tabulated in Section 5 and subsequently
compared. The results correlated extremely closely
well with a maximum error of less than 0.02%.
Future work looks to define the inverse kinematic
equations, develop a 3D workspace for a single
RobotArm, including singularities and non-
linearities. Further is to then introduce several of
these RobotArms into the same workspace for
collaborative applications. A Graphical User
Interface (GUI) will be developed in order to control
and monitor the final platform.
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Quasi-serial Manipulator for Advanced Manufacturing Systems