tion (chiller supply and return temperatures and water
temperature). Consequently, the anomaly detection
procedure could be applied to these variables, mak-
ing this process more simple and efficient in terms
of time and computation requirements. Alternatively,
when we are interested on controlling just one vari-
able and this is characterized by a functional nature,
a FDA methodology for control charts has been pro-
posed and applied to the HVAC energy consumption
daily curves. Confidence bands have been estimated
in the calibration stage, allowing us to monitor the
consumption curves of new days and decide if they
correspond to anomalies in the system. This statistical
approach is based on functional data depth calculation
and the application of rank control charts.
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(Grupos de Referencia Competitiva ED431C-2016-
015 and Centro Singular de Investigaci
on de Galicia
ED431G/01 2016-19), all of them through the ERDF.
The work of Carlos Erias, Ver
onica Bol
on and Javier
ıo has been also developed in the framework of
eCOAR project (PC18/03) of CITIC. The research of
Miguel Flores has been partially supported by Grant
PII-DM-002-2016 of Escuela Polit
ecnica Nacional of
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Case Study of Anomaly Detection and Quality Control of Energy Efficiency and Hygrothermal Comfort in Buildings