which gives 11.5[s]/task.
It should be pointed out that the
tion was used extensively to solve elementary tasks.
The function tries to find the global optimum and it is
time consuming. In real applications some dedicated
procedures should be implemented to reduce compu-
tational costs, form example by taking into account
results of previous optimizations and incorporate a lo-
cal optimization (e.g. some variants of the Newton al-
gorithm, (Nakamura, 1991)) instead of the global one.
In this paper small radius spheres were examined for
nonholonomic systems considered with accompany-
ing output functions. The presented algorithm to de-
rive the spheres is based on the generalized Campbell-
Baker Hausdorff-Dynkin formula and locally, around
a given point in the configurations space, shrinks the
series generated with this formula to leave only the
small number of items required to preserve a small
time local controllability of the system. To derive a
reliable shape of the sphere a large number of opti-
mization tasks should be solved. It was shown how
to decrease the dimension of the tasks being solved
by one. The simulation results shown that the selec-
tion of a representation of controls is crucial in de-
riving reliable shapes of the spheres. The representa-
tion should be rich enough to get constructed spheres
reliable. Unfortunately, too long representations dra-
matically increase computational costs as many tasks
with a nonlinear quality function and nonlinear con-
straints should be solved. Results of the paper can be
used directly in motion planning algorithms of non-
holonomic systems with an output function. In the
algorithms, at a current configuration, only one opti-
mization task is to be solved, thus computational costs
are reasonably low.
The first author was supported by the Young Re-
searchers’ Program under Grant No. 0402/0158/18
while the second author was supported by the WUST
statutory grant No. 0401/0022/18.
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