A Software Cost Estimation Taxonomy for Global Software Development
Manal El Bajta and Ali Idri
Software Project Management Research Team, ENSIAS, Mohammed V University of Rabat, Morocco
Software Cost Estimation, Global Software Development, Taxonomy.
Nowadays, software cost estimation plays an important role in the management and development of distributed
projects. The state of the art and cost estimation practice for Global Software Development (GSD) have
recently been identified. This knowledge has still not been structured. The objective of this paper is to structure
the knowledge about cost estimation for GSD. We used a design method to organize the knowledge identified
as a cost estimation taxonomy for GSD. The proposed taxonomy offers a classification scheme for the cost
estimation of distributed projects. The cost estimation taxonomy consists of four dimensions: cost estimation
context, estimation technique, cost estimate and cost estimators. Each dimension in turn has multiple facets.
The taxonomy could then be used as a tool to developing a repository for cost estimation knowledge.
Software development effort estimation for Global
Software Development (GSD) concerns the predic-
tion of the effort needed to develop a global software
project (Peixoto et al., 2010). Development effort
is considered to be one of the major components of
software costs, particularly as regards global develop-
ment, and is usually the most challenging to predict
(Lamersdorf et al., 2010), (Idri and Amazal, 2012).
To get a more comprehensive understanding of
how software cost estimation is practiced by dis-
tributed teams, a follow-up study is carried out to
elicit the state of the practice on cost estimation in
GSD projects (El Bajta et al., 2015), (El Bajta et al.,
2018). This study identified and aggregated knowl-
edge on cost estimation in GSD from the literature
and practice by means of a systematic review and
a survey respectively. The knowledge includes as-
pects such as approaches used to estimate cost in
GSD using size measures, cost drivers and the con-
text in which estimates are carried out. This body of
knowledge on cost estimation in GSD was structured
in order to launch both future research and improve
practice in this field. A taxonomy is a classification
scheme used in Software Engineering (SE) to orga-
nize the body of knowledge (Glass and Vessey, 1995).
The main purpose of this paper is to design a
software cost estimation taxonomy for GSD projects
that allows managers to accurately assess proposed
changes. Figure 1 illustrates the cost estimation pro-
cess to build the cost estimate taxonomy. It consists
on three steps: define cost drivers to be included in
the study, collect the extracted data and knowledge,
and build software cost estimation taxonomy.
This paper is structured as follows: we present re-
lated work in Section 2, identify the research method-
ology in Section 3, and report the results we obtained
in Section 4. We identify threats to validity in Section
5 and present conclusions and thoughts on the future
work in Section 6.
Figure 1: Cost estimation process.
Gumm (Gumm, 2006) developed a taxonomy of dis-
tribution to classify GSD projects dimensions. The
taxonomy was used to provide a basis for discussing
the challenges related to GSD projects and was based
on an earlier study performed by the same author
(Gumm, 2005). The proposed taxonomy uses four
different dimensions (physical distribution, organiza-
tional distribution, temporal distribution and distribu-
tion among stakeholder groups measured on a high-
medium- low scale) to classify the distribution of peo-
El Bajta, M. and Idri, A.
A Software Cost Estimation Taxonomy for Global Software Development Projects.
DOI: 10.5220/0007841202180225
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Software Technologies (ICSOFT 2019), pages 218-225
ISBN: 978-989-758-379-7
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
ple and artifacts in GSD context.
Laurent et al. (Laurent et al., 2010) proposed a
taxonomy and a visual notation to address globally
distributed requirements engineering projects. The
main goal of the authors was to design the mod-
eling language, including site locations, stakeholder
roles, communication flows, critical documents, and
supporting tools and repositories. The proposal was
based on the findings of eight in-depth interviews with
requirements analysts who worked on requirements
elicitation, analysis, and specification tasks in glob-
ally distributed projects. These Interviews were per-
formed with the team leaders responsible for eliciting
and gathering the requirements in each project.
Smite et al. (
Smite et al., 2010) carried out a
study specifically focused on evidence of empirical
global software engineering. The study proposed a
classification scheme to extract data from empirical
studies and systematize existing empirical global soft-
ware engineering studies. The proposed classification
scheme helped to categorize the data extracted from
the study population, empirical background and re-
sults. The study revealed that the collection of papers
with empirical data on the subject of the desired sys-
tematic review was one of the main challenges, since
globally distributed project is at the cutting edge of
cross-disciplinary research. The process of deduct-
ing and collecting information about empirical back-
ground work was another difficulty reported. These
highlight the need for thorough descriptions of con-
texts in which empirical studies are conducted.
More recently, Smite et al. (
Smite et al., 2014)
have proposed a taxonomy of sourcing procedures.
The taxonomy proposed gives a typical terminol-
ogy and takes into consideration the classification of
GSD projects with spotlight on the sourcing strate-
gies (e.g., Offshore outsourcing, offshore insourcing).
The result provided a systematically accumulated set
of terms categorized in the form of a taxonomy.
The taxonomy proposed by Smite et al. (
et al., 2014) is considered as knowledge classifica-
tion approach. These taxonomy of sourcing strate-
gies is the most closely related work to ours, hence
our decision to use these taxonomy to understand the
GSD project setting. The base of these taxonomy is
more exhaustive, giving a more extensive scope of rel-
evant dimensions and clear criteria to classify GSD
projects. Furthermore, this taxonomy was also devel-
oped with the participation of several GSD experts,
which gives the taxonomy more credibility and va-
lidity. Therefore, our goal is to propose a taxonomy
to classify all dimensions of cost estimation for GSD,
and include categories related to empirical focus, sub-
jects of investigation and sources of data collection.
This section describes the research question and
methodology used to design and evaluate the pro-
posed taxonomy.
3.1 Research Questions
This paper addresses one Research Question (RQ),
which is presented below:
RQ: How to organize the knowledge on cost esti-
mation for GSD projects?
The RQ is answered by organizing the cost esti-
mation knowledge for GSD projects as a taxonomy.
3.2 Taxonomy Design
The focus of this subsection is to present the method
to design the software cost estimation taxonomy used
in this study. Usman et al. (Usman et al., 2017)
present a revised and updated method on taxonomies
in the field of software engineering. As shown in Ta-
ble 1, the method consists of four phases and thirteen
activities .
Phase 1: Planning
Planning represents the first phase wherein basic deci-
sions about the taxonomy implementation and design
are made. In this phase, six activities are defined as
shown in Table 1.
In activity A1, the SE knowledge area is selected
and described to make easier the understanding of the
context of the taxonomy and thus its application. The
taxonomy proposed in this paper is about cost estima-
tion for GSD context. During release and planning
phases, cost estimation plays an important role in the
management of distributed projects. Cost estimation
falls inside the extent of the ”Software engineering
management” knowledge area in SWEBOK version 3
(Bourque et al., 2014).
In activity A2, the main objectives and scope of
the taxonomy are to propose a classification scheme
that can be used to describe software cost estimation
activities for GSD projects. A number of studies, in-
cluded in the Systematic Mapping Study (SMS) on
software cost estimation for GSD (El Bajta et al.,
2015) did not report significant information on the
main context, techniques and also predictors used dur-
ing cost estimation. Researchers and practitioners
could therefore use the proposed taxonomy to con-
sistently report and recall important aspects related to
software cost estimation for GSD projects.
A Software Cost Estimation Taxonomy for Global Software Development Projects
Table 1: Taxonomy design method.
Phase Activity
Planning A1. Define SE knowledge area
A2. Describe the objectives of the taxonomy
A3. Describe the subject matter to be classified
A4. Select classification structure type
A5. Select classification procedure type
A6. Identify the sources of information
Identification and extraction A7. Extract all terms
A8. Perform terminology control
Design and construction A9. Identify and describe taxonomy dimensions
A10. Identify and describe categories of each dimension
A11. Identify and describe the relationships
A12. Define the guidelines for using and updating the taxonomy
Validation A13. Validate the taxonomy
In activity A3, the subject matter for the classi-
fication defines what exactly is classified in the tax-
onomy. The cost estimation activities of the globally
developed projects is the subject of this taxonomy.
In activity A4, an appropriate classification struc-
ture type is selected. Four basic classification struc-
tures are defined: hierarchy, tree, paradigm and
faceted analysis (Kwasnik, 1999). To structure our
taxonomy, faceted classification is selected, since it is
suitable for evolving areas, such as software cost esti-
mation for GSD. The subject matter is classified from
several perspectives (facets) in faced classification-
based taxonomies. Each facet of the proposed facets
is considered independent and has its own attributes,
making it easy to develop facet-based taxonomies
(Kwasnik, 1999).
In activity A5, an appropriate classification pro-
cedure is determined. These type can be qualitative,
quantitative or both. Every facet of our taxonomy has
a set of values. The qualitative procedure is used to
select relevant facet values on the basis of extracted
data to characterize a specific estimation activity. In
some cases, it is impossible to assign a value simply
because of insufficient data.
In activity A6, the data sources and data collec-
tion methods are identified to facilitate the prospec-
tion of knowledge related to the subject matter and
taxonomy. These data sources are selected from
peer-reviewed empirical studies on cost estimation for
GSD published in literature.
Phase 2: Identification and Extraction
In this phase the relevant data required by the organi-
zation is identified and extracted. Two activities are
defined as shown in Table 1.
In activity A7, the terms and concepts relevant to
the taxonomy are extracted from the sources identi-
fied in the first phase “planning”.
In activity A8, inconsistencies in the extracted
data are identified and removed.
Phase 3: Design and Construction
In this phase, the taxonomy is designed and con-
structed in order to identify dimensions and categories
in which the data items extracted can be organized.
Four activities are defined as shown in Table 1.
In activity A9, the taxonomy dimensions are iden-
tified and described. They represent the main dimen-
sions or perspectives under which subject matter en-
tities are classified. Facet-based classification taxon-
omy structure must have multiple dimensions (at least
two dimensions).
In activity A10, the categories for each of the di-
mensions are identified and described, each dimen-
sion must have at least two categories.
In activity A11, the relationships between cat-
egories and dimensions shall be identified and de-
scribed. Note that in some cases there are no rela-
tionship between dimensions, i.e. this activity could
be skipped.
In activity A12, the guidelines are provided to fa-
cilitate the adoption and evolution of the taxonomy.
Phase 4: Validation
Validation represents the last phase of this method to
ensure that the designed taxonomy is useful for users
to achieve their goals. In this phase, only one activity
is defined as shown in Table 1.
In activity A13, the taxonomy can be validated
through benchmarking. Since there is no existing tax-
onomy on software cost estimation for GSD, bench-
marking our taxonomy against existing ones is impos-
ICSOFT 2019 - 14th International Conference on Software Technologies
In this section, we present the software cost esti-
mation taxonomy to answer the RQ: Organizing the
knowledge on cost estimation in GSD.
Taxonomies represent an effective tool to organize
and communicate the knowledge in an area (Glass
and Vessey, 1995). We have organized the identified
knowledge on cost estimation for GSD as a taxonomy.
The proposed taxonomy was developed according to
the method presented in Section 3. In this subsection,
we describe the results of this method, i.e. the soft-
ware cost estimation taxonomy.
Four dimensions are extracted and placed at the
top level of the taxonomy, as shown in Figure 2. A
dimension consists of all facets that are interrelated.
These four dimensions characterize the first level of
taxonomy, and give an outline of the taxonomy at a
more extensive level.
Figure 2: First level of cost estimation taxonomy for GSD.
The estimation context represents the collection of
those facets that define and characterize the context in
which the estimation activity in a distributed project is
carried out. So as to fully characterize a specific soft-
ware cost estimation activity of GSD project, facets of
all dimensions should to be described. Each of these
four dimensions and their facets are described in de-
tail below.
4.1 Cost Estimation Context
The context is a central concept in empirical software
engineering. It is one of the distinctive features of
the discipline and it is an inseparable part of software
practice. Context refers to a broad perspective, and it
needs to be properly captured, reported , and contex-
tualized in the empirical SE studies to communicate
the applicability of the research findings. Thus, con-
text draws attention to what resources are nearby, and
when and where to use the reported findings (Dyb
et al., 2012), (Dey, 2001).
Seven facets are extracted from context dimen-
sion. These facets and their possible values are pre-
sented in Figure 3. They are described below:
Planning: Estimation supports planning at vari-
ous levels in GSD context. This mainly includes
release and sprint planning (Hossain et al., 2009),
while some teams may also make estimates during
Figure 3: Cost estimation context dimension.
daily meetings. Project bidding is another level at
which companies must estimate the total develop-
ment cost in advance to bid for the projects.
Project Activities: This facet shows which devel-
opment activities are accounted for in the estima-
tion of software costs. For example, The product
life cycle describes maintenance activity, or the
total cost estimate do not include the time spent
on maintenance.
Project Domain: This facet captures the domain
of project for which the software cost develop-
ment is being estimated. Different domains could
lead to different sets of cost estimation. We have
used the categories from the project domains re-
viewed in previous study (El Bajta et al., 2017b).
Project Setting: This facet represents the setting
in which the global software teams are develop-
ing the project. Smite et al. (
Smite et al., 2014)
proposed a global software engineering taxonomy
that characterizes two broad settings of the global
teams: onshore and offshore.
Planning Approaches: This facet documents the
planning approach practiced by GSD team.
Number of Sites: It records the number of sites
for the GSD project, and thus communicates im-
portant information related to the different sites
Team Size: It documents the team size which is
responsible for developing the estimated tasks.
4.2 Estimation Technique
This dimension includes the facets that are related
to estimation techniques. Those facets should be re-
ported to characterize a GSD team’s estimation activ-
ity (El Bajta, 2015). Figure 4 describes the facets of
this dimension and their corresponding values.
A Software Cost Estimation Taxonomy for Global Software Development Projects
Figure 4: Estimation technique dimension.
Estimation Technique: This documents the esti-
mation techniques applied for GSD projects. Ac-
cording to the SMS results (El Bajta et al., 2015),
the cost estimation techniques for GSD projects
are expert judgment, machine learning and non-
machine learning (Hosni et al., 2017), (El Bajta
et al., 2017a), (Amazal et al., 2014b), (Idri et al.,
2016d), (Idri et al., 2016c).
Use Technique: In GSD, there are different types
of cost estimation techniques. An individual or a
group of experts can use these techniques. This
facet documents whether the effort was estimated
using an estimation technique based on individu-
als or groups (Amazal et al., 2014a), (Idri et al.,
4.3 Cost Estimate
The main output of the estimation activity is cost es-
timates. The facets proposed in this dimension define
cost estimate. Those facets with their corresponding
values are presented in Figure 5.
Figure 5: Cost estimate dimension.
Estimated Cost: This facet documents the esti-
mated cost that represents the main output of the
estimation activity.
Actual Cost: It is important to have the actual cost
at the end of planning, to enable comparison with
the estimated cost.
Estimation Dimension: This facet documents the
important and critical dimensions of estimation,
e.g. estimation of development effort as total ef-
fort hours.
Accuracy Measure: This facet records cost perfor-
mance ways to assess the accuracy of the applied
estimation technique (Idri et al., 2016b).
4.4 Cost Estimators
Cost estimators play an important role in calculating
costs. They consist of cost drivers such as size, team
capabilities, product requirements, etc (Idri et al.,
2016a), (Idri and Abran, 2001). One of the most
required development cost is related to project size.
Five facets are collected regarding the cost estimators
dimension. These facets and their possible values are
presented in Figure 6.
Figure 6: Cost estimators dimension.
Product Size: In general, the development cost
is strongly correlated with product size (Jaakkola,
2009). This facet documents whether distributed
teams use size as an estimator and which statisti-
cal analysis is used to represent this size.
Team Experience: A development team experi-
ences with global software development projects
impact the required cost (Ramasubbu et al., 2011).
This facet describes whether a team experience
was considered or not in arriving at the cost es-
Team Structure: Distribution of skills and team
structure impact the required effort (Agerfalk
et al., 2005). This facet documents whether the
structure of the team members was considered or
not during the cost estimation session.
Product Requirement: Strict product require-
ments increase the development cost (Chung
et al., 2012), (Idri et al., 2002a). This facet records
ICSOFT 2019 - 14th International Conference on Software Technologies
which product requirements were considered in
arriving at cost estimates.
Distributed Teams’ Distances: The geographi-
cal, temporal, and socio-cultural distances be-
tween global development teams increase the de-
velopment cost due to the increased complexity of
the collaboration and communication (Holmstrom
et al., 2006).
The results of the proposed taxonomy may have been
influenced by the coverage of the study search, and
also the inaccuracy in study data extraction. Four
types of validity threats (Easterbrook et al., 2008) of
the study results are therefore discussed in the follow-
ing subsections.
Construct validity is concerned with issues caused
by poor data collection and recording, also, exacti-
tude of the interpretation of the concepts studied and
the completeness of the relevant studies collected. In
this study, the data identified and aggregated are ex-
tracted from the SMS (El Bajta et al., 2015) and sur-
vey (El Bajta et al., 2017b). The extracted data was
used as the main input for the taxonomy designed in
this study. To ensure the correct interpretation of these
data, we checked the contributions of the concepts in
related literature and all the authors discussed these
data in order to reach a consensus as to their use and
Internal validity is concerned with analyzing ex-
tracted data. Threats to internal validity are impor-
tant as our study does not present an evaluation of the
taxonomy. In future studies, we plan to evaluate and
assess the taxonomy by using it to characterize esti-
mation cases from the literature and the industry.
Conclusion validity is to ensure that reasonable
conclusions are drawn on the basis of data collected
and that problems such as the bias of researchers do
not lead to incorrect conclusions. We used a tax-
onomy design method to systematically organize the
knowledge on software cost estimation for GSD as
taxonomy in a systematic manner.
External validity is concerned with the represen-
tativeness of the selected studies as regard the overall
goal of the study. The results of this study were con-
sidered with regard to the cost estimation for GSD
projects. These results can serve as a starting point
for researchers and practitioners working in this field
to further improve the completeness and usefulness of
the proposed taxonomy.
The development of taxonomies helps to structure,
generalize and share existing knowledge and to ad-
vance research (Glass and Vessey, 1995). We have
organized the existing body of knowledge on cost es-
timation in GSD as a taxonomy. The taxonomy has
been systematically developed by following a taxon-
omy design method. One research question was ad-
dressed by incorporating five dimensions to organize
knowledge on cost estimation for GSD projects. The
main usage for our taxonomy is to provide a basis for
researchers to classify their own studies and related
studies on cost estimation for GSD field. This taxon-
omy could therefore be used as a tool to develop a cost
estimation knowledge repository to better understand
and improve the cost estimation practice in the global
development context in the long term.
The usefulness of the taxonomy has not been
demonstrated in the study. We plan to apply the de-
veloped taxonomy on data extracted and reported in
the literature to characterize cost estimation cases.
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A Software Cost Estimation Taxonomy for Global Software Development Projects