method has results close optimal solutions with ap-
proximately a 6,6% of network fragmentation. More-
over, the proposed method shows better results than
the best strategies from the literature, with savings in
the order of 40% in terms of network fragmentation.
Notice that, for the prior comparison we perform 117
scenarios of simulation for each heuristic method, and
almost a 100% of the results performed better than the
heuristic strategies available in the literature.
Further work would be to solve the RSA prob-
lem on mesh network topologies and considering a
dynamic network operation, adjusting the strategy of
this work to said contexts.
This work received financial support from FONDEF
ID14I10129, CONICYT. This project and institution
is then gratefully acknowledged.
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SIMULTECH 2019 - 9th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications