Effort Prediction in Agile Software Development with Bayesian
Laura-Diana Radu
Department of Accounting, Business Information Systems and Statistics, Faculty of Economics and Business
Administration, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Blvd. Carol I, Iasi, Romania
Keywords: Agile Methodologies, Effort Estimation, Teamwork Quality, User Stories Characteristics.
Abstract: The success rate of software projects has been increased since agile methodologies were adopted by many
companies. Due their flexibility and continuous communication with clients, the main reason for the failure
has shifted from the formulation and understanding of the requirements to inaccurate effort estimation. In
recent years, several researchers and practitioners have proposed different estimation techniques. However,
some projects are still failing because the budget and/or schedule are not accurately estimated since there still
are numerous uncertain variables in software development process. Previous team collaborations, expertise
and experience of team members, frequency of changing requirements or priorities are just a few examples.
To improve the accuracy of effort estimation, this research proposes a model for agile software development
project prediction using Bayesian networks. Based on literature review and practitioners’ knowledge, we
identified two major categories of factors that influence effort needed: teamwork quality and user stories
characteristics. We identified the sub-factors for each category and inter-dependencies between them. In our
model, these factors are the nodes of the directed acyclic graph. The model can help agile teams to obtain a
better software effort estimation.
Agile software development consists of frequent or
continuous delivery of software. The predictability
and stability of traditional methods were replaced
with flexibility and, consequently, agility, to generate
value as quickly as possible. The previous studies
indicate that the adoption of agile methodologies is
beneficial in project implementation. According to a
report published by PwC (2017), agile projects are
28% more successful than traditional. The authors of
Agile Manifesto consider that the following values
are more important: “individual and interactions over
process and tools”, “working software over
comprehensive documentation”, “customer
collaboration over contract negotiation” and
“responding to change over following a plan” (Beck
et al., 2001). These characteristics are suitable in the
current context, extremely dynamic, characterized by
rapid changes in the market, technology and business
environment (Freire et al., 2018). There are many
agile frameworks, including Scrum, eXtreme
Programming (XP), Agile Unified Process (AUP),
Dynamic System Development Methodology
(DSDM), Feature-Driven Development (FDD),
Adaptive Software Development (ASD), Crystal and
Lean Software Development (LSD). All have the
following common characteristics: support
continuous delivery of valuable software, strong
collaboration between team members and co-
location, and adaptability of the process during the
entire lifecycle of the project (Raslan and Darwish,
2018). These frameworks proved that have the
potential to reduce software development time and
costs due to minimization of the amount of
information transferred between the client and the
development team and the elimination of the
intermediate steps between the adoption of the
decisions and their application (Weflen, 2018).
Agile principles don’t guarantee the success of the
projects. According to the studies published the rate
of projects failure (Standish Group, 2014), including
those that are using agile processes (Standish Group,
2015), is quite high. The most important causes are
Radu, L.
Effort Prediction in Agile Software Development with Bayesian Networks.
DOI: 10.5220/0007842802380245
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Software Technologies (ICSOFT 2019), pages 238-245
ISBN: 978-989-758-379-7
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
incomplete requirements, lack of user involvement,
resources or executive support and changing
requirements and specifications. Realistic
requirements and estimation of the proper time
horizon for their implementation and delivery are
challenges for many teams, including those that apply
agile principles. These are important conditions for
the avoidance of budget overruns and delayed dates
of delivery (López-Martínez, 2017a).
Many uncertainties affect the planning process.
Effort estimation is one of them. According to
Trendowicz and Jeffery (2014), it is performed to
manage and reduce project risks.
There are many practices of effort estimation,
such as Planning Poker, T-Shirt, bucket systems, etc.
They require the participation of all team members.
Each of them has the right to express an opinion on
the necessary effort to perform a task. An expected
result of this practice is a greater commitment to the
team. Story point is used to estimate the effort by
many teams. This is an estimation of the overall effort
needed to implement completely a piece of work,
including the complexity and the risk associated with
its implementation. The concept of velocity is used to
measure the team’s progress rate during a single
sprint (Scott and Pfahl, 2018). This is the sum of the
story-point estimates of the issues that the team
resolved during an iteration and it used to predict
when a release or a software should be completed
(Choetkiertikul et al., 2018). The velocity depends by
team expertise and experience, product complexity,
the quality of requirements, communication and
collaboration between team members and clients, etc.
Effort estimation is subjective in nature. It
depends on developers’ expertise and previous
experiences with similar projects and tasks.
According to previous studies, the average error in
effort estimation ranges between 20% and 30%
(Schweighofer, 2016). As a result, a method to
improve the accuracy of effort estimation and to
reduce the number of errors is welcome. A BN model
can help the team assure the consistency of effort
estimation especially in the case of complex projects
with many issues.
This paper is organized as follows. Section 2
presents related work. Section 3 presents the
proposed model and Section 4 presents our
conclusions, limitations and future works.
Agile frameworks assume incremental software
development in small iterations or continuous
delivery. Effort estimation needed to implement the
functionalities will be achieved progressively. The
following techniques can be used, either individually
or aggregated, expert judgement, analogy with
similar functionalities developed in previous projects
or disaggregation.
Planning Poker is one of the most commonly used
methods of project estimation. It combines elements
of all three techniques (Usman, 2014). Each of them
has a certain level of uncertainty as they are largely
based on the professional experience and opinions of
the experts in order to minimize the uncertainty and
to improve the accuracy of the estimates. According
to Zare et al. (2016), effort estimation methods are
divided into two categories: model-based and expert-
based methods. The first category contains methods
that use statistical tools, such as statistical regression
model (López-Martín, 2015), and methods that use
artificial intelligence. The latter uses the following
types of machine learning (ML) techniques: Case-
Based Reasoning (CBR), Artificial Neural Networks
(ANN), Decision Trees (DT), Bayesian Networks
(BN), Support Vector Regression (SVR), Genetic
Algorithms (GA), Genetic Programming (GP) and
Association Rules (AR) (Wen et al., 2012). Based on
ML, predictive models were developed to estimate
the effort needed in solving issues (Porru et al.) or to
assign story points (Choetkiertikul et al., 2018).
Several authors have proposed BN models for
effort estimation in software development with agile
methods. For instance, Dragicevic et al. (2017) use
the following set of elements: working hours,
requirements complexity, developer skills, type of
task (new or recurrent), form complexity, function
complexity, report complexity, and specification
quality, to develop a BN model for task effort
prediction. Karna and Gotovac (2015) consider three
major entities involved in the estimation process:
project, work items and estimators. They identify sets
of attributes for each entity based on data collected
from projects executed within Croatian software
companies. Hearty et al. (2009) combine sparse data,
prior assumption, and expert judgement into a BN
model for predicting project velocity in extreme
programming environment. Zare et al. (2016) present
a three-level BN based on COCOMO components to
estimate the effort needed in Man-Month for the
software development. The Magnitude of Relative
Error (MRE), the Mean Magnitude of Relative Error
(MMRE), and the Prediction at Level m (Pred. (m))
are the most widely used metrics to assess the average
estimation accuracy (Dantas et al., 2018; Port and
Korte, 2018). Zahraoui et al. (2015) adjusted story
point calculation of Scrum projects using three
Effort Prediction in Agile Software Development with Bayesian Networks
elements: priority, size and complexity. They
proposed to calculate an adjusted velocity with a new
adjusted story point measure. They didn’t decompose
the complexity in sub-factors. Trendowicz and
Jeffery (2014) divided the effort estimation factors in
context and scale factors:
Context factors include the programming
language, application domain of the software,
development type (e.g. new development,
enhancement, or maintenance) and
development life cycle (e.g., waterfall,
incremental, or scrum).
Scale factors include software size,
complexity of project, management activities,
complexity of system interfaces and
integration, project maturity, project duration,
team size and structure, project novelty and
the project budget.
Based on previous studies, same authors classified the
most relevant effort driver into four groups presented
in Table 1.
Table 1: Effort drivers (Trendowicz and Jeffery, 2014;
Schweighofer et al., 2016).
related to characteristics of human
resources involved in the software
development project (expertise, abilities
and motivation of stakeholders,
analysts, designers, programmers,
project managers, users, maintainers,
related to characteristics of software
processes methods, tools, and
technologies used during software
related to characteristics of all artifacts
created throughout entire life cycle
(requirements, software code and
related to characteristics of project
management (the use of agile practices)
and organization, resource
management, development constraints,
and working conditions.
Curcio et al. (2018) identified three groups of
obstacles for agile requirements engineering:
Related to the environment that include
difficulties with communication in distributed
Related to the people that include difficulties on
finding specific and specialized skills, minimal
and up to date documentation, customer
availability, limited customer knowledge
regarding requirements definition and his
inability in terms of decision making, accuracy
of estimations.
Related to resources: lack of specialized tool,
lack of documentation, inappropriate
architecture, growing technical debt and
imprecise cost and schedule estimation.
It is obvious that better teamwork creates better
software (Freire et al., 2015), but better user stories
will help team members to understand correctly the
client needs and requirements and will reduce the
time needed for additional explanations. Both aspects
will favourable influence the accuracy of effort
estimation and team’s velocity.
Based on related works, the model presented in
this article combines team-specific quality with user
stories-specific characteristics to increase the
accuracy of effort estimation.
According to Tanveer et al. (2016), developers’
experience and knowledge together with the impact
and complexity of the system’s changes influence the
accuracy of estimations. They conducted a case study
research with three agile development teams in a
German multinational software company. The
accurate estimation of costs and time is important for
contract negation, human resources allocation,
prioritizing the tasks, etc. In the case of
underestimation, lack of necessary budget or failure
to complete projects in time may occur.
3.1 Key Factors of Effort Prediction
In this paper, we propose a BN-based model to assess
the effort prediction in the case of developing
software with agile methodologies. Researchers have
applied such a model in software engineering for
process improvement, productivity prediction of the
teams that use XP, risk evaluation and product quality
prediction (Freire et al., 2018; López-Martínez et al.,
2017a; Karna and Gotovac, 2015; Hearty et al., 2009;
Lai, 2017). Our model is generic, since there are
many different agile frameworks and it is impossible
to build a universal model that matches for all these
frameworks. Also, the differences between projects,
between teams’ size, organisational culture, the
variety of enterprises business goals, etc. make it
difficult, if not impossible, to use a universal model.
ICSOFT 2019 - 14th International Conference on Software Technologies
Based on the above-mentioned literature the factors
that influence effort needed in software project
development can be classified into two categories:
teamwork quality and user stories characteristics,
summarized in Table 2.
Table 2: Effort prediction key factors.
Key factors
Teamwork quality (Freire,
2018; Scott and Pfahl,
2018; Dragicevic, 2017;
Hoegl et al., 2001;
Weimar et al., 2013; Moe
et al., 2009)
Team learning
Shared leadership
User stories
(Dragicevic et al., 2017;
Karna and Gotovac, 2015;
Hearty et al., 2009;
López-Martínez et al.,
2017a; López-Martínez,
2017b; Chow and Cao,
2008; Lai, 2017)
Stability of requirements
Quality of specifications
3.2 Bayesian Networks
BN combines principles from graph theory,
probability theory, computer science and statistics to
represent knowledge about uncertain domains (Ben-
Gal, 2008). A BN is a directed acyclic graph (DAG)
that represents “a joint probability distribution over a
set of random variables” (Freire et al., 2018;
Friedman et al., 1997). DAG is defined by two sets:
the set of nodes which represent random variables and
the set of directed edges which represent direct
dependence among variables, V (Ben-Gal, 2008). The
BN is defined by a pair B = {G, Θ}, where G is DAG
whose nodes X
, X
, …., X
correspond to the random
variables and whose edges represent the direct
dependences between variable. Θ is the set of
probability functions and contains the parameter
for each x
in X
conditioned by π
the set of parameters X
in G (Freire et al., 2018;
Friedman et al., 1997). The joint probability
distribution of B over variables V (Freire et al., 2018)
is presented in eq. 1.
According to Perkusich et al. (2015), the problem of
BN building can be divided in two stages: the DAG
construction and the Node Probability Tables (NPT)
3.3 Bayesian Networks Construction
Based on literature and discussions with practitioners,
we identified the relationship between key factors. A
top-down approach is used to decompose the top-
level node into key factors that can be observed by
experts or can be collected and analysed with specific
tools. The complete DAG is shown in Figure 1. Next,
in this section, we discuss in more details the key
factors mentioned in previous section.
The success of agile methodologies depends of
the quality of team members and their ability to auto-
organize and the project requirements definition. The
main goal is to satisfy customers with working
functionalities. During the development phase or at
the end of each sprint, the product should be inspected
and adapted by customers. The changes, although
welcome, can lead to significant delays in product
completion. As a result, it is necessary to find an
equilibrium between the value that a feature will
bring and its influence on the development of the
The completeness, consistency and
understandability of project requirements can reduce
time between their formulation and delivery.
Therefore, we added the nodes complete, consistence
and understandable as parents of the node Clarity.
Further, clear and simple requirements will help
the team to increase the velocity. This can be difficult
for client, but team members will not need additional
information for each functionality. Also, they should
be ordered correctly in Product Backlog with respect
to technical dependencies and agile principles that
promote the development of functionalities based on
their business value. Therefore, we added the nodes
Ordering, Clarity and Stability as parents of the node
Quality, in the case of user stories characteristics.
Effort Prediction in Agile Software Development with Bayesian Networks
Figure 1: DAG of the BN.
Project functionalities integration and its size
evaluated as source lines of code reflect the difficulty
of project implementation. We added these nodes as
parents of the node Complexity.
Team learning is defined as the ability to identify
team members’ changes and the adaptation of the
strategies according to them. Shared decisions
process is described as the sharing of decision
authority and leadership. Backup represents the
understanding of the other members’ tasks and the
availably to assist them. These three characteristics
are important for self-management teams (Freire el.,
2018; Moe et al., 2009) since a benefit of agile
adoption is the reduction of time between a decision
and the outcome of that decision (Weflen et al.,
2018). This feature, along with Expertise of the team
members, are added to the model as parent nodes of
Feedback involves the exchange of information
among team members and it is parent node for
Communication along with Backup and Trust.
According to previous research, the lack of trust
limits the share of information between team
members, because it creates the fear of being
perceived as incompetent (Moe et al., 2009;
Perkusich et al., 2015).
The ideal agile team is small, co-located and
communicates face-to-face daily. All members work
together to achieve some common goals.
Collaboration is a strong commitment towards the
team and the team members to achieve the common
goals. For the team to collaborate, they must
communicate and must be able to self-manage. We
added these nodes as parents of the node
Team autonomy is an important key factor for
teamwork quality. According to Moe et al. (2009),
this is the ability of the team to regulate their
boundary conditions in regards with the influence of
management or other individuals on its activities. We
added team autonomy and Collaboration as parents of
the node Teamwork Quality.
According to Perkusich et al. (2013) each key
factor represents a set of tuples N={(s
), …,(
)}, where s
is a possible state and p
is the
probability of each state i to appear. For identifying
the elements of N, each node can be mapped to a set
of practices and is composed of a 5-point Likert scale:
Very Low (VL), Low (L), Medium (M), High (H) and
Very High (VH) (Freire et al., 2018; López-Martínez
et al., 2017a, 2017b). During the project’s lifecycles,
the team should register the processes and practices
used for each key factor. Furthermore, the base BN
can be complemented with metrics. Some metrics, as
size can be automatically collected. Other metrics,
such as ordering, clarity, communication, expertise or
shared decisions, are manually collected. To identify
the elements of N, we defined that each node is
composed of 5-point Likert scale mentioned above.
Each state reflects to the quality of the node. Based
on agile experts’ answers, we defined the NPT. This
paper represents research-in-action and, as such, the
validation of rank nodes is not complete and will be
improved in future research. Table 3 illustrates the
calculated values of user stories characteristics in the
case of excellent formulated requirements and a
ICSOFT 2019 - 14th International Conference on Software Technologies
complex project (VL is very low, L is low, M is
medium, H is high and VH is very high). The user
stories are clear, stable and ordered. We used
WMEAN function (eq. 2) (Dimitrova and Petkova,
2015) with different weights for each attribute. The
variance is 0.0005, the lower bound is 0 and the upper
bound is 1.
In formula (2),
are weight, and n is number of
parent node. The syntax of this function in AgenaRisk
is: wmean(w
, parent
, w
, parent
, parent
Table 3: The calculated values for user stories
Table 4 illustrates the calculated values of teamwork
quality for an ideal team. It has adequate experience
with agile practices, team’s members collaborate
properly, and the team is autonomous. We use the
same function, variance and bounds.
Table 4: The calculated values for teamwork quality.
In our example, the effort calculated based on
previous values of the nodes, will be: Medium 0.03,
Low 0.65 and Very low 0.32. If the quality of team
is very high, user stories are well defined and the
project is complex, the effort needed to implement the
requirements is low. Team’s members will be able to
develop complex functionalities since they
communicate and collaborate, have the abilities and
the right to adopt and apply decisions, they
understand properly the requirements since these are
clear, ordered and stable.
To validate the completeness of the model,
Eloranta et al., (2016) identified 14 anti-patterns in
adopting Scrum based on a study expected in 11
companies: (1) big requirements documentation, (2)
customer product owner, (3) product owner without
authority, (4) long or non-existent feedback loops, (5)
unordered product backlog, (6) work estimates given
to teams, (7) hours in progress monitoring, (8)
semifunctional teams, (9) customer caused
disruption, (10) no sprint retrospective, (11) invisible
progress, (12) varying sprint length, (13) too long
sprints and (14) testing in next sprint. We only
considered the anti-patterns that are valid for our BN.
We present only the analysis for one anti-pattern
in this section. For big requirements document, the
consequence is the ambiguity. The requirements are
stable, but they are not ordered, and are unclear. This
is related to Quality, which is not an input node. We
define evidences for the nodes Complete, Consistent,
Discussable and Understandable to analyse this
pattern. The result is presented in Figure 2.
Figure 2: BN for anti-pattern “big requirements document”.
The requirements are incomplete and inconsistent.
Furthermore, the client is not available to discuss
them and, as consequence, the team doesn’t
understand the functionalities that has to be
developed. The calculated BN shown in Figure 2 is
shown that antipattern (1) is detected by the BN.
Some anti-pattern related to sprint length (13), testing
(14) and agile ceremonies (10) are considered invalid.
They are not modelled by this BN.
This paper proposes a model of BN to assist the agile
teams to estimate the effort needed in the case of
software projects. To build the model, we performed
a literature review and discussed with experts to
identify the main factors that influence the effort
needed. We identified two categories of factors:
teamwork quality and user stories characteristics. In
the case of teamwork quality, the key factors are
autonomy, collaboration, self-management, trust,
backup, feedback, communication, team learning,
expertise and shared leadership. User stories
Effort Prediction in Agile Software Development with Bayesian Networks
characteristics that influence the effort are: stability
of requirements, integration, clarity, stability of
specifications, ordering, complexity, completeness,
consistency, discussable and understandable size.
The main limitation of the model is the validation.
For future research, we intend to validate the model
in two stages: NPT validation and model validation.
We will define more scenarios and will compare, in
collaboration with experts, the expected output with
actual results to conclude if they are acceptable. We
will complete the model and the final version will be
evaluated it through case studies in the software
companies that use agile methodologies. The main
contribution of the study is the integration of
teamwork quality and user stories characteristics into
the same model for estimating efforts needed for
developing functionalities in software projects.
This project is funded by the Ministry of Research
and Innovation within Program 1 Development of
the national RD system, Subprogram 1.2
Institutional Performance RDI excellence funding
projects, Contract no.34PFE/19.10.2018.
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