FOCA: A System for Classification, Digitalization and Information
Retrieval of Trial Balance Documents
Gokce Aydugan Baydar and Sec¸il Arslan
R&D and Special Projects Department of Yapı Kredi Teknoloji, Istanbul, Turkey
Pattern Recognition, Document Digitalization, Information Retrieval, Classification, ElasticSearch.
Credit risk evaluation and sales target optimization are core businesses for financial institutions. Financial
documents like t-balances, balance sheets, income statements are the most important inputs for both of these
core businesses. T-balance is a semi-structured financial document which is constructed periodically by ac-
countants and contains detailed accounting transactions. FOCA is an end to end system which first classifies
financial documents in order to recognize t-balances, then digitalizes them into a tree-structured form and
finally extracts valuable information such as bank names, human-company distinction, deposit type and lia-
bility term from free format text fields of t-balances. The information extracted is also enriched by matching
human and company names who are in a relationship with existing customers of the bank from the customer
database. Pattern recognition, natural language processing, and information retrieval techniques are utilized
for these capabilities. FOCA supports both decision/operational processes of corporate/commercial/SME sales
and financial analysis departments in order to empower new customer engagement, cross-sell and up-sell to
the existing customers and ease financial analysis operations by digitalizing t-balances.
Corporate, commercial and Small/Medium Enter-
prise (SME) banking requires customers to period-
ically provide financial documents, which are bal-
ance sheets, income statements and trial balances (t-
balances), in order to evaluate their credibility and
also convenience for the bank’s products. Balance
sheets and income statements are structured tables
and demonstrate periodic snapshots of the company’s
financial situation. T-balance, on the other hand,
records all assets, liabilities and shareholders
in details. In other words, a company’s t-balance
shows its all detailed transactions.
T-balance is used by two different business units
by YapıKredi Bank in Turkey with different purposes.
In the Credit Risk Evaluation Process Department, it
is used by expert financial analysts to check out the
financial situation of the customers. At the end of
the evaluation, they decide the credibility of customer
loans in a considerable way. Customer Relation Man-
agement and Sales Department use t-balance for both
extracting cross-sell and up-sell opportunities for cur-
rent customers and detecting new customers who are
in a relationship with existing customers of the bank.
In Turkey, a t-balance is a semi-structured free
text format document which has around 1000 rows
on average. This document contains debit and credit
amounts of accounting items such as current and non-
current assets, long and short term liabilities, stocks
and so on, (Williams et al., 2005), (Warren, 2014).
Therefore, reading and processing t-balances manu-
ally is highly time-consuming for both financial an-
alysts and relational managers (RMs). Furthermore,
in the bank’s previous document management system,
all financial documents were stored in the same place
as a bulk of customer documents without any descrip-
tive annotations. Thus; an employee who wants to
access customer
s t-balances which were provided be-
fore the system change has to look through each cus-
tomer document until finding the desired one. A typ-
ical credit risk evaluation process takes about 6 days
because financial analysts examine all t-balances of
the past three years. On the other hand, value chains,
credit line distribution among competing banks, de-
posit distribution, cheque/note values all serve as sale
targets for RMs. Processing all these documents and
extracting all valuable information by matching exter-
nal resources, such as a customer database, are time-
consuming procedures and even infeasible with hu-
man effort in limited time.
Aydugan Baydar, G. and Arslan, S.
FOCA: A System for Classification, Digitalization and Information Retrieval of Trial Balance Documents.
DOI: 10.5220/0007843201740181
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications (DATA 2019), pages 174-181
ISBN: 978-989-758-377-3
2019 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 1: Framework of FOCA.
In this paper, we present a new system called
FOCA for t-balances
classification and digitaliza-
tion, Figure 1. We classify t-balances and digitalize
them with valuable information by using a combina-
tion of Pattern Recognition, Natural Language Pro-
cessing and Information Retrieval techniques. In dig-
ital t-balance, we provide all accounting items with
mapped bank names, currencies, demand/time de-
posits, liability terms, and human/company distinc-
tion. We match the mentioned human and company
names with the bank’s customer database and extend
the knowledge about the related customer. We also
present annotations such as factoring, leasing, and
goodwill, which are crucial for financial analysis.
Our system has been integrated into the bank in
June 2018 and is being used since then. For CRM
usage of FOCA, we have classified and digitalized
around 170,000 historical customer documents and
extracted around 50 million lines of information from
100,000 t-balances. This output is consumed by RMs
and 1700 new/potential companies, 540 of them are
high volume companies, are extracted as a sales tar-
get. We have also served for financial analysis pur-
poses; around 250,000 t-balances are digitalized by
FOCA. We detect t-balances with approximately 93%
recall rate and digitalize them with a 94% success rate
as of February 2019. Furthermore, we match human
and company names from the customer database in
milliseconds with 74% success. Since FOCA classi-
fies and digitalizes a t-balance in few seconds, it eases
and financial analysts
job and shortens the pro-
The rest of the paper is as follows. T-balance
concept and difficulties caused by both the structure
and content of the t-balance are given in Section 2.
Section 3 explains datasets, classification model, cus-
tomer matching, t-balance digitalization algorithms,
and information retrieval techniques. Experimental
setup and results are given in Section 4 and Section
5 gives the conclusion of the paper.
2.1 Concept
The Italian accounting system is adopted in Turkey.
T-balances consist of at least four main columns;
a specific account code, account explanation, total
debit, and total credit amounts.
Account codes are globally standard indicators in
order to show certain accounting items. Most com-
mon account codes are given in Table 1.
Table 1: Common Accounting items and their globally stan-
dard account codes.
100 Cash
101/103 Cheques
102 Bank Accounts
108 Other Liquid Assets
120 Account Receivables
121/321 Bonds
301/401 Leasing
320 Account Payables
500 Shareholders
Account explanation is a free format short text
which summarizes the related accounting item. For
instance, 102 bank account of the company may
contain bank name, deposit type, time vs. demand
type and currency. T-balance is a valuable docu-
ment because it contains detailed financial informa-
tion about the t-balance owner. In the credit risk eval-
uation, cheatings over the other financial documents
are caught thanks to t-balances. It also contains a
company’s all business relationships and this nature
make t-balance a golden mine for new sales oppor-
tunities and potential customer extraction. All this
valuable information can be extracted from account
explanation cells.
Total debit and credit amounts state the volume of
the record.
2.2 Structure based Difficulties
Although the Italian accounting system is adopted in
Turkey, there is not a standard for bookkeeping. T-
balances are semi-structured documents and this na-
ture causes lots of problems.
Account code starts with a globally specific three
digit number but breakdowns, in which account de-
tails are listed, depending on the accountant’s styling.
For instance, bank accounts are recorded with “102”
account code but breakdowns can be given as “102-
01-01” or “102.01” for the same record.
T-balance is a semi-structured table and there is
not any constraint about the maximum number of
FOCA: A System for Classification, Digitalization and Information Retrieval of Trial Balance Documents
rows or columns. According to our knowledge, t-
balances have mostly four to eight columns. Besides
the main four columns, transaction currency, monthly
debit and credit columns and debit, and credit balance
columns are commonly given. Since the number of
columns is not standardized; detecting the positions
of the main t-balance columns becomes a difficulty.
Some t-balances have header as a row which contains
a definition of columns and headers ease to find the
positions of the main t-balance columns. The ones
which do not have any header bring the problem of
analyzing the data in each column in order to detect
whether it is a target column or not. The number of
rows depends on both the size of the company and
the accountants’ style. For instance, t-balances have
the same number of bank accounts may contain a dif-
ferent number of records depending on the detailing
levels. The beginning of a t-balance is also not stan-
dard; some directly start with bookkeeping and some
contain other information such as t-balance period,
owner’s title and so on. The rows that locate above
the t-balance origins should be detected to find the
beginning of the bookkeeping.
T-balance is a free-format document, which means
that a t-balance can be constructed as any type of doc-
uments like PDF or Excel. This causes the problem of
tackling different document type problems.
2.3 Information Retrieval Difficulties
Account explanations contain valuable information
but there is not any linguistic standard for this field.
The data here is shaped by accountants; thus, the ex-
planation column may contain lots of abbreviations
and is highly prone to mistakes such as a misspelling.
Furthermore, although there are not any character
constraints, the text given in this field is highly short,2
to 10 words on average. This weakness is the basic
problem of information retrieval part of the t-balance
Bank names pass through the accounting items
are mostly misspelled in t-balances. For instance
”Yapıkredi Bankası” commonly written as ”Yapı
ve Kredi Bankası”, ”Y.K.B”, ”Yapıkredi” and ”Yk
bank”. According to our research, we have detected
33 different phrasings of this bank name and this
number does not include the misspelled variations
such as ”Ypı Kredi”. In addition, there are banks with
similar names in Turkey. For instance ”Finansbank”
and ”T
urkiye Finans Katılım Bankası” are two differ-
ent banks. ”T
urkiye Finans Katılım Bankası” is gen-
erally abbreviated as ”T. Finans Bank” and this abbre-
viation is highly similar to ”Finansbank” for informa-
tion retrieval algorithms. Another bank name related
problem is the short bank names such as ”Ing Bank”
and ”HSBC”.
Sectors and types of company titles are the most
abbreviated parts in account explanations. It is a com-
mon behavior to abbreviate these but there is more
than one abbreviation and even they are prone to mis-
spelling. For instance, the sector ”sanayi” is com-
monly abbreviated as ”san”, ”sn” and even ”sana”.
Misspelling on short texts causes information algo-
rithms to fail to find the similarities.
Table 2: Example of common proper name problem from
s customer database.
gac¸ paletc¸ilik makine ve tekstil sanayi as¸
ABC international hijyen ltd s¸ti
ABC dayanıklı t
uketim mam
ulleri ticaret ltd s¸ti
ABC da
gıtım gıda pazarlama ve ticaret as¸
ABC spor e
gitim ve sosyal yardim vakfı is¸letmesi
The most important ability FOCA provides is cus-
tomer matching through the mentioned human and
company names in t-balance but there are many prob-
lems here. One of them is that there are lots of dif-
ferent companies with the same proper name. Table 2
shows some of 125 different customers of the bank
which starts with the same proper name and differen-
tiate with sector and type parts. Companies have lots
of sectors in their official title and bank records cus-
tomers with the official title. However, accountants
generally use only a few sectors in t-balances. These
problems cause decreasing of similarity algorithms
success and bring a need to manipulate the data before
using these algorithms. Another problem is that there
are around 25 million customers in the bank and they
are stored in a relational database. Searching hun-
dreds of fuzzy queries in a big relational database is
not feasible with a time constraint.
3.1 Dataset Preparation and Feature
3.1.1 Corpora for T-Balance Classification
We collect around 5000 PDF and Excel financial doc-
uments of commercial/corporate/SME customers and
human annotators label them with binary labels “T-
ments in this set contain one financial document but
Proper name ABC” given in Table 2 is not the real
name, it has changed due to the privacy-preserving con-
DATA 2019 - 8th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
Excel documents may contain lots of financial docu-
ments on different sheets. Therefore, annotators also
have labeled each sheet of Excel documents. At the
end of the labeling stage, we obtain around 5300 fi-
nancial documents where almost half of them (47%)
are t-balances.
Feature Engineering. In order to apply machine
learning techniques, we extract features that differ-
entiate t-balances from other financial documents by
focusing on the differences between t-balances and
other financial documents.
According to our realization, the word “mizan”
(t-balance in Turkish) may be present in the sheet
name of Excel documents. (i)We use the existence
of this word as a boolean feature. As we indicated be-
fore, balance sheets and income statements are struc-
tured documents which means the shape is standard-
ized. Moreover, positions and the total number of nu-
meric columns are also fixed for these financial doc-
uments. T-balances, on the other hand, are semi-
structured and both shape and positions differ from
t-balance to t-balance. Therefore, (ii, iii) the shape
of the documents, (iv)the position of the first numeric
column and (v) the total number of numeric columns
are used as features. Focusing on only the structure of
the documents is inadequate because t-balances and
other financial documents are table formatted docu-
ments and have too many structural similarities. Fur-
thermore, companies may also provide some docu-
ments which contain specific part of t-balance such
as cheques and these documents are even more con-
fusing than other financial documents for machine
learning algorithms. According to our knowledge,
t-balances must contain at least the majority of the
following account codes in order to show assets, lia-
bilities and shareholder’s equity; 100-cash, 101/103-
checks, 102-bank accounts, 108-other liquid assets
120-account receivables, 121-321 bonds, 320-account
payables, and 500-shareholders. (vi)How much of
these account codes exist is used as a feature.
At the end of data collection and feature extrac-
tion, we obtain a [5300, 7] sized corpora where the
seventh columns indicate the label. We divide our
data into two parts where two-thirds of it is for train-
ing and one third is for testing.
3.1.2 Corpora for Dividing Company Titles
In order to divide company titles into proper name,
sector and type parts, we collect 2500 random Turkish
human and company names. Human annotators have
labeled the data for named entity recognition models.
An example is shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2: Human and company name data examples. Red
examples are companies and black examples are human
3.1.3 Corpora for Testing Customer Matching
We collect six different datasets in two different col-
lections in order to test customer matching.
The first collection consists of five different sets,
A, B, C, D and E, which include existing bank cus-
tomers. Datasets A, B, and D were created from RMs
while C and E datasets were generated from the data
The second collection consists of 2000 labeled
queries; CIF is used for bank customers, positive sam-
ples, and -1 is used for others, negative samples.
3.1.4 Dictionaries for Information Mapping
We use dictionary-based algorithms in order to extract
valuable information. For this purpose, we have four
different dictionaries for bank names, company indi-
cators, annotations and sectors’-company types’ ab-
breviations. These dictionaries contain synonyms, ab-
breviations and common misspelling versions of each
3.2 Classification of Financial
In order to detect t-balances among the financial doc-
uments, we need to classify them. For this purpose,
we focus on document structure and layout analysis,
document/text and binary classification algorithms.
Document structure and layout analysis algorithms
mostly work on picture-based datasets. Text classi-
fication algorithms classify text by analyzing words
and frequencies. Our data neither consist of pictures
nor contain long texts. Hence, we deeply focus on
feature engineering to represent our data with num-
bers and then practice binary classification methods.
We perform following state of the art binary clas-
sification algorithms; Multi-Layer Perceptron, Sup-
port Vector Machines, Random Forrest Classifiers,
KNN and Decision Trees, (Shawe-Taylor et al.,
2004), (Natarajan, 2014).
FOCA: A System for Classification, Digitalization and Information Retrieval of Trial Balance Documents
3.3 Dividing Company Titles
Searching company titles as a whole decreases the
success because of the reasons we state in Section 2.3.
Thus, we divide each company title into three parts as
proper name, sectors, and type.
Company titles in Turkey have a specific pattern;
each title starts with a proper name and followed by
either another proper name, a sector or a type. After
a sector, either another sector or a type can come and
company type is the end of a title, sector or proper
name comes after this is irrelevant to the title.
In order to divide company titles, we utilize named
entity recognition techniques. The data that we want
to divide into parts is short text and the rules between
parts are strict and one way. Hence, we name enti-
ties with a Hidden Markov Model (HMM), (Morwal
et al., 2012). Calculated initial probabilities of our
HMM model, P(π) are given in Table 3. This table
supports the rule that a company title always starts
with proper names. The deviation is caused because
of the synonym words; for instance “demir” is a com-
mon sector and proper name.
Table 3: HMM initial Probabilities for dividing company
Part P(π)
Proper Name 0.8832
Sector 0.1151
Company Type 0.0017
3.4 Database Preparation with
We create a NoSQL, search engine based database
with ElasticSearch due to the reasons indicated Sec-
tion 2.3.
For ElasticSearch, we collect target customers,
commercial, corporate and SME, with customer iden-
tification number (CIF), national identification num-
ber (TCKN), tax number (VKN) and name/title (UN-
VAN). On the collected data, we first expand the ab-
breviations in order to standardize sectors and com-
pany types. Then, we divide company title into three
parts with the HMM model. Once the data is ready,
we index it to ElasticSearch where each property is
represented in a field.
3.5 Digitalizing T-Balance
3.5.1 Reading and Extracting T-Balances
There are many frameworks for reading Excel docu-
ments but none of them covers all versions of Excel.
Thus, FOCA uses two different frameworks; Apache
POI for documents created with Excel version after
then 2007 and JExcelApi for older ones. The output
of both frameworks protects the table structure of Ex-
PDF documents have no indicators for the bor-
der of the table columns and commercial off-the-shelf
PDF readers are not adequate for protecting table
structure while reading. Thus, we implement an algo-
rithm that takes a raw text from PDFBox and finds the
column borders with the rules learned before. This al-
gorithm searches for boarders by checking the distinct
change on the sequence of characters. Since there is
no character limit for account code and explanation
columns, borders are located starting from the end.
Regardless of the further detail columns, FOCA
is interested in four main t-balance columns; ac-
count codes, account explanation, total debit, and to-
tal credit amount columns. In order to detect the po-
sitions of these four columns on the documents that
are classified as t-balance, we implement an algo-
rithm which searches the positions by using both type
and context of the columns. If there is a header, we
find it with string approximation algorithms. In the
case of not founding the header, we search for ”text -
text - numeric - numeric” columns sequence. On the
found sequence, we examine the content of the first
text column; the number of found account codes of
common account codes shows whether the sequence
indicates the desired columns or not. If the majority is
found, then the position sequence is used as the main
t-balance columns.
Once the positions are found, t-balance is read into
a tree structure in which parents represent the main
account code as total, like ”102” for bank account to-
tal, and leaves represent the breakdown details, such
as ”102.01.01 ING Bank USD”. This tree structure
provides a unique representation for t-balances re-
gardless of its length and detail level.
3.6 Information Retrieval
We map bank names, distinguish human and company
names, annotate financial transactions, match bank
customers and enrich the knowledge through the dig-
italized t-balance in FOCA. In order to perform infor-
mation retrieval algorithms, we first apply a prepos-
sessing on raw account explanation text in order to
standardize the representations. In this step, we con-
vert all characters to lower case, map Turkish charac-
ters to the Latin alphabet and remove non-alphabetic
characters. Then we utilize information retrieval tech-
niques in order to extract valuable information.
DATA 2019 - 8th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
3.6.1 Mapping and String Matching
FOCA performs a cascaded algorithm that is based
on edit distance and String-Searching(Melichar et al.,
2005) algorithms. The algorithm firstly looks a match
for account explanation as a whole. If the similar-
ity between account explanation and any of dictionary
items is not enough, θ, then the last word is cropped
and the same process is repeated fractionally. The
Turkish language tends to give the most valuable in-
formation first, hence the algorithm uses a reverse n-
gram technique. This process is repeated from the
size-gram to 1-gram until a match is found.
FOCA utilizes this algorithm in order to make fi-
nancially crucial annotations, represent bank names
and cities/regions in a unique way, expand abbrevia-
tions and distinguish human and company names us-
ing dictionaries.
3.6.2 Customer Matching with ElasticSearch
ElasticSearch provides a fuzzy search option. It cal-
culates the similarity between each item in the index
and given query with BM25 scoring and sorts the re-
sults in descending order. We search mentioned hu-
man and company names in the ElasticSearch index.
If there is a match, the knowledge is extended with
CIF, TCKN, and VKN. For the ones who are not a
customer of the bank are assigned with a unique nega-
tive number in order to highlight potential customers.
Similar to ElasticSearch indexing, the same pre-
processing steps are also applied to the queries. We
search the query with different importance levels. The
proper name is searched without any toleration be-
cause this part is the most distinguishing part and
ElasticSearch already tolerates misspelling. Sectors
are searched with some toleration due to the reasons
indicated in Section 2.3; if 60% of the words in query
has found in the index then it is accepted as a match.
Company types may not be given in each account ex-
planation, so this field is searched with a should im-
portance. The highest scored one among the matches
is accepted as the result.
We map found customers all over the t-balance.
This utility extends the knowledge about the t-balance
owner. For instance, some t-balance account codes
refer to business partners and shareholders, namely
the group of the company. Detected business partners
are marked in t-balance to highlight the transactions
in the group members. Furthermore, the companies
and humans are assigned with a negative number are
considered as potential customers.
4.1 T-Balance Classification
We test machine learning models on the dataset ex-
plained in Section 3.1.1. Among the experimented al-
gorithms, Multi-layer Perceptron(MLP) performs the
best scores on average, Figure 3. In terms of recall
score, Desicion Tree (DT) model provides the high-
est score bu its precision score is not good enough.
We need a classification model in order to correctly
distinguish t-balances from similar documents. This
means that both recall and precision measures are cru-
cial for the system. As MLP outperforms all other
alternatives on average, we prefer the MLP model.
FOCA has classified approximately 100,000 t-
balances among 170,000 financial documents and ex-
tracted 50 million rows of information for 8 months.
The user feedbacks also show that the classification
model works.
Figure 3: T-balance classification experiment results.
4.2 Customer Name Matching
We evaluate customer matching with two experiments
using collections explained in Section 3.1.3. In the
first experiment, we use the first collection which con-
sists of only existing bank customers. Since datasets
A, B and D contain t-balance records, the queries
are prone to human mistakes and may contain un-
usual abbreviations. C and E datasets are created by
RMs so the queries are more clear than other datasets.
The results show that our ElasticSearch based match-
ing mechanism is not only successful but also fast.
Searching for a query takes approximately 1 millisec-
ond and the result is correct for t-balance entries with
74% probability.
Secondly, we experiment with our system on the
second collection that contains both customers of the
bank and others who have no records in the bank’s
database. Table 5 demonstrates the confusion matrix
of this experiment. Here, p
- n
stands for actual la-
bels while p - n stands for the predicted ones. As a
FOCA: A System for Classification, Digitalization and Information Retrieval of Trial Balance Documents
Table 4: Customer matching evaluation experiments and their results in terms of accuracy and elapsed time.
Dataset Name Dataset Size True Match Precision Elapsed Time (ms)
A 581 413 0.71 768
B 6926 4932 0.71 8.106
C 387 367 0.95 695
D 105 75 71.4 247
E 364 360 0.99 472
result, FOCA matches customers with 0.96 precision,
0.76 recall and 0.85 F1-score in this experiment. In
other words, if there is a match for someone, this one
is 96% actually a customer of the bank.
FOCA enriches knowledge about t-balance owner
using the customer number obtained from this match-
ing. Therefore, matching someone who is actually not
a customer is dangerous for further analysis. FOCA
searches entries with strict rules in order to decrease
false-positive ratio and this is the reason behind the
recall score.
Table 5: Confusion matrix for customer matching on a
mixed dataset.
n p
582 41 623
335 1083 1418
917 1124
4.3 T-Balance Digitalization and
Information Retrieval
In the new document management system, RMs have
the responsibility of obtaining and uploading cus-
tomer t-balances. We assume that the document an
RM uploads is a t-balance. In the past 8 months,
approximately 250,000 t-balances are digitalized by
FOCA and the extracted information is used for fi-
nancial analysis. Figure 4 shows the number of doc-
uments FOCA digitalized per month with red bars,
how many of the uploaded t-balances are recognized
with blue bar and the precision values with green line.
FOCA detects t-balances with 92% precision.
Figure 4: Number of T-balances which is digitalized for fi-
nancial analysis usage and the success rate among months.
We ask users to check the digitalized t-balance. If
there is a mistake in digital t-balance, such as wrong
annotation, users can edit the output and we keep the
edit ratio in order to measure how correctly we digi-
talize t-balances. The edit ratio is approximately 1.6%
which means that the information FOCA retrieves is
correct with 98.4% probability.
At sales opportunity extraction phase, we pro-
cessed all historical t-balances and retrieved demand
and time deposit items are investigated by corporate
and commercial sales business units.After this inves-
tigation, RMs are engaged for 1,700 new companies,
of which 540 are high volume. This analysis is infea-
sible with human effort in such short time.
We present FOCA which is a new end to end sys-
tem. FOCA takes raw t-balances as input and returns
digitalized t-balance as output. Digitalized t-balance
represents it in a tree structure, where parents are ac-
count totals and leaves are breakdown details, and
contains valuable information. Mapped bank names,
currencies, bank account deposit/demand types, lia-
bility terms, annotations and human/company distinc-
tion are extracted from t-balance. Furthermore, men-
tioned human and company names are matched from
customer database and the knowledge about the rel-
evant customer is extended in digitalized t-balance.
We test our system on different datasets and our re-
sults show that the system works fast and with high
Our system is consumed by two units of the
bank, Credit Risk Evaluation and Customer Relation
Management and Sales departments. Before FOCA,
examining and interpreting t-balance procedure was
highly time consuming and it was also highly prone
to human mistakes. FOCA completes classification,
digitalization and information retrieval steps in few
seconds which is infeasible with human effort. As fu-
ture work, we plan to use the output of this project
in order to automatize financial analysis and sales op-
portunity extraction with human effort.
DATA 2019 - 8th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
The authors would like to thank Bilge K
glu and
Mert Basmacı for their contributions to the system.
This work is supported by TUBITAK 3170677.
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FOCA: A System for Classification, Digitalization and Information Retrieval of Trial Balance Documents