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titatively the degree of code reuse possible between
Java and Android versions of an application. For
code sharing, we decomposed our application into
two parts: the platform-independent part (PIP) and
the platform-dependent part (PDP). The PIP is shared
between the two platforms, and each platform has its
own PDP to address platform-specific concerns. To
determine code reuse achieved in our application, we
measured the size of our code with a simple metric
counting the number of lines of code. Our finding is
very promising in that we were able to achieve 40%
and 37% code reuse for Java and Android versions,
respectively, for a UI-intensive application. We also
learned that the Android version requires 8% more
code than the Java version. The degree of code reuse,
of course, depends heavily on the types and degrees
of platform differences and variations. We noticed
several types of platform differences, each requiring
a different technique to cope with it. It would be in-
teresting future work to study the platform differences
systematically to categorize them, to measure quanti-
tatively their impacts on the code reuse, and suggest
effective techniques to address them.
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