Holonic-based Task Scheduling in Smart Manufacturing Systems
Valentin Vlad
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department, University of Suceava, Suceava, Romania
Keywords: Smart Factory, Industry 4.0, Holonic Control.
Abstract: The industrial domain undergoes a deep transformation, referred by the technical literature as the fourth
industrial revolution. The key element in this transformation is the integration of advanced digital
technologies in production, in order to improve the autonomy and interoperability of the participating
entities. In order to have a standard-based integration, a reference architectural model was proposed, RAMI
4.0, to guide the migration of the actual production systems to the next generation ones. In this paper we
discuss holonic-based solution for dynamical distribution of tasks in a smart manufacturing system,
according to the recommendations of RAMI 4.0.
The industrial domain undergoes a deep
transformation, referred by the technical literature as
the fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0). The
key element in this transformation is the integration
of advanced digital technologies in production, in
order to improve the autonomy and interoperability
of the participating entities throughout the life cycle
of products.
An important component of I4.0 concept is
represented by the Smart Factories in which humans,
machines and resources communicate with each
other, like within a social network. In this aim, the
production devices are supposed to include
intelligent software components, enabling them to
autonomously control the execution of their task and
cooperate with each other for achieving the global
goals of the system they are part of. The
communication between these Cyber-Physical
Systems (CPS) is based on Internet of Things (IoT)
and Internet of Services (IoS) technologies, implying
the use of a service-oriented architecture (SOA) in
which each element of the value chain can be
accessed as services from other elements (Contreras
et al., 2017).
To have a structured and standard-based
integration of these technologies, the promoters of
the Industry 4.0 concept developed a set of
approaching guidelines in form of an architectural
model named RAMI 4.0 (Reference Architectural
Model for Industry 4.0). RAMI 4.0 describes also
the properties that CPS must meet in Industry 4.0.
They are seen as I4.0 components with the cyber
part represented by an “administration shell”,
designed to provide a description of the physical part
in the information world.
The administration shells
include a series of ‘sub models’, which represent
different aspects of the physical devices. These ‘sub
models’ are to be standardized so as a specific machine
can be easily found among many others I4.0
components. Several I4.0 components can be grouped
into a composite component and exhibit aggregated
functionalities through a high-level administration
shell, in the same way as individual components (Liu
and Xu, 2017).
These concepts developed in RAMI 4.0 make the
agent paradigm a very good candidate for developing
the smart factory goal of Industry 4.0 (Adeyeri et al.,
2015, Lu, 2017). Moreover, the holonic concepts
capture very well the properties of I4.0 components,
namely the autonomy, cooperation and recursive
encapsulation. In this paper we discuss a holonic-based
solution for dynamical distribution of tasks in a smart
manufacturing system, according to the recom-
mendations of RAMI 4.0.
Within a holonic system the scheduling of tasks can
be realized in a dynamical way, according to the