techniques and methods to use for the best outcome.
MOOCs are a perfect tool for blending lectures with
technology (Tusk, 2015).
The growing investment that the Polytechnic of
Porto (P.PORTO) has done in the modernization of
pedagogical paradigms and informal education is also
achieved by encouraging teachers in the development
of MOOCs. In 2013 the Polytechnic of Porto
launched its own MOOC platform that allowed the
development of open courses and projects. The first
one that appears was “Math Without STRESS” or in
its original version in Portuguese, “Matemtica 100
STRESS”, that is operating since 2014 (Soares et al.,
2016). This first MOOC is a course oriented towards
undergraduate students who wish to prepare for the
national exam of Mathematics.
The e-Learning and Pedagogical Innovation Unit
of the Polytechnic of Porto (EIPP) has the mission of
promoting and supporting the usage of a vast array of
technologies in learning and education on “b” and “e-
learning” contexts. This unit allowed the academic
team the opportunity to explore new technology and
learning paradigms. The incorporation of the MOOCs
in the teaching of mathematics is presented as a
possibility to assist in consolidating the changes
presented above. Over the years the academic team
had developed several courses. We refer to the one
that had appeared in the scientific area of
mathematics that had various modules incorporated,
and it is called “Matemtica para Todos”
(Mathematics for All). This course includes several
courses, mini-courses and hybrid e-books that help to
prepare students for different exams to enter in the
university and other modules directed to support
curricular units of the undergraduate courses,
particularly those that cover the subjects of calculus,
statistics, and algebra.
With regard to university education, it is apparent
that students are in today’s digitally connected world,
able to access online learning materials and teachers
are no longer the only source of knowledge. Is
necessary to rethinking the established modes of
teaching and it can be done by including and combine
flexible teaching/resources like MOOCs that are self-
service resources.
The possibilities of using the MOOCs in the
classroom, as basic or complementary materials, aim
to motivate the students in the search for more
information and knowledge, make the classes become
more attractive and productive. Interactivity,
exchanges of experience with other students and
teachers, and the varied and collaborative forms of
problem-solving make MOOCs a significant tool in
the knowledge building process.
This paper presents an initial approach to the
analysis of a MOOC for Mathematics, using
descriptive analytics. This type of analytics aims at
understanding what happened and what is happening
as well as recognizing some underlying trends in the
data (Sharda, Delen and Turban, 2018). Thus, hereby
we present an initial analysis of the activities
developed by the users of the referred MOOC during
the last year period, in order to understand how it can
be improved to attract more users.
In the rest of the paper, we will start to present the
context of the research, describing the “Mathematics
for All – M23” MOOC. Following the method used
to obtain the results is explained. Next, the results are
presented and analyzed. The paper finishes with the
The “Mathematics for All” is a Math project of the
Department of Mathematics of the School of
Engineering of Porto (ISEP) an organic unit of
P.PORTO (Polytechnic Institute of Porto). This
project arises because the use of new technologies of
teaching allows a greater variety of learning styles by
promoting a new and different way of learning,
depending on the individual differences of each one.
The use of different methods of knowledge and
didactic methods provides a more efficient teaching-
learning process. “Mathematics for All” uses several
technological resources available, mediated through
the internet as a source of interaction and
This project is structured in several courses, mini-
courses and hybrid e-books that are aimed for
different target audiences. “Mathematics for All –
M23” is a math MOOC included in this project and is
addressed for students who want to obtain in-depth
knowledge on subjects that are evaluated in the
specific Mathematics exam. This exam is necessary
for access to all the Schools of P.PORTO for people
of over 23 years old. This MOOC is also addressed to
higher education students that want to acquire
knowledge about all or some of the topics included in
the MOOC and also to individuals who want to
update their Math skills. The organization of courses
and mini-courses is modular, and the contents can be
used autonomously or as a complement.
Students evaluated in the Mathematics exam of
over 23 years with disabilities should be able to live
as independently as possible and participate in all
A2E 2019 - Special Session on Analytics in Educational Environments