The End of the Nightly Batch: How In-memory Computing and the
Cloud Are Transforming Business Processes
Antoine Chambille
and Gaëlle Guimezanes
Department of Research and Development, ActiveViam SAS, 46 rue de l’Arbre Sec, Paris, France
Keywords: Cloud, In-memory Computing.
Abstract: This paper illustrates our conviction that data processing relying on nightly batches is a thing of the past. It
shows how a complex analytics platform for huge amounts of data can be created from scratch in a matter of
minutes on the cloud, thus negating the need for dedicated on-premise machines that would do the job slower
at a higher cost. We also present the CloudDBAppliance project, where we aim at building a Cloud database
platform that will be available as a service, and will integrate the operational database with the tools for further
data analysis, eliminating the hassle of exporting the data for processing.
This is perhaps the closest thing to a tradition in the
still-young field of IT. For decades, organizations
have used nightly batches to integrate and compute
all the changes registered during the day and deliver
to business users their data in the morning.
It was the best and often only way to move data
from operation systems onto analytical platforms for
decision-making without affecting live users. It was
also a practical way to complete complex calculations
on fixed-size hardware.
However, this is not true anymore. With both in-
memory computing and the Cloud having achieved
full technological maturity, calculations that were
previously too costly and had to be broken down into
manageable data chunks can now be conducted in
true real-time by in-memory solutions, while the
Cloud model provides the flexibility to deal with
business peaks, ensures a smooth user experience
throughout and erases the need to write off costly
hardware investments.
In this paper, we will benchmark ActivePivot
(ActiveViam, 2019), a reference in-memory analytics
database from ActiveViam, on the Cloud with some
of the most resource-intensive, real-world business
use cases today and see how this technology
combination can enable organizations to drive their
b 0000-0002-6933-9171
business in real-time, working with data that is either
continuously updated or loaded and aggregated on-
the-fly, and what benefits it brings to the business.
Ultimately, we will see that nightly batches have
become both unnecessary from a technical standpoint
and not competitive cost-wise.
We simulated a use-case from the finance industry
based on ActiveViam’s experience working with the
largest banks in the world. Finance is one of the most
demanding verticals for analytical capabilities. We
loaded millions of transactions, prices and
sensitivities recorded for hundreds of historical dates,
amounting to 50 TB of data in memory across a
1,600-core cluster on Google Cloud. We wanted to
see if a combination of Google Cloud hardware and
services and ActivePivot in-memory technology
could achieve high-enough performances to perform
live analytics on such a volume of data during the
course of a regular work day, without relegating any
task to batch processing. We tested the scenario from
start to finish, including setup, loading, queries and
Chambille, A. and Guimezanes, G.
The End of the Nightly Batch: How In-memory Computing and the Cloud Are Transforming Business Processes.
DOI: 10.5220/0007905606540659
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER 2019), pages 654-659
ISBN: 978-989-758-365-0
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
2.1 Setup and Loading
The exceptional storage and networking
infrastructure used by public cloud providers make it
possible to decouple storage from compute. They are
fast enough to load large datasets in minutes and
operate in-memory analytical platforms on demand.
At least that is the theory, because not every
software platform can be operated on-demand. In-
memory databases from Oracle, Microsoft and SAP
for instance are now available in the Cloud, but still
follow a monolithic architecture where storage is
attached to and managed by the database, and that
database is always on. To take full advantage of the
cloud model and effectively eliminate the need for
batch processing, another approach is needed that
decouples storage from compute and allows
customers to use memory resources on demand. In
practice it means storing data in object storage and
loading it on the fly at massive speeds in VMs, started
on demand and disposed of when the analysis is done.
We leverage the Google Cloud Platform to do just
that. We store the historical dataset in Google Cloud
Storage, we start servers on the fly when a user needs
them and shut them down when they are done. To
mount the data in memory and deliver analytics in the
hands of business users, we use the ActiveViam
In the following section we explain in practice
how we did it for a 50TB dataset (500 historical days,
100GiB per day). In short, we managed to start a
1600-cores, 64TB RAM cluster from scratch, load the
50TB in-memory and be ready to serve real-time
queries, all in less than 20 minutes...
2.1.1 Using Scripts to Set up a Whole
Infrastructure: In-memory Computing
without the Hassle
It can be difficult to take full advantage of in-memory
computing. Managing tens of server nodes
dynamically, optimizing data loading from cloud
storage, efficient memory allocation of billions of
records in terabytes of RAM or parallel computing on
hundreds of core and NUMA architectures are
difficult tasks. Fortunately, in a public cloud model
the cloud and the software providers take care of all
issues related to configuration and optimization, and
client organization only need to start the servers to
access almost immediately a fully-functioning
analytics platform.
In the case of Google Cloud and ActiveViam, you
can start and stop 100 servers if you want with a short
script calling cloud APIs or by describing resource
templates in tools such as the Google Deployment
Manager. All servers start with a given image, in our
case a Linux operating system configured with
memory intensive settings.
Example of an allocation loop from the script used
in the benchmark:
for ((i=0; i < 100; i++)) do
changeLine "TC_NODE_NUM" "$i"
echo "=== Creating new $NODE_TYPE
node [$NODE_NAME]..."
# Create node
gcloud compute instances create
--custom-cpu 32 --custom-memory
624 \
--custom-extensions \
--min-cpu-platform skylake \
--zone $ZONE \
--metadata-from-file startup-
--tags http-server,https-server \
--image-project ubuntu-os-cloud \
--image-family ubuntu-1604-lts
--async –quiet
Note that in this scenario, we take advantage of
“custom” instances in the Google Cloud Platform. It
allows us to tune the “memory-to-core” ratio, and
allocate servers optimized for in-memory computing.
In this case we allocate 100 servers with 32 vCPUs
(16 cores, Intel Xeon Skylake) and 624 GiB of RAM
(at the time of the experiment the maximum with
custom instances).
To take advantage of such a cluster (1600 cores,
64TB RAM!) you need the latest technological
advances: In-memory column stores,
multidimensional cubes, advanced memory
management that breaks the limits of garbage
collection on the Java platform, work stealing thread
pools to maximize the usage of the cores, MVCC to
support real-time incremental updates… You need all
that and more to deliver high definition analytics on
the fly. But you don’t need to learn how to do those
things. It’s integrated in the ActiveViam platform.
2.1.2 Data Loading
The next challenge is data loading. The dataset must
The End of the Nightly Batch: How In-memory Computing and the Cloud Are Transforming Business Processes
be transferred from cloud storage to the cluster within
minutes to satisfy the on-demand constraint, which
means we must move 50TB in minutes. This is where
you can really leverage the world class infrastructure
of a large public cloud provider.
We have 500 days of historical data, so we load 5
days per node (500GiB). The objective is that each
one of the 100 nodes downloads its data at maximum
speed, and that they all do it at the same time.
At the time of this test the maximum bandwidth
of the network interface in a GCP instance was 16
Gbit/s. So, an instance had the theoretical capacity to
transfer data at 2GiB per second. In this case the data
is actually downloaded from Google Cloud Storage
and the throughput of a data transfer is far less than
that, being HTTP based. ActiveViam developed a
special connector that opens tens of HTTP
connections to blob storage and performs the transfer
in parallel, transparently reconstructing blocks. With
this trick, a node running the ActiveViam connector
can saturate the 16 Gbit/s cap and actually download
500GiB in about 5 minutes.
Figure 1: Opening several connections to the storage for
each VM.
Of course, when 100 instances download their
500GiB concurrently and at full speed, Cloud storage
becomes the next bottleneck. This is where cloud
infrastructures are really put to the test, and during
our benchmark we observed impressive scalability
from Google Cloud Storage. The 50TB dataset was
entirely transferred from storage to the 100 nodes
cluster in less than 10mn, as shown on Figure 1.
That’s a monumental 90GiB/s effective throughput
between storage and compute, reached with possibly
the simplest and least expensive storage solution in
the cloud platform.
So, it takes a few minutes to start the GCP
instances, 10 minutes to transfer the data, and another
few minutes for the ActiveViam platform to get its in-
memory data structures ready. All together the entire
cluster is ready in about 20 minutes.
Figure 2: Downloading 50TB with 100 instances. Amount
of data downloaded per instance in GiB (Y axis) when time
passes (time in minutes on X axis).
It is fast enough to be started up at the beginning
of the work day, or at any time at the request of
business, without having to schedule a batch.
2.2 Benchmarking Queries for
Interactive Analysis
Finally, we looked at the performance of interactive
queries on this on-demand cluster. We performed two
different queries and check if they follow Gustafson’s
Law (Gustafson, 1988): queries on twice the dataset
should take the same time if you also double the CPU
power and RAM. Query 1 performs aggregations on
all the records of the dataset, Query 2 performs
aggregations on a filtered selection of records (about
We scaled up the cluster step by step, each time
doubling its size, from 1 VM to 100 VMs. Below you
can see that the scale-up is good: the query times are
close to constant. In the end, we only observe a 10%
difference between a query running on a single VM
and a query running on a 100-VMs cluster. Query
times, as shown on Figure 3, remain well under half-
a-second, which is fast enough to provide end users
with a comfortable, responsive experience for
Figure 3: Scaling of ActiveViam queries. Time taken for a
query in ms (Y axis) per number of nodes (X axis).
ADITCA 2019 - Special Session on Appliances for Data-Intensive and Time Critical Applications
For this test, we deliberately simulated a use case
that is as challenging as the most demanding real-
world business, or even more. The lesson here is that
if it can free itself from batch processing, there isn’t
really any business case in the real world that cannot.
The previous use-case that we just presented is
extreme, but most of the business applications that
currently use batch processing are in fact of a much
smaller scale. Some of the use-cases that we
encounter at ActiveViam are listed in Table 1. As we
can see, those use cases don’t need to be run on a huge
cluster and can be run on a single machine, even if
that machine needs to be one with large memory.
Table 1: Use-case and memory usage.
Use cases
memory usage
Dynamic pricing for online retailers, real-time
portfolio monitoring for one trading des
128 GB
Global Finished Vehicle Logistics management,
multichannel and geolocalized retail pricing
512 GB
Supply chain control tower for a global retailer,
market risk Value at Risk and Expected Shortfall
(FRTB regulation)
1 TB
Trade level xVA analytics for investment banks 4 TB
3.1 An Affordable Alternative on
Public Clouds
Dedicated in-memory computing servers on premise
have experienced a slow progression over the last 10
years. Such machines remain expensive and their
specific configuration means they cannot be
repurposed as easily as more conventional hardware.
They represent a significant investment that, like all
hardware purchases, will depreciate over time and
eventually will have to be sold or written off.
On the other hand, in-memory computing is now
completely mainstream and standardized on all the
main public cloud platforms. Public clouds have
turned a terabyte of memory into a commodity and
the major cloud providers offer a similar range of
compute instances optimized for in-memory
computing, going from a few GB to several terabytes
all available on a “pay-as-you-use” basis. Such
memory sizes as those presented in Table 1 are
readily available on public clouds nowadays.
This is true for conventional hardware
configurations as well, but using the Cloud for in-
memory applications is especially attractive from a
budget standpoint considering the fairly high
purchasing price of the specialized hardware needed
for this usage.
Price has become standardized, and there is no
premium on large memory servers like there used to
be. Basically, a TB of memory is now a commodity
that can be purchased for around $7 per hour from any
major public cloud provider as shown in Table 2.
Please note that these prices were snapshotted at a
given time, for example sake only, since prices on
public clouds evolve continuously.
Table 2: High-memory instances from major public Clouds.
9.1$ /TB/h
E16 v3
8.5$ /TB/h
7.8$ /TB/h
9.11$ /TB/h
E64 v3
9.3$ /TB/h
8.7$ /TB/h
6.5$ /TB/h
7$ /TB/h
7$ /TB/h
6.8$ /TB/h
7$ /TB/h
7$ /TB/h
One dilemma when starting an in-memory
computing project is how to choose the right server
for your project, and there is a temptation to over-
provision, especially if you anticipate growth. With
the cloud, you use exactly what you need now. If the
business grows, you can switch to a larger resource
almost seamlessly - as long as the software is
designed to cope.
We have shown that it is possible to load data
from the Cloud storage and launch ActivePivot
instances very quickly to answer to a business query
that, in previous architectures, would have to wait for
the next nightly batch. However, this design assumes
that the business applications producing the data
consumed by ActivePivot have actually pushed their
data in real-time to the Cloud storage. In the next
section we will discuss the CloudDBAppliance
project, in which we aim to build a platform that will
be able to contain both the operational database and
the analytical one, both in-memory, allowing for the
shortest delays between a change in the operational
data and its availability for analytical queries.
3.2 CloudDBAppliance: Operational
Database and Analytics, All in One
The CloudDBAppliance project is funded by
European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and
innovation programme. It aims at producing a Cloud
The End of the Nightly Batch: How In-memory Computing and the Cloud Are Transforming Business Processes
Database Appliance for providing a Database as a
Service able to match the predictable performance,
robustness and trustworthiness of on-premise
architectures. This project will deliver a cloud
database appliance featuring both the next-generation
hardware for in-memory computing and the
necessary software for processing high update
workloads on an operational database, performing
fast analytics and applying data mining / machine
learning techniques on a data stream or on a data lake,
the robustness being protected by redundancy and
failover mechanisms.
We have tested the ActivePivot analytical
database on the hardware built during this ongoing
project. The platform we tested is a Bull Sequana
S800 with 8 processors Intel(R) Xeon(R) Platinum
8158 CPU @ 3.00GHz, (which represents 96 cores),
each constituting a NUMA node with 512 GB of
RAM (4 TB in total). For our experiment, we have
used the well-known TPC-H benchmark’s dbgen tool
(TPC, 2019) to generate data at two different scales:
we used a factor of 100, then 500, to generate
respectively 107 GB then 542 GB of data. Those data
quantities are roughly representative of the two
smaller use case sizes cited in Table 1, for which the
platform would have enough memory to co-host the
operational database and the analytical database. The
data (as generated in CSV format) was stored on SSD
disk on the machine. We evaluated the total startup
time, from launching the command line that starts the
analytical database until the analytical database is
able to answer queries on the full dataset. This
includes the file reading, parsing to transform the
CSV into the actual data types, adding the data to the
datastore, and publishing to the analytical cube.
On the 107 GB dataload, the total startup time was
6 minutes and 31s, which represents an average
throughput of 2,209,997 records published per second
on that initial load. On the factor 542 GB dataload,
the total startup time was 29 minutes and 9 seconds,
with an average throughput of 2,006,060 records
published per second. The total startup time might
seem a bit long considering everything is local to the
machine with no need to download the data through
network. However, the loading performance is
hindered by the TPC-H setting in which all data
resides in a single CSV file: even if the parsing and
publishing of records can happen in parallel, the
actual file reading still has to be done sequentially.
We are currently implementing a connector
between the LeanXcale database, the operational
database that was selected for the CloudDBAppliance
project (CloudDBAppliance, 2018), and the
ActivePivot analytical database. We expect
throughputs to be much higher, since the data will be
pushed directly from the in-memory database, so:
The data will be read from RAM, not SSD disk;
the data will already be in a binary format, no need
for parsing the CSV into actual data types;
the data will already be broken into individual
records, removing the constraint of having to read
one single CSV file sequentially.
We can envision several scenarii for the best usage of
the platform’s capacities. In one scenario, the
operational database is always on, but the rest of the
machine resources are shared between different kinds
of applications: the ActivePivot analytical database
can be started on-demand to compute complex
analytical queries, and be shut down after usage to
leave resources to other applications such as machine
learning Spark jobs performed on the datalake. In that
scenario, the main difference from using a
datawarehouse built from nightly batches is that the
data will be fresher, since the application can be
loaded on-demand from the latest version available in
the operational database. In another scenario, the
ActivePivot is always on, receiving data updates
continuously from the operational database. This way
analytical queries can be performed at any time
without any loading phase and reflect real-time
changes in the operational data. In both scenarii, the
whole machine is always up because the operational
database has to be always available. The main
advantage of being in the Cloud rather than using an
on-premise machine resides in the ability to easily
switch from one configuration to another when the
needs evolve, instead of having to buy a new server.
The LeanXcale operational database indeed comes
with data migration capacities that allow to switch the
hosting machine without interruption of service, and
restarting an ActivePivot on the new machine has
been shown to be a less than half an hour affair.
While it’s not feasible to try out every use case, we
believe we demonstrated through our tests that one of
the most demanding business cases can be addressed
fully without the need for a recurring nightly batch. If
financial risk analytics can be performed without
scheduled batches through a combination of cloud
infrastructure and in-memory computing, we are
convinced that there aren’t many real-world business
scenarios that cannot be addressed in the same way.
Furthermore, while it serves its purpose for
decades, nightly batch processing now appears not
ADITCA 2019 - Special Session on Appliances for Data-Intensive and Time Critical Applications
only a second-rate option at best, but simply wasteful
compared to the alternative. It is wasteful in time, in
capital and in power. Fortunately, the transition to a
better model is now easier than ever for organizations.
We are currently participating in a research
project that aims at building a cloud platform on
which an operational database is integrated with
analytical capabilities, allowing for real-time data
processing without hassle.
The CloudDBAppliance
project has received funding
from the European Union’s
Horizon 2020 research and
innovation programme under
grant agreement No. 732051.
ActiveViam, 2019. ActivePivot product page.
The CloudBDAppliance Consortium, 2018. Deliverable
D2.3: Final version of the In-Memory Many-Core
Operational Database.
Gustafson, J., 1988. Reevaluating Amdahl’s Law. In
Communications of the ACM. Volume 31 Issue 5.
TPC, 2019. TPC-H Homepage.
The End of the Nightly Batch: How In-memory Computing and the Cloud Are Transforming Business Processes