distribution (Krokhmal et al., 2001) of an asset and
as such, VaR is a function of the asset returns, a
time-interval and a confidence level. VaR is stated in
a way such as “The 10-day, 99% VaR is equal to
72%”. Such a statement would mean that the risk
manager is 99% confident that the portfolio will not
lose more that 72% of its value within the next 10
days. ES gives an estimation of the loss given that
the loss exceeds the VaR. Continuing the above
example, an ES of 98% would be interpreted as
“Given that the loss is greater than 72%, the
expected value for the loss is 98%”. The ES can also
be translated as “There is a 1% chance of an event
that yields an expected return of -98%”.
2.2 Required Data
In order to calculate the VaR, we need an
appropriate length of price history. The variance-
covariance matrix needs to be calculated and a few
parameters need to be chosen i.e. which simulation
technique (Monte-Carlo-Simulation or historical
simulation), the number of simulations and which
distribution defines the given data best (in the case
of the Monte-Carlo-Simulation). The last factor, the
underlying distribution, can be estimated using the
historical data as well.
2.3 Mathematical Derivation of Value
at Risk and Expected Shortfall
In this article we will not discuss the selection of the
most appropriate method and the problematic of the
normal distribution assumption and refer to (Jorion,
2006) and (Embrecht et al., 2005). We decided to
exclude the parametric approach and instead use a
quantile function/distributional approach. We have
to simulate return data and then deduct information
from the simulated distributions. While Engle,
Manganelli (Engle and Manganelli, 2001) state VaR
as the solution to
is the loss at time t,
is all the collected
information at the time prior to the calculation and
theta is the desired confidence level, Ziegel (2013)
describes VaR as the solution of
being the cumulative distribution function of
the return distribution.
Assuming that we managed to compute the VaR
number for a given return distribution, we can easily
compute the ES using a simple mean over all
simulated returns that breach the VaR figure.
Therefore, the ES is given by
is used as described above.
As already discussed, there are two main
simulation methods for generating the returns, from
which the quantile functions can start. Because the
historical simulation takes the actual past price
history for scenario building, it is heavily dependent
on the assumption that the training data is
representative for the underlying asset’s overall
returns. In the crucial case of stress scenarios that
never happened before it will thus underestimate the
This problem is solved by the Monte-Carlo
simulation, which estimates the underlying
distribution and generates thousands of simulated
future scenario based on it. The quantile functions
then calculate the risk figures based on the
distribution of the future scenarios. The academic
literature tends to link the Student’s t-distribution to
capital market returns (Harris, 2017), so the risk
manager has been given a hint about which
distribution to use.
2.4 Calculation Efficiency
Next, we will look at the runtime of a VaR
calculation based on a Monte-Carlo simulation. We
will see where the trade-off between speed and
accuracy of the calculation arises.
The first factor to consider when talking about
the runtime of a VaR calculation is the size of the
training data. As discussed above we only need the
asset returns for the calculations. The length of the
training data and the number of assets within the
portfolio increase the size of the training data
linearly. Obviously, a portfolio with x assets and a
training data set of the most recent T asset returns
has data points. The training data can be
represented in a matrix
where and 1, and
is the return of
asset x at time t.
The next factor to consider is the variance-
covariance matrix. If our portfolio includes x assets,
the variance-covariance matrix will be -
dimensional and therefore, it has
entries with the
single asset’s variance on the main diagonal and the
covariance of asset i and j in the i-th row and j-th
column. Obviously, the variance-covariance matrix
is symmetrical, since the covariance function is