An Overview on Image Sentiment Analysis: Methods, Datasets and
Current Challenges
Alessandro Ortis
, Giovanni Maria Farinella
and Sebastiano Battiato
University of Catania, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Viale A. Doria, 6, Catania, 95125, Italy
Image Sentiment Analysis, Social Image Sentiment, Image Polarity Classification.
This paper introduces the research field of Image Sentiment Analysis, analyses the related problems, provides
an in-depth overview of current research progress, discusses the major issues and outlines the new opportuni-
ties and challenges in this area. An overview of the most significant works is presented. A discussion about
the related specific issues is provided: emotions representation models, existing datasets and most used fea-
tures. A generalizable analysis of the problem is also presented, by identifying and analyzing the components
that affect the sentiment toward an image. Furthermore, the paper introduces some additional challenges and
techniques that could be investigated, proposing suggestions for new methods, features and datasets.
With the rapid diffusion of social media platforms
(i.e., social networks, forums, and blogs), political
parties, companies, and other organizations are in-
creasingly taking into account public opinions for
their business strategies (Liu and Zhang, 2012). The
analysis of such social information enables applica-
tions such as brand monitoring, market prediction or
political voting forecasting. In particular, companies
are interested in monitoring people opinions toward
their products or services (e.g., brand monitoring), by
the other end, customers consult other users’ feed-
backs to assess the quality of a service or a product.
The basic task in Sentiment Analysis is the polarity
classification of an input text in terms of positive, neg-
ative or neutral polarity. The techniques in this field
are used to infer public opinions. As an example, the
paper in (Tumasjan et al., 2010) shown that the pop-
ulairty of political parties can be predicted from the
Twitter’s users activity, as Twitter posts reflect the po-
litical landscape. So far, most of the efforts in Senti-
ment Analysis have been devoted to the analysis of
text (Pang and Lee, 2008), whereas limited efforts
have been employed to infer sentiments from images
and videos, which are becoming a pervasive media on
the web.
This section presents an overview of the most signif-
icant works in the field of Image Sentiment Analysis
published since 2010, when the first significant work
on the field that aims to classify images as “positive”
or “negative” has been presented (Siersdorfer et al.,
Most of the works in Image Sentiment Analy-
sis are based on previous studies on emotional-aware
image retrieval (Colombo et al., 1999; Schmidt and
Stock, 2009), which try to find connections between
emotions and image visual features, aimed to per-
form image retrieval and classification. In (Siersdor-
fer et al., 2010) the authors exploited meta-data as-
sociated to images to assign sentiment scores to each
picture, and studied the correlations between the sen-
timent of images, in terms of positive or negative po-
larity, and visual features (e.g., local/global colour
histogram). The authors of (Machajdik and Hanbury,
2010) studied the contribute of visual features for the
task of affective classification of images. The image
features have been selected by exploiting experimen-
tal observation and insights of emotional responses
with respect to colours. The image classification con-
sidered 8 emotional classes defined in (Mikels et al.,
2005), namely: Anger, Awe, Amusement, Excite-
ment, Contentment, Disgust, Fear and Sad. A large
scale Visual Sentiment Ontology (VSO) of seman-
tic concepts based on psychological theories and web
mining has been presented in (Borth et al., 2013). A
Ortis, A., Farinella, G. and Battiato, S.
An Overview on Image Sentiment Analysis: Methods, Datasets and Current Challenges.
DOI: 10.5220/0007909602900300
In Proceedings of the 16th International Joint Conference on e-Business and Telecommunications (ICETE 2019), pages 290-300
ISBN: 978-989-758-378-0
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
concept is expressed as an adjective-noun combina-
tion called Adjective Noun Pair (ANP). The authors
also trained a set of 1.200 visual concept detectors
(i.e., one for each ANP) which outputs can be ex-
ploited as a mid-level representation for an input im-
age. The authors of (Chen et al., 2014) fine-tuned
a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) previously
trained for the task of object classification to classify
images in one of the 2.096 ANP categories (obtained
by extending SentiBank (Borth et al., 2013)), the
resulting CNN model is known as DeepSentiBank.
In (Xu et al., 2014) the authors exploited a pre-trained
CNN to extract two high-level features (i.e., the fc7
and fc8 activations), and then trained two Logistic Re-
gressors on the task of sentiment classification. The
performed sentiment classification considered 5 sen-
timent polarity classes: strong negative, weak nega-
tive, neutral, weak positive, and strong positive. A
progressive CNN (PCNN) training approach has been
implemented in (You et al., 2015), in order to per-
form binary sentiment image classification. First, a
CNN architecture has been trained with a dataset of
0.5M Flickr images (Borth et al., 2013). During
the training, a subset of training images which achieve
high prediction scores are selected. Then, this subset
is used to further fine-tune the obtained CNN. Differ-
ently than previous approaches, the authors of (Peng
et al., 2015) aimed to predict a distribution represen-
tation of the emotions rather than a single emotion
category. An interesting result of (Peng et al., 2015)
is that the authors are able to change the colours and
the textures of a given image according to the ones of
a target image. The resulting image is able to evoke
emotions closer to the target image than the original
version. Such experiments suggest that colour tone
and textures can influence the evoked emotion, and
can be exploited to change the sentiment evoked by
an image, beside its semantic content. In (Campos
et al., 2015) a CNN pre-trained for the task of Ob-
ject Classification is fine-tuned on the image senti-
ment prediction task. Then, with the aim to under-
stand the contribution of each CNN layer for the task,
the authors performed an exhaustive layer-per-layer
analysis of the fine-tuned model.
The authors of (Sun et al., 2016) proposed an al-
gorithm that combines features from either the whole
image (i.e., global features) and dominant objects lo-
cated in salient regions. The work in (Katsurai and
Satoh, 2016) defines an embedding space in which
the correlation between the projections of textual and
visual features maximized. The projections in the de-
fined embedding space are used to train a Support
Vector Machine classifier on the task of binary image
sentiment classification.
In (Yang et al., 2017) the authors proposed two
Conditional Probability Neural Networks (CPNN),
called Binary CPNN (BCPNN) and Augmented
CPNN (ACPNN), for the task of emotional image
classification. A CPNN is an Artificial Neural Net-
work with one hidden layer which takes both features
and labels as input and outputs the label distribution.
Indeed, the aim of a CPNN is to predict the probabil-
ity distribution over a set of considered labels. The
authors of (Jufeng Yang, 2017) changed the dimen-
sion of the last layer of a CNN pre-trained for Object
Classification in order to extract a probability distri-
bution with respect to the considered emotional cat-
egories, and replaced the original loss layer with a
function that integrates the classification loss and sen-
timent distribution loss through a weighted combina-
tion. Then the modified CNN has been fine-tuned
to predict sentiment distributions. In (Campos et al.,
2017), the activations in each layer of the CNN pre-
sented in (Campos et al., 2015) are used to train a
layer-specific classifier. The work further presents a
study on the effect of weight initialization in the con-
text of transfer learning. The insights of this experi-
mental study have been then exploited to further im-
prove the classifier. The authors of (Vadicamo et al.,
2017) built a dataset of 3M tweets containing text
and images to finetune a CNN previously trained for
objects and places classification (VGG19 (Simonyan
and Zisserman, 2014) and HybridNet (Zhou et al.,
The work in (Ortis et al., 2018) addressed the
problem of the noise in the text associated to social
images by users, due to their subjectivity. In particu-
lar, the authors built an image sentiment classifier that
exploits a representation based on both visual and tex-
tual features extracted from an image, and evaluated
the performances obtained by using the text provided
by users (subjective) and the text extracted from the
visual content by using four deep models trained on
different tasks. The experiments revealed that em-
ploying a source of text automatically extracted from
the images in lieu of the text provided by users im-
proves the classifier performances.
The works above have address the problem of Im-
age Sentiment Analysis by considering different emo-
tion models (i.e., classification schemes), datasets and
evaluation methods. So far, researchers formulated
this task as a classification problem among a num-
ber of polarity levels or emotional categories, but the
number and the type of the emotional outputs adopted
for the classification are arbitrary (see Table 1). The
differences in the adopted system design components
(i.e., emotional model, dataset and features) make re-
sult comparison difficult. Moreover, there is not a
An Overview on Image Sentiment Analysis: Methods, Datasets and Current Challenges
strong agreement in the research community about the
use of an universal benchmark dataset. Many of the
works presented in this section have at least one of the
above described issues.
This section provides a complete overview of the sys-
tem design choices, with the aim to provide a compre-
hensive debate about each specific issue, with proper
references to the state of the art.
3.1 Emotion Models
The basic task of an Image Sentiment Analysis sys-
tem is to predict the sentiment polarity of an input im-
age in terms of two (positive, negative) or three polar-
ity levels (positive, neutral, negative). Nevertheless,
there are approaches that adopt more then three levels,
such as the 5-level sentiment categorization used by
Xu et al. (Xu et al., 2014). Besides, there are systems
that perform the sentiment classification by using a
set of emotional categories, according to an estab-
lished emotion model based on previous psycholog-
ical studies, such as the 35 impression words defined
in Hayashi et al. (Hayashi and Hagiwara, 1998). Each
emotional category corresponds to a positive or nega-
tive polarity (Machajdik and Hanbury, 2010). There-
fore, these approaches can be employed for the task
of polarity estimation. In general, there are two main
approaches for emotion modelling: The Dimensional
Model represents emotions as points in a two or three
dimensional space. Indeed, as discussed in several
studies (Bradley, 1994; Lang, 1993; Osgood, 1952;
Russell and Mehrabian, 1977), emotions have three
basic underlying dimensions, namely the valence, the
arousal and the control (or dominance) dimensions.
However, the control dimension has a small effect.
Therefore, a 2D emotion space is often considered.
This space is obtained by considering only the arousal
and the valence axis.
According to the Categorical Model, there are
a number of basic emotions. This set of de-
scriptive words can be assigned to regions of the
VAC (Valence-Arousal-Control) space. Thus it can
be considered a quantized version of the dimensional
approach. There are several works that aim to define
the basic emotions, as the choice of the emotional cat-
egories in not an easy task. The most adopted model
is the Plutchnik’s wheel of emotions (Plutchik, 1980)
that defines 8 basic emotions with 3 valences each.
According to Ekman’s theory (Ekman et al., 1987)
there are just five basic emotions (“anger”, “fear”,
“disgust”, “surprise” and “sadness”). Another emo-
tions categorization is the one defined in a psycho-
logical study in (Mikels et al., 2005), where the au-
thors perform an intensive study on the International
Affective Picture System (IAPS) in order to extract
a categorical structure of such dataset (Lang et al.,
1999). As result, a subset of IAPS have been cat-
egorized in eight distinct emotions: “amusement”,
“awe”, “anger”, “contentment”, “disgust”, “excite-
ment”, “fear” and “sad”. A deeper list of emotion
is described in Shaver et al. (Shaver et al., 1987),
where emotion concepts are organized in a hierarchi-
cal structure.
3.2 Image Sentiment Analysis Datasets
In the context of Sentiment Analysis the collection
of huge opinion data can be obtained by exploiting
the most common social platforms (Instagram, Flickr,
Twitter, Facebook, etc.), as well as websites for col-
lecting business and products reviews (Amazon, Tri-
padvisor, Ebay, etc.). Indeed, nowadays people are
used to express their opinions and share their daily ex-
periences through the Internet Social Platforms. Such
platforms can be exploited to create specific dataset
at large scale with very low effort. One of the most
important aspect of this way to build datasets is that
the data comes from real users. This paradigm is
known as crowdsourcing, and the main advantage of
this approach is that the data reflects preferences, be-
haviours and interactions of real users that publish,
share and comment contents through the main social
platforms (Battiato et al., 2016).
One of the first public dataset related to the task of
Image Sentiment Analysis is the International Affec-
tive Picture System (IAPS) (Lang et al., 1999). Such
dataset has been developed with the aim to produce a
set of evocative colour images that includes contents
from a wide range of semantic categories. This work
provides a set of standardized stimuli for the study of
human emotional process. In (Yanulevskaya et al.,
2008) the authors considered a subset of IAPS ex-
tended with subject annotations to obtain a training
set categorized in distinct emotions according to the
emotional model described in (Mikels et al., 2005).
However, the number of images of this dataset is
very low. In (Machajdik and Hanbury, 2010), the
authors presented the Affective Image Classification
Dataset. It consists of two image sets: one con-
taining 228 abstract painting and the other contain-
ing 807 artistic photos. These images have been la-
belled by using the 8 emotions defined in (Mikels
et al., 2005). The authors of the dataset presented
SIGMAP 2019 - 16th International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications
Table 1: Summary of the most relevant publications on Image Sentiment Analysis.
Year Paper Input Output
2010 (Siersdorfer et al., 2010) Hand crafted visual features Sentiment Polarity
2010 (Machajdik and Hanbury, 2010) Hand crafted visual features Emotional Classification (Mikels et al., 2005)
2013 (Borth et al., 2013) ANP output responses
Sentiment Polarity and
Emotional Classification (Mikels et al., 2005)
2014 Chen et al. (Chen et al., 2014) Raw image ANP annotation (Borth et al., 2013)
2014 (Xu et al., 2014) CNN activations 5-scale Sentiment Score
2015 (You et al., 2015) Raw image Sentiment Polarity
2015 (Peng et al., 2015) Hand crafted visual features Emotions Distribution
2015 (Campos et al., 2015) Raw image Sentiment Polarity
2016 (Sun et al., 2016) Image salient regions Sentiment Polarity
2016 (Katsurai and Satoh, 2016)
Hand crafted visual features
& textual metadata
Sentiment Polarity
2017 (Yang et al., 2017) Raw image Emotions Distribution
2017 (Jufeng Yang, 2017) Raw image Emotions Distribution
2017 (Campos et al., 2017) Raw image Sentiment Polarity
2017 (Vadicamo et al., 2017) Raw image Sentiment Polarity
2018 (Ortis et al., 2018)
Hand crafted visual features
& text extracted from the image
Sentiment Polarity
in (Siersdorfer et al., 2010) considered the top 1.000
positive and negative words in SentiWordNet (Esuli
and Sebastiani, 2006) as keywords to search and crawl
over 586.000 images from Flickr. The Geneva Af-
fective Picture Database (GAPED) (Dan-Glauser and
Scherer, 2011) dataset includes 730 pictures labelled
considering negative (e.g., images depicting human
rights violation scenes), positive (e.g., human and
puppies) as well as neutral pictures which show static
objects. All dataset images have been rated con-
sidering the valence, arousal, and the coherence of
the scene. The dataset is available for research pur-
. In (Borth et al., 2013) the authors proposed
a very large dataset composed by 0.5 million pic-
tures gathered from social media (i.e., from Flickr)
and labelled with ANP (Adjective Noun Pair) con-
cepts. Furthermore, they proposed a Twitter bench-
mark dataset which includes 603 tweets with pho-
tos. Both datasets and related annotations are pub-
licly available. The dataset built in (Borth et al.,
2013) has been used by most of the state-of-the-art
works as evaluation benchmark for Image Sentiment
Analysis, especially when the designed approaches
involve the use of Machine Learning methods such as
in (Yuan et al., 2013) and in (You et al., 2015) for in-
stance, due to the large scale of this dataset. The work
in (Peng et al., 2015), presented the Emotion6 dataset,
built considering the Elkman’s 6 basic emotion cate-
gories (Ekman et al., 1987). The number of images is
balanced over the considered categories and the emo-
tions associated with each image is expressed as a
probability distribution instead of as a single domi-
nant emotion. In (You et al., 2015) the authors pro-
posed a dataset with 1,269 Twitter images labelled
into positive or negative by five different annotators.
In (Katsurai and Satoh, 2016) two large sets of social
pictures from Instagram and Flickr (CrossSentiment)
have been crawled. The list of labelled Instagram
and Flickr image URLs is available on the Web
In (Vadicamo et al., 2017) the authors crawled 3M
tweets from July to December 2016. The collected
tweets have been filtered considering only the ones
written in English and including at least an image.
The sentiment of the text extracted from the tweets
has been classified using a polarity classifier based
on a paired LSTM-SVM architecture. The data with
the most confident prediction have been used to de-
termine the sentiment labels of the images in terms
of positive, negative and neutral. The resulting Twit-
ter for Sentiment Analysis dataset (T4SA) consists
of 1M tweets and related 1.5M images.
Table 2 reports the main details of the described
datasets, including the source and number of the in-
cluded images, the available annotation, if the images
have been crawled from social media platforms, if
the dataset has been labelled for the polarity classi-
fication task, and if additional meta-data (e.g., post
and/or author information) is included in the dataset.
Furthermore, for each dataset, the download URL is
3.3 Features
One of the most important step driving the design of a
Image Sentiment Analysis system, and in general for
the design of a data analysis approach is the selection
of the data features that are supposed to encode the
information that the system is aimed to infer. Sev-
eral studies have been conducted to assess the corre-
An Overview on Image Sentiment Analysis: Methods, Datasets and Current Challenges
Table 2: Main benchmark datasets for Image Sentiment Analysis. Some datasets contains several additional information and
Dataset and URL Size Labelling
IAPS (Lang et al., 1999)
716 photos
Pleasure, arousal and
7 7 7
(Mikels et al., 2005)
369 photos
Awe, amusement,
contentment, excitement,
disgust, anger, fear, sad
7 7 7
Affective Image
Classification Dataset
(Machajdik and Hanbury, 2010)
228 paintings
807 photos
Awe, amusement,
contentment, excitement,
disgust, anger, fear, sad
7 7 7
Flickr-sentiment (Siersdorfer et al., 2010)
586.000 Flickr photos Positive, negative. X X X
GAPED (Dan-Glauser and Scherer, 2011)
/download file/view/288/296/
730 pictures
Positive, negative,
7 X 7
VSO (Borth et al., 2013)
0,5 M Flickr Photos
603 Twitter Images
- Adjective-Noun Pairs
- Positive or negative
Emotion6 (Peng et al., 2015)
1.980 Flickr photos
- Valence-Arousal score
- 7 emotions distribution
X 7 7
(You et al., 2015)
1.269 Twitter images Positive, negative. X X 7
CrossSentiment (Katsurai and Satoh, 2016)
90.139 Flickr photos
65.439 Instagram images
Positive, negative,
X X 7
T4SA (Vadicamo et al., 2017)
1,5 M Twitter images
Positive, negative,
X X 7
lation between low, mid and high level visual features
with the emotional effect of an image. One example
is given by the scene-based 102-dimensional feature
defined in (Yuan et al., 2013). Furthermore, many of
the aforementioned works on Image Sentiment Anal-
ysis exploit the 1200-dimensional mid-level represen-
tation given by the 1200 Adjective-Noun Pairs (ANP)
classifiers defined by Borth et al. (Borth et al., 2013).
In (Machajdik and Hanbury, 2010) an intensive
study on image emotion classification by properly
combining the use of several low and high visual
features is presented. These features have been ob-
tained by exploiting concepts from and art theory (It-
ten, 1973; Valdez and Mehrabian, 1994), or exploited
in image retrieval (Stottinger et al., 2009) and im-
age classification (Datta et al., 2006; Wei-ning et al.,
2006) tasks. They selected 17 visual features, catego-
rized in 4 groups: colour (e.g., mean saturation and
brightness, hue statistics, colourfulness measure, It-
ten contrast (Itten, 1973), colour histogram, etc.), tex-
ture (e.g., wavelet textures, correlation, contrast, ho-
mogeneity, and energy for the HSB channels, etc.),
composition (number of segments after the waterfall
segmentation, depth of field (DOF), rule of thirds,
etc.) and content (number of faces, pixels of the
biggest face, number of skin pixels, etc.).
Most of the mentioned works combine huge num-
ber of hand-crafted visual features. Although all the
exploited features have been proven to have a direct
influence on the perceived emotion by previous stud-
ies, there is not agreement about which of them give
the most of the contribution on the aimed task. Be-
sides the selection of proper hand-crafted features,
designed with the aim to encode the sentiment con-
tent conveyed by images, there are other kind of ap-
proaches that lean on representation learning tech-
niques based on Deep Learning (Chen et al., 2014; Xu
et al., 2014; You et al., 2015). By employing such rep-
resentation methods, image features are learned from
the data. This avoid the designing of a proper set
of feature, because the system automatically learns
how to extract the needed information from the in-
put data. These methods requires huge amounts of la-
belled training data, and an intensive learning phase,
but obtain better performances in general. Another
approach, borrowed from the image retrieval meth-
ods, consists on combining textual and visual infor-
mation through multimodal embedding systems (Kat-
surai and Satoh, 2016; Ortis et al., 2018). In this case,
features taken from different modalities (e.g., visual,
textual, etc.) are combined to create a common vector
space in which the correlations between projections
of the different modalities are maximized (i.e., an em-
bedding space).
In this section we discuss the key components that
affect the sentiment. This allows to better focus the
related sub-issues which form the Image Sentiment
Analysis problem and support the designing of more
robust approaches. An opinion consists of two main
components: a target (or topic), and a sentiment. The
SIGMAP 2019 - 16th International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications
opinions can be taken from more than one person,
and opinions can change over time. This means that
the system has to take into account also the opinion
holder and the time an opinion is expressed. In the
case of Sentiment Analysis on visual contents there
are some differences. When the input is a text, Sen-
timent Analysis can exploit NLP (Natural Language
Processing) techniques to extract the different part of
a sentence, and associate each word with a specific
meaning. When the input is an image the task to asso-
ciate visual features to sentiment categories or polar-
ity scores results challenging. In the following para-
graphs each of the sentiment components previously
mentioned (i.e., entity, aspect, holder and time) are
discussed in the context of Image Sentiment Analy-
4.1 Sentiment Entity and Aspects
The entity is the subject (or target) of the analysis.
In the case of Image Sentiment Analysis the entity is
the input image. In general, an entity can be viewed
as a set of “parts” and “attributes”. The set of the
entity’s parts, its attributes, plus the special aspect
“GENERAL forms the set of the “aspects”. This
structure can be transferred to the image domain con-
sidering different levels of visual features. The parts
of an image can be defined by considering a set of
sub-images. This set can be obtained by exploiting
several Computer Vision techniques, such as back-
ground/foreground extraction, image segmentation,
multi object recognition or dense captioning (Karpa-
thy and Fei-Fei, 2015). The attributes of an image re-
gards its aesthetic quality features, often obtained by
extracting low-level features. Exploiting this struc-
tured image hierarchy, a sentiment score can be in-
ferred for each aspect. Finally, the partial scores can
be properly combined to obtain the sentiment classi-
fication (e.g., data can be used as input features of a
regression model). One can consider the concept as-
sociated to the image context. For this purpose, sev-
eral works about personal contexts (Ortis et al., 2017;
Furnari et al., 2018) and scene recognition can be ex-
ploited from the visual view, and the inferred con-
cepts can be used to extract the associated sentiment.
Moreover, sentiment scores can be further extracted
from image parts and attributes. Instead of represent-
ing the image parts as a set of sub-images, an alter-
native approach can rely on a textual description of
the depicted scene. The description of a photo can
be focused on a specific task of image understand-
ing. By changing the task, we can obtain multiple
descriptions of the same image from different points
of view. Then, these complementary concepts can
be combined to obtain the above described structure.
Most of the existing works in analysing social me-
dia exploit textual information manually associated
to images by performing textual Sentiment Analy-
sis. Although the text associated to social images
is widely exploited in the state-of-the-art to improve
the semantics inferred from images, it can be a very
noisy source because it is provided by the users. Start-
ing from this observation, the authors of (Ortis et al.,
2018) presented a work on Image Polarity Prediction
exploiting Objective Text extracted directly from im-
ages, and experimentally compared such text with re-
spect to the Subjective (i.e., user provided) text in-
formation commonly used in the state-of-the-art ap-
proaches. Such approach provides an alternative user-
independent source of text which describes the se-
mantic of images, useful to address the issues related
to the inherent subjectivity of the text associated to
4.2 Sentiment Holder
Almost all the works in Image Sentiment Analysis ig-
nore the sentiment holder, or implicitly consider only
the sentiment of the image publisher. In this context
at least two holders can be defined: the image owner
and the image viewer. Considering the example of an
advertising campaign, understanding the connections
between the sentiment intended by the owner and the
actual sentiment induced to the viewers is crucial.
These days, the social media platforms provide a
very powerful mean to retrieve real-time and large
scale information of people reactions toward topics,
events and advertising campaigns. This branch of re-
search can be useful to understand the relation be-
tween the affect concepts of the image owner and the
evoked viewer ones, allowing new user centric appli-
cations. User profiling helps personalization, which
is very important in the field of recommendation sys-
4.3 Time
Although almost all the aforementioned works ig-
nore this aspect, the emotion evoked by an image can
change depending on the time. This sentiment com-
ponent can be ignored the most of times, but in spe-
cific cases is determinant. For example, the sentiment
evoked by an image depicting the World Trade Center
is presumably different if the image is shown before
or after 9/11.
Although there are not works on Image Sentiment
Analysis that analyse the changes of image sentiments
over time, due to the specificity of the task and the
An Overview on Image Sentiment Analysis: Methods, Datasets and Current Challenges
lack of image datasets, there are several works that
exploits the analysis of images over time focused on
specific cognitive and psychology applications. As
an example, the work in (Reece and Danforth, 2017)
employed a statistical framework to detect depression
by analysing the sequence of photos posted on Insta-
gram. The findings of this paper suggest the idea that
variations in individual psychology reflect in the use
social media by the users, hence they can be computa-
tionally detected by the analysis of the user’s posting
history. In (Khosla et al., 2012) the authors studied
which objects and regions of an image are positively
or negatively correlated with memorability, allowing
to create memorability maps for each image.
So far we discussed on the current state of the art in
Image Sentiment Analysis, describing the related is-
sues, the different employed approaches and features.
This section aims to introduce some additional chal-
lenges and techniques that can be investigated.
5.1 Image Popularity Prediction
One of the most common application field of Im-
age Sentiment Analysis is related to social marketing
campaigns. In the context of social media commu-
nication, several companies are interested to analyse
the level of people engagement with respect to social
posts related to their products. This can be measured
as the number of post’s views, likes, shares or by the
analysis of the comments.
The level of engagement of an image posted on
a social network is usually referred as “Image Pop-
ularity”. So far, researches have been trying to gain
insights into what features make an image popular.
In (Khosla et al., 2014) the authors proposed a log-
normalized popularity score that has been then com-
monly used in the community. Let c
be a measure
of the engagement achieved by a social media item
(e.g., number of likes, number of views, number of
shares, etc.), also known as popularity measure. The
popularity score of the i
item is defined as follows:
= log
+ 1
where T
is the number of days since the uploading of
the image on the Social Platform.
Although the task of image popularity prediction
is rather new, there are interesting datasets avail-
able for the development of massive learning systems
(i.e., deep neural networks). The Micro-Blog Im-
ages 1 Million (MBI-1M) dataset is a collection of
1M images from Twitter, along with accompanying
tweets and metadata. The dataset was introduced by
the work in (Cappallo et al., 2015b). The MIR-1M
dataset (Huiskes et al., 2010) is a collection of 1M
photos from Flickr. These images have been selected
considering the interestingness score used by Flickr
to rank images. The Social Media Prediction (SMP)
dataset is a large-scale collection of social posts, re-
cently collected for the ACM Multimedia 2017 SMP
. This dataset consists of over 850K posts
and 80K users, including photos from VSO (Borth
et al., 2013) as well as photos collected from personal
users’ albums (Wu et al., 2016).
Popularity Dynamics: Equation 1 normalizes the
number of interactions reached by an image by divid-
ing the engagement measure by the time. However,
the measures c
related to social posts are cumula-
tive values as they continuously collect the interac-
tions between users and the social posts during their
time on-line. Therefore, this normalization will pe-
nalize social media contents published in the past with
respect to more recent contents, especially when the
difference between the dates of posting is high. More-
over, the most of the engagement obtained by a social
media item is achieved in the first week (Valafar et al.,
2009), then the engagement measures become more
stable. Therefore, it would be interesting to develop
methods able to predict the popularity score evolu-
tion over time, instead of just estimating a normalized
5.2 Image Virality Prediction
A recent emerging task, closely related to image pop-
ularity, is the prediction of the level of virality of an
image. The image virality is defined as the quality of
a visual content (i.e., images or videos) to be rapidly
and widely spread on social networks (Alameda-
Pineda et al., 2017). Differently than popularity, the
virality score takes into account also the number of re-
submission of an image by different users. Therefore,
images that became popular when they are posted, but
not reposted, are not considered to be viral (Deza and
Parikh, 2015). The work in (Alameda-Pineda et al.,
2017) focused on understanding the influence of im-
age parts on its virality. In particular, the authors pre-
sented a method able to perform the prediction of the
virality score and the localicazion of areas in images
that are responsable for making the image viral.
Challenge webpage: https://social-media-
SIGMAP 2019 - 16th International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications
5.3 Relative Attributes
Several Image Sentiment Analysis works aim to asso-
ciate an image one sentiment label over a set of emo-
tional categories or attributes. However, given a set
of images that have been assigned to the same emo-
tional category (e.g., joy), it would be interesting to
determine their ranking with respect the specific at-
tribute. Such a technique could suggest, for exam-
ple, if a given image A conveys more “joy” than an-
other image B. For this purpose, several works on rel-
ative attributes can be considered (Parikh and Grau-
man, 2011; Altwaijry and Belongie, 2013; Fan et al.,
2013; Yu and Grauman, 2015).
5.4 Sentiment and Ideograms
The emoticons are textual shorthand that have been
introduced to allow the writer to express feelings and
emotions with respect to a textual message. It helps to
express the correct intent of a text sentence, improv-
ing the understanding of the message. The emoticons
are used to emulate visual cues in textual communi-
cations with the aim to express or explicitly clarify
the writer’s sentiment. Indeed, in real conversations
the sentiment can be inferred from visual cues such
as facial expressions, pose and gestures. However, in
textual based conversations, the visual cues are not
present. The authors of (Hogenboom et al., 2013)
tried to understand if emoticons could be useful as
well on the textual Sentiment Analysis task. In par-
ticular, they investigated the role that emoticons play
in conveying sentiment and how they can be exploited
in the field of Sentiment Analysis. A step further the
emoticon, is represented by the emoji. An emoji is an
ideogram representing concepts such as weather, cel-
ebration, food, animals, emotions, feelings, and ac-
tivities, besides a large set of facial expressions. They
have been developed with the aim to allow more ex-
pressive messages. Emojis have become extremely
popular in social media platforms and instant mes-
saging systems. In (Cappallo et al., 2015a), the au-
thors exploited the expressiveness carried by emoji,
to develop a system able to generate an image con-
tent description in terms of a set of emoji. The fo-
cus of this system is to use emoji as a means for
image retrieval and exploration. Indeed, it allows to
perform an image search by means of a emoji-based
query. This approach exploits the expressiveness con-
veyed by emoji, by leaning on the textual description
of these ideograms. The work in (Cappallo et al.,
2018) studied the ways in which emoji can be re-
lated to other common modalities such as text and
images, in the context of multimedia research. This
work also presents a new dataset that contains exam-
ples of both text-emoji and image-emoji relationships.
Most of them contains also strong sentiment proper-
ties. In (Kralj Novak et al., 2015) the authors pre-
sented a sentiment emoji lexicon named Emoji Senti-
ment Ranking. In this paper, the sentiment properties
of the emojis have been deeply analyzed (considering
text written in 13 different languages), and some in-
teresting conclusions have been highlighted. For each
emoji, the Emoji Sentiment Ranking provides its asso-
ciated positive, negative and neutral scores. The au-
thors found that the sentiment scores and ranking as-
sociated to emojis remain stable among different lan-
guages. This property is very useful to overcome the
difficulties addressed in multilingual contexts. The re-
sults and the insights obtained in the mentioned works
could be combined to exploit the sentiment conveyed
by emoji on the task of Image Sentiment Analysis.
The proposed paper provides a review of rele-
vant publications on Image Sentiment Analysis, and
presents an overview of the state of the art in the
field. Principles of design of Image Sentiment Anal-
ysis systems are presented and discussed under three
main points of view: emotional models, dataset def-
inition and feature design. The components that
can affect the sentiment toward an image in differ-
ent ways are defined and analysed. A description of
new challenges is also presented. There is a wide
range of research on identification of basic emotions,
but the 24 emotions model defined in Plutchnik’s the-
ory (Plutchik, 1980) represents a well established and
used model. The Machine Learning techniques and
the recent Deep Learning methods are able to obtain
impressive results as long as these systems are trained
with very large scale datasets (e.g., VSO (Borth et al.,
2013)). Such datasets can be easily obtained by ex-
ploiting the social network platforms by which people
share their pictures every day. These datasets allowed
the extensive use of Machine Learning systems that
requires large scale amount of data to converge. So
far, there is not an established strategy to select of vi-
sual features that allows to address the problem. Most
of the previous exploited features demonstrated to be
useful, but recent results on Image Sentiment Anal-
ysis suggest that it’s worth investigating the use of
representation learning approaches such as Convolu-
tional Neural Networks and multi-modal embedding.
In future works the presented study will be ex-
tended, considering publications that address specific
An Overview on Image Sentiment Analysis: Methods, Datasets and Current Challenges
aspects of the problems mentioned in the paper (e.g.,
features, models, metrics, dataset definition, etc.), as
well as scientific works that tackle specific tasks in-
cluding the challenges that have been briefly pre-
sented in the proposed paper (e.g., popularity, relative
attributes, virality, etc.). Furthermore, proper cases of
study aimed to highlight the concepts described in the
paper will be prepared and evaluated, with the aim to
support the key aspects of each addressed issue.
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SIGMAP 2019 - 16th International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications