enabled us to calculate correlations between the es-
timations and the in-field measurements of the crop
variables. Since the vegetation indices tend to be
evolve linearly during the crop growth, we achieved
accurate correlations using multivariable regressions;
on average, correlations of 80% for biomass and 78%
for nitrogen were achieved. Upcoming work is ori-
ented towards improving the correlations by including
more sophisticated image classification and clustering
algorithms to consider several feature spaces for the
NIR pixels. By now, our system is not reliable during
the reproductive stage of the crop due to the mixed
plant color in between yellow and green. Also, differ-
ent genotypes of rice varieties are planted in the same
plot area. In this sense, we also expect to improve on
the estimation, since the biomass and nitrogen read-
ings are highly dependent of the plant variety.
This work was funded in part by the OMICAS pro-
gram: Optimizaci
on Multiescala In-silico de Cul-
tivos Agr
ıcolas Sostenibles (Infraestructura y vali-
on en Arroz y Ca
na de Az
ucar), sponsored within
the Colombian Scientific Ecosystem by The WORLD
Ministry of Education and the Colombian Ministry
of Industry and Turism under GRANT ID: FP44842-
217-2018. Also, by the research project entitled De-
sarrollo de una herramienta para la agricultura de
precision en los cultivos de arroz: sensado del es-
tado de crecimiento y de nutricion de las plantas us-
ando un drone autonomo, under the COLCIENCIAS
- GRANT ID 120371551916, CT167-2016 (FONDO
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ICINCO 2019 - 16th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics