VersaTL: Versatile Transfer Learning for IMU-based Activity
Recognition using Convolutional Neural Networks
Mubarak G. Abdu-Aguye
and Walid Gomaa
Computer Science and Engineering Department, Egypt-Japan University of Science and Technology, Egypt
Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University, Egypt
Activity Recognition, Transfer Learning, IMU, Convolutional Neural Networks, Deep Learning.
The advent of Deep Learning has, together with massive gains in predictive accuracy, made it possible to
reuse knowledge learnt from solving one problem in solving related problems. This is described as Transfer
Learning, and has seen wide adoption especially in computer vision problems, where Convolutional Neural
Networks have shown great flexibility and performance. On the other hand, transfer learning for sequences or
timeseries data is typically made possible through the use of recurrent neural networks, which are difficult to
train and prone to overfitting. In this work we present VersaTL, a novel approach to transfer learning for fixed
and variable-length activity recognition timeseries data. We train a Convolutional Neural Network and use its
convolutional filters as a feature extractor, then subsequently train a feedforward neural network as a classifier
over the extracted features for other datasets. Our experiments on five different activity recognition datasets
show the promise of this method, yielding results typically within 5% of trained-from-scratch networks while
obtaining between a 24-52x reduction in the training time.
Deep neural networks entered the mainstream with
the seminal work of Hinton and Salakhutdinov (Hin-
ton and Salakhutdinov, 2006). Since then, the gen-
eral trend in machine learning research has been to-
wards the adoption and analysis of deep methods as
applied to different domains. This can be mainly
attributed to the massive performance improvements
gained through the use of deep neural networks (Jor-
dan and Mitchell, 2015), with such methods defining
the state of the art in several diverse applications to-
day. Additionally, deep methods have, in some sense,
refined and justified previous intuition and hypotheses
regarding neural learning. Perhaps the most specific
case of this is the notion of hierarchical representation
as put forward in (Hinton and Salakhutdinov, 2006),
(Bengio, 2012), where (deep) neural networks are be-
lieved to learn features of the data in an incremental,
compositional manner. Some work done in visual-
izing the learned features (Zeiler and Fergus, 2014)
and activation maps (Harley, 2015) in image-based
Convolutional Neural Networks provide definitive ev-
idence of this phenomenon.
A direct implication of this sort of hierarchical
learning is that it enables the sharing or re-use of more
general, lower-level knowledge gained from solving
one problem in the solution of another problem shar-
ing the same or similar lower-level bases/primitives.
For instance, the problem of recognizing two differ-
ent objects will have similar requirements at a lower
level, e.g., recognizing boundaries or edges of the ob-
jects, up until some point where the visual character-
istics are sufficiently different from the two objects
(e.g. boxes and birds have radically different appear-
ances when considered in their entirety, even though
they are both composed of lines and curves). There-
fore, it becomes theoretically possible to re-use this
lower level knowledge in solving similar problems,
therefore saving time, resources, and requiring much
less training data than training a deep network from
scratch. This is described as transfer learning (Pan
et al., 2010) and is very commonly used in computer
vision tasks (Oquab et al., 2014),(Karpathy et al.,
For other types of data whose structures are
not trivial to decompose intuitively, transfer learn-
ing has not gained much traction for varying rea-
sons. Difficulties in dealing with varying data
lengths, as opposed to standard approaches to same
in image-based problems may be one cause of this.
For sequence/time-series data, approaches to trans-
Abdu-Aguye, M. and Gomaa, W.
VersaTL: Versatile Transfer Learning for IMU-based Activity Recognition using Convolutional Neural Networks.
DOI: 10.5220/0007916705070516
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO 2019), pages 507-516
ISBN: 978-989-758-380-3
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
fer learning have naturally adopted recurrent archi-
tectures like Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) net-
works (Hochreiter and Schmidhuber, 1997) due to
their sequence-modelling abilities and their ability
to generate a fixed-size representation of their input
data regardless of its length. However, such net-
works require significant effort to be properly initial-
ized and trained (Salehinejad et al., 2018) and are of-
ten prone to overfitting (Zaremba et al., 2014). On
the other hand, Convolutional Neural Networks have
much more desirable properties, i.e., they are much
more flexible and robust, and can match recurrent
models even on sequential data (Yin et al., 2017), (Bai
et al., 2018). Therefore transfer learning approaches
relying on convolutional neural networks can be con-
sidered as viable alternatives to recurrent neural net-
In this work we propose VersaTL, a transfer learn-
ing scheme for activity recognition data based on
convolutional neural networks. This is aimed at re-
laxing the requirement for large amounts of training
data usually required for training deep models from
scratch. Additionally, this serves to significantly re-
duce the time required for the training process for
both small and large datasets with minimal loss in
predictive performance.We consider a fixed number
of dimensions (i.e., number of axes/channels) for our
data. In order to deal with varying input lengths, we
incorporate a 1-D variant of Spatial Pyramid Pool-
ing (He et al., 2014) so as to obtain a fixed length fea-
ture vector from the convolutional feature maps in our
network. We evaluate our proposed technique on five
different activity recognition datasets, as we consider
that there are common patterns in the data collected
during different activities regardless of the source of
the data or the activity itself. We achieve promising
results comparable to trained-from-scratch networks
using this scheme with expectedly much lower train-
ing time. Additionally, we show that our method com-
petes favorably against similar, extant methods.
The rest of this paper is structured as follows. In
Section 2 we discuss other literature that are relevant
to the works carried out in this paper. We provide
a brief description of key concepts relevant to this
work in Section 3. Section 4 describes the methodol-
ogy proposed by VersaTL in terms of its implementa-
tion and considerations. In Section 5 we describe the
datasets considered as well as the manner in which
our proposed technique was tested. Section 6 gives
the results of the experiments described in Section
5, as well as their consequent evaluation. In Sec-
tion 7 we discuss additional experiments and their re-
sults, which further clarify our arguments and provide
comparative information between our work and other
work already in literature. We conclude the paper in
Section 8 with a summary of our work and the out-
comes we obtained, together with points for future
Here we discuss other works in literature which ap-
ply transfer learning to activity recognition. We group
them into two main categories based on the adopted
paradigm - instance-based methods, which aim to
adapt samples from one domain for reuse in another
domain, and feature-based methods, which aim to
transfer feature-extraction knowledge from the source
domain to the target domain.
2.1 Instance-based Transfer Learning
The work done in (Hu et al., 2011) is aimed towards
the adaptation of activity instances collected in the
performance of some task in the training of a clas-
sifier for another set of instances. They propose an
algorithm to do this, which functions by utilizing pre-
existing web data describing the two activity sets.
Based on the web data, a similarity framework is built
within which the instances for some activity in the
source domain may be mapped to some other activ-
ity in the target domain with some confidence value.
They achieve results comparable to traditional meth-
ods highlighting the effectiveness of their technique.
The authors in (Khan and Roy, 2017) proposed an
instance-based transfer learning framework, where la-
belled samples from one set of activities (i.e source
activity set/domain) are re-used/boosted as samples
for matching/common activities in another activity
set, based on a transferability metric. K-Means clus-
tering is then used to derive ”anomalous” clusters of
the unseen/uncommon activities in the target activ-
ity set. A classifier is then trained on samples from
the common and uncommon activities, the output
of which governs how new instances are classified.
Specifically, new samples are either matched using a
classifier trained on the boosted samples or matched
using the anomalous clusters previously defined, de-
pending on if the discriminatory classifier classifies
the sample as belonging to a common or uncommon
activity. The authors consider three datasets and re-
port up to 85% recall in inter-dataset testing, where
the target dataset contains previously unseen activi-
In contrast, the work carried out in this paper
is geared towards feature-based transfer learning,
ICINCO 2019 - 16th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
which we believe is more flexible and does not de-
pend on domain interrelationships or the availability
of suitable samples from the source domain.
2.2 Feature-based Transfer Learning
In (Khan and Roy, 2018), the authors propose the
transfer of feature-extraction knowledge from one
dataset to another (i.e source to target). They trained
a Deep Sparse Autoencoder (DSAE) on pre-extracted
feature vectors and use a part of the encoder portion
of the trained network as a feature extractor. Three
Support Vector Machine classifiers are then trained,
one on features extracted from source-domain sam-
ples using the DSAE, another on features extracted
from the target domain using the DSAE and the last
trained on low-level features also extracted from the
target domain. Decision fusion techniques are then
used to combine the outputs of the SVMs to yield a fi-
nal decision. The authors also compare their method
to two state-of-the-art transfer-learning based classi-
fiers and report better performance than both of them.
In (Chikhaoui et al., 2018), a transfer learn-
ing scheme utilizing a convolutional neural network
(CNN) is proposed. The authors pretrain a CNN-
based classifier, and transfer the learned weights to
a new, similarly-structured network for the target do-
main. Further training on the target domain data is
then carried out with a view to fine-tuning the new
network, without changing/updating the transferred
weights. The authors investigate the performance of
their method on three datasets and investigate its ef-
ficacy across different users, device placements and
sensor modalities. They report F1-scores of up to 0.94
in some of the evaluated scenarios.
As compared to (Khan and Roy, 2018), VersaTL
does not make any assumptions about activity inter-
relationships between the source and target domains
as it aims for generality. Also, it obviates the need
for any feature pre-extraction due to the use of the
convolutional frontend, permitting the use of the raw
timeseries directly. Furthermore, it does not impose
any requirements or strictures on the classification
Additionally, VersaTL differs from (Chikhaoui
et al., 2018) which requires the use of samples with
fixed lengths. We allow for both fixed and varying-
length samples, which are a reality in the domain of
activity recognition. We also design our network to
be more compact. As a result, our network is simpler
as it has much fewer weights and therefore requires
much less training data. This permits the use of small
datasets as we demonstrate in the following sections.
3.1 Spatial Pyramid Pooling
Spatial Pyramid Pooling (SPP) was first introduced
by He et al. in (He et al., 2014). It can be consid-
ered as a pooling method for yielding fixed-length
outputs from feature maps in convolutional neural
networks, which traditionally rely on fixed-size (im-
age) inputs. These fixed-size inputs are usually ob-
tained by cropping or resizing the inputs, which affect
network accuracy on varying-size input (images) due
to accidentally-induced geometric deformations. By
eliminating this requirement, spatial pyramid pooling
makes it possible to train convolutional networks on
varying-size inputs, which was also found to boost
the predictive performance of such networks since
the features learned become scale and deformation-
invariant and can therefore be considered to be robust.
Traditional pooling methods such as max and av-
erage pooling use fixed-length pooling windows. As
a result the size of their outputs depend on the size
of their input feature maps. SPP computes the size of
its pooling windows adaptively based on the size of
the input feature maps. Specifically, for a given pool-
ing size s, SPP computes a pooling window size and
the necessary amount of padding so as to divide the
input feature map(s) into s regions. Subsequently, it
performs a pooling operation (max or average) over
each (spatial) region, generating one feature per re-
gion. In this manner it generates the specified number
(as given by s) of output features per feature map.
In order to gain the invariance described previ-
ously, SPP is typically performed for different pool-
ing sizes. In practice this involves the division of the
input feature maps into the number of regions speci-
fied by each pooling size, and yields one feature per
region. Therefore, the total number of features gener-
ated is the sum of the features generated per pooling
size considered. In (He et al., 2014), a pooling size of
1 was always considered in addition to other pooling
sizes. SPP with a pooling parameter/size of 1 can be
considered to be a global pooling operation i.e., it per-
forms pooling over the entire input feature map, yield-
ing a single feature. In this way it can be seen that
global pooling operations are particular cases of SPP
where the pooling parameters/sizes are set to 1. Thus
the use of SPP (and including 1 in the pooling sizes
to be considered) encompasses global pooling and ex-
tends it to arbitrary scales as well. This allows for the
maintenance of multiscale information obtained from
the input implicitly, preserving local and global char-
acteristics of the input regardless of its size.
Without a loss of generality, SPP can also be ap-
VersaTL: Versatile Transfer Learning for IMU-based Activity Recognition using Convolutional Neural Networks
plied to 1-D inputs such as timeseries data. In this
scenario the adaptive pooling window itself becomes
1-dimensional and its length is computed in terms of
the length of the sequence. The input series is then
padded (if necessary) and subdivided into chunks as
described previously, and then the pooling operation
(max or average) is performed over each chunk, yield-
ing one feature per chunk.
In the current work SPP parameters/sizes are de-
scribed using a hyphenated notation, e.g., a b c.
This notation implies that the input sample is divided
into a regions, and then region-wise pooling is per-
formed yielding a features. This is repeated for size
b, yielding b features and size c yielding c features.
Therefore for SPP parameters a bc, the total num-
ber of features computed per input feature map is
a + b + c, e.g., 4 2 1 yields 4 + 2 + 1 = 7 features
per feature map.
The architecture of VersaTL is shown in Figure 1.
We begin with a convolutional neural network, con-
sisting of a feature extraction portion based on two
convolutional layers followed by a classification por-
tion based on a three-layer feedforward neural net-
work. We use a dilated convolution in the second fil-
ter, which allows for a wider receptive field for con-
volutional filters while utilizing fewer weights than
a regular convolutional window. The output of the
convolutional filters depends on the length of the in-
put data. This is not directly suitable for the classi-
fication portion, which requires a fixed-length feature
vector as input. To work around this limitation, we in-
clude a spatial pyramid pooling layer (He et al., 2014)
which converts the varying-length filter outputs into a
fixed length vector. The use of spatial pyramid pool-
ing is influenced by its ability to summarize the gener-
ated feature maps over large and small (time) scales,
thereby preserving local and global characteristics of
the extracted features in a compact manner. As such,
we adopt this type of pooling rather than a global av-
erage or max-pooling so as to maintain some of the
temporal information/variations of the activity signals
while keeping the network size small. We use the
hyperbolic tangent (”tanh”) activation function in the
convolutional filters as we found it to yield superior
performance relative to the other activation functions.
Additionally, we include batch normalization layers
in between the feedforward layers in the classification
portion. This was found to significantly improve the
network performance and convergence time.
Given a parent dataset, we train the model in an
end-to-end manner, i.e., we train both the feature ex-
traction and classification portions as a single unit us-
ing cross entropy loss and the Adam optimizer. Af-
ter this training, we consider the feature extraction
portion to be suitably discriminative for feature ex-
traction purposes. For any other dataset, the feature
extraction portion is used as a black box to gener-
ate fixed-length feature vectors describing the input.
The generated vectors can then be used with any other
classifier, although in this work we focus on using a
feedforward network tailored to the number of classes
in the (new) dataset for classification. The feedfor-
ward network is then trained with some portion of
the generated vectors (collected in mini-batches) used
as training examples, and the remaining data is used
to evaluate the performance of the proposed method.
This approach has been adopted in this work as it is
virtually identical to the transfer learning scheme used
in computer vision tasks, which has shown itself to
yield excellent results.
Details of our experimental evaluations are pro-
vided in the following section.
5.1 Datasets Considered
In order to obtain performance estimates for our pro-
posed method, we consider five publicly-available ac-
tivity recognition datasets. The datasets chosen have
different sample counts and lengths and generally
consist of different activity sets. In addition, they
generally come from different devices with differ-
ent characteristics (e.g. placement, make and model
of the device, etc.). Although the datasets are com-
prised of different modalities (e.g accelerometer, gy-
roscope, magnetometer, orientation, etc.) we consider
the accelerometer and gyroscope readings only. This
is because these readings are available across all the
datasets and therefore allow for straightforward trans-
fer learning from one dataset to another.
5.1.1 Gomaa-1 Dataset
The Gomaa-1 dataset (Gomaa et al., 2017) consists of
603 varying-length samples collected from three sub-
jects, using an Apple SmartWatch series 1 at a sam-
pling rate of 50Hz. It contains 14 activities of daily
ICINCO 2019 - 16th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
Figure 1: Proposed System Architecture.
5.1.2 Human Activity and Postural Transitions
The human activity and postural transitions (HAPT)
dataset (Reyes-Ortiz et al., 2016) consists of 1, 214
varying-length samples collected from thirty subjects,
using Android smartphones at a sampling rate of
50Hz. It contains 6 activities and 6 postural transi-
5.1.3 Daily and Sports Activities
The Daily and Sports activities (Altun et al., 2010)
dataset consists of 9, 120 fixed-length samples col-
lected from 8 subjects. The samples were recorded
using Xsens IMU units at a sample rate of 25Hz. It
contains 19 activities.
5.1.4 HAD-AW
The HAD-AW dataset (Mohammed et al., 2018) con-
sists of 4, 344 varying-length samples collected from
16 subjects. The data was obtained from an Apple
SmartWatch series I at a sampling rate of 50Hz, sim-
ilar to the Gomaa-1 dataset. It contains 32 widely-
varying activities.
5.1.5 Realistic Sensor Displacement
The Realistic Sensor Displacement (REALDISP)
dataset (Ba
nos et al., 2012), (Banos et al., 2014) con-
sists of samples collected from 17 subjects. Xsens
IMU units were used to capture the data at a sampling
rate of 50Hz. It consists of samples of 33 different
activities recorded while the data capture device was
displaced in one of three ways, which was done to
capture real-world placement scenarios.
Originally consisting of 4000+ varying-length
samples, 1, 397 of these were found to be usable after
Table 1: Details of Datasets Considered.
Name Samples Activities
Gomaa-1 603 14
HAPT 1214 12
Daily Sports 9120 19
HAD-AW 4344 32
REALDISP 1397 33
preprocessing and the subsequent elimination of inde-
terminate/unlabelled samples. Therefore, we consider
only these samples for our evaluations.
The details of these datasets are summarized in
Table 1.
5.2 Experimental Evaluations
To determine the efficacy of our technique, we train
on each of the described datasets, and then perform
transfer learning (as described in section 4) on each
of the other four datasets. Therefore we report the re-
sults from both self-testing (i.e., train and test on same
dataset) scenarios, which serve as performance base-
lines, and transfer learning (i.e., train CNN on some
dataset, fine-tune classifier on some other dataset)
scenarios. We vary the parameters of the spatial pyra-
mid pooling layer (which changes the fixed-length
feature vector size) to investigate their effect on the
performance of our method. In the transfer learn-
ing scenarios, since we use a feedforward network as
classifier, we also tested different common mini-batch
sizes to find a suitable value. A mini-batch size of
128 was found to be best and was used for the evalua-
tions of all the pooling parameters considered. We use
learning-rate scheduling and fix the number of train-
ing epochs in both self-testing and transfer learning
scenarios at 35 epochs.
The training and testing cycles are repeated fif-
teen (15) times, with different samples of data be-
VersaTL: Versatile Transfer Learning for IMU-based Activity Recognition using Convolutional Neural Networks
Table 2: Classification Accuracy using 2-1 Pooling.
Training Dataset Testing Dataset
Gomaa-1 94.76 ± 1.67 94.95 ± 1.30 91.69 ± 0.88 81.59 ± 1.22 70.66 ± 1.68
HAPT 93.86 ± 2.09 95.76 ± 0.93 91.04 ± 0.54 82.04 ± 1.45 67.82 ± 2.17
D Sports 95.18 ± 1.82 94.60 ± 1.05 94.99 ± 0.47 82.32 ± 0.92 67.65 ± 2.35
HAD-AW 93.33 ± 2.22 95.43 ± 1.45 92.29 ± 0.53 87.29 ± 1.25 68.66 ± 2.55
REALDISP 93.55 ± 1.04 95.59 ± 0.96 92.75 ± 0.52 82.27 ± 1.01 74.78 ± 2.24
Table 3: Classification Accuracy using 4-2-1 Pooling.
Training Dataset Testing Dataset
Gomaa-1 96.99 ± 1.28 94.53 ± 1.55 92.19 ± 0.64 82.66 ± 1.01 71.94 ± 2.64
HAPT 95.09 ± 1.90 96.00 ± 1.18 91.06 ± 0.76 83.10 ± 1.12 68.85 ± 1.77
D Sports 95.98 ± 1.48 95.24 ± 1.09 95.31 ± 0.36 83.20 ± 1.15 71.14 ± 3.70
HAD-AW 95.93 ± 1.55 95.61 ± 1.18 92.38 ± 0.50 88.36 ± 1.18 71.63 ± 2.15
REALDISP 95.58 ± 1.18 94.82 ± 1.55 92.59 ± 0.41 83.60 ± 1.02 76.60 ± 1.88
Table 4: Classification Accuracy using 8-4-2-1 Pooling.
Training Dataset Testing Dataset
Gomaa-1 95.58 ± 1.76 94.86 ± 1.13 92.04 ± 0.85 82.97 ± 1.16 72.85 ± 1.75
HAPT 94.83 ± 1.75 96.05 ± 1.30 90.40 ± 0.79 83.14 ± 1.22 69.52 ± 2.68
D Sports 95.09 ± 1.79 95.15 ± 1.11 95.09 ± 0.33 83.22 ± 1.39 73.92 ± 2.25
HAD-AW 96.86 ± 1.20 95.10 ± 1.21 91.89 ± 0.77 88.65 ± 1.24 73.27 ± 2.52
REALDISP 95.62 ± 0.63 95.41 ± 1.18 92.35 ± 0.67 84.36 ± 1.05 77.40 ± 2.28
Table 5: Training Times (in Seconds) for Self Testing and Transfer Learning Scenarios (4-2-1 Pooling).
Training Dataset Testing Dataset
Gomaa-1 426.10 ± 5.95 16.44 ± 0.50 62.30 ± 1.37 49.70 ± 1.18 27.07 ± 0.95
HAPT 9.91 ± 0.29 513.33 ±4.50 62.02 ±0.94 49.44 ±0.90 27.02 ±0.65
D Sports 9.98 ±0.40 16.30 ± 0.40 1503.26 ± 13.38 50.20 ± 1.35 27.08 ± 0.75
HAD-AW 9.92 ± 0.35 16.32 ± 0.54 63.12 ± 1.63 1952.15 ± 16.19 27.16 ± 0.63
REALDISP 9.98 ± 0.31 16.33 ± 0.45 62.57 ± 1.42 49.84 ± 1.26 1413.45 ± 16.13
ing used for training and testing each time. 75% of
the data is used for training in both self-testing and
transfer learning scenarios, with the remaining 25%
being used for testing. We also carry out some tim-
ing evaluations in order to investigate the computa-
tional speed of our proposed method relative to train-
ing from scratch. Specifically we measure the train-
ing time in the self-testing scenarios and the sum of
the feature extraction and training times in the trans-
fer learning scenarios, with the latter measurements
reflecting the typical use case. The timings were
also obtained over fifteen trials. The machine used
to obtain these timings utilized an 8-core Intel Xeon
Platinum 8168 CPU with 16GB of RAM. During the
training cycles, CPU-only training was used to give a
fair estimate of performance and eliminate any extra-
neous advantages due to the use of graphics process-
ing units (GPUs). We thereafter report the mean and
standard deviation of the obtained times measured in
The results obtained and their subsequent discus-
sion are provided in the following section.
The results obtained from our experimental evalua-
tions are shown in Tables 2-4. The diagonal elements
(highlighted in gray) indicate the self-testing scenar-
ios (training and testing over the same dataset) and
can therefore be considered to be the baseline perfor-
mance estimates for each dataset. The off-diagonal,
column-wise elements show the transfer learning re-
ICINCO 2019 - 16th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
sults, i.e. the results obtained from testing on the
column-specified dataset after training on the row-
specified dataset. The classification accuracies ob-
tained are shown together with their standard devia-
tions in the tables (i.e accuracy ± std.deviation). As
stated previously, these values were obtained from av-
eraging the results over fifteen experiments/trials.
In general, it can be seen that the results obtained
from transfer learning are averagely within 5% of the
results obtained from self-testing scenarios. The stan-
dard deviation of the results are also generally low,
remaining below 3% in all the scenarios considered.
This indicates the stability/robustness of the proposed
approach, and implies that transfer learning across the
datasets is effective and comparable to training from
scratch. It can subsequently be inferred that the fea-
ture extraction portion of the network is capable of ex-
tracting highly discriminative features from the parent
dataset, and that these features are common to activ-
ity data in general, regardless of the particular type of
activity or the device used in collecting the data. This
is also observed to hold true regardless of the size of
the parent dataset - the Gomaa-1, HAPT and REALD-
ISP datasets are comparatively small compared to the
Daily Sports and HAD-AW datasets. However, the
performance of our proposed method is maintained
even when these small datasets are used as the parent
Additionally, it can be observed that the HAD-AW
and REALDISP datasets consistently have the high-
est transfer learning results. This can be attributed to
the fact that they consist of a large and diverse range
of activities, causing the convolutional filters to be
relatively more discriminative than when trained on
other datasets. The HAPT dataset, having the smallest
number of activities, accordingly shows the poorest
transfer learning results in all scenarios. This makes
a case for the use of class-diverse datasets as source
datasets for transfer learning. We examine this notion
further in section 7.
It can also be observed that the spatial pyramid
pooling size has an almost negligible impact on the
performance of the method. In particular, it has a very
slight effect on the self-testing results. However, the
performance obtained in the transfer learning scenar-
ios shows noticeable degradation when the smallest
pooling size (2-1, yielding 2+1 features per feature
map) is used. This can be expected since the dimen-
sionality of the feature vector is the smallest com-
pared to the other sizes. The virtually identical per-
formance of the 8-4-2-1 (yielding 8+4+2+1=15 fea-
tures per feature map) and 4-2-1 (yielding 4+2+1=7
features per feature map) pooling levels suggests that
activity recognition signals display medium to long-
term trends. That is, the additional local summariza-
tion offered by the 8-4-2-1 pooling level compared
to the 4-2-1 pooling level does not offer information
that is (very) beneficial to the discrimination of activ-
ities. This makes a case for the use of the 4-2-1 pool-
ing level as a suitable pooling setting in the proposed
The average time required for self-testing and
transfer learning scenarios (when using 4-2-1 Pool-
ing) is shown in Table 5. We do not evaluate the
timings for all the tested pooling parameters because
we consider the resulting differences to be negligible.
As can be observed, the self-training scenarios take
relatively long times, due to the multitude of oper-
ations inherent in training the convolutional layers.
The Daily Sports dataset also shows a lower train-
ing time in the self-training scenarios than the HAD-
AW and REALDISP datasets (which are smaller).
This can be attributed to the fact even though the
Daily Sports dataset has more samples, the samples
in the HAD-AW and REALDISP datasets are likely
much longer (i.e have more timesteps) than the sam-
ples in the Daily Sports dataset. As a result, the
striding of the convolutional filters for such samples
takes significantly longer than for the samples in the
Daily Sports dataset. The transfer learning scenarios
take significantly smaller amounts of time, yielding
a 24.17x speedup compared to the self-testing sce-
nario in the worst case (i.e on the Daily Sports dataset)
and a 52.31x speedup in the best case (i.e on the
REALDISP dataset). It can also be observed that the
timings for the transfer-learning scenarios are fairly
steady, regardless of the dataset which was used to
(pre)train the model. This implies that the transfer
learning times are purely dependent on the size of the
fine-tuning/testing dataset. With the use of GPUs, the
transfer learning times may possibly be reduced even
further due to the speed benefits obtainable from the
use of such devices.
In this section we briefly describe relevant addi-
tional experiments carried out and the results obtained
VersaTL: Versatile Transfer Learning for IMU-based Activity Recognition using Convolutional Neural Networks
Table 6: Classification Accuracy - Feature Extraction Portion + 1 Fully-Connected Layer and 4-2-1 Pooling.
Training Dataset Testing Dataset
Gomaa-1 96.37 ± 1.08 93.00 ± 1.34 90.09 ± 0.77 81.31 ± 0.93 67.75 ± 2.04
HAPT 92.75 ± 1.73 96.31 ± 1.03 88.60 ± 0.80 78.45 ± 1.01 59.21 ± 3.38
D Sports 91.87 ± 1.54 92.85 ± 1.24 95.04 ± 0.54 78.87 ± 1.43 62.03 ± 1.91
HAD-AW 95.05 ± 1.25 94.60 ± 0.86 91.72 ± 0.55 88.34 ± 0.49 69.65 ± 1.58
REALDISP 93.90 ± 2.23 93.50 ± 1.41 90.91 ± 0.55 81.63 ± 1.17 76.01 ± 2.86
Table 7: Classification Accuracy - Feature Extraction Portion + 2 Fully-Connected Layers and 4-2-1 Pooling.
Training Dataset Testing Dataset
Gomaa-1 96.15 ± 1.24 88.72 ± 2.15 78.61 ± 1.14 60.50 ± 1.46 48.01 ± 2.49
HAPT 64.94 ± 4.57 96.18 ± 1.11 72.58 ± 1.35 47.12 ± 2.45 36.99 ± 3.98
D Sports 57.26 ± 4.47 75.85 ± 2.53 95.08 ± 0.47 53.09 ± 2.28 38.99 ± 3.08
HAD-AW 85.96 ± 1.81 87.74 ± 2.08 85.00 ± 1.10 88.31 ± 0.75 54.80 ± 3.37
REALDISP 72.62 ± 4.78 82.17 ± 3.54 80.69 ± 1.40 60.61 ± 1.61 75.00 ± 2.27
Table 8: Comparative Results between (Chikhaoui et al., 2018) and our proposed technique.
Experiment Baseline F-Metric Obtained F-Metric
MobiAct RealWorld (Chest) 0.496 0.903
MobiAct RealWorld (Head) 0.796 0.832
MobiAct RealWorld (Forearm) 0.796 0.809
RealWorld (Chest) MobiAct 0.568 0.747
RealWorld (Head) MobiAct 0.658 0.751
RealWorld (Forearm) MobiAct 0.658 0.740
7.1 Effect of Layers and Dataset
Diversity on Transfer Learning
In order to justify the use of only the convolutional fil-
ters as the feature extraction portion, we carry out two
additional experiments. In the first of these, we in-
clude one of the fully-connected layers in the feature
extraction portion, then train only the two remaining
fully-connected layers. In the second, we include two
of the fully-connected layers in the feature extraction
portion, then train only the last fully-connected layer
i.e the classifier layer. In both experiments, we fix
the pooling sizes at 4-2-1. We aimed to determine the
effect of including the fully-connected layers in the
feature extraction portion i.e considering higher-level
features instead of lower-level ones. Additionally, we
also aimed to provide some insight into the behavior
of the discriminative powers of the convolutional fil-
ters when trained on different datasets.
The results obtained from the first and second ex-
periments are shown in Tables 6 and 7 respectively.
As expected, a degradation in performance is ob-
served in both schemes, with the higher degradation
being shown in the second experiment i.e training
only the last layer. This can be explained by the fact
that the features existing at successively-deeper layers
are higher-level (i.e more dataset-specific) and there-
fore transfer poorly to other datasets. This makes a
case for the use of only the convolutional filters for
transfer learning as they learn lower-level (i.e more
generic) features.
It is also pertinent to note that in both experiments,
the transfer learning performance when trained on the
HAD-AW and REALDISP datasets remains the best
relative to the other datasets. This is more apparent
in Table 6, where both datasets clearly show superior
performance to the others in the scenarios considered.
As described earlier, these datasets contain a large and
heterogenous number of activities, which causes the
features (i.e both low and high-level) learnt at suc-
cessive layers to be significantly more discriminatory
than features learnt from other, less-diverse datasets.
Although the Daily Sports dataset contains 19 ac-
tivities and 9000+ samples, it is generally outper-
formed by the much-smaller (14 activities, 603 sam-
ples) Gomaa-1 dataset. This occurs because the
Gomaa-1 dataset, in spite of its smaller size and ac-
ICINCO 2019 - 16th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
tivity count, contains a wider variety of activities,
while the Daily Sports dataset has much less vari-
ety in its constituent activities. As a result, it can
also be observed from the tables that the Gomaa-1
dataset comes after the HAD-AW and REALDISP
datasets in transfer learning performance. The HAPT
dataset contains the fewest activities with a low va-
riety/heterogeneity. As such, it shows the highest
degradation in the resulting transfer learning perfor-
mance of all the considered datasets, as can be ob-
served from Tables 6 and 7. This is in consonance
with the behavior observed and discussed in Section
6 previously.
We believe that the results obtained from these ex-
periments further highlight the benefit of training such
transfer learning models on activity-diverse datasets.
7.2 Comparison to Similar Transfer
Learning Schemes
In order to clearly illustrate the benefit of VersaTL,
we also compare it to (Chikhaoui et al., 2018), which
is the most similar method to it. Due to constraints
on space and challenges with one of the considered
datasets, we consider six evaluations from their work
which are concerned with transfer-learning perfor-
mance between devices placed at three different lo-
cations on the body. We segment the two datasets
concerned (MobiAct (Chatzaki et al., 2016) and Re-
alWorld HAR (Sztyler and Stuckenschmidt, 2016)) as
described in (Chikhaoui et al., 2018) and derive the
average F-metric obtained from the scenarios they in-
vestigated. The results of these experiments are re-
ported on a normalized scale and shown in Table 8.
The baseline results (i.e from (Chikhaoui et al.,
2018)) are shown in the ”Baseline F-Metric” col-
umn. It can be seen that the results obtained from
our method (displayed in the ”Obtained F-Metric”
column) shows an improvement of up to 40% in the
F-metric. This illustrates the superiority of VersaTL
relative to the scheme proposed in (Chikhaoui et al.,
In this work we propose VersaTL, a transfer learning
scheme for activity recognition data using convolu-
tional neural networks (CNNs). We design a small
CNN and include a spatial pyramid pooling layer to
allow for inputs of any type (i.e fixed or varying-
length). We then train the network (initially for clas-
sification) using standard methods. Subsequently, we
use the convolutional filters and the pooling layer as a
feature extractor. The feature extractor is then reused
for other datasets (different than the one used to train
the network initially) and dataset-specific feedfor-
ward neural networks are then trained to classify the
generated feature vectors.
The results obtained from our evaluations indicate
that VersaTL yields comparable performance (within
5%) to CNN-based classifiers trained from scratch,
while requiring a fraction of the training time. This
highlights the utility of our transfer learning tech-
nique in this domain. We believe that this could pave
the way for the widespread use of pretrained models
in activity recognition, similar to the way pretrained
models are used in computer vision, e.g., AlexNet,
VGGNet, etc.
In the future we intend to investigate the general-
izability of VersaTL to other types of timeseries data
which share the same number of axes/channels. The
restriction on the number of axes/channels is required
due to the convolutional filter-based frontend of our
method. Going further we may also investigate spe-
cific training of the feature extraction portion of the
network with a view to optimizing the learnt features
for discriminability.
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