A Systematic Literature Review on Product-Service Systems
Classifications and Types
Lukas Waidelich, Rebecca Bulander,
Alexander Richter, Bernhard Kölmel and Patrice Glaser
- Institute of Smart Systems and Services, Pforzheim University, Tiefenbronner Str. 65, Pforzheim, Germany
Keywords: Product-Service System (PSS), PSS Classification, PSS Types, Literature Review of PSS, Servitisation,
Digitalisation, Business Models, Business Model Innovation.
Abstract: This paper primarily deals with a systematic literature review on Product-Service Systems (PSS) classifica-
tions. The initial question was, how can information and profound knowledge regarding the classification of
PSS be acquired? A very extensive scientific and systematic literature research containing 125 works was
carried out for this purpose. In doing so, we concentrated on the central question of how PSS can be classified.
Here we have found out which PSS classifications are widely used in literature and how they differentiate. As
a result, the five identified PSS classifications are described and compared. Derived from this, we have ana-
lysed the various PSS types from the PSS classification and made a comparison of these types for the first
time in the literature. As a result, similarities and differences between the authors are presented and examined.
This research will enable us to go one step ahead and develop a framework that can be applied to classify
companies or certain business models in regard to PSS. Thus, a scientific contribution could be made to the
field of PSS classification.
Today's business environment is increasingly charac-
terized by unpredictability - manufacturing compa-
nies like AEG, Grundig, Kodak and Nokia are disap-
pearing from the market or are no longer dominant
although these companies have distinguished them-
selves for many years through excellent product and
process innovativeness (Mahler et al. 2013;
Gassmann et al. 2017).
On the one hand, manufacturing companies oper-
ate in global markets and therefore compete directly in
terms of quality, technology and costs. This results in
strong international pricing pressure, stagnating sales
and profit margins, as well as the shrinking possibility
of differentiation in technology and quality due to the
increasing equivalence of competing products from
other global players (Meier und Uhlmann 2012, 2017;
Kölmel et al. 2017). These challenges are addressed at
the level of product and process innovations. On the
other hand, established companies are challenged by
business model innovations. Driven and empowered
by digitalization, new disruptive business models
emerge that replace existing value chains in large parts
or even completely. These business model innovations
generally affect established providers in an unprepared
manner and may lead to complete market displace
ment, as in the case of the above-mentioned company
examples. For this reason, the development of innova-
tive business models is a basic prerequisite for long-term
competitiveness in the business context (Vogel-Heuser
und Lindemann 2014; Meier und Uhlmann 2012).
A possible and at the same time promising ap-
proach to this challenge are the so-called product-ser-
vice systems (PSS). These are understood to be an of-
fered solution that contains at least one service element
in addition to a product (Wong 2004). These can be
seen as a holistic innovation strategy that serves the
product, process and business model innovation levels
simultaneously. Companies are undergoing a change:
they are no longer limiting themselves to the develop-
ment and sale of products, instead they are supplement-
ing their portfolio with the provision of a system of
products and services tailored to specific customer re-
quirements (Manzini und Vezzoli 2003; Kowalkowski
et al. 2017; Baines et al. 2007; Richter et al. 2018; Wise
und Baumgartner 1999).
This paradigm shift counteracts the changed de-
mand behaviour through flexibly adaptable product
and service components on the customer side. The fo-
cus is on customer benefit, a sustained customer rela-
tionship is established, resulting in a long-term com-
petitive advantage (Vogel-Heuser und Lindemann
2014; Meier und Uhlmann 2012). The strategy aimed
Waidelich, L., Bulander, R., Richter, A., Kölmel, B. and Glaser, P.
A Systematic Literature Review on Product-Service Systems Classifications and Types.
DOI: 10.5220/0007919500830094
In Proceedings of the 16th International Joint Conference on e-Business and Telecommunications (ICETE 2019), pages 83-94
ISBN: 978-989-758-378-0
2019 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
at supplementing products with associated services is
called servitisation. This can lead to a constant rise in
sales (Beuren et al. 2013; Aurich et al. 2006).
Today, there are many different forms of PSS in
practice across different branches. These are multi-lay-
ered, not easily understandable and especially not cat-
egorisable. The aim of this paper is consequently to
identify and compare the different classifications and
types of PSS in order to provide the reader with an
overview of the existing literature.
The present paper is structured as follows: After
the necessity of the topic is pointed out in the current
section, systematic literature research with focus on
PSS classifications is carried out in the second section.
The third section outlines the five identified PSS clas-
sifications. The results of the research and the different
classifications are the subject of the fourth section. The
fifth section provides a conclusion of the work and con-
cludes with an outlook on future research.
The current state of research on PSS is presented by a
literature review as a result of the structured literature
research according to Brocke et al. (Brocke et al.
2009). The literature research consists of the five
phases: Definition of review scope, Conceptualisa-
tion of Topic, Literature Search, Literature Analysis
and Synthesis and Research Agenda. The following
subsections describe the phases in more detail. phases
in more detail.
2.1 Definition of Review Scope
The scope of the investigation was determined at the
start of the literature research. The taxonomy of Cooper
(Cooper 1988) was applied. as provided in the method-
ology of Brocke et al. (Brocke et al. 2009). The focal
points of the individual categories (1) Fo-cus, (2) Goal,
(3) Organisation, (4) Perspective, (5) Audience and (6)
Coverage are marked in grey in Table 1. The focus
was on the identification of existing PSS theories as
well as on the identification of research approaches to
PSS classification. The second characteristic dealt with
the goal of research, which focuses on the critical ex-
amination of existing PSS classification patterns. The
next characteristic describes the organisation of the re-
search, which was carried out conceptually. The litera-
ture was examined and presented for different con-
cepts. The literature research was performed from a
neutral perspective, which was not evaluated before-
hand. The fifth characteristic describes the audience,
which has, on the one hand, the scientific character
and, on the other hand, a benefit for practice. Moreo-
ver, a selective literature search was carried out, based
on a complete literature search, but only selected works
are dealt with in depth.
2.2 Conceptualisation of the Topic
In a first step, existing knowledge such as keywords,
approaches and concepts were generated and docu-
mented in line with the topic using the creativity
methods of brainstorming. The result is a quantitative
and disorganized collection of topic specific terms. In
the next step, a concept mapping was carried out,
whereby the contents from the brainstorming were
brought into a logical context.
2.3 Literature Search
The third phase of literature research deals with the
identification and evaluation of relevant literature.
Initially, the search was focused on journal and
conference papers. Professional books were also an el-
ementary part of the search. The Academic Journal
Guide (AJG) Ranking 2015 was used to identify high-
quality journals (Association of Business Schools
2015). The wide-ranging PSS topic was addressed with
a cross-divisional search of economic, technical and
strategic aspects. Journals of category 4 or 4* of the
AJG2015 evaluation, which are among the most
renowned journals of the respective research depart-
ments, were considered. The AJG was used to identify
16 relevant journals, which were then systematically
searched according to the following pattern:
Table 1: Applied taxonomy of Cooper (Cooper 1988).
(1) Focus
Research outcomes
Research methods
(2) Goal
Central Issues
(3) Organisation
(4) Perspective
Neutral representation
Espousal of position
(5) Audience
Specialised scholars
General scholars
General public
(6) Coverage
Exhaustive and selective
ICE-B 2019 - 16th International Conference on e-Business
The following search parameters and the search
process were standardised and applied to all literature
search operations for the purpose of comparability.
The study period ran from January 1995 to January
2018. The publications were searched by using the
English search string Product-Service System or PSS
respectively in combination with classification or
type in the title, keywords and abstract. The search
results were sorted by relevance and the first 100 re-
sults were analysed. The search results were evalu-
ated by a subsequent review of the abstracts in regard
to the PSS topic focusing on PSS classifica-tion. Once
a publication meets these criteria it has been consid-
ered for literature analysis. The literature search of the
16 identified AJG journals generated 114 results, of
which 13 articles were relevant and taken into ac-
count for the literature search.
The previous research work in the field of re-
nowned journals led to the identification of four suit-
able online databases in which a keyword search was
performed. These include Springer, ScienceDirect,
Emerald Insight and Web of Science. The search pa-
rameters and the search process were adopted from
the standardised journal search, expanded by the con-
cepts from the previous subsection and searched in
English and German form in the various databases:
First PSS as a fixed term, then in conjunction with the
search terms Classification, Synonym, Concept, Rele-
vance and Definition. Due to the overlaps from the
previous search in the area of journals as well as
within the four databases, only new literature was
considered. The database search enabled the identifi-
cation of 80 further publications consisting of journal
and conference papers as well as textbooks.
In addition, the literature search was extended by
a forward and backward search. The search was car-
ried out using ResearchGate, a kind of social network
for scientists, and Google Scholar, a specially de-
signed search engine for scientific documents. This
made it possible to increase the literature search by
another 32 to a total of 125 relevant publications.
2.4 Literature Analysis and Synthesis
This section has two key points: First, the 125 identi-
fied works from the literature search are examined in
detail, then the identified concepts from the second
subsection are compared with the identified works
from the previous section of the literature search.
The literature search carried out resulted in 125
literature works in the field of PSS. The majority of
the works (97) were published in English, 28 in Ger-
man. Most works were found in the ScienceDirect da-
tabase (36), followed by Springer (27), Emerald In-
sight (21), Google Scholar (18), ResearchGate (14)
and Web of Science (9). From the year 1999 to the
year 2017, at least one work was consistently consid-
ered. With 25 included publications from the year
2017, the relevance of the topic is also highlighted. In
quantitative terms, the works of the author Baines are
most frequently represented with five publications.
The authors Lightfoot, Nüttgens and Thomas are each
represented with four publications. In the category of
media types, 79 of the 125 works are papers in jour-
nals, 14 in conference papers, 25 in textbooks (mon-
ographs), four in individual sections in textbooks (an-
thologies) and three in doctoral theses. The publica-
tions were examined in detail by publishing company
as well as by journal. Eleven monographs and anthol-
ogies were published by Springer Gabler Verlag,
eight others by Springer Verlag and five publications
by Springer Vieweg Verlag. The remaining five
works were published by other publishers. In the area
of journals, 19 papers were published by the well-
known Journal of Cleaner Production and 13 papers
by the International Journal of Operations & Produc-
tion Management. The remaining publications are
distributed among other journals.
Afterwards the method of the Concept-Matrix, as
proposed by Brocke et al. (Brocke et al. 2009), was
used. With this in mind, the contents of the researched
literature were analysed in detail and assigned to the
various PSS concepts in the concept matrix. This ex-
tremely comprehensive overview was of funda-
mental importance for the further procedure, as im-
portant works could be identified in this way and dif-
ferent aspects of the concepts could be made visible.
2.5 Research Agenda
The literature search concludes with the formulation
of the research agenda. No literature could be identi-
fied that provided comprehensive coverage of the
manifold PSS concepts in adequate depth. Rather, the
concepts are only discussed individually or very su-
perficially. In addition, different concepts of several
authors have been identified in the field of classifica-
tion. In comparison to other concepts such as syno-
nyms or relevance, this topic is still underrepresented.
This reveals a research gap which will be investigated
in this paper. According to
the findings mentioned above, the literature search
leads to further potential research directions, which
will be dealt with in depth in the following research
RQ1: Which PSS classifications exist in the liter-
A Systematic Literature Review on Product-Service Systems Classifications and Types
RQ2: What do the PSS classifications have in
common and what are their differences?
RQ3: Derived from RQ2 what PSS types exist and
how are they described?
RQ4: Is it possible to summarize and compare the
PSS types on the basis of criteria?
In the following, the five identified PSS classifica-
tions of the respective authors are presented in chron-
ological order. Each classification contains at least
one PSS type, these types are also described in detail
in this section.
3.1 Classification According to Mont
Mont is one of the pioneers of the PSS research area.
Her work Clarifying the concept of product-service
system (Mont 2002), published in 2002, is the
foundation for further scientific work in the field of
PSS. One of the main components of her above
mentioned work is the classification of PSS. As can
be seen in Figure 1, the classification comprises five
elements from which the first PSS types are derived.
A PSS consists of products, services or a variable
combination of both elements. Services at the time of
sale include, for example, personal consultation in the
salesroom, financing offers for the customer, as well
as the product's explanation to the customer. There
are two concepts for the use of the products: On the
one hand, there is the (a) user oriented concept, in
which the customer derives the product benefit from
the product. On the other hand, there is the (b) result
oriented concept, in which the product benefit is made
possible for the customer by the product through the
provider. Maintenance services ensure that the prod-
uct is maintained and that its functions are properly
retained. In addition, it is possible to enhance the
product through function upgrades and thus extend
the product life cycle. The fifth element contains ser-
vices that are based on the concept of sustainability
and close the product-material lifecycle. These in-
clude the take-back of products, the re-use of func-
tional parts or recycling if re-use is not possible (Mont
With a focus on the classification of PSS types,
the third element of Monts classification is particu-
larly interesting. For the very first time, the two types
of use oriented and result oriented PSS are mentioned
there. In the context of her research, Mont does not
give any more detailed definitions of the two types
mentioned. However, it sets the basis for the PSS
types, which will be developed in the following years.
The classification of Tukker from the year 2004
presented in the following already draws on the pre-
paratory work of Mont from the year 2002.
3.2 Classification According to Tukker
In 2004, the Dutch researcher Tukker published the
paper Eight Types Of Product-Service System: Eight
Ways To Sustainability? Experiences From Sus-
ProNet (Tukker 2004) based on Mont's research. The
contained typology (see Figure 2) is a special form of
classification, which represents at the same time the
most common classification in the context of PSS re-
search (van Ostaeyen et al. 2013; Dimache und Roche
2013). Tukker sets PSS between pure product and
pure service. In between, Tukker defines three PSS
types. In addition to the use and result oriented PSS
already mentioned by Mont, Tukker introduces the
product oriented PSS type for the first time. In addi-
tion, Tukker divides the three PSS types into a total
of eight different sub-types, which he describes as
eight archetypal models. The use oriented PSS type is
divided into the three archetypal models product
Figure 1: PSS classification according to Mont (Mont, 2002).
ICE-B 2019 - 16th International Conference on e-Business
Figure 2: PSS classification according to Tukker (Tukker 2004).
lease, product renting/sharing and product pooling,
per service unit and functional result. Here it has to
be mentioned that the product share from the product
oriented to the use oriented up to the result oriented
PSS types successively decreases and the service
share increases in return (Tukker 2004). In the follow-
ing, the three PSS types and the eight archetypal mod-
els are described.
The product-oriented PSS concentrates on the sale of
products, which are additionally extended by individ-
ual services. Two archetypal models can be identified
(Tukker 2004):
Product related services: In addition to the sale of a
product, the customer is offered additional services that
are tailored to the product and serve to ensure usage.
These services range from maintenance contracts to the
delivery of consumables to the return of the product at
the end of its life cycle (Tukker 2004).
Advice and consultancy services: In addition to the
sale of the product, the supplier offers consulting servi-
ces to enable the customer the most efficient use of the
product. Examples of consulting services in this regard
are activities to improve the organisational structure or
to optimise logistical processes (Tukker 2004).
According to Tukker, the product still plays an im-
portant role in the benefit-oriented PSS, but the busi-
ness model is no longer focused exclusively on selling
the product, but on the use that can be generated from
the product. The supplier retains the ownership rights
and provides the product to different customer seg-
ments in different offering forms. Altogether three ar-
chetypes can be identified (Tukker 2004):
Product lease: During use, the product remains in
the ownership of the provider, who is also in charge of
maintenance, servicing, repair and inspection. The cus-
tomer is charged a fee for using the product on a regular
basis. In return, the customer receives an unlimited and
individual product usage opportunity (Tukker 2004).
Product renting/sharing: Similar to the lease offer,
the product remains in the ownership of the provider
during use, who is also accountable for maintenance,
servicing, repair and inspection. In the same manner,
the customer pays a fee to use the product. The main
difference to leasing is the scope of use. In this case the
use is limited in terms of time and not restricted to a
single individual. In other words, different users may
use the same product at different times (Tukker 2004).
Product pooling: This fifth archetype has identical
characteristics to the rental and sharing offer. The only
difference is the time of use. The product can be used
equally and at the same time by different numbers of
users (Tukker 2004).
With result-oriented PSS, the customer is not of-
fered a product for sale, but is offered a certain result
as a service, which the provider must fulfil. The pro-
vider is responsible for the manner in which the service
is fulfilled. Three archetypes can be determined (Tuk-
ker 2004):
Activity management/outsourcing: In this context,
parts of activities are outsourced to third parties. In or-
der to ensure a certain quality, performance indicators
are defined, which in many cases are contractual com-
ponents. This type can be found, for example, in the
cleaning or catering industry (Tukker 2004).
Pay per service unit: The product is the base that
the customer does not have to buy. Together with the
customer, a predefined performance is described,
which must be paid for according to the extent of use.
The provider is responsible for all activities required to
provide the performance. Charging is based on the ser-
vice unit being used (Tukker 2004).
Functional results: The provider commits to deliv-
ering a predefined result to the customer. The focus is
exclusively on achieving the result. How the provider
A Systematic Literature Review on Product-Service Systems Classifications and Types
achieves the result plays a minor role (Tukker 2004).
As mentioned at the beginning, the classification
according to Tukker is widely acknowledged in the
literature and thus represents the reference point for
further classifications in the field of PSS research (Di-
mache und Roche 2013).
3.3 Classification According to
Meier et al.
Almost simultaneously with Tukker, the German re-
searchers Meier et al. develop a similar understanding
of PSS. Their work Hybride Leistungsbündel (Meier
et al. 2005) appeared in 2005. Meier et al. describe a
further classification approach. This is aimed exclu-
sively at the B2B market and captures the perspective
of a manufacturing company. Meier et al. define a to-
tal of three PSS types that can be grouped between a
pure product and a pure service (Meier et al. 2005).
These characteristics can be found in Figure 3.
In the following, the three PSS types according to
Meier at al. are presented. In addition to use oriented
and result oriented PSS, which have already been
mentioned by Mont and described by Tukker, Meier
et al. coin the term function oriented PSS (Meier et al.
2005; Mont 2002; Tukker 2004):
Function oriented PSS: In addition to the sale of a
product, services are also provided in order to guar-
antee the functionality of the product over a certain
period of time. A meaningful example is a mainte-
nance contract for a production machine (Meier et al.
Use/Availability oriented PSS: This type guaran-
tees the customer a certain availability of the product.
The provider is involved in the customer's business
processes for the first time and thus partially bears the
production risk. This includes all processes, such as
maintenance or repair, in order to guarantee availabil-
ity. In a further publication, Meier et al. rename this
PSS type as availability oriented PSS (Meier et al.
2005; Meier und Uhlmann 2012).
Results oriented PSS: The supplier commits to the
customer to assume production responsibility for a
Figure 3: PSS classification according to Meier et al.,
certain result. Ultimately, only fault-free parts are in-
voiced between the supplier and the customer (Meier
et al. 2005).
The classification approach of Meier et al. has
parallels to Tukker's concept. A major difference,
however, is the focus on the B2B market.
3.4 Classification According to Neely
Three years after Meier et al. Neely, a renowned
researcher from Cambridge University, published the
work Exploring the financial consequences of the
servitization of manufacturing (Neely 2008). This
primarily focuses on the empirical investigation of the
practical implementation of the servitisation concept
of manufacturing companies by means of practice-
oriented company data. In this context, Neely
provides a classification of PSS. The three already
known PSS types product, use and result oriented PSS
are discussed and two new PSS types are addedNeely
thus elicits five different PSS types. in a
comprehensive way, which are illustrated in Figure 4
(Neely 2008).
The five PSS types are located between pure
product and pure service and are presented one after
the other as shown in the diagram.
Product-oriented PSS: The customer is the owner
of the product by purchasing the product. In addition,
services are offered that are specifically tailored to the
product. This includes, for example, design and de-
velopment services, installation and maintenance ser-
vices as well as material procurement services. Com-
pared to integration oriented PSS, product oriented
PSS means the product is supplemented by all ser-
vices that contribute to the use of the product (Neely
Service oriented PSS: As in the previous case, the
customer owns the product by purchasing it. A char-
acteristic feature of this PSS type is the inherent ser-
vice component contained in each product. This
means that value-adding additional services are in-
cluded as an integral part of the performance offer.
Neely cites the two examples of health monitoring
systems and intelligent vehicle health management.
Compared to product oriented PSS, the service ori-
ented PSS type includes the integrated combination
of product and service for the first time (Neely 2008).
Integration oriented PSS: Product acquisition
grants the customer ownership of the product. In ad-
dition to the product, services with vertical integra-
tion are offered. Consequently, the services offered
are not directly related to the product, which makes it
possible to distinguish them from product oriented
PSS. Examples are sales and distribution strategies,
ICE-B 2019 - 16th International Conference on e-Business
financial or consulting services and logistics services
(Neely 2008).
Use oriented PSS: This PSS type has already been
described by Tukker. The focus is increasingly on the
use generated by the product. As a result, the provider
usually retains ownership of the product and only
sells the use of the product to the customer through
various forms of offering such as rental, pooling or
lease offers (Neely 2008).
Results oriented PSS: The product is increasingly
being replaced by a service. In this context, no prod-
uct is sold to the customer, but a certain result is of-
fered as a service, which the provider must fulfil.
When the result is achieved, the customer pays a fixed
monetary amount in advance (Neely 2008).
Neely's research builds on Tukker's classification
and supplements it with two further PSS types that
enable a more specific differentiation from product-
related PSS (in the sense of close to pure products).
Figure 4: PSS classification according to Neely (2008).
3.5 Classification According to
Gassmann et al.
As already argued in the introduction, PSS can ulti-
mately be seen as a special form of a business model.
For this reason, identified literature in the area of
business model innovation that has interfaces with
PSS should be considered. One name that was found
during the research in this context is Gassmann. As
Professor of Innovation Management at the renowned
University of St. Gallen and Chairman of the Institute
of Technology Management, Gassmann is mainly fo-
cused on empirical research of business models. In
2013, together with his colleagues Frankenberger and
Csik, he first published the work The Business Model
Navigator: 55 Models That Will Revolutionise Your
Business (Gassmann et al. 2013). Meanwhile pub-
lished in its second edition, Gassmann et al. contains
55 existing business model models that classify about
90 percent of all new business models, including PSS
business models. This paper intends to describe these
business models and assign these to existing PSS
classifications. In contrast to Osterwalder and Pigneur
(Osterwalder und Pigneur 2010), Gassmann et al. de-
scribe a business model in four instead of nine dimen-
sions. These are visualised in the following Figure 5
(Gassmann et al. 2017).
The four dimensions of Gassmann et al.essen-
tially contain the same contents as those of Osterwal-
der and Pigneur and are only briefly explained:
Who are our target customers? The customer is
the focus of every business model, therefore the of-
fering company has to identify the relevant customer
segments (Gassmann et al. 2017).
What do we offer the customer? This dimension
describes the promise of benefits and values that is
offered to the customer to meet his needs (Gassmann
et al. 2017).
How do we create value proposition? This in-
cludes all processes and activities that a company
must carry out in order to fulfil its promise of benefits
and values (Gassmann et al. 2017).
How is the revenue created? The fourth dimen-
sion deals with financial aspects such as the cost
structure or turnover (Gassmann et al. 2017).
Figure 5: Business model classification according to
Gassmann et al., (2013).
The 55 identified business model patterns of the
St. Gallen Business Model Navigator are based on the
concretisation of the above questions. Each business
model pattern has specific characteristics with respect
to the four questions. Several types can be identified
in the field of PSS business models:
Business model pattern 20 Guaranteed Availa-
bility: The customer does not obtain any property
rights through the purchase of the product, instead re-
ceives a guaranteed availability and thus the use of
the product. This minimizes downtime costs, as these
are covered by the supplier through replacement
equipment, as well as repair and maintenance ser-
vices. By paying a fixed fee to the provider, the cus-
tomer receives all services necessary for the availa-
bility of the product. This pattern has parallels to Tuk-
kers archetype product lease (Gassmann et al. 2017).
A Systematic Literature Review on Product-Service Systems Classifications and Types
Business model pattern 35 Pay per use: This pat-
tern is defined in analogy to Tukkers archetype Pay
per service unit. According to this, the customer is
only charged for the effective use of a product, i.e. the
actually consumed service units. This principle en-
sures a high level of cost transparency for both the
customer and the provider.(Gassmann et al. 2017).
Business model pattern 38 Performance-based
contracting: This pattern is a result-oriented pattern.
The customer does not pay for ownership of the prod-
uct, but on the basis of a service measured by a spe-
cific result. The supplier receives a fixed monetary
amount and in return the supplier bears all cost items
such as operating, maintenance and repair costs of the
product. In contrast to pattern 35 above, the number of
product uses for the manufacture of a service unit is not
crucial. Achieving the pre-agreed result is the ultimate
objective. A characteristic of this pattern are so-called
operator models, in which the product and the operator
personnel are to be assigned to the supplier. Similarly,
this pattern can be assigned to Tukker's archetype func-
tional results (Gassmann et al. 2017).
Business model pattern 40 Rent instead of buy:
Instead of purchasing products, the focus here is on
product benefits through rental concepts. Due to a
more short-term rental price, the customer can gain
access to products for which acquisition costs could
not be covered. Compared to product acquisition, the
provider can access greater sales potential. In terms
of ownership rights, this model is comparable to
model 35, as only temporary ownership is assured. If
the parallel to Tukker is drawn, this design corre-
sponds to the archetype product renting/ sharing of-
fer.(Gassmann et al. 2017).
Business model pattern 47 Solution provider:
The supplier provides a customer-specific total solu-
tion consisting of product and service. Services in-
clude, for example, consulting services or the provi-
sion of consumables and spare parts. Tukkers arche-
type outsourcing comes close to this pattern
(Gassmann et al. 2017).
This section presents the results of literature research
on PSS classifications. The findings are presented in
two subsections. First, a condensed presentation and
classification of the individual classification ap-
proaches and their characteristics is given. This is fol-
lowed by the main part of the results, which repre-
sents the consolidation of the PSS types. These are
derived from the respective classifications and are
placed in a logical context.
4.1 Comparison of the
Classification Models
The Swedish researcher Mont was the first person
who published a scientific paper on PSS classification
in 2002. She focused on a broad approach, represent-
ing PSS concepts rather than PSS types to be consid-
ered separately. Moreover, she first mentions the two
PSS types use oriented and result oriented, but does
not specify them. Two years later the Dutch re-
searcher Tukker wrote a paper which classifies PSS
between pure product and pure service for the first
time. At the same time he describes three PSS types,
the two known types of Mont are extended by the
product oriented type. In addition, he subdivides his
three PSS types by eight so-called archetypes, which
allow a more detailed description. After a short time
the German researchers of Meier et al. publish a paper
which deals with a further PSS classification. The
special characteristic, the PSS classification is specif-
ically designed for the B2B market. In this context,
they also introduced the function oriented type. In a
later publication in 2012, he renamed the type use ori-
ented to availability oriented and redefines it. In 2008,
the British researcher Neely published an empirical
study focusing on the implementation of servitisation
in manufacturing companies. He also presents a PSS
classification based on numerous practical examples
from industry. In addition to the three known PSS
types, he introduces the service-oriented and integra-
tion-oriented PSS types. Since PSS can also be seen
as a special form of a business model, the publication
of Gassmann et al. in 2013 is to be brought into con-
nection. Five of the 55 business model patterns by
Gassmann et al. show strong parallels to five arche-
types by Tukker. In summary, the PSS classification
has continuously been developed from theory and
aligned with practice. Several points of view (holistic,
B2B market) have been taken into account and vari-
ous PSS types have been derived. These are the sub-
ject of the following section.
4.2 Consolidation of the PSS Types
This subsection contains a consolidation of the PSS
types used in the literature, which have also been ex-
tended to include the business model patterns from sec-
tion 3.5. The previous PSS classification approaches
are consolidated in Figure 6 and provide an overview
of the PSS classification types in literature. This clearly
illustrates the relationship between the PSS types and
Gassmann's business model patterns. Between pure
product and pure service, these business model patterns
tend to be characterized by a high share of service.
ICE-B 2019 - 16th International Conference on e-Business
In addition to the consolidation of PSS a further
classification between pure product and pure service
is carried out. This tabular representation contains a
generally valid definition, a meaningful example, as
well as the corresponding source of the individual
PSS types. The elements listed above are displayed in
Table 2. This table summarizes for the first time all
PSS types commonly used in the literature and pro-
vides the reader with a general overview.
The differentiation and separation of the individ-
ual PSS types appears complex, for this reason a fur-
ther tabular illustration should help. This section is
completed by a comparison of the introduced PSS
types listed and analysed below, taking various PSS
characteristics into account. The comparison is based
on the following characteristics: Responsibility for
application, affiliation of application employees,
ownership, initiation of services, affiliation of service
employees and revenue model (Leimeister 2015). The
Table 3 is to be used for this purpose. The PSS
type (4) use oriented has the following characteristics.
The customer is responsible for the application and
provides the corresponding application personnel.
The provider has the rights of ownership, initiates ser-
vices and provides the corresponding service person-
nel. Costs are charged for the period used.
Figure 6: Consolidation of the identified PSS types from the literature.
Table 2: Comparison of the identified PSS types from the literature.
(1) Product and
function oriented
(2) Service
(3) Integration
(4) Use oriented
(5) Availability
(6) Result
In addition to the
sale of products,
services are of-
fered which guar-
antee and extend
the functionality
of the product.
The sold
product con-
tains an in-
herent ser-
vice compo-
In addition to the
sale of the prod-
uct, services are
offered that ena-
ble vertical inte-
gration and do not
represent a direct
reference to the
Instead of sell-
ing the product,
the use of the
product is sold
over a specific
time period
The use of the
product is also
in the fore-
ground, addi-
tionally an
agreed availa-
bility of the
product is
Instead of product
acquisition, a spe-
cific result is of-
fered as a service
Maintenance con-
tract for a ma-
chine, supply of
health man-
agement sys-
Consulting or lo-
gistics services
that extend be-
yond product us-
Leasing or
rental offer of a
motor vehicle
availability of a
Provision of print-
ing equipment,
charging based on
printed pages
(Tukker 2004)
(Meier et al.
(Neely 2008)
(Neely 2008)
(Neely 2008)
(Mont 2002)
(Tukker 2004)
(Neely 2008)
(Meier und
Uhlmann 2012)
(Meier et al.
(Mont 2002)
(Tukker 2004)
(Meier et al. 2005)
(Neely 2008)
A Systematic Literature Review on Product-Service Systems Classifications and Types
Table 3: Characteristics of the identified PSS types.
(1) Product and
function ori-
(2) Service
(3) Integra-
tion oriented
(4) Use ori-
(5) Availability
(6) Result
for application
Affiliation of
Initiation of
Affiliation of
service em-
By order
By order
By order
By time pe-
By availability
By result
In summary, we can state that we can answer the ini-
tial question (RQ1) comprehensively. Out of the ex-
tensive literature research 125 publications were
identified and examined for classification, five differ-
ent approaches could be identified. This article offers
a clearly structured presentation of the individual PSS
classifications (RQ2). The majority of authors clas-
sify PSS between pure product and pure service. One
author primarily describes PSS concepts from theory,
others base their work on empirical studies with prac-
tical relevance, while others refer the PSS classifica-
tion exclusively to the B2B market. A generally ac-
cepted classification does not exist in this context, but
Tukker's work is widely acknowledged (Haase et al.
2017; Dimache und Roche 2013). In other respects,
parallels between PSS and business models have been
demonstrated. Each of the listed classifications con-
tains different PSS types (RQ3). In total, this research
enabled us to determine six different forms of PSS
types - described in the individual sections. In order
to complement this, specific forms of business model
patterns were examined for PSS content-related is-
sues. We also found five business model patterns sim-
ilar to PSS types. In a next step we succeeded in con-
solidating the identified PSS types (RQ4). In doing
so, the five business model patterns mentioned were
assigned to the PSS types. An overview table com-
pares the six PSS types. The consolidated types are
described and illustrated by a practical example. The
types are specified in a further table. There, the char-
acteristics of the PSS types are described in detail us-
ing six variables. This table shows the similarities as
well as the differences of the six mentioned PSS
types. Overall, the four research questions presented
at the entrance to this paper are answered.
This research, however, is subject to limitations.
Another PSS classification was found based on a dif-
ferent approach. The PSS classification action by van
Ostaeyen et al. (van Ostaeyen et al. 2013) uses a dif-
ferent procedure which does not allow a comparison
with the approaches explained in this paper. There-
fore, and for reasons of complexity, this approach is
not the subject of this research. A further limitation is
given by the lack of document access, as well as by
the selection of the database and the search scope.
Furthermore, the practicability of identified classifi-
cations can neither be confirmed nor criticized.
As already mentioned at the beginning, digitalisa-
tion will continue to progress. Therefore, further re-
search activities in the field of digital business models
or business models with PSS character is essential.
The present work with the literature research on the
subject of PSS is a precious foundation. The identi-
fied and described PSS types are very helpful to de-
velop a general understanding of the multi-layered
PSS topic. Changing the perspective from theory to
practice, we then plan to develop a PSS classification
framework that will enable us to analyse successful
ICE-B 2019 - 16th International Conference on e-Business
companies on the basis of defined characteristics. In
this way, success factors can be deduced. Moreover,
the PSS classification identified in RQ1 but not inves-
tigated shall be examined (having RQ2 in mind).
The Research Project “Use-PSS” is part of the focal
point of support “Middle Class Digital Strategies
for a Digital Transformation of Business Processes”
of the German Ministry of Economics and Energy
(BMWi). This support campaign was assigned to
push the digitalization of small and medium sized en-
terprises and craft businesses.
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ICE-B 2019 - 16th International Conference on e-Business