the current CNC operation, but in the future, an CNC
interpreter could analyse the motion sequence of the
tool and allow the system to support the operator and
process designer. The operator would for example be
able to simulate the process with a virtual tool and real
workpiece, real tool and virtual workpiece, or with
both a virtual tool and virtual workpiece. This could
be powerful in online programming, providing a safe
and direct mechanism for iterative program
development with real-time visual feedback. The
simulator would also save time since the operator
could jump to any part of the program, having the
ability to fast forward or reverse the process.
The interpreter would be useful for real-time
operation, making it possible to visually indicate the
past and future trajectory of the real tool using motion
vectors. The operator could thus easily see the tool’s
expected position for a few seconds ahead of time. By
visualizing the complete tool trajectory of the
program, we could increase safety, by visually
making sure that the tool does not exceed any
geometrical bounds.
The authors would like to thank the INTERREG V A
de la Grande Région for the support of the depicted
research within the PRODPILOT project. The authors
also thank Dropslab Technologies for providing the
HoloConnector platform and the invaluable
discussions, suggestions and technical assistance with
the industrial implementation.
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