Data Mining using Morlet Wavelets for Financial Time Series
Reginald Bolman and Thomas Boucher
Department of Mathematics, Texas A&M University-Commerce, 2200 Campbell St, Commerce TX, U.S.A.
Morlet Wavelets, Financial Time Series Datasets, Datamining, Financial Time Series Analysis, Wavelet
Analysis, Time Series Power Comparison.
Wavelets are a family of signal processing techniques which have a growing popularity in the artificial in-
telligence community. In particular, Morlet wavelets have been applied to neural network time series trend
prediction, forecasting the effects of monetary policy, etc. In this paper, we discuss the application of Morlet
wavelets to discover the morphology of a time series cyclical components and the unsupervised data mining
of financial time series in order to discover hidden motifs within the data. To perform the analysis of a given
time series and form a comparison between the morphologies this paper proposes the implementation of the
“Bolman Time Series Power Comparison” algorithm which will extract the pertinent time series motifs from
the underlying dataset.
Wavelet methods have seen popular application to
many different fields in computer science, engineer-
ing and mathematics to solve a wide range of prob-
lems. Most recently, wavelets have seen their applica-
tion to econometric time series forecasting, analyzing
the effects of monetary policy and modeling econo-
metric dynamics due in part to their ability to decom-
pose a signal into its respective time series compo-
nents. Considering how economics exhibit chaotic
dynamics and are complex systems with potentially
tens or hundreds of interacting variables at differing
time scales, wavelet methods have therefore become
an invaluable analysis tool for financial time series in-
In the realm of individual investors and institu-
tional trading the “rule of 4” is common in the indus-
try; a trade entry/exit strategy based on position time
frames which are a multiple of 4. A trader might plan
trades on a daily horizon and since there are 8 hours in
a trading day the trader would position himself based
on a 2 hour time interval and judge entry/exit signals
based on 60 minute intervals. Hence, planning hori-
zons are an integral component to trading market se-
curities and the success of such a trading strategy is
in many instances dependent on the optimization of
these trading intervals. Therefore, It’s not surprising
that financial time series in aggregate across millions
of traders exhibit wildly different behavior based on
which time frame is being analyzed.
Wavelets are a multi-resolution decomposition
technique and when applied to econometric data, pro-
vide insight into variables who’s relationships change
across time scales and are therefore perfectly suited
to the analysis of financial time series. Wavelets can
visualize the dynamic market activity of both high
and low frequency events which manifest themselves
from homogeneous individual short term investors
looking to profit from temporary herd behavior in
the market to long term investors who seek to build
wealth based on analyzing fundamental market rela-
tionships and investing accordingly. In turn, this com-
bination of long and short term investors creates a
complex market relationship which becomes difficult
if not impossible to analyze using more traditional lin-
ear models.
Fourier analysis of market dynamics has now be-
come ubiquitous in the realm of institutional investing
and has led to significant research into the fields of
applying control systems theory to the realm of mar-
ket trading. While Fourier analysis can decompose an
underlying process into both time and frequency do-
mains, wavelets offer a significant improvement over
the traditional Fourier analysis by allowing for the de-
composition of time series into frequency and scale-
specific variance. For example, wavelets show in-
creased power at low scales (high frequencies) during
periods of high market volatility. Wavelets likewise
highlight the changing structure of a time series mor-
phology since a market changing from bullish to bear-
ish (or vice versa) would result in a change of variance
Bolman, R. and Boucher, T.
Data Mining using Morlet Wavelets for Financial Time Series.
DOI: 10.5220/0007922200740083
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications (DATA 2019), pages 74-83
ISBN: 978-989-758-377-3
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
across frequencies manifesting in the wavelet itself.
Hence, the wavelet is able to encapsulate both the
trend and cyclical components of a time series as well
as highlight the intensity of any given point along the
time series itself which in turn would be motifs that
one would be interested in extracting from said time
series. Further, it should be noted that many wavelets
can handle data which is sparse in nature thus circum-
venting problems with traditional non-linear regres-
sion techniques such as LOESS which requires hun-
dreds to thousands of datapoints in order to build a
sufficient model or filter techniques which require at
least tens of datapoints in order to build a sliding win-
Traditional approaches to statistical modeling and
analysis of econometric data are handled merely with
a simple autoregressive framework. A nice exam-
ple of this comes from the work of S.M. Fahimifard compared non-linear neural network models
with more traditional ARIMA and GARCH models
in an analysis of daily Iran/Rial and Iran/USD indexes
for two, four, and six day forecasts. Fahimifard found
that non-linear neural network models outperformed
traditional linear models and that GARCH outper-
formed ARIMA. Although, ARIMA and GARCH are
invaluable for an analysis of time series, when ap-
proaching financial time series in particular, the ev-
idence demonstrates that non-linear methods tend to
provide more accurate information (Fahimifard et al.,
2009). Additionally, ARCH/GARCH and ARIMA
models are computationally intensive and are not de-
signed to analyze thousands of macro-economic time
Although non-linear models such as neural net-
works can in many instances obtain a higher pre-
dictive value than ARIMA, neural networks do not
provide any qualitative information about whether or
not the regression model (neural network models be-
ing sophisticated mathematical equivalents of projec-
tion pursuit regression models) generated by the neu-
ral network is legitimate from base principals. Neu-
ral network techniques merely produce a “black box”
output where in many instances the model inputs,
stochastic model assumptions and design might be
just as critical to the investigation in question (Huang
et al., 1992). For example, while some research
groups find marginal gains over ARIMA for econo-
metric modeling via implementation of neural net-
works such as the work of Choudhary (Choudhary
and Haider, 2012), Choudhary doesn’t explain why
a 12 layer neural network model is somehow superior
to an 11 layer or 13 layer neural network model from
base principals - even if this was the case - it’s highly
unlikely that there would exist any econometric rea-
soning behind NN procedures such as “early stop”,
“flattening”, etc. as well as data preprocessing steps
which are often required for a given neural network
to function properly. Finally, ARCH/GARCH mod-
els as well as many generalized non-linear models re-
quire certain stochastic assumptions such as station-
arity - even if one was to apply a differencing scheme
to econometric data in order to force stationarity, the
results of such data pre-processing might be spurious
(Leybourne et al., 1996).
Another method of analysis for time series events
(which can be extended to macro-economic anlaysis
as well) would be what is termed the “state-space” or
frequency domain models. One of the most popular
state-space analysis tool in the industry is the ubiqui-
tous Fourier transform technique; John Ehlers in his
work (Ehlers, 2007) unequivocally demonstrates how
one can use the Fourier transform for predicting and
modeling stock index behavior. The main downside
however is that the Fourier transform output relies on
the users choice of the number of bins which the fre-
quency is partitioned into and the windowing func-
tion for smoothing the input signal. Due to the fact
that stock indexes tend to exhibit wide interclass vari-
ation it becomes impossible to create a meaningful
comparison of the behavior of thousands of stocks
since each individual stock needs its own window-
ing and partitioning parameters and obviously leads
economists to call into question the parameterization
of each individual model should such a comparison
be attempted. More importantly, Ehlers demonstrates
in his work that the DFT technique does not have
enough resolution to identify closely spaced macroe-
conomic events. Concerning state-space models such
as wavelets, an intriguing analysis of the relationship
between how econometric variables change with re-
spect to time was performed by Gallegati and Ram-
sey who posits that econometric variables may be cast
as having endogenous and exogenous variables who’s
terms are dependent on a scale component. Utiliz-
ing the maximal overlap discrete wavelet (MODWT)
Gallegati shows that the D1, D2 components reflect
the short term dynamic components of a given index
while the D3, D4 MODWT wavelet components re-
flect standard business cycle components of the un-
derlying data while the smoothed S4 components of
a wavelet are directly related to the long term mar-
ket dynamics. Gellegati demonstrates that current
monetary policy as measured by interest rates was
negatively related to the short term wavelet compo-
Data Mining using Morlet Wavelets for Financial Time Series
nents while positively related to the long term D4,
S4 wavelet components. Gellegati also shows how
the shape of the yield curve is positively related to
the short term D1, D2 wavelet components and con-
versely how the long term D4, S4 wavelet compo-
nents exhibit a negative relationship with the shape
of the yield curve (Gallegati et al., 2014).
Luis Aguiar-Conraira utilized cross wavelet
tools such as wavelet-coherence, wavelet power spec-
trum and wavelet phase difference in their analysis
of macro-economic variables such as interest. Con-
raira demonstrates that “the great moderation” (reduc-
tion in observed production volatility) began in 1950
not in 1980, as had been previously assumed and that
the volatility was only temporarily revived by the “oil
crisis” of 1970 at business cycle frequencies. Using
the cross wavelet, Conraira further shows that macro-
economic variables and monetary policy variables has
evolved over the course of time and is far from ho-
mogeneous at different frequencies. As an example,
Conraira shows that interest rates react pro-cyclically
with business cycles and general inflation where the
lower frequency components worked to dampen infla-
tion during the 1970’s and 1980s. Interestingly, Con-
raira shows that interest rates reacted to the industrial
production rate of the 1950’s in 2-4 year cycles and
showed the reverse behavior during the 1980’s; in-
creased interest rates were seemingly correlated with
economically recessionary effects (Aguiar-Conraria
et al., 2008).
More recently, Huang Cho., L, & Han showed that
Morlet wavelets could be utilized in the construction
of “Morlet kernel” support vector machines which
could adequately forecast financial time series when
applied to the NASDAQ composite index. Huang
showed that, when compared with a Gaussian ker-
nel and polynomial kernel, the Morlet wavelet kernel
was able to produce better predictive results (Huang
et al., 2012). Thus, it’s not entirely unexpected that
one should be able to use Morlet wavelets in order to
datamine time series for pertinent motifs.
Once features have been extracted from a dataset
using datamining, the application of clustering algo-
rithms can partition a “feature domain” (set of ex-
tracted features from a given dataset) into various
groups which may yield interesting information upon
inspection; the primary idea being that if we organize
data pieces into homogeneous groups, in such a man-
ner as to exaggerate “out of group” differences and
minimize within-group-object similarity, one is then
able to visually obtain useful information about the
spectrum of exhibited behaviors in a given dataset.
Clustering of course being primarily a tool utilized
when the data in question doesn’t yield easily to tra-
ditional ranking and ordering schemes/methodologies
and thus more “symbolic” measures need to be taken
in order to produce pertinent information from a
datasaet. Symeonidis, P., Iakovidou, N., Mantas,
N.,& Manolopoulos, provide an example of utilizing
link-based clustering in the analysis of protein-protein
interaction networks. Symeonidis, P., Iakovidou, N.,
Mantas, N.,& Manolopoulos, also examine the usage
of link-based clustering to social media applications.
Symeonidis, P., Iakovidou finds that by utilizing the
eigenvectors of the normalized Laplacian matrix one
can enhance the results found by multi-way spectral
clustering (Symeonidis et al., 2013).
Likewise, clustering finds many applications to
the field of health research. It was shown by Richette
et al. that different phenotypes in patients can be
identified utilizing cluster analysis of gout comor-
bidities among a patient sample group. Utilizing a
cross-sectional multi-center study of 2763 gout pa-
tients Richette et al. were able to show that gout pa-
tients fall into five basic clusters. Thus, cluster anal-
ysis is integral in finding behavioral patterns which
emerge in unusual and unpredictable ways in a given
data sample. (Richette et al., 2015).
In order to improve on previous research into the
analysis of econometric data, this paper investigates a
methodological synthesis of the cluster analysis tech-
niques utilizing Morlet wavelets that we refer to as
the BTSPC (Bolman Time Series Power Comparison)
process. BTSP will create a mapping of the trading
behavior intensity across all frequency ranges (avoid-
ing the problems associated with traditional Fourier
analysis techniques) in order to examine how this
behavior evolves across a given industry and allow
one to make predictions about future trading behav-
ior. The BTSPC will provide a spatio-temporal break-
down of the behavior of the resulting Morlet wave-
form which will in turn provide information about
how a given time series behaves. Finally, upon clus-
tering the resulting BTSPC data, we expect to see
markets which behave similarly together to cluster
with one another and vice versa.
3.1 Morlet Wavelets
In an attempt to develop new tools to analyze seismic
data the Morlet wavelet was created in order to de-
velop a correct representation of images created via
backscatter energy. The primary problem being how
to recover the high frequency signal components at
appropriate resolutions over a given time interval.
DATA 2019 - 8th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
(ω) = e
Which satisfies the conditions ˜g(0) = 0 and the corre-
sponding inverse Fourier transform of the form:
(t) = e
Which satisfies the conditions of being abso-
lutely integrable as well as square integrable. The
Fourier transform ˜g(ω) of g such that ˜g(ω) =
g(t)d t is real and the low frequency
components of ˜g(ω) is sufficiently small around ω = 0
such that the piecewise assumption:
< (3)
Where the practical parameter of β has been found to
be = 5.336. Given a square integrable complex-valued
function f (t) and a complex valued function L
f func-
tion of two real variables the following x,y :
x,y 6= 0 there exists :
f )(x, y) =
x t
) f (t)dt (4)
Thus, for a fixed y 6= 0, the function (L
f )(x, y) is
a convolution of f with the dilated wavelet (D
g)(t) =
). Where |y|
is a parameter which in-
sures that the dilated wavelet D
g has the same total
energy as the function g itself i.e.:
dt =
dt (5)
Thus, D
g corresponds to a transformation which ef-
fectively shifts down a waveform to half speed or
equivalently shifting it down by an octave. The voice
transformation of f with respect to g obtained by the
transform by logarithmically shifting the scale in
the dilation parameters while making adjustments to
the normalizations. Then define:
f )(x, u) =
(x t)) f (t)dt (6)
f )(x, u) =
(x t)) f (t)dt (7)
As the voice transformations of f with respect to g.
Now since convolutions go into multiplication under
Fourier transform the from the previous equations one
then can arrive at:
f )(x, y) =
f (ω)dω (8)
f )(x, u) =
f (ω)dω (9)
f )(x, u) =
f (ω)dω (10)
f )(v,y) =
g(v ty) f (t)dt (11)
Where equation (18) is obtained via the transforma-
tion defined by : y y
and x
into equation
(11) where x is then replaced with a rescaled time pa-
rameter v = x/y which is a function which attempts
to represent the measurements of time for a given “lo-
cal cycle”. Finally, the Morlet wavelet transform is
obtained analogously to the voice transform:
f )(v,u) =
g(v 2
t) f (t)dt (12)
f )(v,u) =
g(v + 2
t) f (t)dt (13)
Where Ψ
are commonly referred to in the litera-
ture as the “cyclo-octave” transformations on g. Thus,
upon application of the transformation of the Morlet
wavelet transform one is able to acquire a visual rep-
resentation of the power levels in a given signal. The
Morlet waveform graphic can be utilized in a number
of different ways, self-repeating waveform patterns
are indicative of cyclic behaviors at different resolu-
tions. Further, an increase in power levels is an indi-
cation of increased trading behavior (aka volatility),
econometric intensity, etc. thus in essence, the Mor-
let wavelet transform essentially encapsulates self re-
peating financial time series market volatility as well
as sporadic market volatility at a fundamental level
(Goupillaud et al., 1984).
3.2 Bolman Time Series Power
In this paper we introduce the Bolman Time Series
Power Comparison algorithm. The Bolman Time Se-
ries Power Comparison algorithm (BTSPC) is as fol-
lows: Let L represent the set of power levels created
by the Morlet wavelet waveform. Feature extraction
is fairly straightforward given the array L:
L =
... l
... l
... l
One then is able to extract the average power compo-
nents at each frequency range to construct the array
= [α
] for i = 1, 2,..., N where i repre-
sents each index one is interested in examining and α
represents the average power component over a given
frequency range with time n = 1, 2,.. .,N. One can
Data Mining using Morlet Wavelets for Financial Time Series
then build an array consisting of each index’s individ-
ual power components γ
such that:
Γ = [γ
] (15)
With this information one can create a dissimilarity
matrix based on the pointwise distances between each
element contained within each vector γ
. If a given
time series is similar to another their average power
components over the same frequency range will like-
wise be similar. Thus, each individual vector γ
as a motif representing the intensity at each individual
frequency i.e. 2 day trading intervals, 5 day trading
intervals, etc. In other words, when the dissimilarity
matrix is created from Γ, one is essentially creating a
comparison for the trading behavior across each time
interval and across all frequency ranges.
3.3 Frechet Distance
The Frechet distance is a measurement used specifi-
cally for time series analysis in order to analyze the
distance between curves by taking into account the
order of the points along a given curve itself. Given
a metric space S and a set of points along a curve A
which acts as a continuous map from the unit inter-
val to S i.e. A : [0,1] S. Let there exist a repa-
rameterization of [0, 1] by a, then a would necessarily
be a continuous non-decreasing and surjective map
a[0,1] [0,1]. Given two curves (pertinent motifs
in the case of a time series) A and B and their respec-
tive reparameterizations a and b the Frechet distance
would be defined as:
D(a,b) = in f [max
d(A(a), B(b))
] (16)
where in f is the infimum over all parameterizations
of a, b on [0, 1] of t [0,1] of the distance S be-
tween the given distances A(a(t)) and B(b(t)). The
purpose of the Frechet distance is to take into consid-
eration the flow of a given curve across a time series,
in this instance we are talking about the position of
the motifs which would be extracted from the time
series itself. Note that due to the fact that the Frechet
distance takes into consideration the flow of a given
curve it has been shown to produce better results than
the Hausdorf distance for an arbitrary set of points and
is therefore used in artificial intelligence applications
(Dowson and Landau, 1982).
3.4 Complete Linkage Clustering
Once the dissimilarity matrix for the extracted fea-
tures has been created, one can apply complete link-
age clustering in order to find how each feature be-
haves in relation to other features. Common linkage
clustering being an agglomerative hierarchical clus-
tering technique which sequentially combines indi-
vidual element clusters into larger cluster groups as
one moves up the hierarchy. The clusters created by
complete-linkage method can then be visualized with
a dendrogram or heat map by extension. CLC algo-
rithm can be expressed efficiently: Given a fuzzy rela-
tion X = {i|i = 1,.. .,N} R where R is the member-
ship function which evaluates a pair (i, j) to a given
“grade of dissimilarity” such that R(i, j) [0,]. Be-
ginning with all points being disjoint clusters we find
the similar pairs k and s based on the dissimilarity cri-
terion across all fuzzy relation pairs (i, j):
R(k, s) = max{D(i, j)} (17)
Where D(i, j) is the distance function between the
fuzzy relations. Then we merge the current fuzzy re-
lation clusters k and s. One updates the dissimilarity
matrix containing all of the relations by deleting all
columns and rows with (k) and (s) and creating a new
row/column (k,s) containing the distance information
corresponding to the newly formed cluster where the
distance relationship is defined by:
R[t,(k,s)] = max{D[(t),(k)]},max{D[(t),(s)]} (18)
Where t is the old cluster. If all objects are in
one cluster then we stop, otherwise we go back to
step 2 until the iterative algorithm is satisfied (Defays,
Stock data was obtained for various companies be-
longing to the gold mining sector i.e. AUY (Ya-
mana Gold), BTG (B2Gold Corp), CDE (Coeur Min-
ing Co.), AKG (Asanko gold), EGO (Eldorado Gold
corp) and GG (Goldcorp inc.) in order to determine
whether there exists underlying features which man-
ifest themselves across the industry as comovement
within the Morlet waveforms. One of the interesting
qualities of the Morlet waveform is that it does not
require the assumption of stationarity in order to an-
alyze a given index thus, there isn’t any extra need
for data processing apart from normalization. Log
normalization is a recommended procedure for many
different data mining tasks and is essential for data
mining financial time series when one is interested in
comparing motifs and is therefore used in this par-
ticular experiment (otherwise the results would be
skewed). Average power motifs are extracted se-
quentially from the Morlet waveforms at each fre-
quency level in accordance with the BTSPC algorithm
DATA 2019 - 8th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
whereby the motifs are clustered based on their re-
spective Frechet distance dissimilarity matrix using
the common linkage clustering algorithm.
As seen in Figure 1, beginning the analysis with the
gold mining stocks AUY, BTG, CDE, one will im-
mediately recognize that there is a bearish region of
high volatility between 2008 and 2009 which corre-
sponds to the Great Recession. AUY, BTG, CDE re-
cover slightly going into 2010 but then experience a
slow market decline following 2013. Likewise, it is
seen that AUY, BTG, CDE all experience a region
of high volatility and high frequency events similarly
manifesting itself within the Morlet wavelet power
distribution graphs corresponding to the 2008 market
crash in Figures 2 and 3. AUY, BTG and CDE make
a dramatic recovery around 2016 (practically 250%
rise in the case of CDE) which is then reflected in
Morlet waveform graphs as high power events across
the lower and middle frequencies. This behavior of
course tapers off as the market finds resistance and the
Morlet wavelet graphs shift to a lower power level.
Figure 1: Log Normalized Time Series AUY,BTG,CDE.
Similarly to how AUY, BTG, CDE behave, AKG,
EGO and GG in Figure 4 all show a decline in stock
value after 2012 and also exhibit a dip around the
2008. The 2008 decline is most likely indicative of
the effects of the “Great Recession” along with a re-
sulting industry-wide market cool down period fol-
lowing this event. Likewise, AKG, EGO and GG all
exhibit regions of high volatility around the 500 in-
Figure 2: Morlet wavelet power distribution for AUY and
Figure 3: Morlet wavelet power distribution for CDE and
dex point which directly corresponds to the dramatic
market dip in Figures 3 and 5.
Note that the volatility and high power level re-
gion around index 500 for AKG, EGO and GG is
contrasted with marked decrease in power levels dur-
ing the slight recovery period between 2009 and 2010.
The shift in volatility after index 1000 shows that the
market experiences long periods of cyclic downturn
(illustrated by the long bands of high intensity power
between periods 64 and 120 for indexes 1500-2500).
Periods 64 and 120 correspond to the bimonthly and
quarterly business cycles of these respective firms.
The long term trading behavior illustrate that the com-
panies were perceived by investors as being worth less
each consecutive quarter; either shorting the market
(long term) or closing their investments.
Data Mining using Morlet Wavelets for Financial Time Series
Figure 4: Log normalized Time Series AKG, EGO, GG.
Figure 5: Morlet Wavelet power distribution for EGO and
After extracting the Morlet wavelet power distri-
bution, the average power over the frequency domain
can be found which is illustrated in Figures 6 and 7.
Surprisingly, it’s clear that the average power in the
frequency domain of the stock indexes EGO and AUY
are almost identical. BTG’s power curve is similar to
either AUY or CDE depending on whether the dip at
index 60 skews the results. It’s hard to discern off
hand where AKG lies with respect to the other power
curves since it’s moving in a more horizontal manner
than GG between the indexes 0-50. AKG appears to
have more volatility than EGO and AUY. This val-
idates our BTSPC algorithm due to the fact that if
stock indexes are more similar to one another then
their power curves will also be similar. In order to
Figure 6: Morlet Wavelet average power at each index of
gold stocks.
measure the amount of similarity between the behav-
ior of a given time series one could sequentially sub-
sample the power curve at a given interval and mea-
sure the distances between each point for a given in-
After applying the BTSPC algorithm and finding
the dissimilarity matrix based on the Frechet distances
we then apply the common linkage clustering algo-
rithm. Clustering of the BTSPC data dissimilarity
matrix based on common-linkage method can be seen
in Figure 8. The clustering dendrogram tree shows
two primary clusters forming within the data AUY,
EGO and GG. AUY, EGO and GG are shown to cre-
ate a behavioral block contrasted with the behavior
exhibited by BTG, CDE and AKG. Within the first
cluster it is shown that GG behaves independently
to EGO and AUY which is not surprising consider-
ing the dip at index 45 and 65 in GG’s power curve.
Examining the second cluster family, BTG forms a
small cluster with CDE, whereas AKG is left entirely
alone since it is the most dissimilar power distribu-
tion curve. The most similar indexes according to
their average power distributions are AUY, EGO and
surprisingly GG, which form a nice block with one
another. AKG and CDE are shown as the most dis-
similar elements within the sample. Lastly, one can
see that BTG lies at a nice intermediate position be-
tween the behavior of the other indexes which is not
surprising considering the average power distribution
DATA 2019 - 8th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
Figure 7: Morlet Wavelet average power at each index of
gold stocks.
curves. Table 1 shows the sorted row averages for
the dissimilarity matrix measured by the Frechet dis-
tance between the motifs. Presumably the increased
volatility in CDE is due to the fact that CDE’s mining
operations are located in Ghana and this might influ-
ence the perception of the company as a whole post
recession. Contrast this with the increased volatility
in AKG which is most likely due to the volatility in
gold markets as a whole but also due to their poor fi-
nancial reports since AKG has been posting year over
year net income losses since 2013 with the exception
of 2016.
Table 1: Frechet Dissimilarity matrix : Sorted by row aver-
Stock Index Row Averages
AUY 0.004396661
BTG 0.004590316
EGO 0.004772740
GG 0.005036986
CDE 0.006308873
AKG 0.007432775
One can clearly see that Morlet wavelets can be
employed for datamining a given financial time se-
ries, since Morlet wavelets essentially allow one to
Figure 8: Common-Linkage Clustering of Morlet wavelet
average power curves.
discover the power distribution patterns with respect
to frequency and time which provides meaningful in-
sight into the underlying behavior of a given econo-
metric system. The BTSPC algorithm demonstrates
that by extracting the average power distribution band
at a given frequency from the Morlet wavelet wave-
form one can then discover the similarities of a given
time series based upon the Frechet distance between
the average power distribution curves. Finally, clus-
tering the resulting dissimilarity matrix allows one to
clearly compare financial market indexes with one an-
other in a meaningful manner that provides insight
into how a given industry is behaving.
The power of wavelet analysis when applied to time
series datamining is the capability of representing the
range of high/low frequency components and the in-
tensity/distribution of these frequency components as
a function of time. This allows one the ability to to
pick out cylical trends at different time resolutions
in a single procedure compared with the traditional
method having to spend hours optimizing a time win-
dow interval iteratively.
With the Morlet wavelet specifically, it has been
shown that the waveform resulting from the Morlet
wavelet function is able to discover the exact frequen-
cies at which dominant trading behavior occurs across
time which can be used in order to visualize the evo-
lution of trading behaviors. This is a fundamentally
different approach to traditional econometric analysis
methods as one is able to both visualize the trend of
a market and simultaneously the volatility and cycli-
cal components of the market using only the Morlet
Data Mining using Morlet Wavelets for Financial Time Series
wavelet. The BTSPC algorithm capitalizes on this
fact and is able to then create a piecewise comparison
between the trading behaviors of the stock indexes
across all frequency ranges and across time avoiding
the problems of resolution which were inherent to tra-
ditional DFT analysis methods. Further, the BTSPC
cluster results create a dynamic image of the mar-
ket behavior in question which yields itself to data
driven analysis approach due to the fact that the al-
gorithm utilizes Morlet wavelets. Consequently, the
BTSPC method is vastly superior for analyzing poten-
tially thousands of market indexes compared with tra-
ditional analysis approaches which require active user
guidance such as ARIMA, neural networks or Fourier
transforms. Finally, unlike ARIMA, neural networks
and Fourier transform analysis, it’s important to note
that data analyzed by BTSPC requires no data pre-
processing (transformations to linearity, forcing sta-
tionarity via differencing, etc) which vastly simplifies
any given macro-economic analysis.
In this study, it was discovered that all of the
gold mining firms (AUY, BTG, CDE, AKG, EGO,
GG) exhibited increased high-frequency activity dur-
ing the recessionary period of 2008 followed by a
brief low-frequency/low intensity recovery phase un-
til 2013 when the stock prices across all indexes in
the study began declining. The BTSPC algorithm was
utilized to compare the motifs contained within the re-
spective time series by constructing a matrix of power
curves. It was then found that the gold mining firms
in this study formed two cluster families AUY, EGO
and GG and BTG, CDE, AKG. It was also shown that
CDE and AKG are the most dissimilar time series
in the analysis which is due to the more pronounced
volatility contained within the individual series itself.
It is speculated that the increased volatility is in part
due to the perception that CDE and AKG both may be
perceived as risky investments and negative investor
sentiment is therefore influencing these indexes.
Future work could include testing the BTSPC al-
gorithm to different market sectors in order to form a
broader understanding of trading behavior. Since the
BTSPC can be utilized to provide qualitative and pre-
dictive information from any two (or more) signals,
any situations where there exists two or more concur-
rent dynamic processes within a macro-process the
BTSPC can be utilized in order to dynamically ana-
lyze how these processes behave with respect to one
another within the framework of the macro-process
itself. For example, if we know that two or more
stock indexes currently exhibit similarity (aka co-
movement) as evidenced by the BTSPC algorithm and
clustering then one can predict radical cross-market
changes by merely examining whatever stock begins
to diverge from the other stocks in the analysis. Thus,
one can use the BTSPC to creating a dynamic or real
time visualization of market dynamics for investors
and financial institutions. Similarly, one could extend
the BTSPC algorithm to examinations of emergent
behavior in ecology, meteorological applications, bi-
ological systems, etc. Finally, BTSPC could be ap-
plied to social media data mining and search result
optimization as it would allow one to visualize the
differences between keywords across frequencies and
time which would provide information about user be-
havior. The applications of the BTSPC algorithm are
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Data Mining using Morlet Wavelets for Financial Time Series