Keystroke Dynamics Anonymization System
Denis Migdal
and Christophe Rosenberger
Normandie Univ., UNICAEN, ENSICAEN, CNRS, GREYC, 14000 Caen, France
Keystroke Dynamics Anonymization System, Keystroke Dynamics, Anonymization, WebExtension,
JavaScript, Browser, Browser Fingerprinting.
Keystroke Dynamics enables the authentication or identification of users by analyzing their way of typing,
e.g. when browsing the Internet. Most studies in the state of the art focus on increasing Keystroke Dynamics
Systems performances. In this paper, we address the issue of avoiding the biometric capture of keystroke dy-
namics in order to protect users’ privacy. Authentication/identification, profiling can be considered as attacks
we limit in this contribution. Experimental results obtained on significant datasets show the benefits of the
proposed approaches.
Browser Fingerprinting aims at tracking users through
their browser thanks to discriminant data a service can
collect. This is usually proposed to ”personalize ser-
vices” corresponding to users profile-type, s.a. sug-
gesting contents depending on the user’s assumed In-
ternet history. Browser Fingerprinting goal is not to
identify users with assurance, but to classify the user
into a category, e.g. by identifying a set of browsing
sessions belonging to the same user, or type of users.
Panopticlick (Eckersley, 2010), IAmUnique
(Laperdrix et al., 2016), and UniqueMachine (Cao
and Wijmans, 2017) websites enable the computa-
tion of browser fingerprints from data collected by
the website, generally through the network and a
JavaScript API, to determine the fingerprint unique-
ness among the previously computed. The more the
browser fingerprint is unique, the more the service
is able to discriminate the user. Information used
for browser fingerprinting might be linked, e.g. to
the hardware (e.g. GPU (Cao and Wijmans, 2017),
screen), to the operating system, to the browser,
its configuration, installed fonts (Eckersley, 2010;
Laperdrix et al., 2016), browser history (Weinberg
et al., 2011), or blacklisted domains (Boda et al.,
2012). Such identification and tracking are often
not consented by the user, and poses a threat to
users’ online privacy, thus, leading researcher and
developers to study this issue and propose solutions
in order to protect users’ privacy (Laperdrix et al.,
2016; Nikiforakis et al., 2015; Moore and Thorsheim,
2016; Eckersley, 2010; Acar et al., 2013).
Biometric capture can also be added to browser
fingerprinting, e.g. using the mouse (Jorgensen and
Yu, 2011; Shen et al., 2013) or/and Keystroke (Revett
et al., 2007a; Giot et al., 2011; Kim et al., 2018).
Such modality also enables to deduce private infor-
mation about the user, s.a. his/her gender or to link
some identities. In this study, we aim at protecting
users’ privacy by anonymizing keystroke, thus limit-
ing browser fingerprinting and preventing deduction
of private information about users, while still allow-
ing use of this modality in authentication for consent-
ing users.
As any biometric authentication solution, a
keystroke dynamic system (KDS) is composed of two
main modules: the enrollment and the verification
modules. Each user must enroll himself/herself in the
KDS in order to compute its biometric reference tem-
plate given multiple samples (i.e., several inputs of the
password) acquired during the enrollment step. For
each input, a sequence of timing information is cap-
tured (i.e., time when each key is pressed or released)
from which some features are extracted (i.e., laten-
cies and durations) and used to learn the model which
characterizes each user. During a verification request,
the claimant types his/her password. The system ex-
tracts the features and compares them to the biomet-
ric reference template of the claimant. If the obtained
distance is below a certain threshold, the user is ac-
cepted, otherwise he/she is rejected.
Migdal, D. and Rosenberger, C.
Keystroke Dynamics Anonymization System.
DOI: 10.5220/0007923804480455
In Proceedings of the 16th International Joint Conference on e-Business and Telecommunications (ICETE 2019), pages 448-455
ISBN: 978-989-758-378-0
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
First works on KD have been done in the eight-
ies (Gaines et al., 1980), although the idea of us-
ing a keyboard to automatically identify individuals
has first been presented in 1975 (Spillane, 1975). In
the preliminary report of Gaines et al. (Gaines et al.,
1980), seven secretaries typed several paragraphs of
text and researchers showed that it is possible to
differentiate users with their typing patterns. Since
then, several studies have been done, allowing to de-
crease the quantity of information needed to build
the biometric reference, while improving the perfor-
mances (Umphress and Williams, 1985; Monrose and
Rubin, 2000; Revett et al., 2007b; Lee and Cho, 2007;
Giot et al., 2011).
However, to the knowledge of the authors, no
study has yet tried to decrease their performances in
order to protect users’ privacy against unwanted au-
thentication/identification or profiling. Indeed, many
papers (Giot and Rosenberger, 2012; Epp, 2010)
have shown that some soft biometric characteristics
(emotion, gender, age . . . ) can be extracted from
keystroke dynamics features, internet services could
profile users given a simple JavaScript code embed-
ded in the web page.
The main contribution of this paper is to propose
multiple simple solutions for internet users to de-
cide whether its keystroke dynamics features could be
used or not on a specific website. Using keystroke
dynamics could be useful to enhance the security
of authentication avoiding complex password (logi-
cal access control to a bank account as for example).
For other services, such as social networks, an user
might choose to disable the keystroke dynamics cap-
ture. The proposed methods have been implemented
as a WebExtension as an operational proof of con-
cept. With this WebExtension, any user can easily
decide for which service, its keystroke dynamics fea-
tures could be used or not (GDPR requirement).
The article is organized as follows. Section 2 pro-
vides some background information on the keystroke
dynamics biometric modality. We describe the possi-
ble attack and the existing countermeasure in the liter-
ature. We propose new protection schemes in section
3. Their efficiency is illustrated through experimental
results on significant datasets. An implemented We-
bExtension is presented in Section 4 and compared
with the only existing solution. Section 5 concludes
and gives some perspectives of this study.
We present in this section some background informa-
tion on keystroke dynamics.
2.1 Keystroke Dynamics System
As the number of collected samples during the enroll-
ment step is usually low, many Keystroke Dynamics
Systems are based on a distance. In the scope of this
article, we suppose that the attacker uses the Hocquet
distance function (Hocquet et al., 2007): We aim at
computing a score between two templates K
and K
We suppose that the template K
is associated by µ
and σ the average value of biometric samples and the
standard deviation (note that 0/0 is assumed to be 0).
Score = 1
In the scope of this paper, the templates are composed
of the gap and dwell durations for each typed key, i.e.
the duration between two consecutive key press, and
the time a key is pressed. The 10 first templates of
each user are used for the reference template compu-
2.2 Keystrole Dynamics Datasets
There exist many keystroke dynamics datasets
(Monaco, 2018). We decided in this work to focus
on fixed text datasets (i.e. where users typed the same
passphrase). Datasets have been cleaned to remove
incoherent data, e.g. entries in which the user did not
type the asked text. This corresponds to 13% of en-
tries in GREYC W, and less than 3 entries for other
In order to get comparable sets, only the first 45
entries per users is kept, users with less than 45 en-
tries, and datasets with less than 45 users, are dis-
carded. From the existing fixed-text datasets, only 3
matched our criteria. From these 3 datasets, we build
4 datasets composed of a fixed text Keystrokes for
each user (one having 2 fixed text, 2 datasets are thus
created). Table 1 gives the datasets used in this work.
Table 1: Description of used datasets.
Name Text # of users (45) Clock resolution EER Source
GREYC K greyc laboratory 104 10.0144ms 14.75% (Giot et al., 2009)
GREYC W1 laboratoire greyc 62 1ms 14.40% (Giot et al., 2012)
esame 46 1ms 25.39% (Giot et al., 2012)
CMU .tie5Roanl 51 0.2ms 19.38% (Killourhy and Maxion, 2009)
Keystroke Dynamics Anonymization System
2.3 Attacker Model
The attacker is able to execute arbitrary JavaScript
code on the users’ browser in order to identify them,
using only the keyboard events’ timestamps. We as-
sumed, in this paper, the typed text to be fixed, s.a. a
login, e-mail, or password. The attack is also possible
on free text.
The attacker is able to measure the timestamps of
keyboard events she/he receives with the JavaScript
function Thus, modifying the events’
timestamps will have no effect, as the attacker can
measure them himself. However, events can be de-
layed, i.e. waiting some time before sending the
keyboard event. As JavaScript events loop is mono-
threaded, any active wait is troublesome and will be
easily detected by the attacker using setInterval(),
thus requiring the delayed event to be destroyed, and
recreated after a passive wait with setTimeout().
The attacker has an a priori on the user’s iden-
tity, and will be able to use any Keystroke Dynamics
Systems, and to perform any pre-processing, in or-
der to identify or profile him. The way the Keystroke
Dynamics is protected, and the eventual parameters
of such anonymization scheme is also assumed to
be known by the attacker. Thus, such parameters
should be fixed for all users in order to prevent the at-
tacker from using them to discriminate users through
browser fingerprinting techniques (Eckersley, 2010).
2.4 Countermeasures in the Literature
In order to avoid the attack described previously, the
internet user can disable the JavaScript capability of
his/her internet browser. It has lots of usage conse-
quences for him/her.
Otherwise, the main idea of protecting the user
from identification/profiling given the keystroke dy-
namics data is to disturb the collected information.
Very few works have been done in the state of the
art to avoid the correct capture of keystroke dynamics
on Internet. To our knowledge, there exists a single
work implemented as a browser extension. Keyboard-
Privacy(Moore and Thorsheim, 2016) is a Google
Chrome extension that implements such a protection.
Timestamp of each event is computed as follows:
= max (t
b 1 time out of 2
0 1 time out of 2
Where b is a random value following an Uni-
form distribution between 0 and a (this value is user-
2.5 Attack Performance
The capacity of an attacker to authenticate an user
will be quantified with the maximal estimation of the
Equal Error Rate (EER), which corresponds to con-
figuration of the biometric system when FAR equals
FRR. The False Acceptance Rate (FAR) describes the
ratio of accepted impostor data, the False Rejection
Rate (FRR) describes the ratio of falsely rejected le-
gitimate users.
The performance of a KD Anonymization Scheme
(KDAS) will thus be quantified as the minimum of
the maximal estimation of the EER for each possible
KDS and pre-processing. For a given KDS and pre-
preprocessing, if the KDAS is not deterministic, the
KDAS is tested 20 times, and the mean of the max-
imal estimation of the EER for each test is used. If
the dataset is not indicated, the number given is the
average number for each of the 4 datasets used in this
2.6 Attacker Pre-processing
The timestamp of a given event depends of the reso-
lution and jitter of the clock used to measure it. The
resolution is the mean time between two clocks tics,
and the jitter, the difference between the theoretical
clock tic timestamp and its real timestamp. This mean
that an event occurring at a time t will have a times-
tamp of bt/rc r + j , where r is the clock resolu-
tion, and j a random noise (the jitter). Existing studies
have found that the clock resolution influence KDS
performances (Killourhy and Maxion, 2008), and dis-
cretization might improve KDS performances (Giot
et al., 2011).
In the following, we illustrate the impact of dis-
cretization. Timestamps values have been discretized
using 1,001 different resolutions (from 0 to 1 by step
of 1/1,000). As shown in Figure 3, attacker might
expect slight (J ' 0.02 for GREYC W1) or negligible
(J < 0.005) EER improvement by doing so. Figure 1
shows the discretization can both increase or decrease
the EER depending on the resolution. Figure 2 zooms
on the area where the EER decreases.
Jitter can be removed with the following formula
: t
= dt/rc r. As shown in Figure 3, it has negligible
influence on the EER (diff < 0.004, and noJ ' J ), and
thus does not need to be removed.
In the next section, we propose new solutions
to protect internet users against their identifica-
tion/profiling through their keystroke dynamics.
SECRYPT 2019 - 16th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Figure 1: Impact of discretization on the performance of KDS.
0 1 2 3
EER = 0.5
Optimal EER
Figure 2: Impact of the discretization on the performance
of KDS (zoomed).
We propose different solutions to anonymize keytroke
dynamics of users. Their objective is to be able to
use keystroke dynamics features for internet services
0.000 0.000
Figure 3: Maximal absolute gains on the EER using 1,001
different discretizations with (J) or without jitter (noJ), and
maximal difference between EER with and without jitter
(diff). EER values are expressed in %.
when the user consents (for security applications),
and to provide altered data otherwise (for privacy pro-
3.1 Costless Protection
Release keyboard events can be automatically gener-
ated at a constant time after the pressure event e.g.
2ms (A). As shown in figure 4, such strategy increases
significantly the EER ( 0.044 A 0.117 ).
Users’ screen typically draw a frame every 1/60
seconds. Thus, in an ordinary use, the time an event
occurred between two consecutive frames makes no
difference to the users, i.e. any delay of an event to
match the time of the next frame is de facto impos-
sible to perceive for an user, and thus assumed cost-
less. Such operation can be trivially done thanks to
As shown in Figure 4, automatically generating
release events after delaying pressure events to the
next frame (DA), gives slight increase of the EER.
However, such strategy is interesting as it would sup-
press information that could be exploited by other
Figure 4: Minimal absolute loss on the EER using 1,001
different discretizations with automatic release (A) and de-
lay then automatic release (DA).
Keystroke Dynamics Anonymization System
In the following, non-costless KDAS, pressure
events will be delayed beforehand, and release events
will be automatically generated afterward.
3.2 Non-blocking Protection
In order to further increase the EER values, some
events have to be delayed beyond the next frame.
Such delay might be perceivable by the users and thus
constitute a cost in terms of usability of the KDAS.
This cost, we call latency, is computed as the maxi-
mal number of frames skipped during a typing of a
given text.
Non-blocking KDAS delays pressure events inde-
pendently from the previous, with the only constraint
to preserve the events’ order. Their parameters N are
the number of frames that can be skipped, and de facto
their latency.
Two non-blocking KDAS are studied. In the first,
events are discretized with a resolution of (N + 1)/60
(delay), and in the second, events are delayed by n
frames with n an uniform discrete noise n
(rdelay). These two KDAS were tested with 15 con-
figurations, N J0, 14K for delay, and N J1,15K for
rdelay. As shown in Figure 5, both provide significant
protection compared to the costless KDAS. However,
for the same latency, rdelay seems always better than
Moreover, delay improves the EER for N=1, com-
pared to the costless KDAS. However, this does not
decrease the security as any pre-processing done with
public information cannot decrease the privacy. In-
deed, even if a given pre-processing decreases the
EER, the attacker is likely to perform such pre-
processing if it has not be done by the user.
3.3 Blocking Protection
In order to continue to increase the EER value, events
can be delayed depending on the previous event. The
first blocking KDAS ensures that there is at least N
frames between each pressure events (block delay),
the second (block rdelay) delays them such as the
pressure event’s delayed timestamp (t
) is com-
puted from the original timestamp t
as follows: t
) +U(0, N)..
As shown in Figure 5, both blocking KDAS
increase the EER faster than non-blocking KDAS.
However, as shown in Figure 6, their latency also
quickly explodes. Thus, in order to compare fairly
the KDAS between them, Figures 7 and 8 gives the
EER in function of the mean and maximal latency.
As shown in Figure 7, block rdelay is in mean
slightly better than its non-blocking equivalent rdelay.
block delay is by far better than delay, but still worst
than rdelay. As for delay, block rdelay might improve
the EER compared to the costless KDAS for N 5.
However, as shown in Figure 8, when consider-
ing the maximal latency, non-blocking KDAS out-
perform by far blocking KDAS. block rdelay only
starts to be better than delay when the maximal la-
tency exceed near 24 frames (0,4 seconds), that is
an high latency, and never come close to rdelay.
block delay only becomes better than the costless
KDAS when the maximal latency exceed near 20
frames (0,333 seconds).
Moreover, when users type too fast (or N too
high), blocking KDAS latency adds up at each key
pressed. When this happens, t
will only be computed
from t
, i.e. every users will have the same way of
typing, but at the cost of a non-ergonomic and unac-
ceptable latency. Adapting N to match the user typing
speed would enable browser fingerprinting attacks, as
it would enable the attacker to discriminate users in
function of their configuration, i.e. the N parameter.
This suggests that blocking KDAS should be avoided
in favor of non-blocking KDAS.
We developed Keystroke Anonymization, a Firefox
WebExtension, that implements the previously cited
KDAS. The WebExtension was used during the writ-
ing of this paper on Overleaf (method: rdelay, N:
15). Users can enable/disable the protection using the
Ctrl+K shortcut, and can enable/disable generation of
events using the Ctrl+G shortcut.
A demonstration is also integrated to the WebEx-
tension enabling users to test usability and the protec-
tion of different configurations (see Figure 9).
4.1 Implementation Issues
The manifest is a JSON configuration file used by We-
bExtensions. In order to make active the WebExten-
sion on all pages, content scripts matches field is
set to <all url>.
The WebExtension listens on each Keyboard
events in order to delay them. One important point is
that the WebExtension listeners must be called before
any other, or else the attacker will be able to block call
to the WebExtension listeners, i.e. to prevent events
from being delayed by the WebExtension.
SECRYPT 2019 - 16th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Figure 5: Minimal EER with 5 KDAS in function of their
parameter N.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Figure 6: Mean, and maximum (prefixed with M ), of the
expected latency for 5 KDAS in function of their parameter
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
Figure 7: EER in function of mean latency.
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
Figure 8: EER in function of maximal latency.
Figure 9: Screenshot of the WebExtension (debug mode).
For that, content scripts run at field must be
set to document start, in order to the WebExtension
script to be executed before the page scripts, thus al-
lowing it to register listeners before any else. Indeed,
listeners are called in the order of their registration.
Moreover, listeners must be added on document,
with the third parameter of addEventListener(),
capture, set to true. Indeed, event propagation has
two phases in JavaScript, capture and bubble. In the
capture phase, events are propagated from the root el-
ement, document, to the target element, e.g. an input.
Then during the bubble phase, events are propagated
from the target element to the root element. Thus, in
order to be the first to capture the event, the WebEx-
tension must capture it during the capture phase, on
the root element. The page must be reloaded upon
WebExtension installation or activation, in order to
ensure to be the first to register listener on already
opened pages.
Only the keydown and keyup events are listened
to. If the event has be been delayed, its immediate
propagation is stopped. If the event is a keydown, the
event is captured, i.e. added to an array. As previously
stated, delaying event must be done without active
Keystroke Dynamics Anonymization System
wait. Thus, requiring to stop the event propagation
with event.stopImmediatePropagation(),
and to latter re-inject it with
The function window.requestAnimationFrame()
is used to call an handler in order to process captured
events before each frame. The frame in which each
event will have to be re-injected in then computed de-
pending on the KDAS method, and the parameter N.
However, re-injected event will loose their trusted
status as it no longer originate from user action. This
means that the event will trigger listeners but will not
trigger the target default behavior, e.g. add a charac-
ter on an input. This default behavior has thus to be
simulated. Keyboard events that are not a character
(event.key.length != 1), or when the ctrl key is
pressed (event.ctrlKey) will not be delayed.
For inputs and text area, this requires
to delete the current selection (between
elem.selectionStart, elem.selectionEnd),
insert the character between, set the cursor position
(elem.setSelectionRange(start+1, start+1)),
generate an input event, and add a listener to trigger
a change event when the element loses focus. As
elem.selectionStart and elem.selectionEnd
are not defined for all types of inputs (e.g. email),
the type of the input (elem.type), has to be changed
to text while accessing and modifying theses
div elements can also be used to type text
thanks to the contentEditable=true at-
tribute. This is used, e.g. by the webmail
GMail to write e-mail. For contentEditable
elements, current selection must be deleted
The element and position in which insert the
character is givent by selection.focusNode
and selection.focusOffset. If the ele-
ment is a div, its content must be cleared
(div.removeChild(div.fistChild)), and a
new div containing a TextNode must be appended
to the fist div. If the element is a TextNode, or once
the TextNode created, its content is modified through
Before creating an input event, the cursor has to
be updated in the following way:
let range = document.createRange();
range.setStart(textNode, start+1);
range.setEnd(textNode, start+1);
Unfortunately, the creation of new lines ignore the
position of the cursor if the mouse or the arrows key
has not been used since the last delayed event. Events
s.a. keypress, input, change, could also not be gener-
ated when simulating the default behavior on events,
to increase the privacy protection by making it more
difficult to an attacker to deduce the event timestamp,
however, this might impact the functionality of some
4.2 Comparison with KeyboardPrivacy
As shown in Figure 7, KeyboardPrivacy is, in aver-
age, slightly less efficient than rdelay when the la-
tency exceed near 7 frames (117ms), and is worst
than any other non-costless KDAS before when the
latency is near under 7 frames. It is even less efficient
than a costless KDAS when the latency is near under
4 frames (67ms).
As shown in Figure 8, KeyboardPrivacy is, when
considering the maximal latency, worst than any other
KDAS at the exception of block
delay. It is even less
efficient than the costless KDAS when the maximal
latency is near under 15 frames (0,25 seconds). The
construction of this KDAS extension seems to be ad
hoc, and could be improved using the conclusion of
this study:
use passive waits instead of active waits ;
automatically generate release events ;
delays pressure events to the next frame ;
use non-blocking KDAS (rdelay) to limit the la-
tency ;
use fixed parameters for all users to prevent fin-
gerprinting attacks.
It also suffers from several security vulnerabili-
ties. Indeed, the events are captured during the bub-
ble phase, instead of the capture phase. Moreover,
the script is, by default, executed after the page has
been loaded. This WebExtension also does not sup-
port ContentEditable fields.
This work constitutes a preliminary study on the
Keystroke Dynamics Anonymization Scheme. Per-
formances of presented KDAS has been demonstrated
using 3 state of the art fixed-text keystroke dynam-
ics datasets. However performances and latency may
vary depending on the written text, and the user.
KDAS introduce a tradeoff between performances
(security) and latency (usability). The latency has
been evaluated in term of duration, and should be
evaluated in terms of usability.
Other KDS could be tested, for authentication, but
also, e.g. for soft-biometrics. Attacker model could
SECRYPT 2019 - 16th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
also be modified in order to include the knowledge of
non-protected users references. Other KDAS are also
possible, e.g. using non-regular discretization, using
non-uniform random laws, or by merging KDAS (e.g.
merging delay and rdelay). An hardware implemen-
tation of such KDAS, could be also imagined, e.g.
in the form of a programmable USB to USB device
between the keyboard and the computer. Presented
KDAS techniques could be applied to mouse events.
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Keystroke Dynamics Anonymization System