Power-aware Algorithms for Energy-efficient Elastic Optical Backbone
and Metro Networks
Georgia A. Beletsioti
1 a
, Stathis Mavridopoulos
1 b
, Georgios A. Tziroglou
1 c
Constantine A. Kyriakopoulos
1 d
, Georgios I. Papadimitriou
1 e
, Petros Nicopolitidis
1 f
and Emmanouel Varvarigos
2 g
Department of Informatics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, GR-54124, Greece
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, Athens, GR-15780, Greece
Keywords: Elastic Optical Networks, Energy Efficiency, IP Over EON.
Research in Optical Networking has recently focused on Elastic Optical Network architectures, that support
elastic band connections to increase spectrum availability, support high transmission rates and reduce network
costs. Elastic optical networks offer flexibility in the way capacity is assigned to connections and are con-
sidered the most prevalent solution for the next generation metro/backbone networks. Reduction in energy
consumption is an important issue in such networks. In this work, a new power aware algorithm is introduced,
which selectively switches off network links under low utilization scenarios supporting energy efficiency. A
new power-aware scheme is proposed, which reduces the total energy consumption, while maintaining a low
blocking probability under dynamic traffic. Extensive simulation results are presented, which indicate that
the proposed heuristic algorithm achieves a power saving of up to 9%, compared to a simple energy unaware
dynamic RSA algorithm.
The demand for bandwidth is annually growing ex-
ponentially, driven by an increasing number of global
internet users. In addition, future needs will also be
driven by emerging capacity-demanding applications,
including autonomous vehicles, the internet of things,
high bandwidth enhanced video and virtual reality.
According to Cisco, global IP traffic stood at 122 Ex-
abytes in 2017 and it is estimated that these numbers
will triple by 2022 (Cisco, 2019).
Historically, WDM optical networks technologies
have used a fixed grid plan to accommodate the re-
quested traffic demand. Wavelengths of line rate 2.5,
10, 40, and 100 Gb/s have all been suited with 50-
GHz spacing in backbone networks and 100-GHz
spacing in metro-core networks (Simmons, 2014).
However, it is likely that bit rates greater than 100
Gb/s will not fit into this scheme (Gerstel et al.,
2012). Elastic optical networks (EON), as a novel
concept of WDM networks, are considered the most
suitable architecture for backbone and next gen-
eration metropolitan networks as they are charac-
terized by high spectral efficiency and adaptability
(Jinno, 2017). EONs, based on orthogonal frequency-
division multiplexing (OFDM) (Dao et al., 2018) sup-
port lightpaths with different bitrates, exploit the flex-
ible grid technology where the spectrum is split into
25, 12.5 GHz or less slots compared to coarser split-
ting of 50 GHz or 100 GHz of traditional WDM net-
works. Hence, the slots are combined to create chan-
nels, which are not overlapping due to OFDM’s or-
thogonality capacity, of the desired size using band-
width what is strictly necessary for the transmission
spectrum (Soumplis, 2017).
The energy consumed by ICT (Information and
Communication Technology) equipment, which is
rapidly expanding (Belkhir and Elmeligi, 2018),
(Beletsioti et al., 2016), causes a significant economic
and environmental problem. According to European
Framework Initiative for Energy and Environmental
Beletsioti, G., Mavridopoulos, S., Tziroglou, G., Kyriakopoulos, C., Papadimitriou, G., Nicopolitidis, P. and Varvarigos, E.
Power-aware Algorithms for Energy-efficient Elastic Optical Backbone and Metro Networks.
DOI: 10.5220/0007925000630070
In Proceedings of the 16th International Joint Conference on e-Business and Telecommunications (ICETE 2019), pages 63-70
ISBN: 978-989-758-378-0
2019 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Efficiency in the ICT Sector, ICTs account for 8-10%
of the European electricity consumption and up to 4%
of its carbon emissions. Furthermore, the network in-
frastructure is becoming a large portion of the energy
footprint in ICT. In (Pickavet et al., 2008) M. Pick-
avet et al., mention that for network equipment, the
energy consumption growth rates are typically about
12% per year. Thus, the concept of energy efficient
or green networking has been emerged as a research
A multitude of published papers have considered
energy efficiency in the design of IP Over WDM op-
tical networks (Shen and Tucker, 2009), (Chabarek
et al., 2008), (Melidis et al., 2019). An important ap-
proach towards energy saving in IP over optical net-
works is the selective switching off of inactive net-
work components when the traffic load is low, i.e.
during night hours (off-peak hours), while maintain-
ing the vital functions of the network, accommodating
the residual capacity. In (Chiaraviglio et al., 2009b),
energy efficient solutions ranging from Mixed Inte-
ger Linear Programming (MILP) to heuristics are pro-
posed. More precisely, these schemes disable differ-
ent network elements when the load is reduced, while
ensuring a set of important constraints such as full
connectivity and maximum utilization of a link. The
same authors in (Chiaraviglio et al., 2009a) evaluate
the actual power consumption savings considering a
real IP backbone network and a real traffic profile.
Besides the selective disconnection and low power
mode of networks elements, a considerable part of
studies are focused on virtual topology reconfigura-
tion algorithms. The authors in (Genc¸ata and Mukher-
jee, 2003) and (Yayimli and Cavdar, 2012) propose a
method of configuring the virtual topology in WDM
networks which constantly presents alternating traffic
over time. Two thresholds corresponding to the load
of the optical paths are introduced: one to detect over-
loaded and one to detect underutilized lightpaths.
Additionally, various power-efficient algorithms
considering the design of IP over EON (Zhu et al.,
2019) can be found in the literature. A fairly common,
yet effective method of energy saving is the exten-
sive application of optical bypass, reducing thus the
number of high energy-consuming optical-electrical-
optical (O-E-O) conversions, as the signal can be
transported, amplified and switched directly in the op-
tical domain. In (Zhang et al., 2015), energy efficient
traffic grooming in IP-over-elastic optical networks
taking into account sliceable optical transponders is
studied. MILP models among their corresponding
heuristics are implemented, for each of three differ-
ent types of bandwidth variable transponders, and in-
vestigated in terms of energy efficiency. Based on
traffic and optical grooming methods, Selene heuris-
tic (Kyriakopoulos et al., 2018a) is an online algo-
rithm which exploits the innovative Signal Overlap
technique for power savings in EONs. The work in
ıno et al., 2012) is dedicated to the study of en-
ergy efficiency in optical transport networks, compar-
ing the performance of an innovative flexible network
grid based on Orthogonal Frequency Division Mul-
tiplexing (OFDM) with that of Wavelength Division
Multiplexing (WDM) with a Single Line Rate (SLR)
and a Mixed Line Rate (MLR) operation. Energy-
aware heuristic algorithms are proposed for resource
allocation both in static (offline) and dynamic (on-
line) scenarios with time-varying demands for the
Elastic-bandwidth OFDM-based network and WDM
networks (with SLR and MLR). Lopez et al. in (Viz-
caino et al., 2012), provides an in depth energy effi-
cient comparison between conventional path protec-
tion schemes for fixed-grid (WDM) and flexible-grid
(EON) networks.
In this paper, an algorithm, namely SOLA (Switch
Off Links Algorithm), that disables EON network
links during the operation phase in low-use scenarios
based on a threshold value is proposed. The proposed
technique is based on prior knowledge in techniques
which switch off and/or put in low power mode net-
work equipment in fixed grid networks. However, the
impact of the contiguity constraint has not been exten-
sively researched in cases of shutting down network
components, which is the main contribution of this
work. Extensive simulation results indicate that the
presented algorithm accomplishes energy efficiency
and maintains tolerant bandwidth blocking probabil-
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Sec-
tion 2 introduces the Elastic Optical Network model,
power model and constraints. Section 3 presents the
proposed algorithm. Section 4 gives the network en-
vironment, and Section 5 concludes this paper.
2.1 IP-over-EON Architecture
In this paper, a mesh based metropolitan or a back-
bone network which uses an IP-over-EON architec-
ture as shown in Fig.1, is considered. A typical EON
architecture consists of optical fiber links and optical
switches. Each optical switching node is connected
to the IP router ports through bandwidth variable
transponders (BVTs) (Yi and Ramamurthy, 2016).
At the starting point of the data transmission path,
the transponder, converts the electrical flows com-
DCNET 2019 - 10th International Conference on Data Communication Networking
Optical switching node
Line amplifier
IP routers
IP Layer
Optical Layer
Figure 1: IP-Over-EON Architecture.
ing from the IP source router to the optical domain
(E/O conversion), and then the traffic entering the op-
tical layer is routed over the optical network in all-
optical connections (lightpaths). The traffic travels
along the lightpath in the optical layer, arrives at the
optical layer destination node and finally reaches the
end point at the IP layer. At the destination of a light-
path, the signal is converted back to electrical at the
transponder (O/E conversion). Data is then forwarded
and handled by the corresponding IP router. In or-
der for the optical signal to travel over long distances,
line amplifiers are deployed along the fiber in every
80 km.
2.2 Power Consumption Model
The main components that may affect the energy con-
sumption of an elastic optical network are the IP
router ports, bandwidth variable transponders (BVTs)
and line amplifiers. Details are given below.
IP Router Ports: A 400 Gb/s IP router port is con-
nected to a bandwidth variable transponder and con-
sumes 560 Watt (Vizcaino et al., 2012), (Zhang et al.,
2015), (Biswas and Adhya, 2019) as shown in (1).
= 560(Watt) (1)
Bandwidth Variable Transponder: According to
(Zhang et al., 2015) and (Kyriakopoulos et al., 2018b)
the power consumption of a BVT can be expressed as
in (2), in which TR represents the transmission rate of
the optical transponder. An additional 20% of power
consumption is considered as an overhead contribu-
tion for each transponder.
= 1.683 × TR(Gb/s) + 91.333(Watt) (2)
Line Amplifier: Erbium Doped Fiber Amplifiers are
considered as line amplifiers in this study. The power
of the EDFA is represented in Equation (3), in which
X is the spectrum width for amplifying.
= 0.0075 × X(GHz) (3)
2.3 Elastic Optical Network Constraints
When designing an IP over EON, one should select
the route, and spectral resources for a connection re-
quest arriving to the network. This is known as the
problem of Routing and Spectrum Assignment (RSA)
ınez and Pinto-Roa, 2017), (Fan et al., 2015).
The EON implementation imposes to the RSA prob-
lem three constraints: (1) the wavelength continuity
constraint, that is the allocation of a connection, must
follow the same wavelength on each link along the
route, (2) the spectrum contiguity constraint, that is
the allocation of a connection must be on contiguous
FS on each link along the route, and (3) the spectral
conflict constraint, that is a connection allocated to
a certain spectral resource, cannot overlap with the
spectral resources of other connections.
The main idea of the proposed algorithm is the design
of an energy efficient scheme which reduces the to-
tal energy consumption during network’s operation,
by selectively switching off networks links in low-
use scenarios while keeping the blocking probability
in low percentages under dynamic traffic. In the op-
eration phase of the network, new and variable rate
connection requests arrive dynamically and have to
be served upon their arrival, one by one. SOLA algo-
rithm consists of two separate periods. The first pe-
riod involves the observation period of the algorithm,
during which some calculations are made regarding
the utilization of the links, while the second period
refers to the estimation of total power consumption.
Algorithm 1 shows the pseudocode of the pro-
posed algorithm SOLA. During the observation pe-
riod, the algorithms starts routing the traffic demands
which arrive dynamically in the network. SOLA cal-
culates the shortest paths between the node pairs, us-
ing the k-shortest path method, and routes the de-
mands according to the First Fit algorithm. During
this period, the existing links on the physical topol-
ogy are monitored for a fixed number of arrivals.
By the end of the observation phase, link utiliza-
tion percentages for each link in the physical topology
have been calculated. Afterwards, links of the physi-
cal topology are sorted in descending order according
to these previously calculated values. Low threshold
value (LT) is estimated using Equation (4) and (5),
and the number of links to be switched off from the
physical topology can been determined. In detail, Eq.
(4), is an empirical formula and refers to the utiliza-
tion factor of the link. For a given network
Power-aware Algorithms for Energy-efficient Elastic Optical Backbone and Metro Networks
Algorithm 1: SOLA.
Input : G(N,L): Physical Topology
N: Set of nodes in the network
L: Set of links in the network
Observation Period
Calculate k-shortest paths
Route demands FirstFit
Record link utilization statistics
Record blocked connection requests (with
respect to bandwidth)
Decision Making
According to recorded statistics do:
Order links according to utilization
Calculate UF
Calculate LT
Estimate BBP
Calculate energy consumption using
eq. 1, eq. 2 and eq. 3
foreach link L do
if link utilization <= low threshold (LT)
remove link from network topology
Operation Period
Input : G
): New Physical Topology
N: Set of nodes in the network
: Set of links in the network
Calculate k-shortest paths
Route demands FirstFit
Estimate BBP
Calculate energy consumption using
eq. 1, eq. 2 and eq. 3
load, topologies consisting of large number of links
are expected to experience lower utilization per link in
contrast to smaller ones. Therefore, it is expected that
the utilization factor (UF) is inversely proportional to
the number of active links (n) found on the physi-
cal topology. The UF formula presented in Eq. (4)
is, consequently, structured to reflect the aforemen-
tioned observation. Eq. (5) declares the Low Thresh-
old value. Every link that has a utilization value less
that LT should be switched off. In the final step of this
period, the power consumption as well as the band-
width blocking probability (BBP) of the initial phys-
ical topology are estimated, and the specific links are
switched off. The number of links that has to be de-
activated is used as an input parameter to the second
phase of the algorithm. The extreme case that all links
that traverse a network node were deactivated simul-
taneously is not assumed in this study, as the network
node is isolated and the network becomes connection-
Next the algorithm enters the operation phase.
During this period, SOLA, takes place on a new net-
work topology, having excluded the deactivated links.
K-shortest paths are recalculated for the new network
topology and new demands are routed using First Fit
once again. Finally, the energy consumption of the
network equipment on the new network topology and
the BBP are estimated.
UF = e
/n (4)
LT = 10 ×U F (5)
4.1 Study Cases
In order to evaluate the performance of the proposed
algorithm, a set of simulation experiments were con-
ducted. To estimate the overall power consumption
of different design solutions, two network topologies
were considered. Fig.2 and Fig.3 show a mesh based
network (Antoniades et al., 2004), which consists of
29 nodes and 41 links, for each of which two direc-
tions will be considered and a backbone transport net-
work, NFSNET (Shen and Tucker, 2009) of 14 nodes
and 21 links, respectively.
4.2 Simulation Assumptions and
An elastic optical network simulator has been imple-
mented, using Python 3.7 on Spyder (The Scientific
Python Development Environment). The complete set
of parameters used in this study are listed below.
1. The number of frequency slots (FS) on a link
equals to 160. This is a typical value which is
used in many previous works.
2. Each FS is assumed to have a spectral width of 25
3. Connection requests follow a Poisson process
with an average connection’s inter arrival time
DCNET 2019 - 10th International Conference on Data Communication Networking
Figure 2: Mesh based Metropolitan network.
Figure 3: Transport backbone network, NSFnet.
(IAT ) equals to 1 (λ), while their holding time
follows a negative exponential distribution with
mean value (µ). The latter is tuned to achieve the
desired traffic load (Comellas and Junyent, 2015).
4. The number of FSs per connection corresponds to
the uniform distribution. Each new coming con-
nection can take any value from 1 to 9 with a uni-
formly distributed probability (Comellas and Jun-
yent, 2015).
5. The source and destination nodes of a request
are randomly and independently selected from the
network topology.
6. K-shortest path, with k=3, and widely known First
Fit scheme, are used for solving the RSA problem.
7. One line amplifier and eight BVT per physical
connection are considered in this study.
8. The offered load is determined by λ / µ (Erlang).
9. One FS as a guard-band associated with each of
the connections is considered.
10. The modulation format used in every connec-
tion is assumed to be the same during the whole
simulation and the connection requires the same
amount of bandwidth as its bit rate (Fan et al.,
4.3 Numerical Results
The performance metrics such as energy consump-
tion, bandwidth blocking probability (BBP), energy
savings and average hop distance have been evaluated
in metropolitan and backbone networks.
A simple non-energy aware routing and spectrum
assignment approach, namely Elastic, has been im-
plemented. This algorithm which provides non power
awareness, just routes the incoming requests using the
first fit strategy without deactivating any network re-
sources, exploiting the advantages of EONs. Accord-
ing to equations (4) and (5), three (SOLA -3) and two
(SOLA -2) links should be activated, when SOLA is
applied in both Metropolitan and NSFnet backbone
networks respectively. Nevertheless, for the sake of
completeness, energy consumption (Fig. 4), BBP
(Fig. 5), energy savings (Fig. 6) and average hop dis-
tance (Fig. 7), are depicted even when fewer links are
deactivated for each network topology, i.e. SOLA-1
and SOLA-2 for metropolitan network and SOLA-1
for the backbone network.
Figure 4 illustrates the total energy consumption
versus the offered load (Erlang) between SOLA and
Elastic case algorithm. In detail, Fig. 4a relates to
energy consumption in Metropolitan network, while
Fig. 4b refers to energy consumption in NSFnet back-
bone network. The energy consumption of each com-
pared method rises in a common way as the offered
load increases. It is worth noticing that in both net-
work topologies SOLA always outperforms the ref-
erence Elastic case algorithm. Corresponding results
obtained in terms of power savings are summarized in
Fig. 6. These results are translated into profit by up
to 7% and 9% for Metropolitan and backbone NSFnet
networks respectively.
From the algorithm description, it is evident that a
small part of network’s resources is sacrificed in order
to achieve lower power consumption values. Notwith-
standing, extensive simulation results have proven
that this sacrifice is minimal in terms of energy sav-
ings attained. To support this, bandwidth blocking
probability (BBP), in linear and logarithmic (inline
plots in the Figure) scale, versus the increasing of-
fered load is depicted in Fig. 5. BBP of both algo-
rithms increases when the traffic load increase. As
it could be seen, BBP remains the same as long as
the offered load is light for both SOLA and Elastic
case algorithm. Although, as expected in higher of-
fered load values the Elastic case algorithm results in
lower BBP, as the lightpaths have more chances to be
accommodated in a network with a greater number
of links. However, the proposed algorithm manages
to save important amounts of energy without signifi-
Power-aware Algorithms for Energy-efficient Elastic Optical Backbone and Metro Networks
(a) Energy consumption (Watt) in Metropolitan network.
(b) Energy consumption (Watt) in Backbone network
Figure 4: Energy consumption under different network
cantly increasing the BBP, which fluctuates from just
1 to 2.5 %.
The estimates for the average hop distances as
come from the Elastic case algorithm and the pro-
posed SOLA are given in Figure 7. More precisely,
this figure describes how many hops a lightpath tra-
verses on average to reach its destination. In both
subfigures 7a and 7b, the Elastic case algorithm shows
a minor advance (this minor advance could be trans-
lated to only 1-2.7% profit), as there is no deactiva-
tion of any link and the possibilities of finding shorter
paths, in comparison to SOLA, are increased. This
small increment in terms of average hop distance is
a small but necessary price that the algorithm must
pay to achieve significant energy savings, while keep-
ing the overall performance in high levels. In addi-
tion, this minor drawback is quiet common and is ob-
served in many previous energy efficient related pa-
pers ((Beletsioti et al., 2018), (Kyriakopoulos et al.,
(a) Bandwidth blocking probability in Metropolitan net-
(b) Bandwidth blocking probability in Backbone network
Figure 5: Bandwidth blocking probability under different
network topologies.
In this paper a new power aware algorithm, namely
SOLA, has been implemented for Elastic Optical Net-
works. The main objective of the proposed algorithm
is the reduction of energy consumption during the net-
work operation, by selectively deactivating network
links under low utilization scenarios, while it man-
ages to keep the bandwidth blocking probability in
low percentages. To attain a more realistic approach
towards energy savings in EONs, optical grooming is
intended to be introduced as a primary future work
goal. Furthermore, decision making strategies with
respect ro adaptivity issues during network operation
will also be reconsidered. The proposed scheme can
be the base of a new generation of energy efficient
algorithms for elastic optical networks.
DCNET 2019 - 10th International Conference on Data Communication Networking
(a) Percentage of energy savings (%) in Metropolitan net-
(b) Percentage of energy savings (%) in Backbone network
Figure 6: Percentage of energy savings (%) under different
network topologies.
This research has been cofinanced by the Euro-
pean Union and Greek national funds through the
Operational Program Competitiveness, Entrepreneur-
ship and Innovation, under the call RESEARCH-
CREATE-INNOVATE (project code:T1EDK-05061).
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DCNET 2019 - 10th International Conference on Data Communication Networking