Temporal, Semantic and Structural Aspects-based Transformation
Rules for Refactoring BPMN Model
Mariem Kchaou, Wiem Khlif and Faiez Gargouri
Mir@cl Laboratory, University of Sfax, Sfax, Tunisia
Keywords: Refactoring BPMN Models, Structural Measures, Performances Measures, Semantic and Structural Aspects,
Temporal Aspect, Transformation Rules.
Abstract: Refactoring a business process model (BPM) may improve its usability (understandability, modifiability)
performance, and/or ease its maintainability. So-far proposed refactoring approaches have used
either refactoring which focuses on structural aspects and/or semantic information. Nevertheless, these
aspects provide a partial view of the model. As we show in this paper, combining the semantic and structural
aspects with the temporal aspect decreases further the complexity of a business process modelled in BPMN
and enhances its performance. Our method uses a set of transformation rules. We illustrate their efficiency
through well-established performance measures (temporal and cost) and structural measures (complexity).
A business process (BP) is a series of activities
occurring within a company that lead to the
production of a product or a service (ISO/IEC 19510,
2013). It allows organizations to keep or even
increase their competitiveness. For this reason,
companies manage business processes with the
adequate quality degree, i.e., without faults that
influence understandabiliy, modifiability or
performance of the BP among others features. Indeed,
understandability, modifiability and performance
have proved to be three of the most important features
to accomplish business processes with appropriate
quality degrees (Lanz et al., 2016).
For instance, to show the improvements of the
undestandabilty and modifiability, several researches
apply a set of well-known structural measures
expressing the complexity of the BP (Cardoso, 2006)
(Gruhn and Laue, 2006) such as the number of
sequence flows, tasks and connectors, connectivity,
density, average/maximum connector degree, control
flow complexity, etc. In addition, for organizations
seeking continuous improvements, the recent
literature on the BP performance measures (Lanz et
al., 2016) (Kis et al., 2017) has shown three trends of
approaches: those based on time, those centered on
cost and those combining the two aspects. For
instance, (Lanz et al., 2016) define the measure
“Activity Duration” to determine the necessary time
to perform an activity.
Furthermore, refactoring techniques are required
for a potential and promising solution in order to
improve understandability, modifiability and
performance of BP models. In this context, current
approaches focusing on refactoring are classified into
structure-based works, semantic-based works, and
works which combine the semantic and structural
aspects (Khlif et al., 2017).
The first type of refactoring approaches is based
on refactoring operations and social network
rediscovery-based methods (Oinas-Kukkonen et al.,
2010). The former defines a set of refactoring
operators and algorithms to change the internal
structure of BPM without altering its external
behavior (La Rosa et al., 2011). The latter considers
that social relationships (ie. structural relations) and
collaborative behaviors among people within an
enterprise affect the overall process performance
(Boulmakoul, and Besri, 2013).
The second type of these approaches relies on so-
cial network discovery-based methods which explore
the human perspectives (performers and their roles)
to discover knowledge expressing the relationships
among performers in a BPM (Kim et al., 2014).
The third type of approaches (Khlif et al., 2017)
shows how to apply the correlated structural (i.e.,
functional and organizational) and semantic aspects
to restructure BPM specified in the Business Process
Kchaou, M., Khlif, W. and Gargouri, F.
Temporal, Semantic and Structural Aspects-based Transformation Rules for Refactoring BPMN Model.
DOI: 10.5220/0007925401270138
In Proceedings of the 16th International Joint Conference on e-Business and Telecommunications (ICETE 2019), pages 127-138
ISBN: 978-989-758-378-0
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Modelling Notation (BPMN) (ISO/IEC19510, 2013).
Our literature review reveals that the so-far
proposed refactoring techniques have been based on
the structural and or semantic aspects while
neglecting the temporal aspect that can also affect the
refactoring quality. More specifically, in this paper,
we propose to reuse the proposed strategy in (Khlif et
al., 2017) to define transformation rules related to all
perspectives. The authors browse the fragments based
on the defined top down approach (Khlif et al., 2017).
These transformation rules use the BPMN model
structure and the business context that describe
semantic information related to BPMN elements such
as the description of the activities, the information
about the performers associated to each activity, etc.
Toward this end, we tackle the limits presented in
the literature by enhancing the EVARES approach
(Khlif et al., 2017) with : 1) a way to annotate a
BPMN model by using the business context as a
means to encapsulate temporal information related to
the actor and to all BPMN elements. These
information are pertinent to the business logic and
organizational aspect; 2) a set of new temporal and
cost measures to improve the performance of a BP;
and 3) BPMN transformation rules that encapsulates
also the temporal constraints. To show the
improvements gained by applying the transformation
rules and their influence on the complexity and
performance dimensions of a model, we use a set of
well-known structural and performance measures.
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows:
Section 2 summarizes related work. Section 3,
introduces concepts related to the quality of a BPM. In
section 4, we propose temporal and cost measures to
evaluate the performance of a BPM. Section 5 presents
the definition of the business context in BPMN model.
In section 6, we illustrate a subset of our transformation
rules. Section 7 illustrate our transformation rules
through an example. Finally, section 8 summarizes the
presented work and outlines its extensions.
The works in this section are overviewed not only on
structural and performance measures but also on
refactoring methods which aim at optimizing the
2.1 Structural and Performance
In the area of business process, a wide variety of
business quality measures has been developed. These
measures are classified into two categories: structural
measures and performance measures.
2.1.1 Structural Measures
Structural measures fall basically into three types:
complexity, coupling and cohesion (Cardoso, 2006).
In this paper, we focus on the complexity measures
such as the size measures (Rolón et al., 2006) that
calculates the number of each BPMN element (ie.
Number of Sequence flows (NSF), Number of Lanes
(NL), Total Number of Gateways (TNG), Total
Number of Events (TNE), Number of Activities
(NOA), Number Of Activities, Joins and Splits in the
process (NOAJS)). In addition, (Mendling, 2006)
identifies the Density (Den) measure.
Others complexity measures are defined in
(Cardoso, 2006) such as the Control Flow
Complexity (CFC); and Coefficient of Connectivity
(CNC). (Gruhn and Laue, 2006) present the Cognitive
Weight (CW) measure which reveals the effort
required for comprehending a given model.
2.1.2 Performance Measures
In this section, we overview works on the BP
performance based on measures. These works are
organized in three categories: time based-
performance measures, cost based-performance
measures and integrating time and cost to measure the
BP performance.
In the first category, (Lanz et al., 2016) identify
10 different time patterns which constitute solutions
for representing temporal constraints. They are
classified into 4 distinct groups: 1) Durations and
Time Lags. 2) Restricting Execution Times. 3)
Variability. 4) Recurrent Process Elements. Based on
time patterns, (Lanz et al., 2016) define for instance
the Activity Duration (AD) belongs to TP2.
(Del-Río-Ortega et al., 2013) propose the
PPINOT metamodel that has been created to allow
the modelling of Process Performance Indicators
(PPIs). PPINOT shows the main elements of a PPI
definition and the types of measures (Base, Derived
and Aggregated) that can be used to define a PPI.
PPINOT defines also two types of resource-aware
PPIs: Resource Measure and Group by Resources.
For instance, the authors present the measure Total
Number of Actors that perform Tasks in a period of
time (TNAT(period)).
In the second category, (Sampathkumaran and
Wirsing, 2013) propose a methodology for cost
calculation by dividing a business process into
patterns. For example, the cost of n tasks in a
ICE-B 2019 - 16th International Conference on e-Business
sequential order represents the total cost of all the
tasks in a sequential order.
In the third category, Kis et al., 2017) propose a
framework on how the four dimensions of the devil's
quadrangle (time, cost, quality and flexibility) can be
measured. In this context, (Kis et al., 2017) define the
measure Lead Time of the Activity which is
calculated as the sum of the duration of each activity
and the wait time.
In summary, the majority of the presented
measures in literature are related to the activity and
event elements, or resources measures. However, the
authors neglect the gateway, sequence flow and
lane/pool elements which have an impact on
evaluating BP performance. In addition, the authors
don’t use these measures to refactor the BPM and
improve their performance. Besides, there is no works
that combine the cost and temporal measures of all
BPMN elements with the actor’s measures.
2.2 Works on Business Process
The recent literature on business process refactoring
has shown three trends of approaches:
those which are structure-based: these works
focus on refactoring operations and social
network rediscovery-based methods;
those which are semantic-based: they represent
social network discovery-based methods;
those which combine the semantic and
structural aspects (Khlif et al., 2017).
2.2.1 Structure-based Refactoring
Refactoring has been used in literature for improving
the quality of a BPM. For example, (Fernández-
Ropero et al., 2013) provide a mechanism to detect
the sub-set of refactoring operators which structurally
transform a model while preserving its behavior if the
pre-conditions are satisfying. (La Rosa et al., 2011)
identify twelve patterns which determine structural
fragments subject to reorganization. (Corradini et al.,
2018) optimize the understandability of the BPM
during refactoring.
In addition, several works are based on social
network, especially, on rediscovery-based methods
(Boulmakoul and Besri, 2013) (Kajan et al., 2014) in
order to recognize processes from execution event
logs and identify the structural relations among the
performers or organizational units. Adopting this type
of approach, (Kajan et al., 2014) propose a method
using a set of social relations that connect tasks,
persons and machines together to develop specialized
networks that capture the interactions during BP
execution. (Boulmakoul and Besri, 2013) propose
methods for assessment of organizational structure
based on structural analysis.
2.2.2 Semantic-based Refactoring
Besides the structure based, other approaches focus
on discovering social network knowledge. More
specifically, (Battsetseg et al., 2013) propose an
algorithm to discover an activity-performer affiliation
network model from an Information Control Net
(ICN) based workflow model. (Kim et al., 2014)
visualize the workflow performer-role affiliation
networking knowledge from an ICN based workflow
2.2.3 Refactoring based on Combining
Semantic and Structural Aspects
In (Khlif et al., 2017), the authors propose a method
called EVARES Quality (EVAluation and Quality
Restructuring) to refactor and evaluate the quality of
BP models. The authors defined twenty-eight
transformation rules that consider the semantic and
structural information. These rules are related to the
behavioral and organizational perspectives. The
behavioral rules exploit only the structural aspect.
The organizational rules rely on the structural and
semantic (business context) information.
In summary, the majority of refactoring
approaches, presented in literature, use the semantic
and/or structural. However, there is no works that
take into account the temporal aspect. Evidently,
neglecting this aspect reduces the amount of
information that can be extracted and, therefore, may
reduce the scope for potential improvement solutions.
Our proposed method build on our preliminary work
in (Khlif et al., 2017) and combines structural,
semantic and temporal aspects in order to improve the
BP performance (ie. reduce the time, cost) and the
understandability and modifiability of the BP.
(ISO/IEC 25010, 2011) provides a guide for the use
of the international standard called Evaluation and
Requirements Software Quality Requirements and
Evaluation (SQuaRE). SQuaRE is composed of five
divisions. This paper focuses on the quality model
division which proposes eight quality characteristics
of the models (products): functional suitability,
reliability, performance efficiency, usability,
Temporal, Semantic and Structural Aspects-based Transformation Rules for Refactoring BPMN Model
operability, security, compatibility, maintainability
and transferability.
Each characteristic is composed of a set of sub
characteristics. For example, according to this
classification, understandability, modifiability and
reusability are sub-characteristics, respectively, of
usability and maintainability. In addition,
performance efficiency is shown by the sub
characteristics time behaviour and resource
utilization. Reliability is revealed by the sub
characteristics maturity and fault tolerance.
The understandability is expressed by the sub-
characteristics (appropriateness, recognisability). It is
defined as the clarity degree of the objectives of a
system for the evaluator (Azim et al., 2008).
Modifiability is defined by the easy modification
of a process model (Azim et al., 2008) while re-
usability allows to reuse BP fragments.
Time behaviour and Resource utilization are the
sub characteristics of the performance efficiency that
is defined by the capability of the BPMN element to
provide a performance relative to the resources and
the time used (Heinrich and Paech, 2010).
Time behaviour is defined as the appropriate transport
time between different BPMN elements and
processing times when executed; while Resource
utilization represents the capability of the BPMN
element to use appropriate amounts and the types of
resources when executed under stated conditions.
Maturity and fault tolerance are the sub
characteristics of the reliability which is determined
by the capability of the activity to maintain its
performance (Heinrich and Paech, 2010). Maturity is
the capability of the activity to avoid failure in the
activity. Fault tolerance is the capability of the
activity to maintain its performance in cases of faults.
To evaluate the presented characteristics, we use
measures that are shown in sections 2.1.1 and 2.1.2
and we propose also a set of performance measures
that cover all BPMN concepts and the social aspect
(actor) which affect the performance of a BP.
Before proposing a set of new measures, we define in
this section the availability and suitability
characteristics that are related to the actor.
Availability is the capability of the actor to be able to
perform the activity in the required unit of time.
Suitability focuses on actor skills that cover his
qualification, expertise, social competence, skills,
motivation and performance ability.
In addition, we propose the characteristic cost
which is expressed as a price or monetary value
associated to BPMN element and to actor in a period
of time.
Next, we propose measures that will be classified
according to the presented characteristics.
4.1 Measures to Assess the Suitability
and Availability of the Actor
In this sub-section, we propose the following
measures related to the Actor suitability:
Shift Time of an Actor to perform an Activity
(A)): a period where an actor is
scheduled (planified) to perform an Activity.
Actor’s BReaks when he performs an Activity
(A)) : unproductive time where the actor
is scheduled not to work. A scheduled time
when workers stop working for a brief period.
Ideal Cycle Time of an Actor to perform an
Activity (ICTAct(A)) : Theoretical minimum
time to perform an activity by an actor.
Stop Time of an Actor when he performs an
Activity (ST
(A)) : the time where the actor
was intended to work but was not due to
unplanned stops (breakdowns) or planned stops
Planned Production time of an Actor to
perform an Activity (PPT
(A)): the total time
that an actor is expected to produce.
Working Time spent by an Actor to perform an
Activity (WT
(A)): It corresponds to the run
time which is simply calculated by the
difference between the Planned Production
Time and Stop Time.
Percentage of an Actor Time Contribution in a
Lane per day (PTC
(L)): it represents the
proportion of the working time spent per day
by an actor in a lane (L) and the total working
time of the same actor in all the process P.
Performance of an Actor per Day (PerDay
It expresses how fast the actor’s work ? In
addition, it represents all elements that causes
the process to operate at less than the maximum
possible speed, when running. It compares the
working Time spent by an actor per day to the
Ideal Cycle Time.
Ratio of Defected Activities by an Actor per day
): is calculated by the Total Number of
Defected Activities performed by an actor
divided by the Total number of Activities
performed by the same actor.
ICE-B 2019 - 16th International Conference on e-Business
Ratio of Good Activities performed by an Actor
): is calculated by the Total Number of
Good Activities realized by an actor in a day
divided by the Total number of Activities
performed by the same actor in one day.
Availability of an Actor in a Day (AVDay
represents the capability of the actor to be able
to perform the activity in the required unit of
time. It is calculated as the ratio of Working
Time spent by an actor on a day to Planned
Production Time.
4.2 Measures to Assess the Cost of the
In this sub-section, we propose cost measures related
to actor.
Cost of an actor in a Lane per Day
(L)): is calculated by the product of
the total working time spent by an Actor in a
Lane per Day (TWTDay
(L)) and its actual
Labour Costs per Hour (LCH
4.3 Measures to Assess the Time of the
BPMN Elements
In this sub-section, we propose performance
measures related to BPMN elements (gateway,
sequence flow and lane/Pool).
Lane Duration (LD): the sum of the needed
time to carry out all BPMN elements in a lane.
Pool Duration (PD): It is calculated by the sum
of lanes duration in the process.
Gateway Duration (GD (Gateway): represents
the duration of a gateway.
Sequence Flow Duration (SeqFD): represents
the transfer time between BPMN elements
(activity, gateway and event).
We note that the sequence flow duration expresses
also the time lag (difference) between the start of an
element i+1 and the end of an element i.
4.4 Measures to Assess the Cost of the
BPMN Elements
In this sub-section, we propose cost measures related
to BPMN elements (gateway, activity and lane/Pool).
Cost of an Activity realized by an actor (CA
is calculated by the product of the actor’s actual
Labour Costs per Hour and the working time
spent by an Actor to perform an Activity.
Cost of a Lane per Day (CosDay(L)):
determines the cost of all BPMN elements in a
Lane per Day. It includes the cost of transfer
time between them.
Cost of a Sequence Flow (CosSeqF
)): the product of the Sequence
Flow Duration (SeqFD) and the actor’s actual
Labour Costs per Hour (LCH
The business context allows to classify the semantic
and temporal information according to five business
process perspectives: organizational, functional,
informational, behavioural and temporal.
The organizational perspective focuses on the
social context. It denotes "Where" and by "whom" the
activities are performed. "Pool" and "Lane" are the
main BPMN concepts in the organizational
perspective (Curtis et al., 1992). In particular, lane
and pool elements are described with the following
information: Unique identifier of the lane (ID
, their labels, the list of actors affiliated with the
lane, their permissions and their role assignments, and
the relation between the actors that can be
hierarchical roles (Khlif et al., 2017). Recall that
hierarchical roles indicate partial ordering on roles.
Roles are partially ordered to reflect the
organizational hierarchy. Therefore, for two roles r
and r', r
r implies that permissions that exist within
r are subsumed into those in r (Khlif et al., 2017). We
extend the between actors by cooperation roles and
actors having the same position.We note that the
cooperation roles imply that the actors have the same
permissions and different roles; while the same
position indicates that the actors have the same roles
and permissions.
We extend the business context in the
organizational perspective by the semantic
information representing the social aspect related to
the actor and the corresponding temporal constraints:
the availability of an actor expressing his capability
to perform an activity in the required unit of time, his
suitability representing his capability to perform the
activity well, his performance expressing how fast his
work is and working time expressing how long an
actor performs an activity.
In the functional and temporal perspectives,
activity node represents the main concept which is
documented with the following context information:
the unique activity identifier (ID), its lane, the ID of
the actor responsible for performing it, the IDs of the
activities on which it directly depends (before and
after), the dependency type (authorization,
coordination or resource dependency), and its
Temporal, Semantic and Structural Aspects-based Transformation Rules for Refactoring BPMN Model
required objects which can be either shared or private
(Khlif et al., 2017). We extend this annotation by the
following temporal and semantic information:
Performance duration that denotes the starting and
finishing time of an activity, its cost, its state which
can be defected (IsDefected) or good (IsGood) and
the time lags between two activities expressing the
transfer time between them.
In addition, we define in the informational and
temporal perspectives, the business context
associated to the events. We suppose that the event in
a BPM is documented with the following context
information: Time date that specifies a fixed date
when trigger will be fired, its duration, its cost that
represents the cost of sending/receiving an event and
the time lags between event and other elements.
The behavioural and temporal perspectives focus
on the business context associated to the gateway and
sequence flow elements. We suppose that the
gateway and sequence flow nodes in a business
process model are documented with the following
context information: Unique identifier of the gateway
)/sequence flow (ID
, their labels, their
duration and costs. Note that the gateway can be also
expressed by the time lags between it and other
BPMN elements (gateway, activity and event)
expressing the transfer time between them.
In this section, we use the proposed strategy in (khlif
et al., 2017) to define six transformation rules related
to all perspectives: functional, behavioural,
organizational, informational and temporal. In fact, to
apply a transformation rule, we browse the fragments
based on the defined top down approach (Khlif et al.,
2017). We note that the transformation rules preserve
the semantics of the transformed fragment. To prove
this property, we have compared the behavioral
profiles (Weidlich et al., 2011) of pattern fragments
before and after each transformation rule, and we
have verified that they effectively satisfy the behavior
preserving property; that is, both models have
equivalent trace sets.
In order to propose the organizational and
temporal rules, we studied the possible cases that may
be included in a model well-formed according to the
BPMN meta-model. Our method considers the
sequential tasks in the same lane (R1) and in different
lanes (R2) where the availability and the suitability of
the actors are an important factor for the
transformation rules. The same factors are considered
to delete a department (R3). In addition, R4 and R5
are represented by parallel fragments containing
duplicate tasks in different lanes where all the tasks
or the set of tasks are defected. In this case, R4
replaces a parallel fragment by a sequential one and
R5 removes department containing only defected
tasks. Finally, R6 presents conditions that allow
duplicating an activity.
R1: Merge directly connected activities
performed by two actors in the same lane and
associate the resulting activity with the actor who is
the most suitable and available to perform the original
Figure 1: Organizational and temporal annotations to
illustrate rule R1.
Figure 1 shows the semantic and temporal
information for annotating tasks and assigning actors
expressing the organizational and temporal aspect.
Since "Ali" is the leader of "Salah", the permission
attributed to "Salah" is also attributed to "Ali". The
leader has been available since Monday at 10:00 to
perform "Task2" and "Task3", and "Salah" can be
available on Monday at 14:00. In this case, we affect
"Task2" and "Task3" to "Ali" who has the higher
skills comparing to "Salah". In addition, when "Ali"
performs the tasks assigned to "Salah", he can reduce
the transfer time and even eliminate it. In fact, "Ali"
can perform these tasks with less time than "Salah".
We propose to merge the three tasks in one activity:
"SP1-2-3". Figure 2 illustrates the application
example for rule R1.
Figure 2: Application example for R1.
ICE-B 2019 - 16th International Conference on e-Business
Figure 2: Application example for R1 (cont.).
Measure for its detection
Structural measures: CW, NSF, NOAJS,
Temporal measures: LD , PD, AD(Task2),
AD(Task3), SeqFD(Task3
, Task2
TNAT(Monday), PerDay
, AVDay
Cost measures: CA
), CA
(Task2), CosDay
(Lane1), CosSeqFD
), CosDay (Lane1).
Improvements after refactoring: increase the
understandability, modifiability and reusability
of the model. Decrease time behaviour, cost
and increase the availability and suitability of
the actor.
R2: Merge directly activities related and
performed by two actors with hierarchical roles in
two different lanes. Associate the resulting activity
with the actor who is available to carry out the
original activities and who has skills to save time.
Figure 3: Organizational and temporal annotations to
illustrate rule R2.
Figure 3 presents the information about the tasks
and the actors that perform each task. In this case,
since "Salah" is under the hierarchy of "Ali", the
permission attributed to "Salah" is also attributed to
"Ali". In addition, we note that "Ali" can be available
before Salah. In fact, we assign "Task3" to "Ali" who
can start performing this task on Tuesday since 10:00.
R2 affects "Task1", "Task2" and "Task3", to "Ali"
who has the skills to perform them in "Lane1". This
rule is illustrated in Figure 4.
Figure 4: Application example for R2.
Measure for its detection
Structural measures: CW, NSF, NOAJS,
Temporal measures: AD(Task3), LD, PD,
), SeqFD
, Task2
), SeqFD (Task4
), AVDay
, TNAT(Tuesday).
Cost measures: CosDay
CosSeqFD (Task2
), CosSeqFD
(Task3), CosDay(Lane2).
Improvements after refactoring: Increase the
understandability, modifiability and reusability
of the BP. Decrease time behaviour, cost and
increase the availability and suitability of the
R3: Delete a lane containing only activities that
are sequentially linked to other activities in another
lane and which are performed by actors related by a
hierarchical role. Then affect the resulting activity to
the actor who is available and has the most
appropriate skills (suitability) to perform the original
Figure 5: Organizational and temporal annotations to
illustrate rule R3.
Temporal, Semantic and Structural Aspects-based Transformation Rules for Refactoring BPMN Model
Figures 5 and 6 show an example where rule R3
can be applied. Since "Sami" is under the hierarchy of
"Ali", the permission attributed to "Sami" is also
granted to "Ali". In addition, the leader has been
available since Monday at 11:00 to perform "Task3"
and "Task4" within "Lane1". However, "Sami" can be
available on Monday at 12:00. In this case, we affect
"Task3" and "Task4" to "Ali" who has the higher
skills comparing to "Sami". We note that the more the
suitability value is minimal, the more the actor is
suitable to perform the tasks. R3 proposes to merge
"Task1", "Task2", "Task3" and "Task 4" into one
process: "SP1-2-3-4" and grant it to "Ali".
Figure 6: Application example for R3.
Measure for its detection
Structural measures: CW, NSF, NOAJS,
Temporal measures: AD(Task3), LD, PD
AD(Task4), SeqFD(Task3
SeqFD (Task4
, Task3
), PerDay
(Lane1), TNAT(Monday).
Cost measures: CA
(Task4), CosDay(Lane2), CosSeqFD
, Task2
), CosDay
CosSeqFD (Task4
Improvements after refactoring: Increase the
understandability, modifiability and reusability
of the model. Improve performance by
decreasing time behaviour, cost and optimize
the availability and suitability of the actor.
R4: Replace a parallel fragment containing the same
or a subset of defected activities that belong to
different lanes by a sequence fragment, if the
activities are performed by actors affiliated to
different lanes and having cooperation relation.
Associate then the obtained sequential fragment to
skilled actor who can perform activities and terminate
them correctly.
Figure 7: Organizational and temporal annotations to
illustrate rule R4.
Figure 7 represents semantic and temporal
information used to annotate tasks and actors. Since
"Sami" and "Ali" have cooperation relation, the perm-
ission granted to "Sami" is also attributed to "Ali".
"Ali" can perform "Task1" correctly, while "Sami"
produces "Task1" in "Lane1" which represents failure
due to internal errors. In this case, we assign "Task1"
to "Ali" and delete the corresponding one associated
to "Sami" in "Lane1". However, "Sami" has more
skills than "Ali" to perform "Task2". R4 delete then
"Task2" in "Lane2" and give it to "Sami". This rule is
illustrated in Figure 8.
Figure 8: Application example for R4.
Measure for its detection
Structural measures: CW, NSF, NOAJS,
ICE-B 2019 - 16th International Conference on e-Business
Temporal measures: LD, PD, TDADay
, SeqFD(Task1
, G1),
SeqFD(G2, Task3
), SeqFD(G2, Task2
), SeqFD (Task1
G1), SeqFD(Task2
, Task1
, AVDay
GD(G1),GD(G2), TNAT (Monday).
Cost measures: CA
(Task2), CosDay(Lane1), CosDay
(Lane2), CosSeqFD(Task1
, G1),
CosSeqFD (Task2
, Task1
), CosSeqFD
), CosDay
CosSeqFD(G2, Task2
), CosGat(G1),
(Lane1), CosSeqFD(Task1
G1),CosSeqFD(G2, Task3
), CosGat(G2).
Improvements after refactoring: Increase the
understandability, modifiability and reusability
of the model. Increase performance since the
cost and the time are reduced, improve
reliability and fault tolerance and optimize the
availability and suitability of the actor.
R5: If a parallel fragment contains the same or a
subset of activities belonging to different lanes and if
one lane has only defected tasks that can be performed
by an actor who is related to other actors in another
lane by hierarchical roles or by having the relation
cooperation or the same position, then apply in order:
R4, R3.
Figure 9: Organizational and temporal annotations to
illustrate rule R5.
Figure 9 and 10 show an example where R5 can
be applied: "Lane2" contains only "Task1" and
"Task2" all of which are performed by "Ali". Since
"Ali" and "Sami" have the same position (Figure 9),
then rule R5 suggests to replace the parallel fragment
by a sequence fragment, to remove "Lane1" and to
associate "Task1" and "Task2" with "Ali" who is
allowed to perform them and can therefore do them
Figure 10: Application example for R5.
Measure for its detection
Structural measures: CW, NSF, NOAJS,
Temporal measures: LD, PD, TDADay
, SeqFD(Task1
, G1),
(Lane 1),
GD(G1),GD(G2), SeqFD(Task1
, G1),
SeqFD(G2, Task2
), SeqFD(Task2
), SeqFD(G2, Task2
), PerDay
Cost measures: CA
(Task2), CosGat(G2), CosGat (G1),
CosDay(Lane1), CosSeqFD (Task1
, G1),
, Task1
), CosSeqFD (G2,Task2
), CosDay
Improvements after refactoring: Increase the
understandability, modifiability and reusability
of the BP. Increase performance by decreasing
time behaviour, cost. Improve reliability and
fault tolerance and optimize the availability and
suitability of the actor.
R6: Duplicate a defected activity in a lane that
doesn’t belong to them, if it is followed and/or
preceded by a parallel fragment(s) which is
performed by an actor in another lane and who is
available and suitable to perform the original activity
Figure 11 shows the semantic and temporal
information for annotating tasks and assigning actors
expressing the organizational and temporal aspects.
Temporal, Semantic and Structural Aspects-based Transformation Rules for Refactoring BPMN Model
Figure 11: Organizational and temporal annotations to
illustrate rule R6.
Figure 11 illustrates that "Sami" performs a
defected sub process "SP4-5" in "Lane2". In addition,
we note that "Sami" is under the hierarchy of "Ali"
and "Salah". So, the permission attributed to "Sami"
is also attributed to "Ali" and "Salah". Since "Salah"
is available before "Ali" and has more skills (skills
level =1) than him (skills level =2), he performs "SP4-
5". R6 assigns "SP4-5" to "Salah" who terminates
"SP4-5" correctly before "Ali". Figure 12 illustrates
this rule.
Figure 12: Application example for R6.
Measure for its detection
Structural measures: CW, CFC, NSF, TNG,
Temporal measures: GD(G2), TADay
, TNAT(Monday), RDA
SeqFD(G2, Task7
), SeqFD(SP4-5
G2), AVDay
Cost measures: CosDay
(SP4-5), CosSeqFD(G2, Task7
, G2),
Improvements after refactoring: Increase the
understandability, modifiability and reusability
of the model. Decrease time behaviour and cost
which allow to improve the performance of the
actor and therefore that of the BP. Improve
reliability and fault tolerance.
In summary, some of the proposed transformation
rules have negative aspects. For instance, R3 leads to
the deletion of "Lane2" that represents a department
of a company. This induce loss of some information
which might be necessary to better understand the
entire process. To preserve the semantic of the
fragments before and after the application of R3, the
designer should rename the remaining lane "Lane 1-
2" since it will contains also "Task 3" and "Task 4".
In addition, R5 propose to merge two identical
parallel process streams into one stream. This might
be feasible for a make-to-stock process where the
output is not that important. However, this type of
refactoring can be problematic for make-to-order
process types since the merge of two parallel process
streams into one stream with the reduction of the
workforce in this process results in a decreased
output. To verify that fragments in R5 satisfy the
behavior preserving property before and after
transformation, we eliminate only the actor who is not
suitable in "Lane1" and who produced defected
activities. In this case, we preserve the quantity of the
produced output since the actor in "Lane2" performs
the corresponding tasks very well.
In order to illustrate the transformation rules, we use
the "Sales management of items" example modelled
with BPMN in Figure 14. The model is annotated by
temporal constraints and semantic information (cost
and organizational aspects) that help designer to
refactor the BPMN model. Figure 13 shows the
semantic and temporal information for annotating
tasks and assigning actors expressing the
organizational and temporal aspect. The
transformation of the "Sales management of items"
example is illustrated in Figure 15.
For instance, we suppose that two actors ("Salah"
and "Hedi") have a hierarchical relation in the
"Payment" lane. Since "Salah" is the leader of "Hedi",
the permission attributed to "Hedi" is also attributed
to "Salah". The leader is available since Monday at
ICE-B 2019 - 16th International Conference on e-Business
08:40 to perform "T4: Deliver bill", and "Hedi" is
available on Monday at 09:00. In this case, we affect
"T4: Deliver bill" to "Salah" who has the higher skills
(skills level =1) comparing to "Hedi" (skills level =2).
In addition, when "Salah" performs the task assigned
to "Hedi", he can reduce the transfer time and even
eliminate it. In fact, "Salah" can perform this task
with less time than "Hedi". He terminates this task at
08:45. After that, R1 merges "T3: Establish payment"
and "T4: Deliver bill" in one activity: "SP2: Pay bill".
Figure 13: Organizational and temporal annotations to
illustrate the "Sales management of items" example.
Figure 14: "Sales management of items" example before the
Furthermore, "Ali" performs a defected sub
process "SP1: Manage order" in the "Order
management" lane. We note that "Ali" is under the
hierarchy of "Sami" and "Salah". So, the permission
attributed to "Ali" is also attributed to "Sami" and
"Salah". Since "Salah" is available before "Sami" and
has more skills (skills level=1) than him (skills
level=2), he performs "SP1: Manage order".
Consequently, R6 assigns "SP1: Manage order" to
"Salah" who terminates it correctly before "Sami". To
preserve the semantic of the fragments before and
after the application of R6, the designer should
rename the remaining lane "Order management and
payment" since it will contains also "SP1: Manage
Figure 15: "Sales management of items" example after the
In this paper, we focused on improving the quality of
BPMN models in term of their complexity and
performance. To end this purpose, we first enriched
the existing measures by proposing a set of cost and
temporal ones related to BPMN elements and actors.
These measures are based on business context.
In addition, we proposed a set of transformation
rules that consider the semantic, structural and
temporal information to refactor a BPM. The
structural aspect describes the connections between
the BP elements. The semantic aspect is derived from
the context-enriched nodes in BPMN, and the
temporal aspect represents the temporal constraint
related to BPMN elements and to the actor.
Our future work will focus on defining an
algorithm to decide on the application order of the
transformations to produce the best performance of a
BPM. Then, we will study the impact of their
application to a well-structured model. In addition,
we are going to focus on analysing the correlations
among the transformation rules in order to ensure the
production of an optimal restructured BPMN.
Temporal, Semantic and Structural Aspects-based Transformation Rules for Refactoring BPMN Model
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ICE-B 2019 - 16th International Conference on e-Business