those measured. In addition to these peaks, the GTF
predicts two resonances at around 5.42MHz and 15
MHz for the case with parasitics.
Last, but not least, the response computed with
the MNA approach is shown in Fig. 8. The MNA
is also able to predict the peaks in the frequency
response at odd multiples of the switching frequency,
however, these peaks are decreasing in amplitude.
The amplitude of these peaks is lower than those
shown by the measurements. In addition to these
peaks, the MNA predicts, as the GTF two resonances
at around 5.43MHz and 14 MHz for the case with
The transfer function for a Buck power converter
with parasitic elements taken into consideration for
the switching devices was computed with three
approaches: the average model, the GTF and
the MNA for PSL circuits. These approaches
were compared against each other and against
the measurements. Our analysis shows that the
introduction of parasitic elements has an effect on
the low frequency resonance, this resonance being
due to the converter’s output filter. Moreover,
the GTF and MNA predict two additional peaks
resonances at arround 5MHz and 14 MHz due to
the parasitic’s elements. At odd multiples of the
switching frequency, we noticed a negligible effect
of the parasitics. In the future, we will improve
our model in the following ways. First, we will
determine the correct values of the parasitic elements
from the switching signal. Second, we will also take
into consideration the parasitic elements of the output
filter’s inductance, capacitance and resistance.
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of the CE2I project (Convertisseur d’Energie Integre
Intelligent). CE2I is co-financed by European Union
with the financial support of European Regional
Development Fund (ERDF), the French State and the
French Region of Hauts-de-France.
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Buck Converter Modeling in High Frequency using Several Transfer Function-based Approaches