Table 6: Static and dynamic neural model comparison results.
Output parameter Static NN RMSE NARX model RMSE
0.01120 0.00098
0.00190 0.00039
0.00150 0.00047
POWER 0.21890 0.31890
TGT 0.00530 0.00170
Overall RMSE 0.23880 0.32250
Training time 25.404 sec 1333.9 sec
networks. The output data from this program were
recorded in a matrix form. After that, analysis of these
recorded data was performed by dividing the data into
different groups and selection of the best model struc-
ture from each group based on the minimum value
of RMSE. Finally, comparison results between static
NN and dynamic NN showed a good capability of the
dynamic neural networks over the static neural net-
works in representation of the dynamic response of
ADGTE. However, the training time of the dynamic
NN was higher than that in the static NN.
Since, there is no general methodology or rule to
define the neural network parameters, the way to se-
lect the best network configuration is traditionally ob-
tained by trial-and-error. This paper may work as
a guideline for researchers in selection of the best
feed forward and NARX neural network configura-
tion which can represent ADGTE during its full range
above its idle status.
In general, the developed NN models for the
ADGTE can be an effective tool for real time simu-
lation of gas turbines and model based control appli-
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