Electronic Voting System for Universities in Colombia
Jose Llanos
1 a
, William Coral
2 b
, Alvaro Alarcon
1 c
, Juan Cruz
2 d
and Jhojan Ramirez
2 e
Department of Computer Science, Corporaci
on Universitaria del Huila - CORHUILA, Neiva, Colombia
Department of Mechatronics Engineering, Corporaci
on Universitaria del Huila - CORHUILA, Neiva, Colombia
Election Process, Electronic Voting Systems, MVC, OWASP.
In this manuscript we present the development of Electronic Voting System (EVS) for the elections process at
universities in Colombia. This application is based on the architectural pattern Model View Controller (MVC)
and Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) by defining five risk associated to the security of the
system. During the development of this software we performed a wide range of usability tests and response
times. This allowed to improve the performance of this software in its execution and delivery of results. We
conclude that the use of this type of applications allows to obtain the results quickly and accurately and the
process of recount votes is eliminated and the costs of executing the electoral process are reduced.
The voting method is a vital part of the democratic
process in any organization (Olaniyi et al., 2013). It
contains a series of elements that allow democracy to
be exercised through the election of political parties
that represent the population (Ayala et al., ). The tra-
ditional election process is expensive, slow and need
complex preparation (Hussien and Aboelnaga, 2013).
Electronic voting refers to the use of computers or
computerized voting equipment to cast their vote in
an election (Mohammed and Timour, 2013). As well
an electronic voting system is a system that registers
electoral data and processes them mainly as digital in-
formation (Al-Ameen and Talab, 2013). Its goal is to
improve the accessibility, precision and security of the
elections in order to optimize the democratic process.
Electronic voting has many advantages over the
traditional way of voting. Some of these advantages
are the lower cost, faster tabulation of the results, bet-
ter accessibility, greater precision and a lower risk of
human errors. As well the electronic voting system
needs to fulfill with some requirements for its im-
plementation (Hussien and Aboelnaga, 2013) - (Al-
Ameen and Talab, 2013), these are:
Eligibility: Only authorized voters who meet
a predetermined criteria can vote (Hussien and
Aboelnaga, 2013).
Singularity: No one can vote more than once
(Hussien and Aboelnaga, 2013).
Privacy: A vote is kept secret and no one can
determine your choice (Hussien and Aboelnaga,
Integrity: The electoral process is safe, so nobody
can change the vote of another person without be-
ing discovered (Hussien and Aboelnaga, 2013).
Accuracy: Each voter can ensure that their vote
has been taken into account in the final tabulation
(Hussien and Aboelnaga, 2013).
In this project the EVS was include to improve the
security of the system by restricting access for people
who are not authorized in the database. In this way we
can offers greater reliability of the results obtained by
the election committee. Likewise it allows to carry
out the suffrage action in a friendly and interactive
Around the world, the EVS has been implemented
successfully and several countries have changed their
paradigms of the old classical method for system-
atized electoral processes. Brazil has been imple-
menting the electronic voting with a good results and
at the same time have been vital for the improvement
of its electoral and political system (P
erez Duharte,
2013). Among the main advantages that are perceived
with electronic voting are security, speed, reliability
Llanos, J., Coral, W., Alarcon, A., Cruz, J. and Ramirez, J.
Electronic Voting System for Universities in Colombia.
DOI: 10.5220/0007929103250332
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO 2019), pages 325-332
ISBN: 978-989-758-380-3
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
and the possibility of correction (Bonifaz, 2014). In
the last years in Colombia some applications for the
electoral process have been implemented at the level
of universities and colleges. This thanks to the law
(law 892 of 2004) (Giraldo, 2007) that regulates the
electronic mechanism of registration and electronic
voting through the support and implementation of
a computer system (Mendoza Suarez et al., 2016).
However, this process has been implemented only in
a very few cities. In the south of Colombia where our
university is located this kind of software has not been
implemented before this work.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Sec-
tion 2 provides a detailed description of the software
development. Section 3 describes the evaluation of
usability and the response times of the application.
The Section 4 delivery the results. The conclusions
are sketched in Section 5 and future work in Section
EVS incorporates people, electronic devices and data
processing. Offers the services of visualization of re-
sults for all stakeholders. This project focuses on the
development of a Web application that allows improv-
ing response times and reducing the costs of conduct-
ing the electoral process (Hussien and Aboelnaga,
To better understand the proposed solution it is
necessary to analyze the architecture implemented in
the software. These includes the architectural pattern
Model Vista Controller (Figure 1) (Pantoja, 2004). In
the Vista we find the XHTML files that are responsi-
ble for taking the user’s request and sending it to the
controller. This was implemented using the Managed
Beans a JavaServer Faces (JSF) framework. The JSF
contains the logic of the business and takes the in-
formation from the form and transfer it to the model.
These is a serializable class that allows the invoca-
tion of the objects the persistence of the data and the
communication with the database. When the database
engine processes the request a message is returned
to the model and this is delivered to the controller
to finally notified through the user’s view (Pech-May
et al., 2011).
2.1 Security
We based the security of this project on the report
made by the Open Web Application Security Project
(OWASP) where the Top 10 of the Most Critical Web
Application Security Risks are listed. We imple-
mented on the project 5 of the 10 risks detailed as
Risk A1 - Injection: This type of risk occurs
when an attacker sends harmful information to an
interpreter. The variables or parameters sent do
not have the respective validation and the injec-
tion may cause disclosure, loss or corruption of
the information. XML parsers and parameters can
be generated in SQL queries (Singh, 2016).
The attack is prevented when the command data
and queries are separated. If stored procedures
are used it is necessary to use validated parame-
ters. Concatenation and special characters must
be avoided (Wichers, 2013).
In the EVS the data supplied by the user on the
frontend are validated and the parameters used in
the Managed Beans were adjusted for the stored
procedures in order to avoid an attack through
SQL queries to the base engine data.
Risk A2 - Lost Authentication: In this risk an
attacker can obtain the credentials by using brute
force tools as well as dictionaries to break the
passwords. This problem occurs when access
controls and session management are not imple-
mented. With this type of attack you can steal the
identity of the users. Information that is sensitive
to an organization can also be disclosed (OWASP,
This risk is prevented with multi-factor authen-
tication and the implementation of security poli-
cies. That includes the change of credentials by
default, the control of weak passwords and their
rotation (Kim and Hong, 2011).
In the application Web to avoid attacks using
brute-force tools or dictionaries that break the ac-
cess credentials, the AES 128 algorithm was im-
plemented to encrypt (peer-to-peer) the connec-
tion parameters with the database. The SHA-512
algorithm for encrypting user passwords and se-
curity policies for password change were defined
(McLoone and McCanny, 2002).
Risk A5 - Loss of Access Control: The exploita-
tion of access control is very often used by attack-
ers. This type of attack is very common because
it requires automatic detection and the use of ef-
fective functional tests by application developers.
The impact of the attack let the system to act as
administrator using privileged functions that al-
lows you to create, access, modify or delete any
record (OWASP, 2017).
To prevent this attack it is necessary to config-
ure the server in order to verify access control
ICINCO 2019 - 16th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
Figure 1: The figure shows the MVC architectural pattern implemented in the EVS. The Vista are .xhtml files that contain rich
Primefaces components. Here the user interacts with the Web application through a browser and generates their requests to
be sent to the controller. The Controller is a ManagedBean class that receives the requests generated by the View and passes
them to the Model. The Model is composed of a serializable Java class. This class is in charge of receiving the Controller’s
request to pass it to the database engine that processes it. Finally, it returns the generated response to the Controller so that it
can be shown to the user through the View.
or metadata. HTTP access control must be min-
imized. Web server directories must be disabled
and developers must apply access control and in-
tegration tests (OWASP, 2017).
In the application Web to avoid anonymous at-
tacks that allows the disclosure, modification or
destruction of the data, we use secure URLs,
MAC and IP validation in all the equipment in-
volved in the process. Likewise, we include in the
whole process a transaction log that allows ver-
ified and to control the transactions used during
the deploy of the application.
Risk A6 - Incorrect Configuration and Secu-
rity: In many cases attackers try to access ap-
plications through unused pages, unprotected files
and directories. This type of attack occurs be-
cause there are incorrect configurations in the se-
curity of the network, the application server and
the databases. The main objective of this type of
attack is to obtain unauthorized access to the data
and functions of the Web application. They also
generate this process in order to obtain system and
business information (OWASP, 2017).
In order to prevent this attack it is necessary to
implement development and production environ-
ments with the required security elements. It is
important not to install features that are not re-
quired. The configurations must be updated based
on a patch management process. The application
must handle a segmented architecture that guaran-
tees an effective and safe separation of the compo-
nents (Medvidovic and Taylor, 2000).
In order to avoid vulnerabilities of unused pages,
unprotected files and directories, a segmented net-
work with no Internet access defined only by the
teams involved in the election process was de-
fined. Security policies were also defined for the
server, the PostgreSQL database engine and the
application server.
Risk A10 - Insufficient Registry and Monitor-
ing: This attack is the basis of all large security
incidents. Due to the constant monitoring is not
carried out on the different systems the attack-
ers takes advantage of this situation to achieve
their objectives without being detected. Success-
ful attacks begin with exploiting vulnerabilities
and identifying gaps (OWASP, 2017).
To prevent this type of attack it is important
to verify all the existing login and access con-
trols. Constantly verify high-impact transactions
and include audit and integrity controls that al-
lows the timely identification of any eventuality
in database records. Finally define a security pol-
icy to respond to the timely recovery of incidents
(Kohno et al., 2004).
In our project to avoid security incidents and the
exploitation of vulnerabilities in the Web applica-
tion we used audit tables made in the database. In
this way these tables monitor records, successful
and failed logins and transaction control made or
declined during the voting process.
We consider that the risks listed before are the
most relevant for these web application. However, we
know that our software are vulnerable as well to the
other risks.
Electronic Voting System for Universities in Colombia
The EVS developed on this project and describe in
this section has two parts. The first is about the com-
ponents involved on the web application and the sec-
ond handle with the voting process follow by the user
to register its votes.
3.1 Components
The Web application consists of 11 modules that have
been designed and implemented in order to allow the
development of a complete electoral process.
Module 1 - Electoral Committee: This module
will create and modify the electoral committee,
committee positions and role descriptions, dele-
gates and the electoral committee minutes.
Module 2 - Registration: This module creates
and modified the agreements, the resolutions for
the election, the type of election to be made, the
applicant’s requirements and the documents that
must be submitted, the election and its respective
Module 3 - Formulas: This creates the voting
formulas and proposals of the voters.
Module 4 - Voters: In this module voters are cre-
ated and associated to the respective formulas reg-
istered for the electoral process.
Module 5 - Juries: The respective juries are cre-
ated and assigned the headquarters, the schedule
and the table in which they will participate.
Module 6 - Manuals: In this module you will
find the user, installation and deployment manuals
of the Web application.
Module 7 - Elections: The voter is activated to
allows carrying out the electronic voting.
Module 8 - Proceedings: The elector is activated
to perform the voting process.
Module 9 - Reports: This generates the reports
of aspirants, voters, results and the verification re-
port of the electoral process.
Module 10 - Configuration: We set-up the cam-
pus for the election, the faculties, the tables, the
programs, the campus, the type of document, the
type of formula, the university, the type of link
of the teachers, the computers and the rooms that
will be used for voting.
Module 11 - Security: Users and profiles are con-
figured in this module.
3.2 Process
In this section we are going to describe the process
follow by the users to vote using our EVS. This
process was developed based on the law 892 from
the electoral committee of Colombia (Giraldo, 2007).
Likewise, the steps follows by the voters take into ac-
count the needs from each University.
The voting process begins when the electoral com-
mittee generates an agreement that describes the im-
portance of the voting process for the institution.
Then a resolution is generated that describes the type
of election to be developed. This resolution includes
the requirements and documents that applicants must
present, the schedule of activities and the election day.
Subsequently, the applicant performs the registration
process, the delivery of documents and the definition
of the Electoral Formula that consists of a principal
candidate and a substitute candidate. When the regis-
tration process of the formulas is completed the clos-
ing act of the registration is generated. The forms
used for the configuration of the electoral process de-
fined previously are describe as follows:
University Campus: In this form we create the
campus that currently has the university around
the country.
Faculties: Here we can configure the faculties
that currently has the university.
Voting Tables: In this form we configure the ta-
bles used in the electoral process. Every tables is
associated to one faculty and one campus.
Program: It allows to configure all the academic
programs that the university has available for its
academic offer.
Types of Documents: Here are loaded the docu-
ments required by each candidate.
Types of Formula: This allows the user to config-
ure the formulas with their respective candidates.
Computers: Describes each of the computers that
will be used in the electoral process with their re-
spective IP and MAC addresses.
Rooms: In this form we created the rooms that
are going to be used for the development of the
electoral process.
Vote View: In this form the elector enter with his
credentials and generates the electronic vote.
Each voter was presented to the voting jury with
the identity card for its activation in the Web appli-
cation through a bar code reader. Then he goes to
the computer designated by the jury (inside the vot-
ing room) to generate the electronic vote through the
ICINCO 2019 - 16th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
Attack vector Weakness of security Prevention
Attack to parameters XML and
queries SQL
Disclosure or loss of information
Parameters validation in the files
XML and use of stored
procedures validated
A1 - Injection
A2 - Lost Authentication
A5- Loss of Access Control
A6- Incorrect configuration and
A10 - Insufficient Registry and
Access control and session
management not implemented
Exploitation of access control
Obtain unauthorized access to
the data and functions of the
Web application
Explotation of the vulnerabilities
and the identied of gaps
Loss of credentials of access
and passwords
The attacant have privileged
functions that allows disclosure,
modification or destruction of the
Incorrect configurations in the
security of the network, the
application server and the
Constant Monitoring of the
different systems without being
Implement of multi-factor
authentication and security
Configure the access control and
the metadata in the server. The
developers must apply access
control and integration tests
Implement development and
production enviroments with the
required security elements
implement the access control.
Constantly verify high-impact
transactions. Include audit and
define differents security policy
Figure 2: The figure shows the risks that were analyzed and implemented in the EVS based on document OWASP 2017.
This document socializes the 10 most relevant attacks that Web applications have in the production environment. From these
risks, the A1 corresponding to injection was selected. A2 to Lost Authentication. A5 Loss of Access Control. A6 Incorrect
configuration and security. A10 Insufficient Registry and Monitoring.
Figure 3: 1. The voter arrives in the voting room. 2. The jury activates the voter through identity card, so that they can
generate the vote in the EVS. 3. The voter generates the vote in the EVS. 4. Viewers keep the voting room in order. 5. The
vote is stored on the server. 6. The jurors verify the status of the vote and generate the labor certificate.
Web application. Finally the jury verified in the appli-
cation if the vote had been registered through a vote
counter and gives the voting certificate to each voter.
The electronic voting process was carried out dur-
ing a single day. At the end of the day the process is
close and the following reports are generated:
Results: This report shows the results of the elec-
tronic voting organized by voting table and venue
for each formula registered in the electoral pro-
Act of Voters: This record shows all the people
who made the electronic vote in their respective
Electronic Voting System for Universities in Colombia
polling station and headquarters.
Act of the Electoral Committee: It allows to vi-
sualize all the people that are part of the electoral
committee with their respective functions and re-
Act of Verification of Results: This act allows
auditing the results obtained in the electronic vot-
ing process.
Finally the Web application gives the results and
the candidates who gets more than half wins. Like-
wise the application gives the names and the ranks of
the others candidates.
For the development of the electronic voting process,
a room with one server and ve desktop computers
is configured. The Web application and the database
were implemented on the server. A desktop computer
is responsible for carrying out the voting process.
The test-bed is composed by two parts hardware
and software. This allows the implementation, de-
ployment, electronic voting and delivery of results.
4.1 Hardware Components
Within the hardware components we found a server
where the Web application is deployed. Likewise, the
desktop computers where the electronic voting pro-
cess is performed and where the jury activates the
voter to carry out the voting process are considered
as part of the hardware.
All the computers were in a LAN network with
static addressing and local connection to the server.
In order to avoid attacks or frauds to the electoral pro-
1. Server.
For the deployment of the Web application, the
DELL PowerEdge 830 tower server with CentOS
Operating System 7 was used. This server is ideal
for its flexible performance for different applica-
tions and database engines. It comes equipped
with a tool for its management guaranteeing a re-
duced maintenance and a simpler administration.
Table 1 shows the technical specifications of the
2. Desktop Computer.
In order to carry out the voting process and the ac-
tivation of the voters, 10 desktop computers with
the following specifications were used.
Figure 4: Technical specifications of the server used for the
implementation and deployment of the EVS.
Processor: Intel Core i5-6500
RAM Memory: 8GB
Hard Disk: 500GB
Operating System: Windows 10 64-bit
3. Code Bar Reader.
A barcode reader was used to activate and validate
the voter. This reader was implemented in each of
the rooms where the voting process took place.
The technical specifications of the device are as
Make: Honeywell
Model: Mk9520 Laser
Dimensions (LxWxH): 198 mm x 78 mm x 56
Weight: 149 g (5.3 oz)
Input Voltage: 5 VDC + 0.25 V
Operating Power: 825 mW (165 mA at 5 V)
Standby Power Supply: 600 mW (120 mA at
5 V)
4.2 Software Components
The software is composed by three elements, the ap-
plication server that allows you to deploy the solution,
the Web application and the database:
1. Application Server.
The application server used was GlassFish 4.1.1.
This software allows to deploy WAR files (Web
Application Archive) that contains the Web ap-
plication, resources and reports. Then using a
browser the solution is accessed through the https
protocol and port 8080 (Heffelfinger, 2014).
2. Web Application.
The Web application consists of the Front End and
the Back End.
ICINCO 2019 - 16th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
Front End: The PrimeFaces 6.0 component li-
brary was used. This allows graphical interfaces
to be developed from XHTML pages and provid-
ing the development of Java Server Faces (JSF)
Back End: The JSF 2.2 framework was used to
develop Web applications for the Java EE plat-
form. This implements the MVC architectural
pattern, managed beans and classes of serializable
type (Ccalicskan and Varaksin, 2015).
3. Database.
The database management system used was Post-
greSQL 9.4, a relational and object-oriented en-
gine that is under the BSD license and allows
the construction of robust databases with excel-
lent performance (Juba et al., 2015).
The elections were represented by two formulas and
the blank vote. Each form was made up of a princi-
pal and a substitute. The election process took place
in two ways. Through traditional voting (manually)
and through the Web application. The EVS was used
in two of the three university campus proposed for
the voting process. Four polling stations were imple-
mented in each of these locations. At the first campus
25 votes were logged. In the main campus 58 votes
were logged. The total number of votes generated in
the application was 83.
The EVS automatically closed the voting process
at 20h and all the computers that had been selected
were disabled. Once the elections were over, the re-
sults report was generated and it was observed that the
application took approximately 30 seconds.
The average time took for each voter with the tra-
ditional method (manual) was 73 seconds, while the
average time with the EVS was 27.9 seconds. This
indicates a time reduction of 45.1 seconds for each
voter in the whole process. In figure 5 we can see a
sample for the time expend by the voter between the
two methods.
Likewise, at the end of the process the traditional
voting counting starts and it took more than 1 hours
for give the winner formula, created the reports and
the acts for the electoral committee. Meanwhile the
Electronic Voting System did everything only in 30
In the same way, the expenses with the traditional
method was reduced from $5.000USD to $100USD
for the use of the electricity, internet, and paper
Traditional Method Time
Test Number
Electronic Voting System Time
Figure 5: This table contains a sample of 10 voters compar-
ing the two methods. The total of the voter who participated
as volunteers was 83. Compared with the entire voters that
was 159 we obtained a sample of 52.20%.
Method Time
Carried Out
Voting System
Carried Out
of time
3600 seconds
* Vote counting.
* Recount of
* Generation of
* Acts for the
30 seconds
* Vote counting.
* Generation of
* Acts for the
Figure 6: The figure shows the comparison of the time used
for voting through the traditional method (manual) and the
EVS. It also describes the actions carried out in each of the
Used Materials
Voting System
Used Materials
(ballot cards,
voter list,
results minutes
and delivery
advertising of
the event, food
for juries,
hours of work
of teachers
(results minutes
and delivery
records) and
hours of work
of teachers
Figure 7: The figure shows the comparison of the expenses
used for voting through the traditional method (manual) and
the EVS. It also describes the materials used in each of the
The EVS has the option of activating the voters
through a barcode reader. It was used during the elec-
tion process, in order to observe its functionality and
verify the software response times. It is concluded
that this option worked efficiently because through the
institutional card the identification of each voter was
read and activated automatically in the software. In
this way, the waiting lines for the beginning of the
electronic voting were avoided.
Electronic Voting System for Universities in Colombia
In this work we propose an Electronic Voting System
(EVS) based on the law 892 of 2004 for the electoral
process at universities in Colombia. The solution im-
plements the registration process of the voters with
their respective formulas, voters and juries. It also
implements the electronic voting process and the gen-
eration of the reports with the respective results.
With the different algorithms implemented in the
EVS the attack risks of the electoral process and the
data stored in the database engine can be reduced.
This because in the user interface the input parameters
are validated and stored procedures are implemented.
We also use secure URLs and MAC validation for all
the teams involved in the process in order to verify
and control the transactions made.
For the tests that were carried out of the EVS a
segmented network without access to the Internet was
defined for the teams involved in the electoral pro-
cess. The purpose of this configuration is to define
security policies to avoid the modification of files, di-
rectories and the database that are found in the pro-
duction server.
With the tests carried out at the EVS it was identi-
fied that the costs and response times of the electoral
process are significantly reduced compared to the tra-
ditional method. This because the actions carried out
and the materials used in each phase of the process
are optimized.
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ICINCO 2019 - 16th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics