Figure 9: ST-Predictionvs Residuals for Metric 2 in unusual
Figure 10: ERC-Prediction vs Residuals for Metric 2 in un-
usual segment.
zero mean value and show a constant variation be-
haviour, which is again can be seen as an indication
that both predictive models are adequate in modeling
the variation in the response variables in ”unusual”
test data. Although we observe some outliers in the
residuals. we could say that this is normal consider-
ing that the ”unusual” dataset is statistically different
than the dataset we train our machine learning algo-
In this paper we proposedan ensemble machine learn-
ing algorithm in order to predict the finished yarn
quality. The data is first segmented into ten clusters
nine of which is denoted as ”normal” and the one
with the highest distance from the general mean as
”unusual” via local outlier factor method. The former
cluster refers to production data one may expect due
to the nature of the process and latter is the dataset
showing an usual pattern compared to expected pro-
cess data. Then a set of classical machine learning
algorithms are applied and performances of the algo-
rithms is compared. It is seen that for the unusual
segment, performance of the classical algorithms gets
worse especially for one of the quality metrics. As
a remedy, an ensemble algorithm based on regressor
chains is recommended and yielding higher predic-
tion performance in two thirds of the dataset.
As the next step, implemented algorithm will be
fully tested at the facility. If the prediction perfor-
mance remains satisfactory, we’re going to move on
the next phase and start using the predictive tool as a
recommendation engine for the machine operator. At
this stage, operator will be informed about the sug-
gested production settings for the machine and the
recommendation system will perform as a decision
support tool, meaning that the recommendations of
the tool are push forward to the machine only if the
operator gives consent. Once the second phase is suc-
cessful, the recommendation engine will be plugged
into PLC and start changing set parameters of the ma-
chine as a part of the automation system. After the
third phase, the manufacturing plant will have its first
full-scale industry 4.0 application.
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