Effective Training Methods for Automatic Musical Genre
Eren Atsız, Erinç Albey and Enis Kayış
Industrial Engineering, Özyeğin University, Istanbul, Turkey
Keywords: Music Information Retrieval, Genre Classification.
Abstract: Musical genres are labels created by human and based on mutual characteristics of songs, which are also
called musical features. These features are key indicators for the content of the music. Rather than predictions
by human decisions, developing an automatic solution for genre classification has been a significant issue
over the last decade. In order to have automatic classification for songs, different approaches have been
indicated by studying various datasets and part of songs. In this paper, we suggest an alternative genre
classification method based on which part of songs have to be used to have a better accuracy level. Wide
range of acoustic features are obtained at the end of the analysis and discussed whether using full versions or
pieces of songs is better. Both alternatives are implemented and results are compared. The best accuracy level
is 55% while considering the full version of songs. Besides, additional analysis for Turkish songs is also
performed. All analysis, data, and results are visualized by a dynamic dashboard system, which is created
specifically for the study.
In order to understand the characteristics of music,
musical genres are used as labels. Identifying the
depth nature of music is a multifaceted concept.
Musical genres are not depended on harsh rules, they
are open boundaries, which are affected by societies,
cultures and diverse factors. Automatic music genre
classification has attracted much attention recently.
Genre classification is not only intriguing for
academic studies but also in real life. Today,
recommendation engines work directly based on
music genre classification. Therefore, classifying
genres accurately in a wide extent is crucial to come
up with a successful recommendation system. The
best example for this matter can be Spotify's working
strategy and its attention for defining/classifying
genres. Nevertheless, categorizing musical genres is
a complicated task and diverse approaches have been
proposed by scientists, engineers, and musicologists.
In particular, the field of music information retrieval
(MIR) offers diverse approaches to examine genre
In this paper, we propose an alternative genre
classification method, using the acoustic
characteristics of music. We use Acoustic Brainz
acoustic analysis of the songs. For each song, their
genres are taken as the ground truth from the GTZAN
dataset. The acoustic analysis has been conducted for
these songs in order to obtain their various audio
features. Besides acoustic analysis, one of the most
important points in the paper while realizing genre
classification is deciding on whether a song should be
used as full version or in a piece for train and test. In
this study, both alternatives are implemented.
Considering pieces of songs are a bit more complex
than using full versions since it is crucial to decide on
which time interval is picked to be more accurate
while analyzing. In this paper, it is decided to have
pieces of 30 seconds, time interval between 30
60th seconds. Selection of songs are in English, based
on GTZAN dataset, which has 10 genres that are
listed as follows; blues, classical, country, disco, hip-
hop, jazz, metal, pop, reggae, and rock. In addition to
the main analysis with English songs, further study is
also conducted on a set of Turkish songs.
Atsiz, E., Albey, E. and Ka¸s, E.
Effective Training Methods for Automatic Musical Genre Classification.
DOI: 10.5220/0007933202750280
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications (DATA 2019), pages 275-280
ISBN: 978-989-758-377-3
2019 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Identifying musical genres has been given great
attention in different academic fields and a very
popular topic in MIR studies over the decades
(McKay and Fujinaga, 2006). The main and mutual
goal of various approaches is to classify music genres
in an accurate way as providing an appropriate
summary of the music information. These approaches
that have been applied based on diverse
methodologies are innumerable to list yet a survey of
Correa and Rodrigues examine studies from the
numerous past years and revealed diverse approaches
to a great extent. According to Correa and Rodrigues
(2016), classification problems can be handled based
on five diverse perspectives from the MIR
community. These are audio-content based,
symbolic-content based, lyrics-based, community
meta-data based and hybrid approaches (Silla and
Freitas, 2009)
Audio content-based approach examines digital
audio signals to discover music features while
symbolic content-based perspective gathers features
from different symbolic data forms that present music
in a high-level abstraction. These content-based
approaches have drawn great attention lately in MIR
studies. A review of audio-based classification is
revealed by Fu and others. Music classification
methods, inclusive discussion about related principal
studies, descriptions of them based on music features,
schemes of classification and performance accuracies
are presented. The review includes five major areas:
genre and mood classification, artist identification,
instrument recognition and music annotation (Fu et
al., 2011).
Lyrics-based approaches create a classification
based on lyric information of music as using text
mining techniques. Lyric-based classification can be
considered as a natural language processing (NLP)
problem. In this problem type, the purpose is to assign
labels and meaning to texts. That means genre
classification of the lyrical text in this case.
Traditional approaches have benefitted from n-gram
models and algorithms like Support Vector Machines
(SVM) or k-Nearest Neighbour (k-NN), and Naive
Bayes (NB) (Tsaptsinos, 2017).
Similarly, community meta-data based
approaches aim to get online musical information
related to songs while benefitting from web-mining
techniques. Hybrid-based systems utilize features
arising from previous approaches.
In this paper, genre classification is studied
according to the content-based approach. The key
step of the content-based approach is to overview of
audio features. The aim is to predict genres/subgenres
of songs while using related music features that
automatically computed from audios (Bogdanov et al,
2018). Besides the content-based approach, the
dissimilatory point of the paper is giving importance
to the usage of songs. Examining specific parts and
full versions of songs separately are providing a
diverse method to genre classification based on
features of songs.
The study of Basili, Serafini, and Stellato (2004)
enables a great exemplification. Their work uses
different machine learning algorithms to classify
music genres into “widely recognized genres” based
on trained examples (Basili et al., 2004). Diverse
combinations of musical features are used to decide
which can bring the most accurate results. In this case,
musical features include instruments, instrument
classes, meter & time changes and note
extension/range. Using these features, different
algorithms are implemented to classify genres
according to them, accuracies are compared at the
Additionally, Tzanetakis and Cook (2002) study
this subject with supervised machine learning
approaches; his work can be defined as a pioneer
study. As using different models such as Gaussian
Mixture model and k-nearest neighbor classifiers,
they introduced 3 sets of features. These features are
categorized as timbral structure, rhythmic content and
pitch content.
In light of these approaches, we perform an
acoustic analysis for songs and obtain their various
audio features. In addition to the approach based on
features, songs are used in diverse methods in order
to compare results. We focus on how to train and test
songs, both full versions and part of songs are utilized
in train and test process. In the end, results are
compared in order to have the greatest accuracy. This
distinctive perspective is to determine the role of
using way of the audio files in a genre classification.
Our methodology consısts of two parts. Fırst, we
conduct an acoustıc analysıs to generate acoustıc
features of a gıven song. The second part uses
acoustıc features for a set of songs to fınd a model and
ıts parameters to predıct genres of these songs. We
then use thıs model to predict genre classıfıcatıon
probabılıtıes for a second set of songs. For both parts,
we consider two dıfferent settıngs; either use the full
versıon of the songs or use a specıfıc part of the song
(i.e., 30-60 second ınterval, which is the standard in
DATA 2019 - 8th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
the literature). Thus we study four dıfferent scenarios
ın total (see Table 1) and compare the performance of
these scenarıos.
Table 1: Scenarios based on usage of songs.
1 Full Song Full Song
2 Full Song Part of a Song
3 Part of a Song Full Song
4 Part of a Song Part of a Song
The acoustic analysis in Acoustic Brainz is
conducted for both full versions of songs and 30-60
seconds intervals at the beginning. The aim is to
create acoustic features of all songs in the dataset with
the help of low-level analysis procedure. These
features are very various such as loudness, dynamic
complexity, spectral energy, dissonance and so on.
Then, a model and related parameters are provided by
Acoustic Brainz as a result of the analysis. As
providing that, Acoustic Brainz runs the SVM model
with different parameter combinations and tries to
find the best alternative, which completes the training
process in the system. The output of this process is a
history file that is a source for further predictions.
In order to predict genre classification
probabilities for a second set of songs, we use the
history file including the best combination of SVM
parameters. At this point, the test process starts.
Acoustic analysis of songs is turned into a high-level
analysis via Acoustic Brainz. The significant quality
of high-level analysis is providing the possibilities of
belonging to any genres for a related song. To
exemplify, possibilities of being blues, rock, pop
genres etc. (for all 10 genres) are listed with regarding
possibilities for a new song; the summation of
possibilities equals to 1. Also, it is significant that the
high-level data can be constructed based on the
acoustic features of songs without any need to reach
to the original audio files. Therefore, after conducting
a low-level analysis with a training dataset, training
solution is gained as a source for further predictions.
The low-level data carries the descriptors for the
acoustics which are basically characterizing
dynamics, loudness and spectral information of a
sound/signal, as well as rhythmical information such
as beats per minute and tonal information such as
scales. On the contrary, the high-level data has
information about moods, vocals, music types,
especially genres as in our case. Genres are identified
automatically as using acoustic features as base
sources with the help of trained classifiers.
Genre classification process starts when a training
solution (history file) is gained. Thanks to the history
file, new audio files' high-level analysis can be
started. The acoustic analysis process is not different
from the beginning. Each song has its own acoustic
features via Acoustic Brainz. However, the system
already contains high-level data. Based on the
training, selected best parameters from the SVM
model, the genre classification of new songs can be
realized. For each song, a special file is created (.yaml
files). They include acoustic features and genre
classifications of the related song. As a result, the
outputs of the prediction process are stored in these
files. In order to see the classification results clearly,
the files are parsed so that their full data is stored. The
stored data is utilized for creating confusion matrixes
which are beneficial visualizations that represent all
results of prediction phase in a clear format.
A dataset of selected 200 songs is split into two
groups as 160 and 40 songs. The first group, which
has 160 songs, is used for training. 16 songs are
selected randomly from each genre. The second
group of 40 songs is used for testing. Similarly, 4
songs are selected randomly from every 10 genres. In
order to start the analysis, 200 songs of a dataset are
created in .mp3 version but using songs as .mp3
without any change leads to misclassification in the
system. Therefore, song files need to be converted to
.wav formats in order to make the system work with
accurate results. The process is applied for both full
versions and pieces. In addition to file formats,
frequency is a significant factor to be reconsidered in
order to have a better analysis and outputs. All
frequencies are set as 22050 Hz.
For 160 songs, two different trainings are
processed and two diverse tests are studied. In the
first approach, full versions of songs are considered.
For these audio files, all steps explained in the
methodology part of the report are completed. As a
result of this work, a history file is gained for these
160 songs' full versions. In addition to this training
strategy, breaking songs into pieces is considered as
a second option. In this second strategy, time intervals
between 30
- 60
seconds for every song are taken.
Similarly yet separately, the methodology is applied
for these 160 different pieces.
First training approach which is using full
versions of 160 songs is used in order to test the other
40 songs as mentioned earlier. Testing is realized for
these 40 songs while considering not only their full
Effective Training Methods for Automatic Musical Genre Classification
versions but also 30
- 60
second’s intervals of
them. The results in confusion matrixes are presented
separately as below. The numbers indicate the
number of songs. 4 songs for each genre are tested.
According to scenario 1, three songs out of four,
which are blues, are classified also as blues on the
test. In other words, blues genre is tested with 75 %
accuracy. Another example is that none of the rock
songs are classified as rock genre according to the test
results. If the big picture is analyzed, testing full
version of 40 songs results in 55,0 % accuracy while
Scenario 2, testing 30
- 60
second interval of songs,
gives 47,5 % accuracy based on the train data created
by using songs’ full versions. That means testing full
versions with full versions’ train data is closer to the
reality than the other option.
Table 2: Scenario 1.
blu cla cou dis hip jaz met pop reg roc
blu 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
cla 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
cou 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
dis 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 1
hip 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 1
jaz 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1
met 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 1
pop 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 2
reg 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1
roc 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 1 0 0
Table 3: Scenario 2.
blu cla cou dis hip jaz met pop reg roc
blu 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1
cla 0 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
cou 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
dis 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 1
hip 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1
jaz 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1
met 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 1
pop 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 3
reg 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1
roc 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 2
The second training approach is resulted from
analyzing 30th-60th second's intervals of 160 songs
to test both options. In scenario 3, testing full versions
with intervals between 30
- 60
seconds train data
gives 32,5 % accuracy. On the contrary, in scenario
4, testing pieces of songs provides 52,5 % accuracy,
which is better.
Table 4: Scenario 3.
blu cla cou dis hip jaz met pop reg roc
blu 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 2 0
cla 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0
cou 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
dis 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0
hip 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 1 0
jaz 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 0
met 0 0 0 3 0 0 1 0 0 0
pop 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 1
reg 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 3 0
roc 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 1 0
Table 5: Scenario 4.
blu cla cou dis hip jaz met pop reg roc
blu 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1
cla 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
cou 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
dis 0 0 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 0
hip 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0
jaz 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0
met 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 0 0 0
pop 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 2
reg 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 0
roc 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
In a nutshell, two history files which are created
based on different trainings are benefited in order to
practice four different test scenarios to predict 40
songs’ genres. It can be interpreted from the results
that the combination of the train and test data is highly
important. In other words, better results are gained
when the same versions of songs are used in both train
and test data.
4.1 Analysis of the Turkish Songs
Up to this point, only English songs from GTZAN are
analyzed and tested. Differently from this, Turkish
songs are also studied directly with GTZAN’s
training data. In the Turkish songs’ analysis, two
diverse tests are implemented. As it is applied before,
full versions and intervals between 30
DATA 2019 - 8th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
are tested separately. For Turkish songs, rather than
selecting different genres from diverse artists, a
specific genre and artist is decided to be concentrated
on for testing. For that purpose, one of the most well-
known artists, Sezen Aksu, from Turkish music
industry is selected as the sole artist. Besides the
genre classification approaches explained before,
another analysis is performed in this regard. Since
Sezen Aksu's songs have left important marks in
history, the genre changes within the years are
considered as significant indicators in order to have
insight about the alterations of the Turkish music
The testing is implemented in the exact same
setting with the main part of the study yet the only
difference of this part is related to the training data.
GTZAN dataset is used directly for training data
creation. The library has 1000 songs with specific
intervals, which are all used without any change. For
the test data, 313 songs of Sezen Aksu, from 1977 to
2017 years, are utilized. In that case, one single
training data generated by using direct GTZAN
dataset is used for testing two alternatives, which are
using full versions of Sezen Aksu songs and intervals
between 30
seconds. Alternatively from the
previous section, we visualize results in line charts,
not with the confusion matrixes. The reason is to be
able to see changes throughout the years clearly. Each
year, all Sezen Aksu songs of that year are tested and
the results for pop and country genres are presented
as follows. In the last 40 years, from 1977 to 2017,
the highest number of pop songs belong to 1998 when
songs are tested as full versions. However, when part
of songs are used in testing, the highest numbers are
in 1989 and 2005. From these charts, distribution of a
specific genre throughout 40 years can be seen. Also,
two scenarios can be compared.
Figure 1: Number of pop songs belong to Sezen Aksu from
year 1977 to 2017.
Figure 2: Number of country songs belong to Sezen Aksu
from year 1977 to 2017.
Considering the indefinite disposition of musical
genres, genre classification can be carried out by
studying on technics about specific algorithms as in
this paper. Although the area has wide open
boundaries, performing genre classification and
getting results according to it can bring about much
more reasonable determinations rather than
identifying genres based on forecasts argued by a
human. Therefore, genre classification with the
effective usage of Acoustic Brainz is performed with
diverse train and test data. Acoustic characteristics of
music are considered as significant figures, which
basically forms the primary structure of the train data.
In order to perform the analysis, 200 songs are
gathered from GTZAN dataset, separated into two
groups for train and test process. These songs' genres
are given as the ground truth and forecast study is
performed based on this acknowledgement. In the
first place, the low-level analysis procedure is applied
and train data is constructed. Afterward, the high-
level analysis is applied for estimating new songs'
genres. The key point is that the training data is
created as considering acoustic features of the given
songs and the best combination of SVM parameters.
Once the training data is gained, there is no
requirement to implement low-level analysis for the
selected songs for GTZAN. In other words, train data
holds the qualification of a solid source for further
The test process is completed based on two
different train data which are created with the same
ground logic but different approaches. One of the
training data is constructed as considering full
versions of songs while the other is based on the
intervals of 30
- 60
seconds. For both approaches,
not only full versions of songs belong to test data is
Effective Training Methods for Automatic Musical Genre Classification
tested but also the pieces. According to these four
main tests and related results, it is observed that using
the same version of songs for train and test process
give better results. In this work, when full versions of
songs are tested with the train data that is created with
also full versions, 55% accuracy is achieved in
classifying genres, which is the greatest among four
tests. In addition to all, genre classification is also
studied on Turkish songs. A specific artist, Sezen
Aksu, is selected for this study. In this regard, genre
classification results are indicated. Also, genre
changes between years are observed.
Table 6: Accuracy Table.
Scenario Acoustic
Classification Accuracy
1 Full Song Full Song 55.0 %
2 Full Song Part of a Song 47.5 %
3 Part of a
Full Song
32.5 %
4 Part of a
Part of a Song
52.5 %
Finally, in order to save the steps and record the
developments of analysis, a web-based dashboard is
created by using R Programming. In its construction
process, several R packages are utilized but the one
that plays the most important role is R-Shiny. This
web-based dashboard contains all data used in the
analysis, confusion matrixes and results. The
significant perks of the dashboard application are its
user-friendly screens, beneficial visual expressions. It
also gathers all steps and materials of work under a
single roof. Therefore, every song used in the analysis
is accessible any time and genre classification results
related to them can be seen and plotted. Besides, all
datasets and results can be downloaded thanks to this
dynamic program.
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DATA 2019 - 8th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications