Figure 1: Strawberries in table-top cultivation.
veloped methods to solve this problem with various
success rates. (Stajnko et al., 2004) used a thermal
camera (LWIR) in combination with an image seg-
mentation method in order to analyze the apple crops
by taking advantage of the difference in infrared ra-
diation between the fruit and the leaves. The success
rate of this method was increased, if the pictures were
taken in the evening, when there is a high difference
in temperature between the apples and the environ-
ment. (Yang et al., 2007) proposed a 3D stereo vision
system and color based image segmentation to dis-
tinguish effectively the tomato clusters, but they did
not achieve the separation of each tomato from their
cluster as the tomatoes had the same depth. (Nguyen
et al., 2014) made use of the redness of each pixel
in the colorful image of the RGB-D camera in order
to distinguish the apple from its background, imple-
mented the RANSAC algorithm, and obtained the lo-
cation of the center of each detected apple by using
an iterative estimation method to the partially visible
target object data.
Object classification methods were used on top of
the image segmentation to face the occlusions. These
methods create a model for the object to be detected,
using image training samples in different variations.
The Viola-Jones algorithm (Viola and Jones, 2001) is
very efficient in real time object detection as its cas-
cade structure makes the classifier extremely rapid.
(Puttemans et al., 2016) applied a semi-supervised
fruit detector for strawberries and apples by using
these object classification techniques. The detection
accuracy was improved in comparison to the previ-
ous methods, but only for the fruits that were used as
training samples and there is the problem of the pre-
cise characterization of a sample as positive or neg-
ative. (Li et al., 2018) use a deep learning method
in order to recognize elevated mature strawberries.
A neural network was trained in order to recognize
overlapping and occluded strawberries. This achieves
very high accuracy in the detection and the low aver-
age recognition time makes it suitable for real-time
machine picking, but the deep network training re-
quires a lot of iterations for a high rate of accuracyand
capturing and processing a huge amount of learning
samples of strawberries images. The cutting points
on the peduncles of double overlapping grape clus-
ters are detected in (Luo et al., 2018). The edges of
the clusters are extracted and the contour intersection
points of the two overlapping grape clusters are cal-
culated based on a geometric model, but there is the
limitation of non detection more than two overlapping
grape clusters.
In previous works, various types of grippers have
been developed in order to assure a sufficient grasp
of the strawberry without causing damage to this. A
common type of gripper consists of a scissor which
cuts and holds the strawberry by his peduncle in or-
der to avoid possible damage of the fruit. In ad-
dition, (Hayashi et al., 2009) used a suction device
which holds the fruit before its separation from the
peduncle if the localization error is small. (Hemming
et al., 2014) developed a gripper whose fingers adapt
to the fruit. It also contained a cut mechanism of the
fruit. These types of grippers have some drawbacks,
as the use of scissors lets a piece of the stem on the
strawberry which is undesirable and the suction de-
vice may cause serious damage to the fruit. (Dimeas
et al., 2015) designed and constructed a system which
grasps and cuts the strawberry in the way that a la-
borer would do. The localization of strawberry with
respect to the fingers is achieved using haptic sensor
and a fuzzy control system controls the force to be
applied to the strawberry for correct hold. The sepa-
ration of fruit from the peduncle is done by rotating
the grasped strawberry by 45
In this paper, a robotic system for strawberry
harvesting is presented with emphasis to the vision
recognition and localization of the crop. The vision
system is based on a modified approach presented in
(Luo et al., 2018) and adapted to strawberries. The
Kinect V2 sensor is used and the integration of the
system is made in ROS. The methods for the ob-
ject detection, image segmentation based on the color
model, the feature detection and the object classifica-
tion are presented. The system is tested for occluded
crops and for various features, such as, position accu-
racy, success of removal and crop damage in a single
The remaining of the paper is organised as follow-
ing: In the next section the proposed method is pre-
sented briefly. The analysis of the integrated system
with emphasis to the vision methods and the exper-
imental results are presented in sections 3 and 4 re-