server does not change the dynamical characteristics
of the controlled system. In the nonlinear case, the
Separation Principle can be also invoked once local
liner approximations are considered, bringing back
the problem to a linear one but restricting to local so-
The problem addressed in this paper refers to
the cases in which the nominal state feedback, de-
signed for satisfying prefixed requirements, changes
the equilibrium point of the controlled system. In
this case, the concept of local solution is no more
valid since there exist at least two different reference
points: the equilibrium for the initial given dynamics
and the new one, the working point, equilibrium for
the controlled system.
The approach here followed aims at defining a
unique equilibrium point so that local conditions on
both the control and on the observer can be satisfied
in a neighbourhood of such a point.
Only local conditions are considered, strictly de-
pendent on the regions in which they are defined and
satisfied. Extensions to nonlinear observers can be
performed adopting the same procedure known for
many nonlinear approaches which start with the ful-
filment of local specifications.
The proposed procedure is applied to a case study,
represented by the control of an epidemic spread of a
virus, the one responsible of HIV/AIDS infections.
The choice is motivated by the fact that the clas-
sical procedure, based on the linearisation of the non-
linear dynamics and the design of both the controller
and the observer, satisfying local requirements, per-
formed on the basis of the linearised system, has been
proposed in (Di Giamberardino and Iacoviello, 2018)
and can be assumed as a reference behaviour to com-
pare the solutions here proposed.
A further motivation is that, despite the mathemat-
ical models of different epidemic spreads have pe-
culiar characteristics for each different epidemic ad-
dressed, the control strategy usually adopted in liter-
ature makes reference to optimal solutions, like (Jun,
2006; Bakare et al., 2014; Di Giamberardino and Ia-
coviello, 2017) for the SIR (Susceptible-Infectious-
Removed subjects), (Lin et al., 2010; Gupar and
Quanyan, 2013; Iacoviello and Stasio, 2013) for the
influenza, (Supriatna et al., 2016) for the dengue, and
so on.
The reason of such a choice is that in these cases
the control actions, represented for example by pre-
vention, vaccination, medication, quarantine, are all
subject to a possible limitation and the distribution of
the resources among the different controls can be han-
dled by means of suitable cost functions.
To better understand the mathematical model of
the particular case study adopted, some concepts are
shortly reported. The HIV/AIDS virus attacks the
cells of the immune system, damaging them so that
the immune system is inhibited and the individual is
less protected against other infections. Virus trans-
mission is facilitated by contacts with infected body
fluids. The AIDS represents the most advanced stage
of the HIV infection; it can be reached in 10-15 years
from the initial HIV infection. Up to now, the control
actions are the prevention and the medication after a
positive diagnosis.
The mathematical modelling of the HIV/AIDS
diffusion among populations is focused on the dy-
namic of interactions between individuals (Wodarz
and Nowak, 1999; Pinto and Rocha, 2012; Di Gi-
amberardino et al., 2017; Di Giamberardino et al.,
In classical HIV/AIDS spread models (Naresh
et al., 2009; Wodarz and Nowak, 1999; Chang and
Astolfi, 2009), four main classes are introduced: the
Susceptible subjects (S), that are the healthy people
that may contract the virus, the Infectious one (I) that
are individuals not aware of their condition, the pre-
AIDS patients (P), the AIDS patients (A). The con-
trol actions introduced are mainly focused on the pre-
vention, as for example in (Rutherford et al., 2016),
where the attention is devoted to risky subjects, drug
users and sex workers.
In this paper, the model proposed in (Di Giamber-
ardino et al., 2017; Di Giamberardino et al., 2018)
and used in (Di Giamberardino and Iacoviello, 2018)
is adopted, for comparative purpose. The main dif-
ference between this and the classical models is that
the susceptible individuals, S, are here divided into
two categories, distinguishing those who adopts wise
behaviours from the ones that do not take into ac-
count the dangerousness of the disease. Moreover,
the model follows the suggestions of the World Health
Organization (WHO) for the control input: i. actions
aiming at reducing the possibility of new infections,
through informative campaign, for example; ii. fa-
cilitations of a fast diagnosis for unaware infectious
patients, thus reducing the percentage of subjects re-
sponsible of the virus spread; iii. medication support
to the aware infectious subjects.
Following (Di Giamberardino and Iacoviello,
2018), the control problem is formulated in the frame-
work of optimal control theory, introducing a cost
function which weights the number of unaware infec-
tious individuals I(t) and the controls introducing a
quadratic cost index. This particular form suggested
to find a solution in the context of a LQR problem,
passing through the linearisation of the dynamics in a
neighbourhood of one of its equilibrium points. The
An Improvement in a Local Observer Design for Optimal State Feedback Control: The Case Study of HIV/AIDS Diffusion