LADS: A Live Anomaly Detection System based on Machine Learning
Gustavo Gonzalez-Granadillo
, Rodrigo Diaz
, Ib
eria Medeiros
, Susana Gonzalez-Zarzosa
and Dawid Machnicki
Atos Research & Innovation, Cybersecurity Laboratory, Spain
LASIGE, Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisboa, Portugal
Machine Learning, One-class SVM, Anomaly Detection, Network Traffic Behavior, NetFlow.
Network anomaly detection using NetFlow has been widely studied during the last decade. NetFlow provides
the ability to collect network traffic attributes (e.g., IP source, IP destination, source port, destination port,
protocol) and allows the use of association rule mining to extract the flows that have caused a malicious event.
Despite of all the developments in network anomaly detection, the most popular procedure to detect non-
conformity patterns in network traffic is still manual inspection during the period under analysis (e.g., visual
analysis of plots, identification of variations in the number of bytes, packets, flows). This paper presents a Live
Anomaly Detection System (LADS) based on One class Support Vector Machine (One-class SVM) to detect
traffic anomalies. Experiments have been conducted using a valid data-set containing over 1.4 million packets
(captured using NetFlow v5 and v9) that build models with one and several features in order to identify the
approach that most accurately detects traffic anomalies in our system. A multi-featured approach that restricts
the analysis to one IP address and extends it in terms of samples (valid and invalid ones) is considered as a
promising approach in terms of accuracy of the detected malicious instances.
Anomaly detection solutions work on the basis of
the data provided by different network monitoring
technologies (e.g., sFlow and NetFlow) or software-
defined management solutions (e.g., OpenFlow) that
allow access to forwarding devices. These approaches
are used to collect data about the traffic as it enters
or exits an interface (Bradatsch, 2019). Due to the
lightweight and efficient nature of the NetFlow pro-
tocol, a number of widely used NetFlow-based solu-
tions have been developed and a great number of al-
gorithms have been proposed to detect abnormal ac-
tivities in NetFlow data (Vaarandi, 2013).
Despite of all the developments in network
anomaly detection, the most popular procedure to de-
tect non-conformity patterns is still manual inspection
during the period under analysis (e.g., visual analy-
sis of plots, identification of variations in the num-
ber of bytes, packets, flows). Most of the current
work focuses on the identification of anomalies based
on traffic volume changes. However, since not all
of the anomalies are directly reflected in the number
of packets, bytes or flows, it is not possible to iden-
tify them all with such metrics (Lakhina et al., 2005).
Approaches to address this issue propose the use of
IP packet header data. Particularly, IP addresses and
ports allow the characterization of detected anoma-
In this paper, we propose a Live Anomaly De-
tection System (denoted by LADS) based on unsu-
pervised machine learning algorithms. The approach
explores the use of a well known machine learning
method, the One class Support Vector Machine (One-
class SVM), to identify abnormal behaviors in the
NetFlow traffic captured. A set of experiments have
been conducted using one and multiple features of
flows in order to identify the best approach to de-
tect anomalies in a given traffic using NetFlow. Re-
sults show a promising approach using multiple fea-
tures that restrict the analysis to a modelled IP address
and extended it in terms of samples (valid and invalid
The remainder of this paper is structured as fol-
lows: Section 2 discusses related work. Section 3
presents the architecture of LADS. Section 4 intro-
duces the One-class SVM algorithm and dataset used
to model the network traffic behavior. Section 5 de-
Gonzalez-Granadillo, G., Diaz, R., Medeiros, I., Gonzalez-Zarzosa, S. and Machnicki, D.
LADS: A Live Anomaly Detection System based on Machine Learning Methods.
DOI: 10.5220/0007948904640469
In Proceedings of the 16th International Joint Conference on e-Business and Telecommunications (ICETE 2019), pages 464-469
ISBN: 978-989-758-378-0
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
tails the experiments performed to train, test and se-
lect the most accurate anomaly detection model. Fi-
nally, conclusions and perspective for future work are
presented in Section 6.
Machine learning (ML) techniques have been widely
proposed in the literature as a viable approach for net-
work anomaly detection. Wagner et al. (Wagner et al.,
2011), for instance, propose a machine learning ap-
proach for IP-Flow record anomaly detection. The
approach is based on SVM algorithm, in order to an-
alyze and classify large volumes of NetFlow records.
Xu and Wang (Xu and Wang, 2005) propose an
adaptive network intrusion detection method based on
principal component analysis (PCA) and SVM. The
approach aims at optimizing the training of the clas-
sifier and the tests using a PCA algorithm. This latter
performs the optimization by discarding all unneces-
sary data coming into the IDS and then running SVM
on the data. Although much faster, results show that
the approach degrades the detection rate using PCA
Zhang et al. (Zhang et al., 2008) present a
method based on One-class SVM for detecting net-
work anomalies. Experiments are carried out on three
different sets of telecommunication network data and
the results show the promising performance of the ap-
proach. The main drawback of this approach is that
its ability to detect anomalies rely on the choice of a
kernel function (i.e., Radial Basic Function), whose
parameters are difficult to define. In addition, the ap-
proach does not perform comparison tests with other
tools, nor it performs anomaly detection tests with dif-
ferent kernels.
Mulay et al. (Mulay et al., 2010) propose an ap-
proach that uses ML techniques to apply SVM and
decision tree algorithms to a given data set. Authors
use SVM and decision tree combined to see which
would get the best results with multiclass data.
Amer et al. (Amer et al., 2013) propose two en-
hanced methods that use One-class SVM for unsuper-
vised anomaly detection. The key idea of both en-
hancement is that outliers should contribute less to
the decision boundary as normal instances. Experi-
ments conducted on well-known data sets show that
the proposed modifications on the One-class SVM al-
gorithms are very promising.
Limthong (Limthong, 2013) proposes a real time
computer network anomaly detection using ML tech-
niques. The approach compares three standard and
well-known ML algorithms (i.e., multivariate normal
distribution, k-nearest neighbor, and one-class SVM)
and uses a function based on the precision and recall
parameters, to evaluate the detection performance of
the proposed techniques. Results show that the pro-
posed approach is suitable to be applied in real-time
systems. Nevertheless, the approach lacks of informa-
tion about time consumption during the training and
test phase. In addition, the selection of features for
detecting particular anomalies needs to be refined.
Our work differs from previous works in the way
that it defines features (one or a combination of sev-
eral IP-based features) to be used for evaluating the
performance of a given machine learning algorithm in
detecting legitimate and anomalous network traffic.
The general architecture of Live Anomaly Detection
System (LADS) is presented in Figure 1.
Figure 1: LADS Architecture.
Capture/Monitoring: This module is composed
of two elements: (i) the monitored network, which
includes NetFlow data from both hardware de-
vices (e.g., routers) and software elements (soft-
flow); and (ii) the softflowd
, a flow-based net-
work traffic analyzer capable of exporting Cisco
NetFlow data.
Training and Model Generation: This module
uses machine learning to build a model for test-
ing and predictions over the captured data with
a predefined time window that can vary accord-
ing to the size of the data to be analyzed (e.g.
5-second window). The Model Generator uses a
defined machine learning algorithm to build the
model based on the legitimate traffic and the de-
fined parameter(s) (e.g., IP addresses, port num-
bers, protocols). Models are then stored in the
database by the DB service.
Testing and Prediction: Once the machine learn-
ing model is built, the testing and prediction
LADS: A Live Anomaly Detection System based on Machine Learning Methods
module performs the network traffic evaluation
in real-time. For this, the module requires the
dataset (composing of both legitimate and mali-
cious event) from the Dataset Manager. The main
objective of the prediction service is to identify
anomalous behavior on the network traffic and to
generate alarms (warning messages) based on the
obtained results. If a sample falls outside the area
defined by the model, then the sample is consid-
ered as anomalous. More details about this pro-
cess is provided in Section 5.2.
Output/Results Module: This module is com-
posed of (i) the database that stores all models
used for the prediction module. The database
needs to be populated with NetFlow data, indi-
cating all the arguments of the captured interface.
It is then possible to indicate the root path of the
NetFlow data, the profile and source name of the
captured traffic; (ii) the captured flows generated
by the Capture handler during the training and
model generation process; and (iii) the alarms in-
dicating anomalous behavior of the analyzed net-
work traffic. The main objective of this module is
to provide information about the generated mod-
els whenever these data is required by the testing
and prediction module.
This section details the machine learning algorithm
and the dataset used for testing and validation of the
LADS. It is important to note that we have built sev-
eral prediction models using the same machine learn-
ing algorithm. The ultimate goal of this research work
is to be able to use different algorithms to build differ-
ent models and to compare their accuracy in detecting
anomalous behavior on the Netflow data.
4.1 Machine Learning Algorithm
Out of the many novel mechanisms that can be used
for intrusion detection, there are two promising ap-
proaches that can be adopted in order to satisfy the
aforementioned requirement (Pedregosa et al., 2011)
(i) Novelty detection, aiming at establishing a de-
cision boundary that encompasses legitimate events;
and (ii) Outlier detection, aiming at building a data
model, based on an event database, which separates
largely dense areas from outliers.
In the machine learning domain, there are several
solutions from both learning groups: supervised
(requiring classified data to train on) and unsuper-
vised (autonomously identifying the classes within
the data). Our research focuses on one particular
unsupervised method:
One-class Support Vector Machine
(SVM) is
a variation of a widely used SVM algorithm that
belongs to the novelty detection family. The train-
ing process is carried out only on samples rep-
resenting legitimate (normal) behavior/events, in
this case, the functional margin is established to
encompass all the training samples and separate
them from the rest of the space.
LADS uses the One-Class SVM algorithm to con-
struct a hyper-plane or set of hyper-planes in a high
or infinite dimensional space. A good separation is
achieved by the hyper-plane that has the largest dis-
tance to the nearest training data points of any class
(functional margin), therefore, the larger the margin
the lower the generalization error of the classifier.
4.2 Dataset
The One-Class SVM algorithm has been tested
against a valid dataset, containing NetFLow traffic
from an training internal network of an electrical com-
pany infrastructure. The network is divided by rooms
which contain devices that communicate with each
other and, in some cases communicate with devices
on other rooms.
The network has two capture points, one on Room
1 and another on Room 2, which were running Wire-
. The same program was used to create two
packet capture files that were later converted into Net-
Flow v5
and NetFlow v9
with a maximum time in-
terval of 3 minutes for each flow and stored using nf-
tools. Table 1 summarizes the information of
the used dataset.
Before the training process, we cleaned the dataset
so that broadcast, multicast and non-internal IP ad-
dresses were discarded. We split the dataset into two:
Dataset 1: IP addresses from Room 1 excluding
broadcast and multicast (6,000 flows); and
Dataset 2: keeping only internal traffic inside
Room 1 (5,800 flows).
2 examples/svm/
plot oneclass.html
SECRYPT 2019 - 16th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Table 1: Dataset Statistics.
NetFlow Room Packets Flows Start
1 511,875 8,294 16:22:37 18:18:46 01:56:09 46.23 9 16 2,241 107
v5 2 and 3 208,365 3,759 17:08:14 18:15:51 01:07:37 26.47 12 19 721 24
All 720,240 12,053 16:22:37 18:18:46 01:56:09 72.70 21 30 3,052 122
1 514,713 8,716 16:22:37 19:52:47 03:30:10 46.54 13 24 2,523 179
v9 2 and 3 209,034 4,006 17:08:13 19:23:28 02:15:15 26.54 14 23 909 25
All 723,747 12,722 16:22:37 19:52:47 03:30:10 73.08 27 38 3,293 194
This section presents the validation process of our ap-
5.1 Training
We trained the LADS only with information about
the IP addresses provided in the dataset. Since the
training process requires to build a model based on
the distance among IPs within the dimensional space
at which they are embedded, an IP transformation
is required. In order to reduce the dimensionality
of the dataset used by the LADS, maintaining at the
same time as much as possible information carried by
the samples, the Principal Component Analysis func-
tion (PCA) is essential to find alternative features that
maintain around 99% of the data variance, meaning
that around 99% of information is carried by the orig-
inal dataset.
After these steps, we trained the One-Class SVM
algorithm on the clean data provided in the dataset
and validated the trained models against the test set
(see next experiments). The accuracy and precision
of the trained models vary largely depending on the
evaluated features.
5.2 Testing
Aiming at validating the models built by the LADS,
we performed a series of tests with one, two, three and
four features.
5.2.1 Experiment 1
Measuring Distance among IP Addresses (2 Fea-
tures): The goal of this experiment is to compute the
distance between the modelled IP and the new ob-
served IP addresses. Such a distance could indicate
how close or far the new observed IP is with respect
to the modelled one. The rule in this experiment is
to classify as anomalous those IPs whose distance ex-
ceeds a predefined threshold.
For this experiment we transformed all IP ad-
dresses into integer values (e.g., is trans-
formed to 2886735108) and we subtract the resulting
integer of the modelled IP with the integer of the new
observed IP. The LADS has been trained with dataset
1 and 2. We have used the One-Class SVM algorithm
to compute the distance from the closest to the far-
thest IP address. A model based on these data is cre-
ated and a region is designed accordingly. During the
testing part, we have added seven IP addresses from
outside the range used during the training process. All
IPs from the block are considered legitimate and all
those that fall outside the boundaries are considered
anomalous. Results are shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2: Results from Experiment 1.
As shown in Figure 2, the blue dots are the train-
ing observations, the green dots are the new regular
observations, whereas the red dots are the new abnor-
mal observations. Results from dataset 1 show that
there is no error in the analysis (i.e., all IP addresses
are considered legitimate, although seven of them do
not belong to the range), whereas results from dataset
2 show that there are three errors (i.e., three out of
seven IP addresses are considered anomalous). Preci-
sion (i.e., percentage of instances correctly classified
as anomalies over the discovered anomaly) is very
low in this case. In order to improve these results,
it is necessary to build and test other models.
LADS: A Live Anomaly Detection System based on Machine Learning Methods
5.2.2 Experiment 2
Measuring Distance among IP Addresses and Pro-
tocols (3 Features): For this experiment we included
not only IP source and destination, but also the proto-
col used in the connections as the features to be ana-
lyzed by the LADS. We have used the same datasets
and the One-Class SVM to compute the distance form
the closest to the farthest IP address. A model based
on these data is created and a 3D region is designed
accordingly. During the testing part, we have added
seven IP addresses from outside the range used dur-
ing the training process. All IPs from the block are
considered legitimate and all those that fall outside
the boundaries are considered anomalous. Results are
shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3: Results from Experiment 2.
Results from dataset 1 show that there is one error
in the analysis (i.e., one out of seven IP addresses is
considered anomalous), whereas result from dataset 2
show that there are three errors (i.e., three out of seven
IP addresses are considered anomalous). Results are
similar from those obtained in experiment 1, we de-
cided to generate another model and run other types
of experiments.
5.2.3 Experiment 3
Measuring Distance of Each IP Octet (4 Features):
Instead of transforming the whole IP address into
one integer, we split the IP address into four octets
and each octet is treated as one different feature.
Octets have been transformed into integer values (e.g., is transformed to 288,67,35,108). Simi-
lar to previous training, a model based on these data
is created and a region is designed accordingly. Dur-
ing the testing part, we have added seven IP addresses
from outside the range used during the training pro-
cess. All IPs from the block are considered legitimate
and all those that fall outside the boundaries are con-
sidered anomalous. Since there are four features, it is
not possible to obtain plots in four dimensions. How-
ever, results are similar to those obtained in experi-
ment 1 (i.e., dataset 1 = 0/7 errors, dataset 2 = 3/7
errors). No improvements have been obtained with
the use of a greater number of features.
5.2.4 Experiment 4
Converting IPs into Binaries (1 Feature): for this
experiment we transformed each IP into its corre-
sponding binary using the Label Binarizer encoding
, which consists on assigning zeros or ones
to data points depending on what category they are
in. During the training process, the LADS learns one
binary classifier per class, by doing this, multi-class
labels are converted into binary labels whether they
belong or not to the class. During the testing pro-
cess, one assigns the class for which the correspond-
ing model gave the greatest confidence.
Results from this experiment show that no errors
have been detected with the current training/testing
dataset (i.e., all IP addresses are considered to be le-
gitimate, including the seven outsiders). Still, pre-
cision is very low. No improvements have been ob-
tained with the use of this approach.
5.2.5 Experiment 5
Evaluating 3 Features to Represent IP Source and
Destination: A dedicated model has been created for
one of the IP addresses included in the dataset (i.e., We only included the incoming and
outgoing traffic that goes through the selected IP ad-
dress. The model considers three features:
IP Location: we evaluate if the IP address of
the analyzed instance is source or destination, for
which a value of zero or one will be allocated ac-
cordingly (i.e., 0 if it is a source IP, 1 if it is a
destination IP).
IP Distance: we compute the distance between the
modelled IP and the new one (as performed in pre-
vious experiments).
IP Knowledge: we evaluate if the IP address of
the analyzed instance is known or unknown, for
which a value of zero or one will be allocated ac-
cordingly (i.e., 0 if it is a known IP, 1 if it is an
unknown IP).
The testing dataset has been restricted only to the
modelled IP and extended in terms of samples: 15
samples (3 valid and 12 invalid). Results are shown
in Figure 4, from which 11 out the 12 invalid samples
were detected as anomalous observations (1 false pos-
itive). In terms of the dataset, even without filtering
external traffic, this approach is able to detect most of
the anomalous samples.
SECRYPT 2019 - 16th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Figure 4: Results from Experiment 5.
We have proposed LADS, a Live Anomaly Detection
System that uses unsupervised machine learning al-
gorithms to detect anomalies after a training process
of a given dataset. The approach analyses the perfor-
mance of a well known machine learning algorithm:
One class support vector machine (One-Class SVM)
under different test environments (e.g., using one or
multiple IP features), making it possible to identify
which approach performs better in detecting legiti-
mate and anomalous traffic. Training is done offline
using valid datasets, but predictions are done in real
time, making it possible to detect anomalous behav-
ior of the current system’s traffic.
Results show that a combination of multiple fea-
tures (i.e., IP source, IP destination, distance between
IPs, IP known, IP unknown) provides more accurate
results and reduces considerably the false rates in the
analysis performed.
It is important to highlight that these experiments
are best suited for the behavior analysis of IoT devices
(e.g., smart security systems, monitoring devices, jam
detectors, smart thermostats, etc.) that generates one
or few signals, and whose behavior can be easily mod-
elled by the LADS. We should exclude computers,
servers and mobile phones in our analysis, as the het-
erogeneity of the traffic they generate will make it dif-
ficult to represent accurate models.
Future work will consider other features to evalu-
ate traffic behavior (e.g., connection time, traffic size,
port source and destination, protocols, etc.) and will
assign a percentage value to each of the evaluated fea-
tures (based on its importance in identifying anoma-
lies) to tune the tool and compare the accuracy of the
The research in this paper has been partially sup-
ported by the European Commission through the
DiSIEM project, (Grant Agreement No. 700692),
STOP-IT project, (Grant Agreement No. 740610),
and the SerIoT project, (Grant Agreement No.
780139), as well as the LASIGE Research Unit (ref.
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LADS: A Live Anomaly Detection System based on Machine Learning Methods