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Decision Tree Model
| CDRSB_bl>2.750
| | MMSE_bl>26.500
| | | AGE>75.300: LMCI {AD=0, CN=0, EMCI=0,
LMCI=13, SMC=0}
| | | AGE≤75.300: EMCI {AD=0, CN=0, EMCI=8,
LMCI=0, SMC=0}
| | MMSE_bl≤26.500: AD {AD=254, CN=0,
EMCI=5, LMCI=0, SMC=0}
| CDRSB_bl≤2.750
| | MMSE_bl>23.500
| | | RAVLT_perc_forgetting_bl>-9.167
| | | | AGE>88.850: AD {AD=5, CN=0, EMCI=0,
LMCI=0, SMC=0}
| | | | AGE≤88.850
| | | | | Fusiform_bl>23133.500
| | | | | | PTETHCAT = Hisp/Latino: EMCI
{AD=0, CN=0, EMCI=2, LMCI=0, SMC=0}
| | | | | | PTETHCAT = Not Hisp/Latino: SMC
{AD=0, CN=0, EMCI=0, LMCI=0, SMC=5}
| | | | | Fusiform_bl≤23133.500
| | | | | | Ventricles_bl>9770.500
| | | | | | | ICV_bl>1268370
DATA 2019 - 8th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications