strong desire for cross-municipal solutions, which can
be both digital and analogue. There is also a great
concern that services of general interest could be
transferred exclusively to the Internet and that social
contacts and the local physical infrastructure could be
eroded. Another core statement is that people fear that
the technical and infrastructural conditions in rural
areas may not be sufficient in the future. The fourth
core statement is that, despite the fears expressed, the
participants have a fundamentally open attitude
towards innovations, technological progress and the
overriding topic of digitisation. The precondition for
this, however, is that digitisation should provide
citizens with a clearly discernible benefit in their
everyday lives. To achieve this, two implementation
projects are initially planned for the regional digital
strategy. These will include a joint multifunctional
online platform for the Northern Black Forest region
and digitised services in local centres in the pilot
region. The exact design and realisation of the
implementation projects described will be evident
from the upcoming digitisation strategy.
On the basis of the results described, the project
team will develop a digitisation strategy for the pilot
region and will seek further funding for its
implementation. This funding from the state of
Baden-Württemberg is to be awarded in 2019. It is
also important for the stakeholders involved that the
"Digital Black Forest" project does not end with the
presentation of a digitisation strategy for the pilot
region but is continued by the project participants as
a long-term initiative in order to involve all citizens
in the overall digital transformation.
We acknowledge the funding initiative "digitale
Zukunftskommune@bw" of the Ministry of the
Interior, Digitisation and Migration of the German
federal state Baden-Württemberg for the support of
the project presented here.
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