Force Display Control System using 2 DOF Admittance Control in
Surgical Training Simulator with Chiseling Operation
Kentaro Masuyama
, Yoshiyuki Noda
2 a
, Yasumi Ito
, Yoshiyuki Kagiyama
and Koichiro Ueki
Integrated Graduate School of Medicine, Engineering and Agricultural Sciences, University of Yamanashi, Kofu,
Yamanashi, Japan
Faculty of Engineering Department, University of Yamanashi, Kofu, Yamanashi, Japan
Faculty of Medicine, University of Yamanashi, Chuo, Yamanashi, Japan
Surgical Training Simulator, Virtual Reality, Force Display Device, Chiseling, 2 DOF Admittance Control.
This study contributes to developing the virtual surgical training simulator for chiseling operation. In surgical
operations using the bone chisel, impact forces are applied to the bone by pounding the chisel with the mallet.
To virtually represent this situation in the training simulator, the force display system with high stiffness and
instant reaction to the impact force is needed. In order to realize this force display system, we constructed
the force display device with the ball-screw mechanism for obtaining the high stiffness, and proposed the
two degree-of-freedom (2 DOF) admittance control for reacting instantaneously in the previous study. In this
study, the force display control system using 2 DOF admittance control is analyzed, and the feedforward and
feedback controllers in 2 DOF admittance control are developed for improving the reaction of the force display
device. The efficacy of the proposed control system is verified by creating a virtual experience to the chiseling
manipulation of a hard object using the bone mallet. From the experimental results, it is confirmed that the
movement, contact, chiseling and splitting sensations are displayed more accurately than the conventional
Surgical training simulators with force display have
been recently developed to allow surgeons to get into
their surgical skills. The simulated environment al-
lows vision, hearing and force sensory immersion so
that trainees can practice surgical procedures repeat-
edly and safely with high realistic sensation (Maier
et al., 2019), (Lam et al., 2013). In recent stud-
ies, devices with force display have used either the
parallel mechanism, which the end effector is con-
nected directly with three independent links (Hung
et al., 2018), or the serial link mechanism, which the
links are joined serially from the base to the end effec-
tor (Bugdadi et al., 2018). These devices with force
display make possible to exhibit the high degree-of-
freedom (DOF) of motion and high response, which
allows creating high realistic sensation for surgical
training with soft tissues.
However, in oral and orthopedic surgeries, large
forces are applied to the bone and tooth as hard tis-
sues by using the drill, saw and chisel. Previously
proposed force display devices can be broken by ap-
plying the necessary large impact forces used in the
surgeries to the hard tissues, and be limited to input
of small force (Yanping et al., 2014), (Wijewickrema
et al., 2018). Especially, virtualizing the situation that
the surgeon chisels the hard tissue by pounding with
the mallet requires the force display device with high
stiffness for withstanding the impact force and high
response for reacting instantaneously to the impact
In the previous study by the present authors (Ma-
suyama et al., 2018), the force display device with
the ball-screw mechanism was constructed for hav-
ing high stiffness, and the 2 DOF admittance control
was proposed for reacting instantaneously to the im-
pact force. However, the feedforward and feedback
controllers in the 2 DOF admittance control for cre-
ating high realistic sensation have not been designed
reasonably in the previous study.
In this study, we propose the design of force dis-
play control system using the 2 DOF admittance con-
trol for creating high realistic sensation to the chisel
operation. The 2 DOF admittance control for force
display is analyzed theoretically. Then, the feedfor-
ward and the feedback controllers in the 2 DOF ad-
mittance control are designed in accordance with the
Masuyama, K., Noda, Y., Ito, Y., Kagiyama, Y. and Ueki, K.
Force Display Control System using 2 DOF Admittance Control in Surgical Training Simulator with Chiseling Operation.
DOI: 10.5220/0007950307670774
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO 2019), pages 767-774
ISBN: 978-989-758-380-3
2019 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved