the 0.02–0.029 mm thread on a monitor.
According to clinical experiments, the surgeon
cannot precisely adjust the focus of the 8K endo-
scope because the focus point on the screen constantly
shifted during operation. Thus, the high-resolution
(HR) advantage of the 8K endoscope cannot be fully
utilized. During surgical operation, the region of in-
terest (ROI) always changes. Although the ROI might
be at the center of the screen at the beginning of
the operation, the image must often be refocused at
the top-left or bottom-right regions. Generally, auto-
focus functions automatically adjust the focus at the
center of the screen. Moving the endoscope to set the
ROI at the center position of the screen is possible.
However, freely moving the endoscope during opera-
tion is not advisable because organs might be affected,
causing the patient to feel pain. Hence, the endoscope
should be placed in a fix position during operation and
the focus is manually controlled. Aside from the op-
erating surgeon, another surgeon is required to super-
vise the 8K endoscope focus. Because freely adjust-
ing the focus with a small monitor is impractical, an
LCD monitor with the size of more than 50 in. must
be used for the surgery. However, accurately control-
ling the focus is still very challenging even if a 50
in. monitor is used. The 8K cameras’ focus control
is also an issue in broadcasting and content-making
industries. Commercial HD/4K/8K cameras are not
equipped with auto-focus function because focus con-
trol is one of the special areas of content production.
The focus point in a frame is one of the techniques of
content direction, and the focus position is not always
at the center of a frame. Hence, focus adjustment de-
pends on the camera man’s technique, and the camera
man manually controls the focus depending on the di-
rectors’ request. Until the HDTV development, the
camera man can manually adjust the focus by using
the view finder, which was usually built in the cam-
era. However, adjusting the focus of 4K cameras with
the view finder becomes challenging even for a pro-
fessional camera man because this view finder is too
small to accurately control the focus. Even if the fo-
cus seems fine on the view finder, the result is often
out of focus when the footage will be viewed on a
larger screen. Thus, focus control becomes more dif-
ficult for 8K cameras. In 8K content production, a 55
in. 8K monitor and a focus person are necessary.
Professional 4K cameras are equipped with fo-
cus assist function (Funatsu et al., 2013)(Ikegami,
2015)(Hitachi, 2015). The principle of the focus as-
sist function is very simple; in other words, the edges
are detected from the image and are superimposed.
The focus is controlled by maximizing the superim-
posed edges in the ROI. This method is similar to the
enhancer technique (unsharp mask). The edges are
detected using a high pass filter (HPF), the absolute
value is calculated, and the absolute value edges are
superimposed on the image. Then, the camera man
adjusts the focus by maximizing the edges. Given
that the edges are detected using an HPF, the edges
caused by noise appear on the entire frame when noise
is mixed into the image. When the lighting condition
is good, the noise is suppressed. However, a good
lighting condition is very rare and generally noise is
mixed into the images. Owing to the noise issue, the
focus assist is not applicable to general videos. The
noise results in the difficulty of adjusting the appro-
priate focus position. Although the focus is not fine,
clear images can be captured if the depth of the focus
is high. However, the depth of an organ captured by
the endoscope has a wide range. Thus, a signal pro-
cessing method is required to widen the focus depth.
SR is a technology used in enhancing the resolution
of an image/video. Although many SR proposals ex-
ist (Ledig et al., 2017)(Houa and Liu, 2011)(van Eek-
eren et al., 2010)(Shahar et al., 2011)(Bannore, 2010),
they are only applicable to still images and cannot
work real-time because they need iterations. A real-
time signal processing is necessary for laparoscopic
surgery. One issue of existing SR technologies is
first capturing an HR image and then developing low-
resolution (LR) images from the HR ones. However,
no HR is available and we only have one LR. Thus,
we must create an HR from only one LR. If we apply
SR for the endoscope video, then we should create
HR from every frame, and their several parts are out
of focus. In previous SR papers, reconstructed HR
is compared with the original HR based on the peak
signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR). However, determining
the PSNR in practical applications is impossible be-
cause we do not have the original HR and we only
have one LR. Because we cannot measure the PSNR,
we must define SR. In this study, we define SR first
as a technology that can produce high-frequency ele-
ments that do not possess the original LR, and, then,
it can also enhance image quality. The former defi-
nition can be easily proven by using two-dimensional
fast Fourier transform (2D-FFT). However, most of
the SR studies did not report the FFT results of the LR
and HR images. The latter definition indicates that
invisible things can become visible by the SR pro-
cessing in this study. In the laparoscopic surgery, a
0.02 mm diameter thread is used and is only visible
when an 8K endoscope with fine focus is used. How-
SIGMAP 2019 - 16th International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications