To keep pace with an increasingly complex security
landscape, security and enforcement practitioners are
leveraging on information dominance as the force
multiplier. In order to achieve information dominance
to Deter, Detect, Deny, Delay and Defend, the ability
to identify an event, associate with a short-term
memory and capture in long-term memory for
referencing is critical.
Our work mentioned in this paper lays the
foundation for a highly flexible event processing
platform with interactive and predictive analytics to
support the dynamic security and enforcement
industry where requirements are changing rapidly,
and any pre-trained or pre-programmed approaches
may fail to respond to an incident. The long-short-
term memory provides the context to CEP in solving
sequence and time series related problems.
The potential application of the work can be
extended to unmanned protection of critical
infrastructure through IoT sensors and smart devices,
centralized management of digital twins through the
convergence of physical and digital environments and
orchestration of autonomous digital workforce such
as robots and drones. The exponential growth of data
from the sensors network and events requires a more
systematic and holistic approach to sense, analyse,
respond and learn.
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