An extension of our approach may consider speci-
fying inter-relations between pattens in different time
series, e.g., while the speed of the robot flange is in a
certain limit, a specific pattern on force in z dimension
matches. This requires extending the pattern language
with temporal relationships as in (Allen, 1983).
We envisage a large potential in applying machine
learning and optimization techniques for learning pat-
terns based on labelled time series. This would allow
to largely reduce the time and effort involved in spec-
ifying patterns. The fact that patterns are explainable
allows domain experts to inspect and validate patterns
learned, similarly to decision trees generated by ma-
chine learning.
We will continue to publish our results on this.
This work was done within the project ProDok 4.0,
funded by the German Ministry of Education and Re-
search (BMBF) within the framework of the Services
2010 action plan under funding no. 02K14A110.
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stitut f
ur Technologie - Karlsruhe Institute of Tech-
nology (KIT). Project partners are KUKA Deutsch-
land GmbH, ISRA VISION AG, dictaJet Ingenieurge-
sellschaft mbH and Hochschule Darmstadt - Univer-
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Detecting Domain-specific Events based on Robot Sensor Data