the SE, posing the heaviest computational part on the
slowest component.
Regarding our scheme, it achieves better times
than the other group-signature schemes (Jard
et al., 2018; Jard
o et al., 2016) due to a more
lightweight client protocol. In that way, costly pair-
ing operations are performed during group-signature
verification and, thus, executed on the AC-side. This
allows a light signature process on the client-side that
proves feasible even if executed in the OBU’s SE.
Finally, it also should be bore in mind that in
es-Tafalla et al., 2019; Jard
o et al., 2018;
o et al., 2016) a credential renewal process
is needed to keep preserving the users’ privacy and,
until this new certificates are not generated, their LEZ
accesses are linkable. In case of (Jard
o et al.,
2018; Jard
o et al., 2016) this process can take
up to 10 seconds as should be computed inside the
In a nutshell, it can be stated that our sys-
tem is more lightweight than other group-signature-
based works, and can even compete with faster less
privacy-preserving approaches based on pseudonyms.
Furthermore, it fully provides unlikabilty and non-
traceability without needing to regenerate, after each
access, the drivers’ credentials for achieving it.
The access control system for LEZ we proposed
in this article follows the recent decentralized trend
of omitting third parties from access data acknowl-
edgment and payment related processes in favor of
blockchain and smart contracts technologies. Un-
like other approaches, our system truly preserves the
anonymity, non-traceability and unlikablility of hon-
est users, through an efficient tailored group signature
scheme, without the need of a client-on-demand cre-
dential renewal process to achieve it. On top of that,
experimental results show that our system is more
lightweight than similar group-signature-based LEZ
access control systems in the literature.
This work was supported by Government of Cat-
alonia (grant SGR2017-705), the Spanish Govern-
ment under SmartGlacis (TIN2014-57364-C2-R) and
CONSENT (RTI2018-095094-B-C21), the Technol-
ogy Agency of the Czech Republic under ”Le-
gal and technical tools for privacy protection in
cyberspace” project (TL02000398) and European
Union, Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports,
Czech Republic and Brno, University of Technol-
ogy under international mobility project MeMoV
(CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/16 027/00083710). The authors’
opinion in this work are their own and do not commit
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Decentralized Privacy-preserving Access for Low Emission Zones