Decentralized Privacy-preserving Access for Low Emission Zones
Carles Angl
, Sara Ricci
, Petr Dzurenda
Jan Hajny
, Jordi Castell
and Alexandre Viejo
UNESCO Chair in Data Privacy, Department of Computer Science and Mathematics,
Rovira i Virgili University, Av. Pa
ısos Catalans 26, Tarragona, Spain
Department of Telecommunications, Brno University of Technology, Technicka 12, Brno, Czech Republic
Low Emission Zones, Smart Cities, Privacy, Anonymity, Group Signatures, Smart Contracts.
Low Emission Zones (LEZ) are a common mechanism to regulate traffic jams and environmental pollution.
Nevertheless, the problems of this solution are lack of privacy its reliance on centralized entities. The pre-
sented scheme continues the emerging trend of using cameras to only identify dishonest users, and proposes a
decentralized access control system for LEZs, which, through a tailored group signature model, addresses the
user’s privacy requirements that a public ledger like blockchain demands.
The registered high levels of environmental pollu-
tion, due in large part to urban traffic jams, has be-
come a serious problem for large cities all around
the world. The implementation of LEZ, i.e. areas
where restrictions or surcharges are applied to drivers
in accordance with their vehicles’ emissions, is one
of the measures that proliferated the most to address
this problematic. Sweden, Italy, United Kingdom and
Germany are examples in which LEZs are applied
Currently deployed automated systems for LEZs
are based on camera networks, like London’s
, whose purpose is to indiscriminately take
photographs of vehicles’ license plates to verify if the
vehicle’s owner is paying the corresponding vehicle
emission category fee. Systems with an intrusive na-
ture as the aforementioned ones fuelled the appear-
ance of more privacy-friendly approaches. These pro-
posals are mainly focused on gathering anonymous
location proofs, generated when vehicles meet access
infrastructures, for, later, determining and charging
the corresponding fees. This way of proceeding, how-
ever, poses a strong dependence on the centralized
entities who control the system infrastructures, ac-
knowledge the generated poofs and compute its cor-
responding fees.
Recent decentralized protocols, built on
blockchain technology, can be applied to settle
Urban Access Regulations In Europe deployment map,
transactions between vehicles and LEZ infrastruc-
tures without the involvement of trusted third parties,
putting an end to the favorable position these central-
ized entities hold. Nevertheless, the use of a public
ledger brings new privacy challenges to the field, as
published transactions fall into the public domain
and, thus, any contained driver information should be
accordingly protected.
In the light of the identified issues, in this work,
we follow the privacy-focused emerging trend of
avoiding the indiscriminate record of all vehicles’ li-
cense plates in pursuit of designing a new decentral-
ized access control system for LEZ. The cornerstone
of this scheme is to pursue the decentralization the
blockchain paradigm poses, while providing, through
a tailored group signature scheme, the user privacy
requirements that the use of a public ledger requires.
1.1 Related Work
Initial access control systems for LEZs (Balasch et al.,
2010; Chen et al., 2012; Garcia et al., 2013) relied
on the use of an On-Board-Unit (OBU) for gathering
fee-relevant data; a centralized third party, i.e. Ser-
vice Provider (SP), acknowledging the whole process
and charging the required fee; and a camera-based
checkpoint network recording vehicles license plates
to avoid users’ fraud.
In the recent years, a new paradigm has taken hold
since it was proposed in (Jard
o et al., 2018) and
followed by (Jard
o et al., 2016; Angl
Anglès-Tafalla, C., Ricci, S., Dzurenda, P., Hajny, J., Castellà-Roca, J. and Viejo, A.
Decentralized Privacy-preserving Access for Low Emission Zones.
DOI: 10.5220/0007953504850491
In Proceedings of the 16th International Joint Conference on e-Business and Telecommunications (ICETE 2019), pages 485-491
ISBN: 978-989-758-378-0
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
et al., 2018; Hoffmann et al., 2018). This new model
promotes that users’ anonymity is always preserved
unless they try to commit fraud. In this matter, such
systems only take photos of vehicle’s license plates in
case the authentication process with the system infras-
tructures is not completed or totally omitted. During
authentication those systems protect users’ privacy
through different mechanisms such as group signa-
tures, pseudonyms or zero knowledge proofs. Despite
of their privacy-preserving mechanisms, every one of
the previous works rely on a centralized entity, usu-
ally a SP, to acknowledge vehicles’ access data and
ascertain their traffic fee inside the LEZ.
In order to shed the dominant position these cen-
tralized entities hold, a decentralized approach based
on smart contracts, which price and pay vehicles’
access dealing them as blockchain transactions, is
presented in (Angl
es-Tafalla et al., 2019). Build-
ing on top of previous works, its privacy scheme is
based on pseudonyms for the sake of a lightweight
access phase. Although this work successfully tack-
les the centralization issues found in the literature re-
garding the LEZ access control systems, the use of
pseudonyms in a public ledger, like a blockchain, en-
tails relevant threats in terms of user’s traceability and
likability. In that way, the privacy-preserving strength
of this scheme mostly relies on its pseudonym re-
newal policy, whose regeneration decision in the end
falls on the client-side and, hence, on the users’ crite-
1.2 Contribution and Plan of this Paper
Bearing in mind the privacy issues found in the lit-
erature, our scheme proposes a new decentralized
privacy-preserving access control system for LEZs
in which user’s anonymity is achieved through a tai-
lored group signature scheme, outstanding for its
lightweight signature process and not requiring key
regeneration to preserve unlinkability. Under this
premise, our approach allows treating LEZ accesses
as transactions and decentrally settle them, by means
of smart contracts, without the involvement of trusted
third parties.
On that basis, users generate access evidences,
signed on behalf of their vehicle emission category
group, without disclosing their identities or permit-
ting linkage between them. This is achieved even
if these evidences are published in a public ledger
like a blockchain. With this privacy-preserving
scheme, user’s anonymity is truly preserved without
the need of client-on-demand credentials renewal pro-
cess, which, due to their computational load, can in-
terfere with critical real-time phases of the protocol.
In a nutshell, our proposal’s contribution includes:
Revocable Anonymity: the proposed system al-
ways preserves users’ privacy as long as they fol-
low the defined protocol, failing which their iden-
tities could be disclosed and their privacy revoked.
Decentralized System: the system seizes the fa-
vorable position that centralized third parties,
responsible of acknowledging access data and
charging fees, have over users in favor of the de-
centralized model that blockchain and smart con-
tracts pose.
Privacy-enhancing Signatures: the system pro-
vides real privacy and unlinkability to users by
means of a tailored group signatures scheme,
without requiring credentials regeneration to
achieve that.
Honest-user-friendly Fraud Control System: the
system is able to identify dishonest users, who al-
ter or skip the protocol to commit fraud, without
this process affecting the privacy of honest ones.
The remainder of this paper is organized as fol-
lows. Section 2 introduces the new proposal. Sec-
tion 3 thoroughly details the protocol steps. Section 4
presents an evaluation of the proposed scheme. Fi-
nally, Section 5 reports some concluding remarks.
Figure 1 shows a general overview of the protocol’s
steps, along with their actors, related to the access
control scenario and its posterior payment phase. In
this layout, the involved actors, i.e. Drivers (D)
and Access control infrastructure (AC), should obtain
valid credentials from the LEZ Administrator (LA)
in order to securely interact with other entities of the
system. In case of D, the vehicle’s OBU should ob-
tain group signature credentials bound to its vehicle
emissions category in order to certify this condition
to the AC. Furthermore, all entities interacting with
the smart contract, i.e. D, AC and LA, should gener-
ate digital wallets for that purpose.
The access scheme starts when D approaches to
the LEZ entrance and her OBU automatically initiates
the protocol. The detection of Bluetooth Low Energy
beacons can be, for instance, the trigger to automatize
this process without D’s intervention. On that awak-
ening signal, D’s OBU establishes a secure connec-
tion using a short-range communication system with
the AC and, through an authentication process, proves
the vehicle’s emissions category that D is driving.
By successfully concluding this process, AC and
D can agree an access receipt, containing the entrance
SECRYPT 2019 - 16th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Figure 1: System’s general overview.
parameters, which act as proof of their interaction.
During the whole process D’s privacy is preserved as
all generated evidences are signed, due to our group
signature scheme, on behalf of her vehicle’s emis-
sions category group. In this way, ACs are prevented
from binding D’s accesses. Conversely, if the process
fails due to D’s dishonest behavior, i.e. she tries to
alter the protocol, AC will take a photo of D’s license
plate and, thus, disclosing the driver’s identity.
Once a valid access receipt is obtained, D can ini-
tiate the payment process by interacting with the LA-
deployed smart contract. For this, D remotely calls
the payment function of the smart contract, sending
the agreed access data as parameters. On the basis of
this information, the smart contract’s logic verifies its
validity and calculates the fee to pay according to the
last uploaded prices in the blockchain. If the access
receipt is valid and it was issued by an LA-authorized
AC, the corresponding amount of LEZ digital tokens
is transferred from D’s to AC’s digital wallet.
When enough time elapsed for the access transac-
tion being validated and added to the blockchain, the
involved AC verifies the transaction’s status to deter-
mine if the access payment was correctly conducted.
In case any irregularity is found, e.g. the access trans-
action in not in the blockchain or its status is not set as
“paid”, AC interacts with the smart contract to publish
an access incidence. In this process, the AC uploads
to the blockchain its own access receipt copy, which
also contains D’s group signature. With this informa-
tion published, the LA, as the groups manager, can
disclose D’s identity and, thus, revoke her privacy.
2.1 Blockchain Integration
The principle behind Blockchaint consists in grant-
ing equal decentralized trust to any node with the
power of solving computational challenges, known as
proof-of-work, and using it as a way to reach consen-
sus. This concept was extended in (Wood, 2014) with
Ethereum, whereby programmable logic programs,
referred to as smart contracts, are executed on the
Blockchain permitting to decentrally settle transac-
tions of arbitrary resources.
The presented proposal uses Ethereum’s smart
contracts to include LEZ access data in blockchain
transactions and automatically transfer its corre-
sponding fee in terms of digital tokens. With this
procedure, the nodes of the blockchain network are
able to decentrally validate the vehicle access, allow-
ing the omission of overseeing centralized third par-
ties. The blockchain paradigm requires that network
nodes, i.e., miners, contribute with their computa-
tional resources to validate transactions and further a
trustworthy advancement of the chain. The miners
of the proposed scenario would be: i) LA, which is
the provider of digital tokens; and ii) ACs, which get
monetary compensation for their participation in the
2.2 Group Signatures Integration
Group signature (Chaum and Van Heyst, 1991) al-
lows the sender to anonymously sign a message on
behalf of the group and, therefore, a receiver to verify
that it is a valid signature without disclosing sender’s
identity. In other words, this approach provides data
authenticity without disclosing the users’ identity.
Moreover, it is possible to revoke malicious users, i.e.
the signature can be “opened” in case of fraud.
In (Hajny et al., 2018), we propose a novel
group signature scheme based on Weak Boneh-Boyen
(wBB) signature (Boneh and Boyen, 2008) and the
efficient proofs of knowledge (Camenisch et al.,
2016). This scheme has fast signature generation
and provides all privacy-enhancing signature fea-
tures, i.e. anonymity, unlinkability and untraceabil-
ity. The wBB signatures were proven existentially un-
forgeable against a weak (non-adaptive) chosen mes-
sage attack under the p-SDH assumption (Boneh and
Boyen, 2008). The present article uses the proposed
signature (Hajny et al., 2018) in order to add all the
aforementioned features to the LEZ scheme.
Our system involves the four following actors: i) LEZ
Administration (LA); ii) Drivers (D); iii) Access Con-
trol Infrastructure (AC); and iv) Cryptocurrency Mix-
ing Service (M).
LA is the entity who is in charge of managing the
LEZ and establishing the restrictions applied to the
vehicles accessing this area. Among its tasks is to
issue valid certificates to other system’s entities and
Decentralized Privacy-preserving Access for Low Emission Zones
deploy the LEZ’s smart contract. Ds are the poten-
tial users of the LEZ, who interact with the system’s
infrastructures through the on-board units (OBU) em-
bedded in their vehicles. OBUs are devices able
to perform cryptographic operations, equipped with
GPS technology, 4G, Bluetooth and a tamper-proof
Secure Element (SE). It is assumed that SE already
has the vehicle’s license plate stored in it. ACs are the
infrastructures controlling the vehicle access to the
LEZ. They are expected to be equipped with a cam-
era, GPS, Bluetooth and internet access. ACs may be
under control of one or more for-profit entities as long
as the LA is not one of them. Finally, M is an inde-
pendent entity in charge of obfuscate the tractability
of blockchain transactions, so that transferred funds
cannot be trailed back to the source digital wallet.
This section formalizes the different phases that
drive the proposed system, giving enough detail to al-
low their implementation. These are: On-board unit
set-up, Wallet filling, Access and Payment.
3.1 On-board Unit Set-up
The first step the users should fulfill is registering into
the system and obtaining the adequate credentials to
successfully interact with ACs. To this end, D’s OBU
establishes a secure communication channel, with the
LA server and provides the vehicle data (plate num-
ber, car maker, model, etc.). The LA, as a govern-
mental entity, is able to verify the correctness of these
data and obtain the information of the vehicle’s owner.
Then, LA generates a 128-bit vehicle code vc and
sends it as a One-Time-Secret (OTS) URL linked to
D through a side channel (email, phone, etc.). D,
once vc is retrieved, generates a key pair (sk
, pk
a certificate signing request CSR(pk
), containing vc,
and sends this last one back to LA. On the basis of
), LA verifies the validity of vc and issues
its corresponding certificate Cert(pk
), including vc
in the CommonName field and the vehicle emissions
category cat as an extension. Finally, D checks the va-
lidity of the received certificate Cert(pk
) and stores
the generated credentials.
Through the completion of the previous process,
D obtains a valid LA-issued certificate Cert(pk
which allows her to complete strong bilateral authen-
tication with the other entities of the system. On this
basis, D then establishes secure communication with
LA, which comprises a two-way authentication. By
means of this channel, LA and D are negotiating the
group signature keys that D is using to validate her
accesses. Figure 2 illustrates these steps.
D initiates the process preparing a key generation
request gr which contains a random identifier id
LEZ Admin. (LA)User (D)
= rand(128bit)
l p = license plate from SE
gr = {l p,id
,resp),resp, pk
Check resp
Store sk
in SE
Store resp and sig(sk
,gr), gr, pk
Check l p
Get D’s cat and sk
= Register(id
resp = {sk
Store gr, sig(sk
,gr) and sk
gr, sig(sk
resp, sig(sk
Figure 2: Group signature keys negotiation.
a license plate proof lp, generated by SE. D signs this
request with her private key Sign(gr,sk
) before send-
ing it to LA. When LA receives a request gr from
D, first, verifies its signature. If it is correct, checks
the validity of the license plate l p and verifies if it
matches the vehicle behind the code vc contained in
D’s certificate Cert(pk
). Then, selects the group pri-
vate key sk
associated with vehicle’s emissions cat-
egory and initiates the generation process. In this op-
eration, LA, inputs sk
and id
to generate D’s group
private key sk
. Detailed steps of Register process are
defined in (Hajny et al., 2018). Finally, a generation
response resp, containing the generated key and the
D’s generation request, along with its signature is sent
back to D. In the other end, D verifies the response
and stores all received data as proof of the generation
process. sk
is then stored in the SE of the OBU.
Once the credentials generation process is com-
pleted, D generates a group of Ethereum digital wal-
lets W
, as she is required to publish transac-
tions on the blockchain for paying her LEZ access
through the use of smart contracts. For this purpose,
D generates a 256-bit private key sk
, a 512-bit pub-
lic key pk
and its corresponding address, according
to Ethereum key specs, for each wallet she is creating.
3.2 Wallet Filling
As the presented scheme contemplates the access fee
payment with smart contracts, Ds should purchase
LEZ tokens, i.e. elements acting as native currency in
our system, for their monetary transactions. For this
purpose, it is expected that LA hosts a specific Inter-
net portal where users can buy tokens in exchange of
money or cryptocurrencies. In this matter, tokens pur-
chased via cryptocurrency are expected to be anony-
mous, contrary to classic payment mechanisms, e.g.
SECRYPT 2019 - 16th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
credit card, which pose privacy threats for users.
In order to tackle this problem, D creates a tem-
poral wallet W
in which the purchased LEZ tokens
will be transferred once bought from LA web portal.
Then, D asks the cryptocurrency mixing service (e.g.,
) to transfer the funds from W
to her
group of wallets W
. M, by means of the mix-
ing process, obscures the link generated between the
source and destination wallets when funds are trans-
ferred, preventing the LA from linking the token pur-
chaser with her transactions on the blockchain.
Furthermore, in order to avoid the linking of trans-
actions that a wallet is involved in, D distributes her
funds in small different amounts among several one-
use wallets. In this way, D fractionally pays her ac-
cess to the LEZ using different wallets and disposing
the already-used empty ones in the process. Note that
this process requires some planning by the client de-
vice when distributing D’s token funds among all her
wallets, as it should be able to combine them to add
up the charging required fee.
3.3 Access
When D is accessing the LEZ, she establishes com-
munication with AC and agrees the entrance param-
eters. When D reaches AC’s communication range,
both entities establish secure communication, via
TLS, implying one-way authentication from AC; and
perform the steps in Figure 3.
Access Control (AC)User(D)
= rand(128bit)
, pos,date,time,cat.}
SE: Sign(ad,id
ad, sig(sk
,ad),ad, pk
Check ad data: pos, date and time
Check category pk
rp={ad, sig(sk
,ad), (sig(sk
Store rp temporarily
rp, sig(sk
Compare rp data with ad
Store rp until paid
Figure 3: Access protocol.
D starts the process by sending the access data ad,
including her position, date, time, vehicle emission
category, a random access id a
and a AC-generated
nonce N
from the previous TLS handshake. This
data is signed, by the OBU’s SE, on behalf of D’s
emission category group. On receipt of ad, AC ver-
ifies the correctness of the data and its signature by
means of the corresponding group public key pk
If verifications are correct, AC prepares an access re-
ceipt, which consists in the received data ad signed
using AC’s digital wallet private key sk
, so it can
be verified on-chain by the LEZ smart contract. This
signature is sent back to D along with the original re-
ceived message, i.e. ad and its D’s group signature,
signed with AC’s private key sk
as a proof of their
access agreement. D temporally stores this proof once
she contrasted the received data r p with the sent one
ad and verified both AC’s signatures. The exact steps
of signature generation and verification processes are
detailed in (Hajny et al., 2018). If at some point D
fails to complete this process by deliberately skip-
ping or altering the protocol execution, the AC will
take a photo of the vehicle’s license plate. This photo
will serve to identify the unauthenticated vehicle and,
thus, revoke D’s privacy.
3.4 Payment
Once the access parameters are agreed and D obtained
an access receipt r p from AC, the user starts the pay-
ment process. LA, as the smart contract’s owner, has
the authority to update the prices list the smart con-
tract inquires to determine the access fees. To do so,
the LA calls the smart contract’s method set prices
which uploads new prices to the blockchain.
Smart Contract
Get stored rp
Call register access
ad, sig(sk
register access
= verify(sig(sk
if adr
/ ACs list then
] = ad
= getBalance(adr
f ee = cost(,ad.time,
if bal
< f ee then
Transfer bal
from adr
to adr
debt = f ee bal
].debt = debt
].state = ”no f unds
Transfer f ee from adr
to adr
].state = ”paid
no funds”, debt
bad signature
Figure 4: Payment protocol: Payment.
This process, shown, step by step, in Figure 4,
starts when D interacts with the smart contract by in-
voking the register
access method. On this process,
D upload as parameters the access data ad and AC’s
digital wallet signature sig(sk
,ad) contained in the
access receipt r p received from AC. The smart con-
Decentralized Privacy-preserving Access for Low Emission Zones
tract, for its part, verifies on-chain the validity of AC’s
signature, as its signed using Ethereum protocol stan-
dards, and if its issuer is a valid AC registered in the
smart contract. Then, on the basis of date, time and
vehicle category, the access fee is calculated accord-
ing to the last registered prices and the correspond-
ing amount is transferred from D’s to AC’s wallets in
terms of LEZ tokens. In case of insufficient funds,
the remaining amount is set as debt, so D can settle
it using other wallets. Depending on the method out-
come, access a
status will be set a “bad signature”,
“no funds” or “paid”. Once the status is set as “paid”,
no further action can be taken on this a
Once enough time elapsed for the access transac-
tion being validated, AC verifies if a transaction a
is published to the blockchain with paid status. In
case these conditions are not met, AC publishes an in-
cidence to the blockchain calling the open incidence
method. D’s access data and its signature on behalf
of her vehicle emission category group are sent as pa-
rameters. The smart contract, on its part, verifies if the
conditions to open an incidence are met and publish
D’s group signature if required. LA, as smart con-
tract’s owner, is in charge of setting the elapsed time
for an incidence to be opened. With this procedure,
LA has the means to identify D through her group sig-
nature and initiate sanctioning measures against her.
Finally, it is assumed that LA, at each billing pe-
riod, will monetarily reward ACs, in accordance to the
gathered token amount, thereby getting profit from
their services.
In this section, we evaluate the performance of proto-
col’s phases whose feasibility is bound to strict tem-
poral constraints. In a LEZs scenario, these restric-
tions are present between AC and D interaction dur-
ing the Access phase, as vehicles have to finish this
process while they are in range to communicate.
In order to perform this evaluation, we imple-
mented the protocol steps described in Section 3.3
along with entities involved in the process: D and
AC. The AC side is implemented in Java7 an run on
a Raspberry Pi 2 using Raspbian OS. On the client
side, D’s OBU is impersonated by an Android ap-
plication written in Java8 running on LG Nexus 5X
and Android 6.0 OS. Finally, the OBU’s SE is imple-
mented in a ML4 smartcard 2KB RAM using Mul-
tos 4.1 OS and programmed in C. In this testbed, D’s
group signatures are performed using d224-sized el-
liptic curves. The rest of signatures and encryptions
are computed using 2048-bits RSA scheme.
In order to support our evaluation and to provide a
fair comparison, we implemented the Access phase of
similar approaches in the literature (Jard
o et al.,
2018; Jard
o et al., 2016; Angl
es-Tafalla et al.,
2019) and run tests under the same configuration.
4.1 Performance
As seen in Table 1, our protocol consumes in compu-
tation an average time of 1.038 seconds. More specif-
ically, AC, who performs the most computational ex-
pensive operations, takes 0.594 seconds. Most of
this time, 0.268, is spent in RSA signature genera-
tion, followed by group signature verification process,
which comprises costly bilinear pairing operations,
with 0.234 seconds. The remaining 0.092 seconds
are spent in generating AC’s digital wallet signature
and other non-cryptographic operations. In this way,
the driver’s side is more lightweight and almost all
0.444 seconds are spent by the SE, which has lower
computational power, for generating D’s group signa-
ture. Putting that into perspective, this same process
in AC’s side will only take 0.053 seconds.
Table 1: Computation time comparison in seconds.
Client side AC side Total
es-Tafalla et al., 2019) .083 .367 .450
Our scheme .444 .594 1.038
o et al., 2018) 1.321 .582 1.903
o et al., 2016) 1.339 .662 2.001
Our proposal is especially suited for LEZs scenar-
ios, as stands for being lightweight on the client-side,
which is composed by an OBU and its SE, and per-
forming the most expensive operations on AC’s side,
which can be embedded with greater CPUs.
4.2 Comparison
Table 1 shows the access phase average times dedi-
cated to computational tasks by most similar schemes
in the literature. As can be seen, (Angl
es-Tafalla et al.,
2019) is, with difference, the most lightweight proto-
col. However, it does not contemplate the use of a SE
on the client side, which results in fast RSA signa-
ture generations, and bases users’ privacy protection
on pseudonyms, which reduces signature verification
complexity at the expense of users’ linkability. Re-
garding the other group signature based approaches,
o et al., 2018; Jard
o et al., 2016), it
draws special attention the times to complete their
client computation. This is mainly caused because
their clients are using 2048-bit RSA signatures that,
due their scheme design, can only be generated by
SECRYPT 2019 - 16th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
the SE, posing the heaviest computational part on the
slowest component.
Regarding our scheme, it achieves better times
than the other group-signature schemes (Jard
et al., 2018; Jard
o et al., 2016) due to a more
lightweight client protocol. In that way, costly pair-
ing operations are performed during group-signature
verification and, thus, executed on the AC-side. This
allows a light signature process on the client-side that
proves feasible even if executed in the OBU’s SE.
Finally, it also should be bore in mind that in
es-Tafalla et al., 2019; Jard
o et al., 2018;
o et al., 2016) a credential renewal process
is needed to keep preserving the users’ privacy and,
until this new certificates are not generated, their LEZ
accesses are linkable. In case of (Jard
o et al.,
2018; Jard
o et al., 2016) this process can take
up to 10 seconds as should be computed inside the
In a nutshell, it can be stated that our sys-
tem is more lightweight than other group-signature-
based works, and can even compete with faster less
privacy-preserving approaches based on pseudonyms.
Furthermore, it fully provides unlikabilty and non-
traceability without needing to regenerate, after each
access, the drivers’ credentials for achieving it.
The access control system for LEZ we proposed
in this article follows the recent decentralized trend
of omitting third parties from access data acknowl-
edgment and payment related processes in favor of
blockchain and smart contracts technologies. Un-
like other approaches, our system truly preserves the
anonymity, non-traceability and unlikablility of hon-
est users, through an efficient tailored group signature
scheme, without the need of a client-on-demand cre-
dential renewal process to achieve it. On top of that,
experimental results show that our system is more
lightweight than similar group-signature-based LEZ
access control systems in the literature.
This work was supported by Government of Cat-
alonia (grant SGR2017-705), the Spanish Govern-
ment under SmartGlacis (TIN2014-57364-C2-R) and
CONSENT (RTI2018-095094-B-C21), the Technol-
ogy Agency of the Czech Republic under ”Le-
gal and technical tools for privacy protection in
cyberspace” project (TL02000398) and European
Union, Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports,
Czech Republic and Brno, University of Technol-
ogy under international mobility project MeMoV
(CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/16 027/00083710). The authors’
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Decentralized Privacy-preserving Access for Low Emission Zones