this work we are concerned with SPL in the HR
domain, where the compliance with legal rights
greatly affects the system evolution and it is almost
manually achieved (Dai, He, Xing, 2015), (Mazo et
al. 2014).
In the SPL HR context processes that could
translate automatically or semi automatically the
evolution of the law to a particular concrete product,
and how the law representation can be included into a
configuration mechanism, were not found in the works
This paper considers the variability management of
laws and regulations for a SPL in the domain of human
resources. Guidelines are proposed for a process driven
by the RA; the variability model considered is
extracted from the domain and product quality model,
since most of the variants are qualities required by the
HR functionalities, which are common and mandatory.
This process is on the threshold between the abstract
RA level and the concrete product derivation level. It
establishes a production plan at a more concrete level
than the abstract level imposed by the RA that is
inspired from (Northup and Clements, 2012). At this
level the variants choices are facilitated by the
definition of components interfaces. A configuration
process, to inject into the system the application of
territorial laws changes expressed as rules, is outlined.
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deploy on a SaaS multi-tenant cloud a concrete S-
SEDIT product, compliant with the client demand, is
an on-going work. It should be noticed that in this case,
the configuration system is what is important;
however, the SPL RA should evolve into concrete
micro-services architecture.
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