It has become commonplace in industry as well as in
academia to argue that work is set to disappear
through the impact of mass automation and the rise of
increasingly more powerful AI (Ford 2015, Poitevin
2017). The picture we have sketched in this article
stands in contrast with such a view, though. More
precisely, rather than envisage a wholesale
replacement of human work, we foresee that a fruitful
collaboration between humans and machines can
characterize the future of AI.
As argued at length in Section 2, there are good
reasons to believe that a great part in the ML and DL
industry successes was played by sheer data volume;
however, regulatory changes, scientific evidence
from human psychology as well business
considerations strongly point towards an untapped
market for machines that can learn in small data,
privacy-aware contexts.
We need to be careful to distinguish between DL
and the overall A.I. landscape, which is much more
varied than many observers take it to be: as outlined
in Section 3 through a fairly general industry use case,
there are promising approaches to marry the inference
ability of machines with the prior knowledge of
Developing further tools for concept learning is a
giant opportunity to deploy scalable A.I. systems for
humans and with humans: if we look at A.I. through
the lens of the probabilistic framework we champion,
it’s easy to see, pace Joy 2001, that the future does
indeed need us.
The authors are immensely grateful for the help of the
editors and reviewers in improving and shaping the
final version of the article.
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