Direct Sound Shield: The shield built into the end-
effector is mounted in a fixed position. In some areas
of the part, a little gap between the surface and the part
could be observed, allowing sound directly travelling
from the transmitter to the receiver, influencing the
lamb wave amplitude detection.
Lamb Wave Propagation Length: Fixed lengths of
50 mm for the offsets on and from the surface were
used. While the distance from the surface could be re-
duced, the transducers cannot be moved more closely
together because of their size. This causes the flaws
to appear ”stretched” along the sweep direction.
Process Control Accuracy: So far, no in-depth tests
have been conducted how accurate the process con-
trol system works, i.e. how precise the transducers
follow the waypoints and how well their trajectories
are synchronized.
In this paper, we have introduced an approach for air-
coupled ultrasonic inspection through adaptive lamb
wave control. A software toolchain to fully calcu-
late and determine the adaptive process was devel-
oped. An adaptive end-effector was designed for ex-
perimental evaluation. For this purpose, a specimen
part was manufactured.
It was possible to verify the principle and the
toolchain as well as the adaptive end-effector were
successfully tested. While the process was found to
be working generally, still a lot of room for improve-
ment exists. Future work could include improving the
hardware such as the direct sound shield. Further-
more, diffent combinations of ultrasonic heads and
other specimens could be examined. Also, a sophisti-
cated analysis of the process control system could be
We would like to thank HEBI Robotics
for provid-
ing us a set of X-Series Actuators for the experimental
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Air-coupled Ultrasonic Inspection with Adaptive Lamb Wave Control