Integration of a Secure Physical Element as a Trusted Oracle in a
Hyperledger Blockchain
Andreas Schaad
, Tobias Reski
and Oliver Winzenried
Faculty of Media, University of Applied Sciences Offenburg, Badstraße 24, 77652 Offenburg, Germany
Wibu-Systems AG, Rueppurer Strasse 52, 76137 Karlsruhe, Germany
Keywords: Software Protection, Blockchain, Hyperledger.
Abstract: Blockchain frameworks enable the immutable storage of data. A still open practical question is the so called
“oracle” problem, i.e. the way how real world data is actually transferred into and out of a blockchain while
preserving its integrity. We present a case study that demonstrates how to use an existing industrial strength
secure element for cryptographic software protection (Wibu CmDongle / the “dongle”) to function as such a
hardware-based oracle for the Hyperledger blockchain framework. Our scenario is that of a dentist having
leased a 3D printer. This printer is initially supplied with an amount of x printing units. With each print action
the local unit counter on the attached dongle is decreased and in parallel a unit counter is maintained in the
Hyperledger-based blockchain. Once a threshold is met, the printer will stop working (by means of the
cryptographically protected invocation of the local print method). The blockchain is configured in such a way
that chaincode is executed to increase the units again automatically (and essentially trigger any payment
processes). Once this has happened, the new unit counter value will be passed from the blockchain to the local
dongle and thus allow for further execution of print jobs.
Blockchain frameworks enable the immutable storage
of data (Yaga et al., 2018, Androulaki et al., 2018). A
still open practical question is the so called “oracle”
problem, i.e. the way how real world data is actually
transferred into and out of a blockchain (Buck, 2017)
while preserving its integrity. We present a case study
that demonstrates how to use an existing industrial
strength secure element for cryptographic software
protection (Wibu CmDongle / the “dongle”) to
function as such a hardware-based oracle (Apla, 2019)
for the Hyperledger blockchain framework.
Hyperledger is an open-source framework of
blockchain technologies (Androulaki et al., 2018). It is
a so-called permissioned network, where participants
are known and have been provided with an identity
when joining the network. This allows to support more
efficient proof of work concepts than in traditional
blockchain frameworks such as Bitcoin
(Antonopoulus, 2017).
The Wibu CmDongle is a secure element (a
“dongle”) to enable cryptographic software protection
and licensing of functionality. It can be attached to a
device as a USB token or is integrated into an
embedded system (Wibu, 2019). Recently a cloud-
based software protection solution has been presented
(Schaad et al., 2018).
Using the capabilities of the dongle, software can
be cryptographically protected at run-time as fine-
grained as controlling access to individual methods. A
certificate chain rooted at the software vendor controls
which customer should have access to which type of
functionality (i.e. real-time decryption of code). This
setup also supports commercial licensing where the
same software is shipped but will be differently used.
The dongle consists of hardened cryptographic
hardware as well as allows to persist data. One standard
use case for such data are so called unit counters that
allow to measure how often a certain action has been
performed or which threshold a data value may have
We present a case study that demonstrates how to
use this industrial strength secure element for
cryptographic software protection (Wibu CmDongle /
the “dongle”) to function as a hardware-based oracle
(Apla, 2019) for the Hyperledger blockchain
Because the invocation of any Hyperledger APIs
is part of the protected software, we can achieve a
Schaad, A., Reski, T. and Winzenried, O.
Integration of a Secure Physical Element as a Tr usted Oracle in a Hyperledger Blockchain.
DOI: 10.5220/0007957104980503
In Proceedings of the 16th International Joint Conference on e-Business and Telecommunications (ICETE 2019), pages 498-503
ISBN: 978-989-758-378-0
2019 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved