Learning Smart Contracts for Business Environment
Luís Silvestre
, Francisco Pires
and Jorge Bernardino
1,3 a
Polytechnic of Coimbra – ISEC, Rua Pedro Nunes, Quinta da Nora, 3030-199 Coimbra, Portugal
Individual Consulting Research, Rua Arlindo Vicente, 3030-298 Coimbra, Portugal
CISUC - Centre of Informatics and Systems of University of Coimbra, Pinhal de Marrocos, 3030-290 Coimbra, Portugal
Keywords: Blockchain, Smart Contracts, Business Environment.
Abstract: Currently the search for a decentralized data model in companies for its big advantage in removing the
middleman has been increasing. For that reason, DLT (Distributed Ledger Technology) technologies have
gained a lot of visibility in the business world, the most well-known being Blockchain and its emerging Smart
Contracts. The identified problem is the lack of knowledge and skill of companies in the domain of the rising
Smart Contracts. In this paper, we propose a generic model that could increase the competence of companies
in this field by creating a step-by-step tutorial on how to set up the development environment of Smart
Although Blockchain has arisen for some time now,
there are still many developments to be achieved with
this technology and more and more are the uses of this
technology reflected on the most varied topics
(Maxmen, 2018; Baynham-Herd, 2017; Ahmed,
2017) since its use with Artificial Intelligence (Salah,
2019) to its advantages in IoT (Internet of Things)
(Makhdoom, 2019). Like Blockchain, Smart
Contracts are also revolutionizing the industry with
its potential for decentralized applications. Given its
recent appearance, however, there is still a very large
lack of knowledge and skills in this area, especially
from companies that want to enter this market
(Casino, 2019).
This work aims to reduce this gap by creating a
step-by-step tutorial guide on how to prepare an
environment for developing Smart Contracts and
giving some background. We intend answering these
questions: (i) How Does Blockchain work? (ii) What
are Smart Contracts, and what do they do? (iii) How
to start Developing Smart Contracts? (iv) How to
apply a Smart Contracts guide to Companies?
In this paper, we propose a training model
following the ADDIE (Analyze, Design, Develop,
Implement and Evaluate) model.
To this end, we first explore the concept of
Blockchain and Smart Contracts, providing some
background to what is going to be explored. After this
phase of learning concepts and what will be studied,
we will enter the guide itself on how to create the
environment for the development of Smart Contracts.
At this stage, it will be necessary to understand not
only what is necessary to obtain to create the
environment, but also why it is necessary.
The main contribution of this work is the creation
of a step-by-step tutorial as a learning model to apply
in training actions in a business environment.
The remainder of this article is structured as
follows. In section 2 it is given a contextualization
and a brief explanation about Blockchain and Smart
Contracts. In section 3 it’s described the preparation
of the development environment, and in section 4 it’s
made an overview of the state of the art. Section 5
serves as a brief introduction of the ADDIE (Analyze,
Design, Develop, Implement and Evaluate) model
and its application in this work. In section 6 we
describe the Learning-Transfer Evaluation Model
(LTEM) and the advantages of its application in our
learning model, as well as some future ideas on how
the model will evolve. Finally, section 7 discusses the
results and presents the main conclusions.
Silvestre, L., Pires, F. and Bernardino, J.
Learning Smart Contracts for Business Environment.
DOI: 10.5220/0007959301880195
In Proceedings of the 16th International Joint Conference on e-Business and Telecommunications (ICETE 2019), pages 188-195
ISBN: 978-989-758-378-0
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
In this section, an introduction to the Blockchain
domain and the Smart Contracts is given by providing
a brief explanation of some important concepts, such
as DLT (Distributed Ledger Technologies),
Blockchain and Smart Contracts.
2.1 DLT – Distributed Ledger
Distributed Ledger Technologies as the name
suggests, are distributed record systems. That is, the
information is not all in one place, but distributed by
all system participants as shown in Figure 1.
Unlike traditional databases, distributed ledgers
have no central data storage or administration
functionality. In a DLT, each node processes and
verifies each item, thus generating a record of each
item and creating a consensus on the veracity of each
This architecture represents a significant
revolution in record keeping, changing how
information is collected and communicated.
Figure 1: Centralized Ledger vs Distributed Ledger
(Tradeix.com, 2019).
2.2 Blockchain
The blockchain is one of many existing DLTs and it’s
the most recognized of these technologies being the
core of bitcoin. Blockchain works on a Peer-to-Peer
network, which is a network with an architecture in
which tasks are distributed among peers, in contrast
to the centralized architecture where information is
stored in one place. Blockchain emerged in 2008
when Satoshi Nakamoto published his article
"Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System"
(Nakamoto, 2008). As the name implies, it consists of
a chain of blocks. It is in these blocks that the
information is stored. Figure 2 shows a generic
representation of a block.
Figure 2: Blockchain’s blocks structure (Zheng, 2018).
The main feature of Blockchain is immutability,
which means that when a block is validated in the
network, it is no longer possible to change it. The act
of validating blocks is called mining and consists of
finding a value for the nonce parameter, which
satisfies the conditions of validation. These
conditions go on to generate a valid HashCode.
Hashcode is a numeric value generated by algorithms
based on the data in the block, which means that if
some data changes, the Hashcode changes. The
mining consists of obtaining the nonce that causes the
Hashcode to fulfill certain validation rules such as
starting with 10 zeros. These rules change depending
on the platform.
Those responsible for the mining process are
called miners. A miner is any participant in the
network that aims to validate a block of transactions,
using the mining process.
The mining process is based on a model called
proof-of-work. That is, the confidence of the
validation is correct is obtained through the
computational effort used to make the mining. As an
incentive to make people want to mine, the act of
mining is usually rewarded. Currently, there is an
attempt to move from proof-of-work to proof-of-
stake. This new method has the same goal of proof-
of-work but varies the way consensus is achieved.
Unlike the proof-of-work, in which the miners have
to solve a mathematical problem and spend
computational resources to validate and create a
block, in this method the creator of each block is
determined based on its possessions and there are no
block rewards. This method causes energy
consumption to decrease because the miners do not
compete with each other for the rewards, which leads
to an increase in the difficulty of a 51% attack. A 51%
attack, as the name implies, is an attack on
Blockchain networks that consists of obtaining 51%
of the network participants in order to obtain
consensus and consequently the validation of the
Learning Smart Contracts for Business Environment
2.3 Smart Contracts
Smart Contracts are digital protocols that define a
contract and use the Blockchain network for its
immutability and audibility. Smart Contracts are
programmable so that, in addition to validating
contract conditions, they impose restrictions and
penalties (Salah, 2019; Bocek, 2017). The first
appearance of the term was in 1997 by Nick Szabo
(Szabo, 1997).
Smart Contracts can be used for financial services
or for general services, The first one means simple
financial transactions, the later means that the data
being changed by the Smart Contracts does not
necessarily need to be of financial nature, this opens
the path to what is now called DApps, Decentralized
Applications. Decentralized applications are
applications that run on the Blockchain network and
do not need any regulatory authority. An example of
a decentralized application is Bitcoin, as well as any
other virtual currency platform. However, the major
difference from a decentralized application with
Smart Contracts is that virtual currency platforms
work only with transactions, whereas a decentralized
application using Smart Contracts can include much
more information in its blocks than a simple
transaction and other information and interactions can
be programmed (Wu, 2019).
The company responsible for the great Smart
Contracts revolution is Ethereum, a decentralized
platform capable of executing smart contracts and
decentralized applications using Blockchain
technology. This platform allows users to develop
and deploy Smart Contracts to the network by paying
a fee of their current cryptocurrency, Ether.
In this section we describe the environment
preparation process using the Windows 10 Operating
System and the Google Chrome browser, listing in
order the necessary software, followed by
programming languages.
This preparation process consists of installing and
configuring the necessary programs for the
development of Smart Contracts, as well as providing
an explanation for the need for these programs. The
environment described will be an initial environment
for testing and the first contact with the Smart
Contracts and Ethereum networks. Table 1 shows a
summary of all the steps to be performed, the reason
and the way they are installed. Table 2 lists the
programming languages involved in the development
of Smart Contracts and lists their functions in this
Table 1: Necessary steps and motives.
Steps Motives Installation
A. Nodejs e
It allows you to run
applications and
makes several open-
source applications
available as modules.
Download the
installer from the
official website and
run it.
B. Testrpc
It simulates the
ethereum blockchain
npm install -g testrpc
API provided by
Ethereum that
provides interaction
with the Ethereum
npm install
It allows for access
and interaction with
the Ethereum
network in a simpler
Extension of Google
E. Remix
Developed and made
available by
Ethereum for the
development of
Smart Contracts.
Not necessary
because there is a
browser version.
npm install -g remix-
3.1 Nodejs and Npm (Node Packet
You need to download and install node.js, which is a
tool that allows you to run applications in JavaScript
and supports several open source modules. That is, it
works as a server for various JavaScript applications.
The current nodejs installer of the official site also
includes npm. This tool is used to manage the existing
modules in nodejs and allows the user to obtain these
modules through the Windows command line with
the command "npm install <module name @
version> "(It is not mandatory to specify the version,
in which case it will be obtained the latest version).
3.2 Testrpc
Testrpc, now called ganache-cli, is a tool that is
provided as a nodejs module and serves to simulate
the Ethereum network in a fast and flexible way.
It can be installed through npm with the command
"npm install -g testrpc" and the "testrpc" command to
execute it. In addition to providing the simulated
network, this tool provides some default test accounts
to use.
ICE-B 2019 - 16th International Conference on e-Business
3.3 Web3.js
Web3.js is an API (Application Programming
Interface) created and provided by Ethereum, which
consists of a collection of already defined modules
and functions that allow interaction with the
Ethereum network both locally and remotely.
It is necessary to include this API in the desired
project by opening the Windows command line in the
project folder and executing the "npm init" command,
which will create a JavaScript Object Notation
(JSON) file with information about the project
dependencies. Then you need to run the command
"npm install web3@0.19". This command will
download and install version 0.19 of web3.
Optionally this API can be downloaded with the latest
version with the command "npm install web3".
However, the latest version is in the Beta phase, so
unexpected problems can be encountered. As a result,
version 0.19 is advisable.
3.4 Metamask and Lite-server
The next step is to install MetaMask, a Chrome
extension that allows you to access and interact with
the Ethereum network without running all Nodes, and
lite-server, a fast and light web server. To install
MetaMask, simply go to the extensions section of
Google Chrome and look for MetaMask. After adding
this, follow the installation steps. After installing
MetaMask you will need to install the lite-server in
the project, which will allow MetaMask to inject an
instance of the web3 API. To install the lite-server in
the project, it is necessary to open the command line
in the project folder and execute the "npm install lite-
server" command.
3.5 Remix IDE
The final step is to use the IDE offered by Ethereum
for programming Smart Contracts in Solidity. This
IDE is used through a browser. Simply enter the link
"https://remix.ethereum.org". This IDE allows you to
schedule the contracts and to launch these contracts
in the Ethereum network. For this, it is necessary to
access the "run" window and select the "Injected
Web3" environment. The account will be
automatically synchronized with the account created
in MetaMask.
Table 2: Used Programming languages.
Ethereum’s Smart Contracts programming
A programming language that links the
web page to Smart Contracts.
Language that allows you to build and
customize web pages.
3.6 Solidity
Solidity is the programming language for Smart
Contracts, created by Ethereum. It is a high-level
object-oriented language with Python, C ++ and
JavaScript influences. In this language it is possible
to define a Smart Contract and its properties, as well
as its behavior. Figure 3 shows an example of creating
a Smart Contract using the Solidity language, for this
guide we will use the version 0.5.5.
Figure 3: Example of a Smart Contract in Solidity.
In this example, a “version” name contract is
created in which you can define the version, a
description, and several authors that are saved in a
vector. We can check some language properties such
as variable types, String, bytes32 array and uint
(unsigned int), as well as the definition of a
constructor, some functions such as adding and
removing an author, and events. Of these properties
of Solidity referred to, the events stand out. These
Learning Smart Contracts for Business Environment
events offer the possibility to mark an action, called
through the keyword “emit” and defined through the
keyword “event”. Events allow you to schedule so
that when a certain event occurs, certain methods
within the code are executed, these events can then be
received in a standby function in the JavaScript code.
3.7 JavaScript
JavaScript is a programming language used for web
development and it will allow us to program the
interaction of the user with the Smart Contract
Through JavaScript, it is possible to obtain and
use the Web3.js API, which allows access to the
Ethereum network. Figure 4 shows an example of
JavaScript code on how to obtain an API instance.
Figure 4: JavaScript code example to obtain web3 API
In this example, it is shown how to obtain an
instance of the web3 API, first we check if it is
already defined, if it is then we just create the instance
with the current Provider, this happens because we
will use MetaMask which will inject a web3 API
instance, if it isn’t defined then we create a new
instance passing as parameters the new provider.
HTML (HyperText Markup Language) allows you to
easily create a web page and customize it with the
help of CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). This language
is necessary because it will be essential to provide an
interface so that Smart Contracts can be tested.
In general, following all these steps will be
possible to get an environment to start developing
Smart Contracts for Ethereum networks.
Using Remix, the contracts created in Solidity can
be deployed with MetaMask. When deploying a
contract, a window with information of the
transaction will be visualized (or shown), and using
HTML and CSS a simple Web page can be created to
test the Smart Contract. For the Web to correctly use
the created Smart Contract, it will be needed to copy
the Smart Contract Application Binary Interface
(ABI), as well as the contract HashCode given in the
remix IDE to the JavaScript code.
Currently, Blockchain technology has been exploited
for implementation in many areas, mainly due to the
great revolution caused by Smart Contracts and its
ability to allow the creation of decentralized
applications. Although the term Smart Contracts is
not new (Szabo, 1997), its application in Blockchain
opens the door to many possibilities that are already
under study. Data is the most valuable asset in any
organization (Santos, 2011), therefore any
Blockchain implementation can be a huge
improvement in some scenarios. For Smart Contracts,
there is already a free online introduction course
(Coursetro.com, 2019), which addresses the
preparation of the environment and the introduction
to the creation of Smart Contracts. In this course a
video tutorial is provided, as well as a written tutorial
on how to start programming the Smart Contracts,
preparing the environment and then introducing the
Solidity language. Despite the quality of the course,
there are some missing pieces because it is outdated
and also because it is meant to be just and introduction
to the theme. Besides this Smart Contracts
introduction course, also related to the work done in
this paper, but with more focus on business fields
there is also a framework that provides an easier
access to smart contracts for companies by allowing
the development of smart contracts logic in a
controlled English, business-level rules language
(Astigarraga T, 2018). This is a good solution to
easily implement blockchain and Smart Contract
technologies in companies however it doesn’t provide
the necessary knowledge and background to
understand blockchain only provides an ease of use
for companies who aim to work on top of this
technologies. Accordingly, the work presented in
sections II and III was intended to: 1) offer an
improved and updated step-by-step guide on how to
prepare the environment, 2) provide the first part of
introducing concepts and 3) introduce the application
strand in the business environment.
For the application of this guide in a business
environment, it is necessary to make it a well-
structured learning model. In this context, the ADDIE
model emerges, a model that allows transforming the
simple guide for creating the development
environment into a learning model that is
apprehended by a focal point responsible for the
ICE-B 2019 - 16th International Conference on e-Business
subsequent application to the human resources of the
The ADDIE model, shown in Figure 5, is an
Instructional Design Model (IDM). It is a model that
proposes certain rules for organizing pedagogical
scenarios in order to define correct learning
As an IDM, the ADDIE model serves as a
framework for the creation of training programs, and
for this reason this work follows this model’s guides.
The following are the essential phases of the
ADDIE (Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement and
Evaluate) model, as well as a brief explanation and
objectives for each phase.
Analyze: In this phase, the goals and
objectives of the program are defined, and it
is evaluated the current knowledge of the
target audience in order to assess what the
program will need to do.
Design: At this stage, the whole program is
planned in detail, from the content to the
approach and tools to be used.
Development: The development phase is
where the developers create and assemble
the content assets that were created in the
design phase. It is also possible to review
the project at this stage.
Implementation: This phase reflects the
constant modification of the program in
order to achieve maximum effectiveness. It
is at this stage that the program is adjusted
as required.
Evaluation: It is the final phase and consists
of a final and meticulous test of the whole
program, which is divided into two parts:
formative and summative.
The formative assessment is done at all stages and
is done during implementation with both trainers and
students. The summative assessment is done after the
implementation phase ends and serves to improve the
program based on the results.
Figure 5: ADDIE model diagram (Educationaltechnology.
net, 2017).
In the previous section, the application of a learning
model, the ADDIE model, was mentioned for the
transformation of this guide into a well-structured
learning model. In this section, the evaluation of the
learning of this model is presented. Learning models
do not always work as expected, and from this
perspective, there is no guarantee that the created
model will play its role in perfection. To solve this,
we will resort to an evaluation model, the LTEM
(Learning-Transfer Evaluation Model), shown in
Figure 6.
The LTEM model (Worklearning.com, 2019) is
an evaluation model designed especially for
organizations with the ability to obtain feedback, to
improve learning processes and to validate their
results. This model is divided into 8 levels, where the
first step reflects an inadequate level and the last one
represents the ultimate learning objective. Benefits of
the latter can be applied in various learning scenarios
from a classroom to e-Learning. The following is a
brief explanation of each of these echelons.
6.1 Attendance
It corresponds to an evaluation method in which only
confirmation of presence in a certain class or training
is necessary. This method is inadequate because proof
of presence does not imply proof of learning.
6.2 Activity
It is a method that consists of evaluating learning
through the activity of the learner. This activity can
be measured in 3 ways:
This method is also unacceptable for evaluation
because these 3 aspects do not reveal learning results.
Attention, interest, and participation are not
synonyms of learning and students who demonstrate
these 3 aspects may well not have learned. Examples
of this method are some online courses that require
you to periodically push a button to move forward. In
these methods, the demonstration of learning
outcomes is lacking, because, despite the 3 aspects,
students may not only have not learned, but they may
have learned the wrong thing or may have focused on
the wrong point.
Learning Smart Contracts for Business Environment
6.3 Learner Perceptions
In this method of evaluation, students’ feedback is
used to evaluate learning, and this is done through
student surveys. Usually in these types of inquiries
questions such as the competence of the instructors,
expectations of the course, among others, are asked.
This is another ineffective method because the
students’ expectations do not match the learning
6.4 Knowledge
Testing knowledge is another way of assessing
learning and can be done right after learning or can
occur after some time has passed; both forms test
knowledge regarding facts and terminology.
In the first one, knowledge is tested while the
information is still accessible and there is no time for
the information to be forgotten. For this reason, there
is no guarantee that this information is always
available in the future. On the other hand, knowledge
alone does not generate decision-making capacity.
For these reasons, this first way to assess learning by
testing knowledge quickly after being acquired is not
In the second, knowledge is tested a few days
after its acquisition, which also implies the recall of
knowledge and therefore is a better option in relation
to the first form. However, it remains an inadequate
evaluation method for the same reasons.
6.5 Decision-making Competence
More important than just knowledge, learning
outcomes should reflect an understanding of
knowledge, as well as the ability to make decisions
and perform realistic tasks. This method consists of
evaluating through the ability to make decisions.
Given the importance of short and long-term
memory, we can divide this assessment also in these
two strands. The assessment of the ability to make
short-term decisions is made on the day of learning
and so it is still insufficient to be considered adequate
because there is no guarantee that this capacity will
be maintained over time. Long-term assessment, on
the other hand, is already considered an adequate
assessment for learning, offering realistic scenarios or
simulations in which the student will have to make
6.6 Task Competence
At this level, both the ability to make decisions and
the actions taken are evaluated. In this evaluation, the
practice in a realistic environment is promoted. This
is done through the SEDA (Situation, Evaluation,
Decision, Action) model, which is a model that
represents in a simple way what happens in the real
world. Just as the decision-making ability of this
evaluation can occur in the short and long term, and
in the short term there is the same problem as in the
previous one, there is no guarantee that this
competence will be maintained in the long term. On
the long term this means that a student on this level is
capable of the next level, transfer of knowledge.
6.7 Transfer
At this level it is expected that there is a transfer of
learning to be applied in the real world, and this can
happen in two ways: Half transfer or Full Transfer. In
Half Transfer, this change is assisted. That is, there is
help for this transfer initiative. On the other hand, in
Full Transfer this transfer occurs without significant
6.8 Effects of Transfer
The learning transfer result always generates impact,
and it is also up to this model to assess this impact and
generate a list of those affected, from team members
to the organization itself or family and friends.
Furthermore, it is necessary to assess whether this
impact is positive or negative.
Figure 6: LTEM Model diagram (Worklearning.com,
ICE-B 2019 - 16th International Conference on e-Business
We intend to improve this guide so that it can
include more than creating and preparing the
development environment, but also enabling the
launch of Smart Contracts in a simulated Blockchain
network. We also want to include the creation of a
simulated Blockchain network, where it’s expected
the possibility to create and develop a complete
decentralized application. More than creating these
learning models, it will be essential to also apply the
LTEM model to evaluate this learning offered in a
business environment.
The gap in knowledge and skills in the business world
in Blockchain and especially in the growing Smart
Contracts, at a time when these concepts are
increasingly important, led to an attempt to create
something with the aim of filling that gap.
This article has offered in the first part, an
introduction to the Blockchain and Smart Contracts
domain, giving some background into its key
concepts and has described a step-by-step tutorial on
how to prepare the Smart Contracts development
In this work, a training model was proposed with
application in business environments following the
norms of the ADDIE model and already considering
the LTEM model for evaluation.
As future work, we intend to improve and apply
this first learning model by going further and deeper
within the field of Smart Contracts aiming at the
creation of decentralized applications using the
LTEM model for evaluation.
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Learning Smart Contracts for Business Environment