Simulation Effects on the Optical Response of Gold Nanoparticles
Tanaporn Leelawattananon
and Suphamit Chittayasothorn
Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Bangkok, Thailand
Department of Computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang,
Bangkok, Thailand
Keywords: Localized Surface Plasmon Resonances, Gold Nanoparticles, Optical Properties, Finite Element Method.
Abstract: In this research work, we use simulation models for the investigation of the sizes and shapes of gold
nanoparticles on BK-7 substrate base, which affect the optical characteristics in a large spectral range of the
gold nanoparticles. Linearly polarized light with wavelengths of 300 800 nm are specified as the impact
light on gold nanostructures. We try to find the suitable wavelength of the impact light when localized
surface plasmon resonance takes place. The gold nanoparticles are spherical, elliptical oval, and 10nm x 40
nm block-shape and have their aspect ratio similar to the nanorod shape nanoparticles used in other
experiments. The results are useful for the development of plasmonic complex nanostructure with tunable
surface plasmon resonances which generate heat and have potential applications in medical thermal
According to technological advancement, metals
which have structures at the nanometer level can be
manufactured. This advancement attracts attention
of physicists, chemists, material scientists, and
biologists which are interested in the surface
plasmon phenomenon. Surface Plasmon Resonance
(SPR) is the phenomenon which takes place when
there are excitations of free electrons at the interface
between an electrical conductor and a dielectric
layer thus create evanescent electromagnetic waves.
The excitation of Surface Plasmon waves leads to
the occurrence of other phenomena, including the
optical responses of materials. Plasmonics in the
material structures at the nanometer level find
applications in the surface-enhanced sensing and the
measuring of intra molecular distances in molecules.
The optical response of metallic nanoparticles
(NPs) can be adjusted by the controlling of the size
and shape of the particles and also the environment.
This knowledge initiates research areas such as
Surface Plasmon based Photonics or Plasmonics (G.
Alexandre Brolo, 2012). There have also been new
techniques in the synthesis of nano particles which
aim at the creation of nanoparticles, which have
adequate size and shape for excitation of the Surface
Plasmon waves (Z. Ying, 2018). These surface
plasmon waves can be employed in magneto-optic
applications. They also help improve the efficiency
of surface-enhanced sensing and spectroscopy,
which find applications in bio detection and
chemical therapy (Z. Zhang, 2014).
It has been recently found that the shape of the
nanoparticles affects the optical response of the
particles. Researches have been conducted to study
optical characteristics of nanoparticles and to find
out the effects of sizes and shapes of these
nanoparticles. Shapes include spherical, cube, and
other polyhedrons (Y. Wang et. Al., 2013) ( M.
Chen, 2017). The more nanoparticle becomes
sphere-like, the more the main surface plasmon
resonance is red-shifted where the dependence of the
position of the resonances is analytically explained
in terms of their aspect ratio (Cecilia Noguez,
2007). The development of plasmonic complex
nanostructure with tunable surface plasmon
resonances results in a higher heat generation which
finds applications in medical thermal therapy (H.
Vahid, 2018) (K. Jiang, 2013).
In this project, we simulate the Surface Plasmon
Resonance phenomenon of gold nanoparticles which
have different shapes and sizes and have been
employed to align 1D structures. The finite element
method (FEM) is used in the analysis and
simulations. The simulation results show plasmon
wave electric fields when using these gold
Leelawattananon, T. and Chittayasothorn, S.
Simulation Effects on the Optical Response of Gold Nanoparticles.
DOI: 10.5220/0007959603600367
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications (SIMULTECH 2019), pages 360-367
ISBN: 978-989-758-381-0
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
nanoparticles which are excited by the visible light
sorce. The goal of the project is to find suitable sizes
and shapes of gold nanoparticles for plasmonics
which can be applied in medical thermal therapy
including the killing of cancer cells. There has been
successful experiments in using such thermal
therapy using heats from the localized surface
plasmon resonances (LSPR) of gold nano particles
(Z. Qin et al., 2016). The simulation results will
also lead to the development of plasmonics complex
nanostructures with tunable surface plasmon
resonances and to compare heating between
increasing complex plasmonic nanostructures.
2.1 Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR)
Surface plasmon waves take place at the surface of
the metal. The highest amplitude of the electric field
which is called the evanescent field is at the
interface between the metal surface and the
dielectric layer. The amplitude drops exponentially
when the distance from the metal surface increases.
The excitation of the SP waves is typically done
by using the Kretchmann configuration (T.A.
Leskova et. Al., 2000) which uses light from a light
source to impact a prism and the metal thin film on
the prism surface. The reflected light from the prism
is then detected and measured using a light detector.
Metal thin films which have the suitable
characteristics for the excitement of the SP waves
are noble metals such as gold, silver, and copper.
The typical thickness of the metal layer is 50
The evanescent field of the reflected light at the
dielectric-metal interface penetrates into the metal.
With the appropriate thickness of the metal layer, the
evanescent wave reaches the metal-dielectric
interface (or metal-air interface). In the case that the
phase of the incoming light matches the phase of the
surface plasmon waves, the surface plasmon
resonance is generated and surface plasmon waves
propagate along this metal-dielectric interface. They
are generated according to a certain condition which
depends on the incident angle and the incident
wavelength: (H. Bateman, 1915)
is the wave vector of surface plasmon waves
is the wave vector of the incoming light
is the refractive index of the prism
θ is the resonance angle
According to the equation, the energy and
momentum of the incoming light which impact the
prism is transferred to the electrons group of the
metal thus excite surface plasma wave. The
dispersion relation of surface plasmon wave is
shown in the following equation: (H. Bateman,
 
is the relative permittivity of the metal
is the relative permittivity of the dielectric
The necessary condition for the surface plasmon
resonance to take place is the wave vector (k
) of
the incoming light must be the same as the wave
vector of the surface plasmon waves (k
). Surface
plasmon waves propagate along the metal-dielectric
interface as shown in Fig. 1a.
Figure 1a: Surface plasmon resonance at the interface
between the metal thin film layer and dielectric layer.
From Fig. 1b, when light impacts structure at the
nano level of the metal, electrons are excited to the
conduction band and oscillate with the impact light
thus creates plasmon polaritron which can be
transferred at the interface between metal and
dielectric layers. This phenomenon takes place at the
external shell of the metallic nanoparticle since the
external light cannot penetrate into the nanoparticle.
This phenomenon is therefore called the localized
surface plasmon resonance (LSPR ) phenomenon.
The impact light on the surface of the particle
has two kinds of interactions: absorption, and
scattering. The strong optical absorption and
scattering of noble metal nanoparticles is due to an
effect called localized surface plasmon resonance,
which enables the development of novel biomedical
applications. When plasmon resonance takes place,
the absorbed light generates enough heat which can
kill cancer cells. This phenomenon also find
Simulation Effects on the Optical Response of Gold Nanoparticles
applications in biosensing (R. M. Cabral, 2014)
(X. Cao, 2011).
Figure 1b: The excitation of localized surface plasmon
resonance of spherical nanoparticles.
2.2 Localized Surface Plasmon
Resonance (LSPR)
We can use the result of the Mie theory to explain
the scattering and absorption of impact light on
spherical particles (G. Mie, 1908). The extinction
cross section
) can be obtained from the
summation of the absorption cross section
) and
the scattering cross section
) of metal
nanoparticles: (σ
= σ
+ σ
For very small particles, (d << λ) the Mie
equation for explaining σ
for spherical
nanoparticles is:
where V
= (4π/3) R
ω is angular frequency
is dielectric function of metal nanoparticles
is real value of dielectric functions of metal
is imaginary value of dielectric functions of
metal nanoparticle.
From equation (3) the absorption of plasmon
takes place when ε
(ω) ≈ -
and from the detection
of LSPR signals, it has been found that the shape of
the nanoparticles influences the LSPR signals. These
nanoparticals have several possible shapes such as
nanospheres, nanodiscs, nanopyramids, and
In this research project we simulate the optical
excitation of the localized surface plasmon
resonance (LSPR). We specify that linearly
polarized light impacts on metal nanoparticles and
substrate base. The nanoparticles are gold in
spherical, block, and oval shapes. For each shape,
the size, height, width, and distance between
particles are varied. The substrate base is BK7 Cover
glass. Both the gold nanoparticles and the substrate
base are contained in a spherical PML surface as
shown in Fig. 2.
Figure 2: The simulation model of gold nanoparticles and
BK-7 substrate in the internal PML surface.
Fig 3 is a simulation model of the optical
excitation. The gold nano particles are in block
shape with the size 10x40 nm. The distance between
adjacent particles is 10 nm. The impact light is
specified to be the linearly polarized plane wave and
the light impact angle is π/4 rad. The finite element
method (FEM) is used to analyze the resultant
electric field at the interface between the gold
nanoparticles and dielectric (air) layer. Parameters
used in the simulation are shown in Table 1.
Figure 3: The simulation model of the optical excitation of
10x40 nm block-shape gold nanoparticles.
We change the wavelength of the impact light
from 300 nm to 800 nm by 50 nm increment to
observe the wavelengths which are suitable for the
excitation of the localized surface resonance waves.
The light source is the linearly polarized plane wave
and the gold nanoparticles are as shown in Fig. 4.
SIMULTECH 2019 - 9th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications
Table 1: Parameters used in the simulation.
Parameter name
Refractive index of Air
Refractive index of
substrate BK-7
Relative permitivity of gold
nanoparticle ( real part)
Relative permitivity of gold
nanoparticle ( imaginary part)
Figure 4a: Sphere shape.
Figure 4b: Rectangular shape. Figure 4c: Ellipsoid shape.
Electromagnetic wave propagation as explained
by Maxwell’s wave equation in the frequency
domain is as follows:
 
  
 
is the relative permittivity of material
E is the
electric field equation
is the
wave vector in free space
This is an equation in differential form for the
analysis of the size of electric field at the interface
between gold nanoparticles and air dielectric. We
also specify the scattering boundary condition so
that the scattering of the light is within the PML
surface only. We partition subdomain in triangular
mesh elements with extrafine details.
In the first simulation experiment using the finite
element method (FEM), we use linearly polarized
incident light which has wavelength range from 300
to 800 nm and increment by 50 nm impact on
spherical gold nanoparticles with BK-7 substrate
base. The results surface plasmon resonance at the
interface between the nanoparticles and air dielectric
differ when the size of the nanoparticles varies.
When the size of the spherical gold nano particle
is 10 nm, the electric field at the interface between
the gold nanoparticles layer and the air has
maximum amplitude is equal to 4.6x10
V/m when
the wavelength is 550 nm as shown in Fig. 5. The
graph which shows relationships between the
wavelength of the impact light and the electric field
at the interface is shown in Fig. 6.
Figure 5: Electric field at the interface between 10 nm
spherical gold nanoparticles and air dielectric.
Figure 6: Graph which shows relationships between
wavelength of the impact light and electric field at the
interface between 10 nm gold nanoparticles and ir
When the size of the spherical gold nano particle
is 20 nm, the electric field at the interface between
the gold nanoparticles layer and the air has
maximum amplitude equal to 4.4x10
V/m when
the wavelength is 550 nm as shown in Fig. 7. The
graph which shows the relationships between the
wavelength of the impact light and the electric field
at the interface is shown in Fig. 8.
Simulation Effects on the Optical Response of Gold Nanoparticles
Figure 7: Electric field at the interface between 20 nm
spherical gold nanoparticles and air dielectric.
Figure 8: Graph which shows relationships between
wavelength of the impact light and electric field at the
interface between 20 nm gold nanoparticles and air
When the size of the spherical gold nano particle
is 30 nm, the electric field at the interface between
the gold nanoparticles layer and the air has
maximum amplitude equal to 6.3x10
V/m when
the wavelength is 550 nm as shown in Fig. 9. The
graph which shows relationships between the
wavelength of the impact light and the electric field
at the interface is shown in Fig. 10.
From the results of the first set of simulation
experiments, when the nanoparticles have spherical
shape, it has been noticed that the localized surface
plasmon resonance (LSPR) phenomenon takes place
with highest electric field magnitude when the
impact wavelength is 550 nm, for all the size of the
gold nanoparticles tested. These results correspond
with the results of the physical experiments. (Z. Qin
et al., 2016)
The second set of simulation experiments are
then conducted using the same light source with the
wavelength range from 300 nm to 800 nm,
increment by 50 nm on oval-shape gold
nanoparticles with the aspect ratio (b/a) >1. The a
axis is 10 nm and the b axis is 40 nm, the localized
Figure 9: Electric field at the interface between 30 nm
spherical gold nanoparticles and air dielectric.
Figure 10: Graph which shows relationships between
wavelength of the impact light and electric field at the
interface between 30 nm gold nanoparticles and air
surface plasmon resonance electric field at the
interface between the gold nanoparticles layer and
the air has maximum amplitude is equal to 8.5x10
V/m when the wavelength is 650 nm as shown in
Fig. 11. The graph which shows the relationships
between the wavelength of the impact light and the
electric field at the interface is shown in Fig. 12.
The third set of simulation experiments are then
conducted using the same light source with the
wavelength range from 300 nm to 800 nm,
increment by 50 nm on 10 nm x 40 nm block-shape
gold nanoparticles. The localized surface plasmon
resonance electric field at the interface between the
gold nanoparticles layer and the air has maximum
amplitude is equal to 1.8x10
V/m when the
wavelength is 700 nm as shown in Fig. 13. The
graph which shows the relationships between the
wavelength of the impact light and the electric field
at the interface is shown in Fig. 14.
SIMULTECH 2019 - 9th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications
Figure 11: Electric field at the interface between elliptical
oval gold nanoparticles and air dielectric with the 10 nm
distance between particles.
Figure 12: Graph which shows relationships between
wavelength of the impact light and electric field at the
interface between elliptical oval gold nanoparticles and
air dielectric with the 10 nm distance between particles.
Figure 13: Electric field at the interface between block-
shape gold nanoparticles and air dielectric with the 10 nm
distance between particles.
We then try the fourth set of experiments using the
finite element method on the same software. The
impact light is the linearly polarized light with the
wavelength range from 300 nm to 800 nm
and increase the wavelength 50 nm at a time.
Figure 14: Graph which shows relationships between
wavelength of the impact light and electric field at the
interface between block-shape gold nanoparticles and air
dielectric with the 10 nm distance between particles.
The nanoparticle is the elliptical oval shape with a
axis = 10 nm and b axis = 40 nm. The distance
between nanoparticles is now reduced to 5 nm. The
simulation result shows that when the localized
surface plasmon resonance takes place at the
interface between the air dielectric and the elliptical
oval nanoparticles, the highest amplitude of the
electric field is 6.3x10
V/m. The wavelength of the
impact light is 650 nm as shown in Fig. 15. The
graph which show relationships between wavelength
of the impact light and the electric field at the
interface is shown in Fig 16.
Figure 15: Electric field at the interface between elliptical
oval gold nanoparticles and air dielectric with the 5 nm
distance between particles.
We then try the fifth set of experiments using the
finite element method on the same software. The
impact light is the linearly polarized light with the
wavelength range from 300 nm to 800 nm and
increase the wavelength 50 nm at a time. The
nanoparticle is the block shape with the size 10 nm x
40 nm. The distance between nanoparticles is now
reduced to 5 nm. The simulation result shows that
Simulation Effects on the Optical Response of Gold Nanoparticles
Figure 16: Graph which shows relationships between
wavelength of the impact light and electric field at the
interface between elliptical oval gold nanoparticles and
air dielectric with the 5 nm distance between particles.
when the localized surface plasmon resonance takes
place at the interface between the air dielectric and
the elliptical oval nanoparticles, the highest
amplitude of the electric field is 1.15x10
V/m. The
wavelength of the impact light is 700 nm as shown
in Fig. 17. The graph which show relationships
between wavelength of the impact light and the
electric field at the interface is shown in Fig 18.
Figure 17: Electric field at the interface between block-
shape gold nanoparticles and air dielectric with the 5 nm
distance between particles.
From the second and the third set of simulation
experiments, it is noticed that the wavelengths of the
impact light which produce the LSPR phenomenon
on non-symmetrical nanoparticles such as elliptical
oval and block shape are higher red-shifted than the
ones on spherical nanoparticles. These correspond
with the physical experimental results as de-
scribed in [9]. From the fourth and fifth simulation
results, it has been noticed that the amplitude of the
electric field is higher when the distance between
nanoparticles is 10 nm than when the distance is 5
nm when the LSPR phenomenon takes place.
Figure 18: Graph which shows relationships between
wavelength of the impact light and electric field at the
interface between block-shape gold nanoparticles and air
dielectric with the 5 nm distance between particles.
According to the advances in material synthesis,
nanostructures for medical applications are
available. They can be applied in useful biomedical
applications such as thermal therapy, drug nano-
carriers, photothermal agents for tumor ablation. The
understanding of the effects of nanoparticles sizes
and shapes will lead to the wider and more precise
applications. This is due to the fact that the size and
the shape of nanoparticles can determine the optical
properties and interactions with biological systems.
In the case of gold spherical nanoparticle, which is
symmetric, the change in the size of the nanoparticle
results in color changes. Color can be tuned within
the visible spectrum to dark red when plasmon
resonances occur. In the case that the shape of the
gold nanoparticles are not symmetrical such as gold
nanorod the change of their aspect ratio causes
plasmon resonance to be tunable in the visible to
near-infrared spectrum range. Heat generations from
plasmonic nanostructure when plasmon resonances
can be used in thermal therapy.
In this research work, we analyze by simulation,
gold nanostructures which have a block-shaped
aspect ratio (b/a) = 4 which is similar to the aspect
ratio of gold nanorod to find electric fields at the
interface between the gold nanoparticles and the air
dielectric. With the applications of linearly polarized
light to gold nanoparticles on BK-7 base substrate,
we simulate and measure the electric fields at the
interface between the nanoparticles, with different
shapes and sizes, and the air dielectric. Linearly
polarized light with the wavelengths between 300
nm 800 nm are employed for excitation. From the
simulation results, it has been found that gold
SIMULTECH 2019 - 9th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications
nanoparticles with elliptical oval shapes with a axis
10 nm and b axis 40 nm, and block-shape gold
nanoparticles 10nm x40 nm, which have the same
aspect ratio, are suitable for producing plasmon
resonance which can be tuned in the visible to near-
infrared spectrum. The elliptical oval shape gold
nanoparticle with a axis 10 nm and b axis 40 nm
gives higher electrical field amplitude than the 10nm
x40 nm block-shape nanoparticle which has the
same aspect ratio. The amplitude of the electric field
is higher when the distance between nanoparticle is
10 nm than when the distance is 5 nm when the
LSPR phenomenon takes place.
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Simulation Effects on the Optical Response of Gold Nanoparticles