Towards an Accurate Prediction of the Question Quality on Stack
Overflow using a Deep-Learning-Based NLP Approach
László Tóth
, Balázs Nagy
, Dávid Janthó
, László Vidács
and Tibor Gyimóthy
Department of Software Engineering, University of Szeged, Hungary
MTA-SZTE Research Group of Artificial Intelligence, University of Szeged, Hungary
Question Answering, Q&A, Stack Overflow, Quality, Natural Language Processing, NLP, Deep Learning,
Online question answering (Q&A) forums like Stack Overflow have been playing an increasingly important
role in supporting the daily tasks of developers. Stack Overflow can be considered as a meeting point of
experienced developers and those who are looking for a solution for a specific problem. Since anyone with
any background and experience level can ask and respond to questions, the community tries to use different
solutions to maintain quality, such as closing and deleting inappropriate posts. As over 8,000 posts arrive
on Stack Overflow every day, the effective automatic filtering of them is essential. In this paper, we present
a novel approach for classifying questions based exclusively on their linguistic and semantic features using
deep learning method. Our binary classifier relying on the textual properties of posts can predict whether the
question is to be closed with an accuracy of 74% similar to the results of previous metrics-based models. In
accordance with our findings we conclude that by combining deep learning and natural language processing
methods, the maintenance of quality at Q&A forums could be supported using only the raw text of posts.
Over the last few years, online question answering
(Q&A) forums such as Stack Overflow have become
the essential repositories of knowledge for software
engineers. Since the information gathered on the por-
tal is tied to professional questions originated from
practitioners or hobbyist programmers, these posts
provide an effective and also practically applicable
support to both novice and experienced professionals
(Correa and Sureka, 2013; Ponzanelli et al., 2014).
To preserve the professionality and quality of
Q&A forums, participants must follow the rules es-
tablished by the community. One such fundamental
rule is that the questions posted on the portal should
be relevant, unambiguous and comprehensible. This
means that every question being submitted onto Stack
Overflow has to be related either to specific devel-
opment issues or methods such as using a partic-
ular API, algorithmic problems, tools or methodol-
ogy. Questions that cannot be answered appropriately
and straightforwardly, e.g., open-ended, off-topic, or
chatty questions, which may reduce the quality of the
portal, should not be supported.
The main purpose of Stack Overflow is to solve
well-defined technical issues, therefore, subjective
posts or questions raising never-ending, opinion-
related discussions should also be avoided. In addi-
tion, questions need to be formulated in a simple and
explicit way so that their purpose is obvious to the
potential respondents. Questions that are not met the
above criteria will be closed or, in some cases, even
from the site by moderators or experienced
members with distinguished privileges (Correa and
Sureka, 2014). At the same time, high-quality ques-
tions and answers are rewarded by the community by
upvoting their score, which, consequently, increases
the user reputation of the question poster or the re-
spondent. Eventually, at a certain reputation level,
exclusive rights will be granted to these actively con-
tributing users.
The posting frequency at Stack Overflow is rather
high, with an average of over 8,000 new questions be-
ing sent by the users on workdays and almost 10,000
in total during the weekend
. This extreme level of
activity makes it very difficult and inefficient to manu-
ally review every single question sent onto the portal.
Tóth, L., Nagy, B., Janthó, D., Vidács, L. and Gyimóthy, T.
Towards an Accurate Prediction of the Question Quality on Stack Overflow using a Deep-Learning-Based NLP Approach.
DOI: 10.5220/0007971306310639
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Software Technologies (ICSOFT 2019), pages 631-639
ISBN: 978-989-758-379-7
2019 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
The workload of the review process could be reduced
by applying a classification tool which can identify
questions that do not satisfy the aforementioned crite-
Automating the quality-based classification of
questions submitted onto Q&A portals has arisen the
interest of researchers in recent years (Correa and
Sureka, 2014; Ponzanelli et al., 2014; Arora et al.,
2015; Yao et al., 2013; Baltadzhieva and Chrupała,
2015). The various procedures applied by the re-
searchers have produced moderately good results with
an accuracy of 73% (Correa and Sureka, 2013) or with
precision from 62.1% to 76.2% (Ponzanelli et al.,
2014). Previous investigations indicate that the reli-
able classification of a question based on its quality is
a challenging task.
The focus of our present study is the quality-based
classification of questions uploaded to Stack Over-
flow based on their linguistic characteristics. The pur-
pose of this work is two-fold. On the one hand, we
present an elegant and accurate solution to the quality-
classification problem that can aid Stack Overflow
moderators in automating the detection of low-quality
questions posted to the portal. On the other hand, a
further aim of our model is to support the questioners
to pre-test the quality of their question prior to sub-
mission. With these goals in mind, we used natural
language processing (NLP) methods in combination
with deep learning techniques to classify questions by
their quality that is assumed to be the main viewpoint
in the final decision about closing or deleting them.
Using this approach we achieved an accuracy of 74%
and a precision of 75%.
In summary, this paper provides the following
We present a novel model based on deep learn-
ing and natural language processing methods for
classifying questions using their linguistic and se-
mantic features solely.
Applying this model, we empirically demonstrate
its usability in the classification of the questions
posted on Stack Overflow.
Stack Overflow was launched in 2008 by Joel Spol-
sky and Jeff Atwood (Atwood, 2018). The purpose
of the site is to support both professional and enthu-
siast developers in their everyday labor activities. It
is important to emphasize that the site was created to
support the work of actual practitioners, so, initially,
it was not meant to support mentoring the beginners,
participating in the solution of student assignments,
or providing a platform for either educational or in-
formal conversations. Since the beginning, the oper-
ability and the quality of the portal have been primar-
ily maintained by experienced users, who devote their
free time to volunteering.
To preserve the professionalism and quality of the
portal, both questions and answers are subjected to
a review process after their submission done by ex-
perienced users and moderators. This is a manual
task relying on a voting system. In particular, priv-
ileged users, those, who have 3,000 or more reputa-
tion points can cast a vote to close a question, and
five such votes result in closing the question. A previ-
ously closed question can be deleted from the site if it
receives at least three votes from members within the
10,000 or higher reputation range.
Reputation points and different badges reflect both
the experience and the activity of the users on Stack
Overflow. These achievements can be earned by ask-
ing good quality questions or providing good quality
answers both receiving high scores from the commu-
nity. Higher reputation allows more elevated privi-
leges such as the right to vote for closing or deleting
a post.
There are several reasons for a question to be
judged for closing. Stack Overflow Help Center pro-
vides tips for users about what kind of questions
are considered appropriate and inappropriate. The
most important criterion for a good quality question
is that it should be both clearly answerable and sub-
ject specific. The Help Center of Stack Overflow also
provides additional suggestions for style expected in
comments. According to these suggestions, the ques-
tions and answers should be clear and understandable,
and the friendly tone towards other members is also
expected. This latter expectation is reflected in the
reputation points of the members, since users who are
socially more interactive and open to new ideas tend
to receive more positive votes as found by Bazelli et
al. (Bazelli et al., 2013). As a result, positive attitudes
play a prominent role in evaluating the questions or
To get a quick idea about the magnitude of the
problem caused by poor quality posts, we examine
the cardinality of closed or deleted questions, and the
changes of these values in the past years. We note that
there are reasons, e.g., closing because of duplication,
or off-topic, not necessarily related to the quality. In
most cases, identifying these posts is relatively easy
to automatize.
Figure 1 presents the temporal distribution of
questions, questions with accepted answers, and the
number of deleted and closed questions during the
ICSOFT 2019 - 14th International Conference on Software Technologies
Figure 1: Temporal distribution of the Stack Overflow
lifetime of Stack Overflow. As it can be seen the num-
ber of questions along with the ones with accepted
answer has been dramatically increased to year 2013,
while the change in the closed and deleted questions
remained moderate and more-or-less constant. It is
also worth to mention that the number of posts with
accepted answers has been decreasing since 2014.
Figure 2: Reasons for closing questions.
Table 1: Reason for closing questions.
Reason of closing Id of the reason Number
duplication (101,1) 466748
off-topic (102,2) 146440
unclear (103,4) 97713
too broad (104) 56089
opinion-based (105) 23665
other (3,7,10,20) 42748
The distribution of the reason for closing can be
examined using Table 1 and Figure 2. Please note
that there was a change in the question closing pol-
icy at Stack Overflow in June 2013, therefore some
of the currently used closing reasons has multiple Id-
s. The category labelled as other contains all reasons
that were abolished in 2013 and are no longer in use.
Figure 3: Distribution of the questions based on quality.
We focused on the quality-based binary classi-
fication of Stack Overflow questions in our exper-
iments; therefore, the unequivocal definition of the
high-quality and low-quality questions is indispens-
able for our purpose. To this end, we followed the
definition established by Ponzanelli et al. (Ponzanelli
et al., 2014): We consider a question to be of high-
quality if it has at least one accepted answer, its score
is higher than zero and it is neither closed nor deleted.
A poor-quality question has a score less than zero, and
it is either closed or deleted in its final state. Accord-
ing to these quality definitions, the distribution of the
questions on 21 April 2019 is as follows (see also Fig-
ure 3):
236,154 low-quality questions;
5,031,820 high-quality questions;
12,478,772 non-classified question.
Based on the above quality definitions, a little
more than 70% of the questions cannot be classified.
There are two main reasons of this issue: i) a vast
number of questions has zero scores (8,062,685), and
ii) although many questions have positive scores, they
do not have any accepted answers (3,226,399) making
our classification impracticable.
Our investigation focuses on the classification of
Stack Overflow questions by their quality via utiliz-
ing the method of natural language processing com-
bined with a deep learning approach. We used only
the textual information extracted from the raw text
of question titles, bodies and tags. Since these are
all known by the questioner during the post creation,
Towards an Accurate Prediction of the Question Quality on Stack Overflow using a Deep-Learning-Based NLP Approach
Figure 4: Workflow of the experiments.
consequently, the method presented here can also be
used to support the user to pre-test their questions be-
fore posting it to the site.
Our classifier is constructed using Keras
for deep learning computations with Tensorflow
back-end (Gulli, 2017). The model consists of one
Gated Rectifier Unit (GRU) (Irie et al., 2016) fol-
lowed by four Dense layers, one Flatten layer as well
as a final Dense layer. The first GRU layer contains
the same number of units as the input dimension. The
input and also the output of the GRU layer is a three-
dimensional tensor (batch_number, timesteps,
number_of_features). As the whole post was rep-
resented as a single vector, the timesteps parameter
was set to one. The number_of_features parameter
was set to the representation dimension of the post,
title, and tags.
The number of neurons in the Dense layers is de-
creasing from layer to layer. The size of the first
Dense layer – similarly to the previous GRU layer is
equal to the input size. In the subsequent three Dense
layers, the number of neurons is continuously halved
relative to the previous layer. The inputs as well as
the outputs of these layers are both three-dimensional
tensors, where the third dimension corresponds to the
number of neurons in the actual layer.
The purpose of the Flatten layer is to trans-
form the three-dimensional input tensor into two-
dimensional form before the classification.
The last Dense layer contains only two neurons
that perform the classification.
The above specified structure of the neural net-
work was selected based on results from earlier clas-
sification experiments. However, the real power of
the GRU layer was not exploited here because of the
ICSOFT 2019 - 14th International Conference on Software Technologies
chosen representation of the posts. In particular, the
information that the sequence of words can provide,
that is, the memory properties of the GRU unit was
not used in our case.
We applied the batch normalization process (Ioffe
and Szegedy, 2015) to decrease the variation of the
distribution of inputs in the internal layers of the deep
neural networks. This method has numerous benefits
such as stabilizing the network, accelerating the learn-
ing and reducing the dependence of gradients on the
scale of the parameters.
We utilized a regularization technique called
dropout to avoid overfitting (Srivastava et al., 2014).
This regularization technique deactivates the neurons
with a given probability provided by a hyperparame-
ter called dropout_rate, during the learning process.
We chose the ReLU (Rectified Linear Unit) activa-
tion function for the inner layers. This function helps
to avoid the vanishing gradient problem which is re-
lated to commonly applied activation functions such
as the sigmoid and tangent hyperbolic in inner lay-
ers of the deep neural networks (Glorot et al., 2011).
For the last layer, which performs the classification,
we chose the softmax function. The first layer (GRU)
uses tangent-hyperbolic as the activation function. As
a loss function, the Binary Cross-Entropy was se-
For training the model, we applied the Nesterov
Stochastic Gradient Descent method with momentum
(Sutskever et al., 2013). Using this technique, the
value of the loss function is considered not only in the
actual position but also a little ahead in the direction
defined by the hyperparameter momentum.
For evaluation purpose, we applied three met-
rics, the precision, the recall, and the accuracy. The
metrics were calculated using the weighted average
method. Using this method, we focus on the overall
performance, considering the number of samples of
the different classes.
For testing the model, we chose a random subset
from the Stack Overflow questions posted up to until
mid September 2013. This period was selected be-
cause we intended to compare the performance of our
model with that of Ponzanelli et al. (Ponzanelli et al.,
2014) who used the Stack Overflow data dump from
September 2013. That dump is not available anymore;
therefore, we selected the specific period using the
dump created on the 4th of March 2019. The test set
was established to contain two disjunct classes: high-
quality and low-quality questions according to the cri-
teria mentioned in the previous section. Questions
that were edited by their originator after posting were
excluded. In the present study the same filtering con-
ditions were applied as used earlier by Ponzanelli and
co-workers, therefore the direct comparison of our re-
sults with the previous ones is possible.
The test dataset was compiled using balanced sub-
sets of high-quality and low-quality questions. The
full test set contains 110,547 posts from both subsets.
The final working test set was defined as taking 30%
of the full set as examples (66,328 posts) similarly to
the study of Ponzanelli and colleagues.
Our model was trained using the whole ques-
tion dataset without any time restrictions applying the
same selection criteria for the two classes as we did
for the test set. Questions occurring in the test set
were excluded from the training set; hence for the
evaluation of the model, we used questions that were
never seen by the model before.
As our objective is to decide on the potential re-
jection of a question to be posted on Stack Overflow
using only the linguistic features, the training and test
sets contain only the question body, the title and the
tags attached to the given post. The quality label 0
or 1 for low- or high-quality questions, respectively,
along with the unique Id of the posts were also in-
cluded in the training set. The Id was used only for
post identification during the preprocessing, and it
was removed before the actual training.
The whole process of our experiments is presented
on Figure 4.
A cleaning procedure was first applied on the raw
text of question bodies, titles, and tags. In particular,
the code blocks, HTML tags, and non-textual char-
acters were removed. Tokenization was performed
using the nlp method available in the language tool
The cleaned dataset was then transformed to docu-
ment vectors obtained from spaCy using the language
model en_core_web_md, which is a general linguistic
model based on text from blogs, news, and comments.
The model provides word vectors and document vec-
tors which are based on the Word2Vec representation
(Mikolov et al., 2013). The drawback of this approach
is that the document vectors in spaCy are computed
by the mean of the word vectors of the given docu-
ment, which is in our case the post itself including its
body, title, and tags. The dimension of vectors used
in this representation is 300.
Considering that many special words and tech-
nical phrases, e.g., built-in function names, oc-
cur in the posts, that have no vector representa-
tion in spaCy’s vocabulary, we constructed a 200-
dimensional Doc2Vec model (Le and Mikolov, 2014)
with the Gensim library
using Stack Overflow ques-
tions. This model is based on the Word2Vec method
Towards an Accurate Prediction of the Question Quality on Stack Overflow using a Deep-Learning-Based NLP Approach
with the extension of the feature vector with a new
document-related vector. To improve the accuracy of
our model, the code blocks, preformatted text, and
numbers were not removed but changed into partic-
ular placeholder tokens. In this way, the semantics
of the document can be preserved without consider-
ing the unnecessary details. Some specific characters
such as #, + (see C#, C++), or punctuation were also
retained during the preprocessing.
Using a random subset of the transformed input
obtained with spaCy, a grid-search procedure was per-
formed to find the optimal hyperparameters for our
deep learning model, and the first experiment series
were executed. Then, a second series was also ex-
ecuted after another grid-search procedure using the
input set obtained with our Doc2Vec representation
of Stack Overflow questions. We present the results
of these experiments in the next section.
As mentioned in the previous section, we have per-
formed two series of experiments. First we ap-
plied a vectorization process using document vectors
provided by spaCy. Based on the grid-search we
set the learning_rate to 0.175 and the momentum
value to 0.9. The dropout_rate was set to 0.2,
the batch_size to 1000 and the number of epochs
to 150. These latter parameter values were selected
based on previous experiences and test calculations
with the model.
In the first experiment (Experiment 1.1), we used
only 425,097 random samples from the training set
for training and obtained 65.5% for precision, 65%
for recall and 65% for accuracy on a test set con-
taining 66,328 samples. For evaluation, we used the
scikit_learn library for Python. For calculation of
the performance metrics (precision, recall, accuracy),
we applied the weighted average method provided by
We repeated the experiments by increasing the
number of training examples to 764,443 samples (Ex-
periment 1.2). The parameters and the structure of
the input along with the size of the test set were the
same as in the previous experiment. In this case, we
obtained 73.3% for precision, 69.2% for recall and
69.3% for accuracy. We repeated the experiment us-
ing similarity metrics as additional features for the in-
put (Experiment 1.3). Similarity metrics were calcu-
lated via the cosine similarity available in spaCy. In
particular, we added similarities between body and ti-
tle, body and tags, as well as title and tags as three new
features to the feature space, where each similarity is
defined as the cosine similarity of the corresponding
document vectors. This similarity feature, however,
has no significant effect on the accuracy (precision of
73.1%, recall of 67.8%, and accuracy of 67.8%). One
possible explanation of this result is the fact that while
each question body, title, and set of tags is represented
by a vector of 300 dimensions, each one of the 3 sim-
ilarity measures (body-title, body-tags, title-tags) is
only a scalar value, which could not contribute to the
results effectively. This assumption, however, has not
yet confirmed.
Table 2: Performance measures of the experiments. See text
for experiment details.
Exp. number Precision Recall Accuracy
Experiment 1.1 65.5% 65.0% 65.0%
Experiment 1.2 73.3% 69.2% 69.3%
Experiment 1.3 73.1% 67.8% 67.8%
Experiment 2.1 75.0% 74.0% 74.0%
For the second series of experiments, we applied
our Stack-Overflow-specific Doc2Vec representation
of the input (Experiment 2.1). We used the same test
set as before but the training set was expanded and we
took 1,031,998 samples for training. Although a new
grid-search for optimal hyperparameters were carried
out, the values for learning_rate and momentum
from the previous experiments were retained. Inter-
estingly, changing these parameters did not produce
better results. With the above settings, we obtained a
precision of 75%, a recall of 74% and an accuracy of
74%. The confusion matrix is shown on Figure 5.
Figure 5: Confusion matrix for Experiment 2.1.
Ponzanelli et al. used various metrics for classi-
fication. They established three categories of met-
rics such as Stack-Overflow- or common-metrics,
readability-metrics, and popularity-metrics. The last
ICSOFT 2019 - 14th International Conference on Software Technologies
category is related to the questioners, and not the
questions. The authors utilized a decision tree as
well as a genetic algorithm to train a quality func-
tion expressing a measure of quality using different
combinations of the metrics. They obtained precision
values between 61.2% and 66.3% using the decision
tree algorithm in combination with the common- and
the readability-metrics. Based on common-metrics
using the quality function they obtained a precision
of 73.3% regarding the classification of low-quality
questions. When only the readability-metrics were
used, the results were less accurate; however, ap-
plying the popularity-metrics, they obtained exquisite
precision on the right tail of the dataset (up to 90.1%).
The main conclusion is that popularity-metrics can be
considered as a better feature in deciding the quality
of a given question.
Our best result of 75% for precision is slightly
better than that obtained by Ponzanelli and co-
workers using the linguistic-based-metrics. However,
if popularity-metrics are also taken into consideration,
the model by Ponzanelli et al. clearly outperforms our
neural-network-based approach, and we can conclude
that features related to user expertise are superior in
predicting question quality.
Nevertheless, the precision of 75% and the recall
of 74% obtained in this study indicate that natural
language processing methods can be applied for pre-
filtering the questions prior to submission to Stack
We also note here that there are a few drawbacks
of the question classification based on well-defined
quality metrics such as the scoring system or the ac-
cepted answer measure. Particularly, the scores do
not always reflect the real quality because not every
question is scored. Furthermore, accepting an answer
is up to the question poster, and in many cases, even
though a satisfactory and highly upvoted answer ex-
ists for a given question, it does not count as accepted
because the user ignores to explicitly approve the fact
of acceptance.
Another issue is that the quality of the questions is
not always in line with the decision of closing. There
might be cases where low-quality questions remain
opened especially in the case when the importance
of the topic justifies it. Moreover, there might be high-
quality questions and they still get closed because of
another reason, such as the question is off-topic. Rec-
ommendation systems therefore should apply a more
sophisticated and improved approach to address these
The nature of the questions and answers at Stack
Overflow has been in the focus of research in recent
years. One of the lines of these studies is to follow the
interest of the developers in different topics and their
changes, to examine their relationship with current
technological trends. Barua et al. (Barua et al., 2014)
have investigated this relationship by applying Latent
Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) to discover both the topics
of the discussion and the trends of changing the inter-
est of developers. It was found that web and mobile
development has become hot topics in recent years.
Other researchers have studied the personality traits
of the users at Stack Overflow. Bazeli et al. (Bazelli
et al., 2013) have investigated these traits based on the
reputation of the users. They found that reputation is
related to openness and other positive emotions. Gin-
sca et al. (Ginsca and Popescu, 2013) applied user
profiling to determine whether it can be exploited to
spot high-quality contributions.
One of the most studied areas is the automatic tag-
ging based on the contents of the posts. NLP methods
combined with machine learning were applied to sup-
port the appropriate tagging. Beyer et al. (Beyer et al.,
2018) have classified the questions into seven cate-
gories using a machine learning method. These cat-
egories were defined considering the purpose of the
questioner. Others such as Schuster et al. (Schus-
ter et al., 2017) or Saini et al. (Saini and Tripathi,
2018) have focused on the prediction of the existing
tags based on the words in the particular question.
Classifying the questions based on their qual-
ity has become an important research area in recent
years. One of the pioneering studies from this area is
the paper by Treude et al. (Treude et al., 2011), where
the authors investigated whether a question received
an accepted answer or remained unanswered. They
introduced self-defined question categories and stud-
ied the number of posts receiving accepted answers
in each category. It was found that some categories
such as how-to-like instruction questions have been
answered more frequently than other categories such
as questions from novice programmers.
Correa et al. (Correa and Sureka, 2013) studied
the effects of 19 features extracted from Stack Over-
flow posts using machine learning methods including
Support Vector Machine, Naïve Bayes, Logistic Re-
gression and Stochastic Gradient Boosted Trees, and
they have achieved an accuracy of 73% in identify-
ing a closed question. In another series of experi-
ments, Correa and Sureka (Correa and Sureka, 2014)
achieved 66% estimation accuracy with the help of
Decision Tree and Adaboost classifiers during the in-
Towards an Accurate Prediction of the Question Quality on Stack Overflow using a Deep-Learning-Based NLP Approach
vestigation of the deleted Stack Overflow posts.
Ponzanelli et al. (Ponzanelli et al., 2014) studied
various quality metrics of the questions submitted to
Stack Overflow. In their experiments, the Decision
Tree classifier and genetic algorithms were used to
predict the values of the quality metrics, and precision
values ranging from 62.1% to 76.2% were achieved.
Yao et al. (Yao et al., 2013) investigated the corre-
lation between the quality of the questions and an-
swers applying a co-prediction method applying both
regression and classification algorithms, which have
been elaborated for non-linear optimization problems.
They found a strong correlation for the quality be-
tween questions and answers.
Baltadzhieva and Chrupala (Baltadzhieva and
Chrupała, 2015) studied the linguistic features of the
questions to assess the extent of the influence of these
features on the number of answers and score a ques-
tion receives. They found that linguistic information
improves the prediction accuracy of their models.
Maintaining the quality at Q&A portals like Stack
Overflow is a challenging task. While the popularity
of these websites in terms of post numbers is increas-
ing, the quality of the posts and questions submitted to
them is decreasing. At the same time, checking and
removing unsuitable questions place a growing bur-
den on moderators, and efforts to automatize this task
have produced moderate results. Therefore, develop-
ing procedures that can support the quality check with
sufficient efficiency is still highly desirable.
In this paper, we presented a method based on
natural language processing and deep learning pro-
cedures for classifying questions submitted to Stack
Overflow by their quality. As previous studies in-
dicated, natural language processing can provide in-
valuable support for the classification process. We
considered only the linguistic features of the ques-
tions, those which are provided by the user during the
post creation before the actual submission to Stack
Overflow. This approach helps to elaborate methods
that can support the user in pre-checking the quality
of their questions.
As our results indicate, the semantics of the posts
can also be caught by using a specific Doc2Vec rep-
resentation. In this way, the classification can be
performed relying solely on the textual information.
This result, however, might further be improved in
more than one ways. For example, the Doc2Vec rep-
resentation can be enhanced by a more careful pre-
processing technique. Additionally, introducing the
LSTM network in our model is also expected to im-
prove the accuracy of the classifier. These modifica-
tions are our next objectives along with the prediction
of the possible actual closing reason via a multi-case
This research was supported in part by the Euro-
pean Union, co-financed by the European Social Fund
(EFOP-3.6.3-VEKOP-16-2017-00002). The Min-
istry of Human Capacities, Hungary grant 20391-
3/2018/FEKUSTRAT is acknowledged.
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Good, the Bad and their Kins: Identifying questions
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Atwood, J. (2018). What does Stack Overflow want to be
when it grows up?
Baltadzhieva, A. and Chrupała, G. (2015). Predicting the
Quality of Questions on Stackoverflow. In Proc. of the
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