Is Privacy a Myth for Facebook Users?
Vishwas T. Patil
and R. K. Shyamasundar
Information Security Research and Development Center, Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai 400076, Maharashtra, India
Online Social Networks, Personally Identifiable Information, Privacy, Right-to-be-forgotten.
The management of personal information has become an insurmountable problem. The reasons are multi-fold
and intertwined: technological, legal, regulatory, commercial, and behavioural. The proliferation of online
social networks like Facebook has made the problem even more acute because of its business model where
users’ personally identifiable information is monetised via advertisements. One of the distinctive features of
privacy policies is that users’ data can be shared with their consent for specified purposes; but users do not
have effective control over that data once it is shared with third-parties. There is a race to collect user data as it
helps in building unique insights about the users. These insights help in matching the users to advertisements
with high success. As advertisers seek a maximum return on investments and the data platforms thrive to
achieve this expectation. With the current sophistication levels of data platforms in collecting and processing
user data, we highlight why it appears futile to achieve privacy despite correct privacy settings enabled. The
business model of monetizing of user data and a slow evolution (or absence in some jurisdictions) of legal
frameworks to control proliferation of user data has lead to a power asymmetry in the data ecosystem between
the motivated data processors and hapless end-users; thus making the users anxious about their participation in
the ecosystem. Erosion of user trust has economic consequences. And a lack of continuous flow of data (vol-
ume, variety, velocity, and veracity) into the ecosystem will starve the emergence of data-driven innovations
with profound societal impact. We elaborate approaches that could help restore the sense of privacy.
We have entered into a digital era where every aspect
our lives is interacting with a digital service. The
data and metadata of these interactions reflect upon
our personality. Personality based models help adver-
tisers to predict consumer response to an advertise-
ment/information. Therefore, users’ data and meta-
data has garnered immense monetary potential. The
transactional data is governed by privacy policies and
service agreements; whereas, the metadata, which is
the data collected/observed by ISPs, DNSs, payment
providers, et al., is usually ungoverned. The observers
of a transaction may not be privy to the data within the
transaction but they witness a portion of the digital
service, which allows them to make inferences. The
transactional and observational data that we produce,
share, and consume has given rise to a data economy,
which has its own dynamics. The commodity of this
new economy is of a very special type: it does not de-
plete, produces more of it upon processing, is cheaper
to store/transport, and at times it is difficult to ascer-
tain its provenance – thus making the problem of per-
sonal information management a technological, be-
havioural, legal, economic, and regulatory challenge.
Furthermore, with the advent of AI, one of the biggest
concerns users have in current era is how their data is
being analyzed and put to use. The limited explana-
tion users get about what inferences and predictions
are made about their online activities is making them
anxious (Wachter and Mittelstadt, 2019). With the
privacy settings they need to configure on each service
they use, keeping track of their own data-trails is bur-
densome, time-consuming, complicated and some-
times impossible. Many a times users are unaware of
where their data is being collected, stored, shared, and
processed; thus a large amount of user data remaining
ungoverned by the privacy settings they employ. Pri-
vacy should not be studied in the purview of the actual
parties that are transacting with each other under an
agreed upon policy and terms of data governance; but
should be studied in a tripartite setup where the third
party is an observer of the data and metadata of trans-
actions between actual parties bound by a legal con-
Patil, V. and Shyamasundar, R.
Is Privacy a Myth for Facebook Users?.
DOI: 10.5220/0008018805100516
In Proceedings of the 16th International Joint Conference on e-Business and Telecommunications (ICETE 2019), pages 510-516
ISBN: 978-989-758-378-0
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
tract. This notion of an observer is especially relevant
in perforated data platforms of OSNs like Facebook –
an App, Friends, Advertisers are among the observers
of user actions on and off the platform.
OSNs are the data platforms where users vol-
untarily share their information in exchange of a
unique online (social) experience. All the user ac-
tions on the platform are recorded by the platform
with user’s consent and partially by the secondary ob-
servers (like ISPs, DNS, PKIs, trackers) to whom the
user might not have given explicit consent. As the
business model of Facebook revolves around mon-
etizing user profiles through advertisements, it has
built an extensive data collection apparatus called so-
cial graph through a symbiotic app ecosystem (au-
thorized/consented co-observer) that partners with the
underlying platform in collecting and contextually la-
beling user actions on or off the platform. For ex-
ample, an app of type health will allow the platform
to record user actions in the context of health, and
similarly for other categories of apps a contextual la-
belling is done. Veracity of data is a critical condi-
tion in the success of AI/ML models used for mon-
etizing of data and almost all data platforms are not
only recording the transactional, observational data
but also other dimensions of data in which the data
is generated contextual information. What data the
platform collects and how it does that is communi-
cated to the user before obtaining user’s consent for
data collection. But, how the data is labelled, inter-
preted, acted upon is not known to users and non-
remediable, as of today. The data platforms use ap-
proximation algorithms to predict about users’ future
inclinations/actions/interests with impunity. The use
of user data for that user’s online experience is done
for platform’s financial gain and the profiling algo-
rithms are always tuned for better matching rates of
an advertising campaign rather than accuracy of the
prediction made by the algorithm. A wrong guess by
the algorithm used does not cost the platform much,
but it may have serious ramifications for the user.
Foreseeing such scenarios and to assuage user ap-
prehensions about privacy, laws like GDPR (Euro-
pean Union, 2018) were introduced to curb data col-
lection/processing without user consent and helping
EU users to re-mediate their privacy. However, the
law covers personally identifiable information (PII)
in its traditional sense and we argue in this paper
that in presence of a powerful observer even non-PII
information is potentially privacy revealing; we will
use a term infon to address both of these types of
data. In order to provide impetus to the tenets of the
GDPR new tools/interfaces need to be devised that: i)
help users (laymen) to understand collection, propa-
gation, usage of their infons; ii) guide users to inter-
faces where they exercise their legal rights related to
privacy and subsequent invocation at locations where
user infons have propagated; iii) platforms should ex-
tend & open up their APIs to privacy regulators where
they can verify the compliance of rights invoked by
a user; iv) platforms should incorporate a by-design
feature to retain user data for a period mandated by
local jurisdiction for law enforcement purpose. We
shall delve in these for an effective PII management.
The desire to predict future is an innate trait of hu-
mans. They do so to mitigate potential risks emanat-
ing from future events. Forecasting weather, traffic,
crude/commodity prices, disease spread, agricultural
output, et al. are some of the examples we routinely
come across. Approaches to build these models may
vary but their utility is unquestionably useful. Their
accuracy over a period of time gives credence to their
predictions and gets accepted as new knowledge to
rely upon. Statistical, heuristic models developed for
one domain find their use in other domains. During
the WWI and WWII, models were devised to match
job roles (e.g., who should be posted to back offices
or to the trenches) for new recruits, where a ques-
tionnaire provided to the recruits at the time of en-
listing helped the decision makers to profile them into
distinct psychometric categories that are suitable for
certain job profiles. Such psychometric models were
later used in conducting surveys, poll outcomes, im-
pact of advertisement campaigns et al.
What changed in the past two decades is that the
cost to conduct surveys fell due to the Internet and
their scope increased beyond from geographic con-
straints. Statistical/heuristic data models were there
even before the Internet era but the ability to reach
beyond geographic boundaries and cheaper process-
ing started data-driven decision making. The in-
sights on the users found its usage in matching those
users (buyers) with products through online advertise-
ment (Matz et al., 2017; Youyou et al., 2015). The ad-
vertisement model was so successful due to its return-
on-investments, a race to reach more and more users
began in order to profile them against products and
services from prospective sellers some of the For-
tune top 10 companies have this method as their busi-
ness model (Esteve, 2017). In the absence of legal
regulations on data collection, exchange, processing,
and usage, we have reached to a stage where the type
of one’s mobile and the area where she resides deter-
mines loan approval process. Though the data econ-
Is Privacy a Myth for Facebook Users?
omy model has potential to serve all of its constituents
fairly, the balance is tilted towards the platform own-
ers in the absence of enforceable, verifiable regula-
tion. Efforts need to be done at each constituent of
the data economy: the technology platforms, policy
makers, regulators, and the users. Understanding the
data ecosystem is the first step.
Every online service is composed of entities that play
a role in delivery of that service. The entities vary
from hardware devices like computers/mobiles from
which end users access services, software compo-
nents like browsers/apps doing data representation,
ISPs providing connectivity, a DNS helping in end
point discovery, a PKI authenticating end points, API
services helping in payments, et al. The actual ser-
vice provider with whom the end user makes a ser-
vice agreement for data collection, storage, and its
usage is called primary observer. All the other in-
terchangeable entities that enable a service are called
secondary observers, who may have separate service
agreements with the end points. As a thought exper-
iment, we recommend the reader to envision some of
the online services they use and the terms of services
they have entered into with their secondary observers.
Accessing a service from three different locations like
home, office, cafe will reveal those locations to pri-
mary and secondary observers, who in turn may mon-
etize their respective observations (Chaabane et al.,
2012). Assume the service agreement with primary
observer does not cover location information. As-
sume the type of the bank the user uses is known for
providing its services to customers with certain finan-
cial strata. Imagine the logs at the service provider
end receiving user device information like iPhone X
vs Android 4.1.
The current legal frameworks provide protection
to users’ PII collection, storage, sharing, and process-
ing. Whereas, the large amount of infons that get gen-
erated and observed during the delivery of any online
service are difficult to govern as they fall outside the
ambit of PII’s legal definition. Apart from the on-
line services, even the offline activities of users (e.g.,
the purchases at retail shops) are recorded and traded
at data exchanges legally without the end user be-
ing a party to the trade. From the users’ perspective,
in order to start addressing the management of their
infons it is imperative to classify the infons so their
treatment becomes easier. In presence of observers,
Figure 1 coarsely classifies (Gurevich et al., 2016) a
user’s infons into:
comprises the infons
that P has access to
but nobody else does
comprises the infons
that are public information
comprises the infons
that P has access to and
a limited number of
other parties do as well
comprises the infons
access to but P does not
that some party has
Figure 1: Classification of PII (infon) of user P.
Public: name, email, phone, vehicle number;
Partially Private: salary, installed apps, call logs;
Directly Private: passwords, sexual orientation;
Inversely Private: CLSI logs, WiFi-beacon logs;
independently inferable: biometrics, DNA;
context sensitive: location, server logs;
remediable: habits, behavioral logs;
Depending on the position of the secondary observer
in a service composition, user infons make their way
into different classes. A primary observer may have
access to all the classes except Directly Private in-
fons. By definition, only the user should have control
over the Directly Private infons. However, with the
advent of AI/ML, it is possible to determine sexual
orientation of a user with a very high probability–
just from a photograph. With a consent from user
for an improved service experience the primary ob-
server starts making inferences (Kosinski et al., 2013;
Kristensen et al., 2017) about user’s future likes and
dislikes using proprietary functions. The accuracy of
predictions determines user engagement and adver-
tisement revenue. In other words, the more the pri-
mary observer observes users, the better it is for user
OSNs like Facebook are at the forefront of user
engagement through social interaction services like
Google has been making its foray into several free ser-
vices that keep its users as close to its platform as possible:
Chrome browser, Android OS, DNS, Google Trust
Services, Public WiFi thus reducing the exposure of its
user infons to secondary observers and becoming an omni-
scient observer itself.
SECRYPT 2019 - 16th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Messenger, WhatsApp, Instagram all having their
own terms of services with end users but funneling the
user infons to the same data apparatus where reams
of user profiles are perfected to provide a unique
user experience. It has a symbiotic data ecosystem
where users are provided with an online social expe-
rience through the core services offered by the plat-
form along with its collaborators: apps, website but-
tons, event APIs. The platform acts as a primary ob-
server for core services and the collaborators act as
secondary observers when users are online. In the
context of Facebook apps, as per GDPR, the apps
are data controllers and the platform is the data pro-
cessor keeping the primary onus of violations with
the controllers. However, through the analytic service
that apps/websites use for audience measurement, a
stream of user behavioral infons make their way to
the platform, which the powerful observer (Facebook)
links to the individuals. Facebook introduced the con-
cept of Local ID such its collaborators do not link
their respective user actions.
The privacy settings of Facebook and those of its
collaborators (apps) are disjoint and are set indepen-
dently. Thus, a personal attribute that a user does not
want to share with Facebook but shares with the app
makes its way to Facebook’s platform, which is not
liable for its protection as a data processor. Another
peculiar characteristic of social interactions is that the
users share infons with other users, which can be ob-
served by other users and apps (secondary observers)
based on the access control specified on that interac-
tion. The access control on Facebook’s platform is
specified using labels like Friends, Friend-of-Friends,
etc., which may resolve to different set of users at dif-
ferent times keeping no trail of who has accessed
the information in the past. The users and their infor-
mation is represented in terms of a social graph where
connectivity between the nodes is the primary criteria
for accessing the information and the secondary check
is done by the platform against the access control pol-
icy specified at the node by its owner. By deleting a
friend on the platform will not allow the deleted friend
to visit a content protected by label Friends. Face-
book also tracks its users off-the-platform through its
Pixel trackers, which website owners and app devel-
opers integrate with their content for audience mea-
surement (analytic) and advertisement composition.
User infons via the analytical data makes their way to
the platform, where it is acting as a processor but has
equal observation capability as the primary observer
(i.e., the website/app, the data controllers).
The inversely private infons from users’ on-
platform and off-platform interactions are used to
generate actionable intent markers (Beaudin et al.,
User Space
Paid Space
On−platform objects (content)
Off−platform users & objects
(a few trillions)
Figure 2: Access Hierarchy on Facebook platform.
2019) so that advertisers can identify prospective
buyer/consumers. Thus, the inversely private infor-
mation about users is made accessible to advertisers
upon payment and service terms that do not allow an
advertiser to compose a too narrow campaign. But
the advertisers can submit several well-crafted cam-
paign request and later perform intersection on the
audiences returned by those requests. Advertisers too
are provided with analytical services which generate
inversely private infons about the users who interacted
with the advertisements. This convoluted flow of in-
fons helps the platform in continuously improving its
knowledge-base about users, apps, advertisers. Fig-
ure 2 depicts the hierarchy of access control to user
infons: among users, between apps and their users
across the “User Space”, and indirectly between the
Advertisers and apps across the “Paid Space”. Face-
book being the owner of the platform and in service
terms with all the entities on the platform acts as a
“Superuser” and can traverse across the social graph
without any access restriction. In other words, though
the platform protects user PII in letter but in spirit it
makes the labelled infons of the users to advertisers
for a fee. Figure 3 depicts the administrative scope
of data governance as per GDPR, which deals only
with the PII and the context (Barth et al., 2006) for
which user agreed at the time of enrollment and ex-
cludes linked inferences and observed contexts that
were used to reinforce user profiles.
InformationData ServiceKnowledge
Bits Facts Interpretations Actions
User governable space Unenforceable space
(partially private data) (inversely private data)
Figure 3: Scope of regulatory governance on infons.
Is Privacy a Myth for Facebook Users?
The right-to-be-forgotten tenet of the GDPR is the
most challenging tenet in the current pretext of data
economy where user infons are pervasively making
their way beyond the ambit of stipulated governance
contours as shown in Figure 3. The objective of this
tenet is to revoke user’s consent to collect, store, pro-
cess, share her infons and the service provider should
erase all PII about the user thus far collected. Ide-
ally, the user should get an online experience as if
the user had not provided her consent to the service
provider. For example, if a user had ordered flow-
ers for her marriage anniversary and provided spouse
details to be printed on the card, the app and the plat-
form should not target these two users as couple once
the user has invoked her right-to-be-forgotten on the
app that she had used to order the flowers. But, be-
tween the order and the invocation of her right-to-be-
forgotten, for the sake of unique user experience the
app and the platform start treating the two users as a
couple and another unrelated apparel app that is look-
ing for prospective customers will be presented with
these two users as prospective customers. If one of
the users interact with the advertisement from apparel
app, that users future infon will be treated in the con-
text of a married person. This trail of causal actions
and inferences are difficult to undo in spirit through
legal interpretations of GDPR. In order to enforce the
right-to-be-forgotten tenet in letter and spirit we pro-
pose the following architecture that is practical and
probably acceptable to all the entities that have a role
in user’s privacy preservation. We identify 4 such en-
tities as important pillars of a vibrant digital economy:
1. users: act as a primary source of infons and may
limit their participation in the digital economy in
the face of continuing apprehension about their
privacy and lack of remedial measures
2. data platforms: data aggregators, controllers, pro-
cessors, and compete with each other for making
better use of user infons at their disposal, includ-
ing legal participation from data brokers
3. policy makers: elected representatives of the users
who may face backlash in the absence of better
regulations that contain and govern the platforms
4. regulators, law enforcement: regulators audit plat-
forms against the regulations enacted by policy-
makers. Law enforcement may require data-trails
from platforms for national security or forensics.
These pillars need to work in tandem for effective PII
management (FTC, 2012; McCallister et al., 2010).
We make the following conjectures.
For users: A misnomer is created (Athey et al., 2017)
by saying users are in full control of their own data,
whereas inversely private probabilistic dossiers are
created. Users simply do not have legible interfaces
to express their privacy choices in lay terms.
Users may voluntarily and accurately label them-
selves (Leon et al., 2013) into a limited categories
the platform is interested in and user is agreeable
to – a white-list. Thus, the user understands what
type of personalizing improvements to expect.
A privacy-by-design implementation of “do-not-
track” should be standardised and made available
to paid users who do not want to be tracked across
apps, websites, and devices. The ad supported
websites will present advertisements to such users
based on the content of that website alone.
An infon management interface to the user should
provide causal graphs representing the transition
of infons into different categories due to the online
actions the user has taken from the last time the
user visited the interface.
The infon management interface should also pro-
vide a list of external collaborators to whom user
dossiers are made available. This will be useful
while invoking her right-to-be-forgotten from an
app or the platform, informing user where else she
needs to invoke her rights consequently.
For data platforms: there is a need to steer away from
user data monetizing model to a transparent, equitable
model where users can understand how their infons
are reflecting back on them and could take remedial
steps if something is undesirable.
the platform (Facebook) should start treating
the user dossiers as a mutually shared re-
source (Lessig, 1999) on which users can specify
category labels like health, finance, sports. These
categories can be access controlled using extensi-
ble labels similar to Friends or Friend-of-Friends
like ANA (Association of National Advertisers).
the platform should introduce a special label
“Frozen”. The utility of such a label would be to
address two contradictory requirements that arise
when a user invokes her right-to-be-forgotten
whereas the law enforcement mandates the plat-
form to retain all records for forensics purpose.
Thus, this label will be tagged to appropriate
nodes of the user who is invoking her right-to-be-
forgotten. The friends or public/apps connected
to that user can no more query to “Frozen” nodes,
whereas the law enforcement app can still traverse
through such nodes for a stipulated time.
SECRYPT 2019 - 16th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
the platform should mandate its apps to maintain
a “Merkle root” of its users’ USERIDs who have
invoked their right-to-be-forgotten on the app. A
blockchain like chain of snapshots of Merkle roots
for an app will keep a trail of actions the app has
taken so far. This will help users to verify and
track the status of their requests efficiently.
For policy makers: the policy makers will have to
keep themselves abreast with the technological ad-
vancements and figure out ways to introduce laws that
help govern the data economy while providing suffi-
cient flexibility to allow innovation.
persuade the data platforms to design verifiable
mechanisms to help users manage their infons.
persuade the platforms to provide tools/interfaces
for regulators in order to help end users verify
whether the app or platform has complied with the
legal request made by its users.
For regulators:
they have to ensure/audit compliance
of laws in their jurisdiction. In this fast evolving
ecosystem a feedback loop from regulators to policy
makers is necessary for timely legislative evolution.
regulators may build sandbox environments
with different privacy policy configurations
with dummy users and evaluate data con-
trollers/processors claims about those dummy
users’ remediation status with the platform.
regulators may also design and get approved their
apps on the data platform and ask privacy aware
users to interact with these apps to analyse perco-
lation of their infons in the data ecosystem.
In this paper, we have argued about the notion of in-
fons, which is a super-set of PII data and associated
contextual data that can be reflected on a user’s pri-
vacy by an observer. We have explored few scenarios
to highlight how non-PII data (infons) from a user are
potentially privacy undermining in view of two types
of observers: primary (trusted) and secondary (plausi-
bly invisible). Data platforms of OSNs like Facebook
are the most complex and convoluted data collection,
process, and usage systems – a mechanism that serves
this type of architecture can be easily used elsewhere.
Clearly, there is lot that is required to be done before
we can start building effective tools and frameworks
for privacy management; i) standards for data classifi-
cation and labeling, and ii) quasi-uniform legal frame-
work for infon treatment/management. In this section,
though we have listed out plausible steps for effective
management of user privacy, we would like to high-
light a peculiar trait of social communications, that is,
the ownership and control of metadata between in-
dependent entities. Consider an app like Truecaller
(a reverse lookup provider for phone numbers) is in-
stalled by two of the Facebook friends. Truecaller
is integrated with Facebook’s social graph to obtain
various information about its user: name, photo, on-
line/offline status, et al. Each incoming/outgoing call
generates analytic traffic using Facebook app event
hooks. Each user’s call logs (infons) make their way
to Facebook. Now, assume that one of the users in-
vokes her right-to-be-forgotten on Truecaller; subse-
quent calls of that user to other Truecaller users will
inadvertently get her infons (metadata and analytic) to
Facebook. Who among the caller and the callee is the
owner of that phone call log made after right-to-be-
forgotten was invoked? Should one user’s restriction
on such legally undefined data type be enforced on the
counter-party, who is using Truecaller? If yes, it is too
costly to enforce, if no, there is a leakage of infons of
the caller.
This brings us to a very useful insight: effective
privacy management may not be achieved by treating
it as a data leakage/containment problem. We should
start addressing privacy as a usage control problem
instead of data leakage problem. Analogous to the
approach taken in handling tax evasion cases, where
a revenue officer seeks answers from a suspected tax
evader about the sources of her income. Borrowing
this analogy will be effective to force the data mon-
etizing platforms to source infons from entities who
have obtained informed consent from its users. The
platform will have to prove to the user and regula-
tor about the source of infons the platform has used
to predict suitability of an advertisement to a user.
In other words, when an advertisement/experience is
presented to a user, it should carry a proof with it ex-
plaining the user how a decision is made to match a
particular advertisement/experience to her. This will
also nudge the data platforms to innovate in the di-
rection of explainable AI instead of AI models that
are developed to maximise their profits. With the
current prediction models, it does not matter to the
platform owners if the model is wrong in its pre-
dictions or approximations about a user, because it
does not cost anything to the platform but the user
has no redressal mechanism at hand when the predic-
tion/approximation goes wrong.
The notion of an observer is an important notion be-
cause for any given service the data and metadata
about users is being observed not only by the enti-
ties that compose that particular service but also by
the secondary observers about whom the user may not
Is Privacy a Myth for Facebook Users?
have complete knowledge. The user consents for its
data to the primary observer and by adjusting the pri-
vacy settings derives a false sense of privacy control.
Whereas, the secondary observers that participate in
user transactions either by users’ choices or by ser-
vice providers’ service composition choices are ig-
nored for their potential to collect, infer, and monetize
user data. Despite the users being provided with legal
rights to protect themselves from online tracking, pro-
filing by services, the users do not have a comprehen-
sive view of their personal infons scattered across the
data ecosystem and thus fail to exercise their rights.
We discussed the works that need to be done by the
four pillars of digital ecosystem in order to bring back
the user trust in online services for a greater good of
the ecosystem. We emphasize that the notion of an
observer is a helpful notion for users, system design-
ers in order to make informed decisions about privacy
settings, online behaviour and privacy-preserving sys-
tem designs. This will enable users to understand
and remediate their perceived privacy violations by
the environment in which they operate. Regulators
may seek an explainable proof of platform’s decision
making in building an audience for targeted adver-
tisement. This will inhibit data processors from re-
lying on data sources to which the targeted user had
not provided consent. The legal rights like right-to-
be-forgotten or right-to-consent cannot be effectively
exercised if the users do not have ability to identify
and locate their inversely private infons.
The work was carried out as part of research at IS-
RDC, supported by 15DEITY004, Ministry of Elec-
tronics and Information Technology, Govt of India.
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SECRYPT 2019 - 16th International Conference on Security and Cryptography