Table 3: Confusion matrix using the BN integrating a dis-
tance rejection criterion proposed by (Verron et al., 2010).
F4 F9 F11 UFC Total
F4 654 0 144 2 800
F9 0 580 216 4 800
F11 28 65 695 12 800
UFC 132 122 194 4352 4800
Total 814 767 1249 4370 7200
proposed in (Verron et al., 2010) with a misclassifica-
tion error rate equals 19.62%, see Table 3.
Also, we can see that 4454 from 4800 observa-
tions belonging to the class UFC have been recog-
nized by our approach as unknown faults (miscclas-
sification error rate = 7.20%). Further, we have ob-
tained better performance, in respect to UFC, com-
pared with the the BN proposed in (Verron et al.,
2010), 9.33%.
We have shown how our new approach outper-
forms and can be an alternative to the state of the art.
Our approach is also able to simultaneously detect
and diagnosis simultaneously known and unknown
faults in a single Bayesian network.
Once again, the reader should notice that the re-
sults obtained by our approach depend considerably
on the used BN classifier. Obviously, several BNCs
can be associated to our proposal. The structure and
parameters of a given BNC are generally learned from
data. Different BNCs could be obtained in respect
of variables relationships and considered assumptions
(Friedman et al., 1997). BNCs are not only consid-
ered as powerful tools for classification but also as
frameworks for different data-driven fault diagnosis
schemes (Atoui et al., 2015a).
Table 4: Confusion matrix of an example of a BN classifier
integrating our distance rejection criterion.
F4 F9 F11 UFC Total
F4 655 0 141 4 800
F9 0 582 217 1 800
F11 28 65 702 5 800
UFC 0 132 214 4454 4800
Total 683 779 1274 4464 7200
In this paper, a new approach able to diagnosis faults
with a distance rejection criterion is proposed. Its per-
formances on the TEP gives excellent results com-
paratively to the literature. Obvious outlook of this
work is to expand our approach to simultaneously de-
tect and diagnose known and unknown faults. Also,
develop it for others data-driven BNCs to fault detec-
tion and diagnosis. Furthermore, it can be interesting
to enhance the decisions made by our approach by
considering different types of information.
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Fault Diagnosis by Bayesian Network Classifiers with a Distance Rejection Criterion