suggests that the subjects got accustomed to the music
in the M90 environment since these were performed
in sequence as explained before. The dependent
variable amplitude was highest in the M60 (M=3.93,
SD=1.38) followed by M0 (M=3.60, SD=1.83), M90
(M=3.59, SD=1.46) and M30 (M=3.43, SD=1.66).
Additionally, the dependent variable latency was
shortest in M60, followed by M30, M90 and finally
M0 as shown in Table 3. It seems that there is no
correlation between amplitude and latency. Lastly,
the user preference evidently shows that all subjects
preferred the M0, followed by M90, M60, and M30 in
both questionnaires as shown in Table 6. This
enforces our previous empirical evidence that the
subjects seem to get acquainted with the music in the
fourth sequential experiment of M90 while they are
staggered by the difference between M0 and M30,
which follow each other. These results also indicated
that the user preference wasn’t affected by the
loudness of the music. Moreover, the signals were
morphological consistent in all four scenarios, even
though they did not yield identical P300 components.
In the future we plan to run the independent
variable levels (M0, M30, M60, M90) experiments in
a randomized order and not sequentially, to avoid the
results being affected by subjects accustomization to
the distraction. Another important point to take into
account in future experiments is the possible impact
of mental fatigue with and without the presence of
distractions during repetitive exercises.
Our main contribution is the comparative
assessment in terms of (a) accuracy, (b) amplitude, (c)
latency and (d) user preference, between the levels of
the independent variable. Our main goal is to provide
insight into the practicability of the current P300
speller to be used in concurrence with several
taxonomized distractions.
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hierarchical taxonomy as depicted in Figure 1. This
work is part of a larger EEG based project where we
are introducing different categories of distractions
which are considered alongside the development of
taxonomy while using low fidelity equipment. Our
investigation is concerned with the way in which
different types of distractions (e.g. audio, visual, with
differing intensity/regularity and engagement factor)
translate into a reduction of the signal quality and
amplitude, or any other change/distortion that occurs.
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