metabolism; HRtanm - heart rate at threshold of
anaerobic metabolism; dGEF - general energetic
Table 1 shows that fundamental state and reserve
capacities indices study among swimmers taking
into account typology of bioenergetics helps to
estimate the level of readiness. It is mentioned that
50 meters swimming results are better among
swimmers of anaerobic type. It is characterized by
the fact that during training at short distances we
have general energy fund stabilization. During
systematic means use, which are directed toward
speed qualities development, there is muscle activity
anaerobic energy sources of energy-supply
Special physical readiness tests analysis among
swimmers helped to reveal that in 50 meters
swimming the best result showed “anaerobic type”
swimmers. According to the stages of training we
had the following results: IT-1 - 48,05±1,66 sec.;
IT-2 - 41,7±1,56 sec.; TG-1 - 37,2±1,43 sec.;
TG -2 -33,29±1,42 sec. ; TG -3 - 30,96±1,67 sec.;
TG-4 - 28,36±1,68 sec.. “Mixed type” type
swimmers showed the following results according to
the stages of training: IT-1 - 58,19±1,48 sec.;
IT-2 - 42,36±1,23 sec.; TG -1 - 38,51±1,56
sec.; TG -2 -34,01±1,47 sec. ; TG -3 31,88±1,67
sec.; TG-4 - 29,48±1,70 sec..
“Aerobic type” swimmers showed the following
results: IT-1 - 50,34±1,23 sec.; IT-2 -
41,92±1,56 sec.; TG -1 - 40,78±1,47 sec.;
TG -2 -37,4±1,34 sec.; TG -3 - 31,53±1,69 sec.;
TG-4 - 30,24±1,60 sec..
“Anaerobic type” swimmers show the best time
of 400 meters distance swimming (289,1 ±4,sec.),
“mixed type” swimmers and “aerobic type”
swimmers show the following time: 302,3 ±13,32
sec. and 303,50 ±12,20 sec.
In 800 meters swimming the results are the
following: “anaerobic type” swimmers- 600±9,14
sec., “aerobic type” swimmers- 628±29,18 sec.,
“mixed type” swimmers-621±22,02 sec..
In 3000 meters swimming the results were the
following: the best results among “anaerobic type”
swimmers - 2400 ±71,94 sec., “aerobic type”
swimmers - 2458 ±51,37 sec., “mixed type”
swimmers - 2463 ±99,24 sec.. During special
physical readiness testing “anaerobic type”
swimmers overcome the distances quicker, than
“aerobic type” and “mixed type” swimmers.
A purposeful use of the training means, directed
toward swimmers’ endurance development, provide
indices improvement in test exercises among
anaerobic type swimmers. It means that training
process management owing to functional state and
reserve capacities level diagnostics provides an
effective adaptation of muscle activity and physical
working capacity change during after activity period
(Karlenko V.P. and Karlenko N.V., 2003).
General metabolic capacity (GMC) indices use
defines the volume of aerobic (AMC) and anaerobic
(ANAMC) metabolic changes during muscle work
among swimmers with the intensity at the level of
aerobic productivity. This index characterizes the
definite level of working capacity among athletes
during the training lessons, directed toward
endurance development. The indices, which reflect
the level of general metabolic capacity, increase by
220%, which is the important index during
swimmers’ training process planning. A positive and
a long-term dynamics increase of general metabolic
capacity index among swimmers in all bioenergetic
types shows considerable effectiveness of training
and competitive means planning and use.
Power of creatine phosphate source of energy-
supply (PCP) is the quickest source of energy, used
by muscle cells from muscular contractions
beginning. This source of energy-supply is
characterized by maximum possible movements
frequency. In terms of this power work total oxygen
demand is not big, but oxygen demand within the
time unit is considerably bigger. That is why the
work in this power is also called anaerobic, because
oxygen is not used in adenosine triphosphate (ATP)
resynthesis and laclate is not produced. These
indices of power of creatine phosphate source of
energy-supply show the effectiveness of means and
methods use in the training process during power,
plosive and speed-power abilities development
(Karlenko V.P. and Karlenko N.V., 2003, Karlenko
V.P. and Karlenko N.V., 2008). With the help of
this index we estimate the effectiveness of means
and methods use during the definite period of
training while speed endurance developing.
The effectiveness and efficiency of aerobic
source of energy-supply use is determined by the
following indices: threshold of anaerobic
metabolism (Wtanm) and heart rate at threshold of
anaerobic metabolism (HRtanm). Anaerobic
threshold characterizes the training level of an
organism and interaction between aerobic and
anaerobic ways of physical load energy-supply.
Anaerobic threshold defines the quality and
effectiveness of aerobic system use. The higher
anaerobic threshold is the higher is an athlete’s
training level.
The most informative character of anaerobic
threshold determination is HR TANM. Heart rate at
icSPORTS 2019 - 7th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support