pixel coordinates and camera movement
At present, most scholars have the same
understanding of the goal to camera calibration for
such system. That is, after the fixed camera detects a
target, the target will displayed in the center of PTZ
camera image view by controlling the camera
parameters.Therefore, after the PTZ camera
calculated the target location in world coordinate
system, it need to use the intrinsic parameter to
compute the camera control parameters. When the
camera turning and zooming, the intrinsic
parameters will dynamically changing. So, the
calculated camera control parameters value cannot
let the target displayed in the center of PTZ camera
image view.
But, if we establish a mapping relationship
between pixel coordinates and camera movement
magnification, we can solve the problem and
calculate the control parameters more accurate. We
called this calibration as cooperative-calibration.
In this paper, a 11-layer deep neural network
based cooperative-calibration method is proposed.
The mapping between the object coordinate in the
wide camera and PTZ control parameters can be
fitted by the neural network.
This method has the following contributions:
The traditional calibration method based on
accurate mathematical model is cumbersome,
and there are many nonlinear disturbance
factors that affect the accuracy of 3D
reconstruction. Our method can solve the
nonlinear problem well.
The benefits of neural network for camera
calibration is that it can quickly establish a
mapping between the pixel coordinate in wide-
field camera and PTZ control parameters.
There is no need for the pre-established model.
Compared to establishing a map between
camera pixel coordinate and a world coordinate
system, our method can decreased the
calibration error.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows:
Sect. 2 introduces the current research status of the
camera cooperative-calibration. Sect. 3 defines our
research problems, and Sect. 4 describes the design
of the network structure. Experiment will be
conducted and analyzed in Sect. 5. We give our
conclusion in Sect. 6.
There exist many research works about the
parametric calibration method (Senior et al. 2005;
Jie et al. 2010; Kumar et al. 2009) and non-
parametric calibration method (Robinson 1994;
Turton et al. 1994; Cui and Yuan 2009; Jin and Zhou
2015) on master-slave system that consists of PTZ
and the wide-field camera.
The parametric calibration method: It is assumed
that there is a relationship between the camera
coordinate and the word coordinate system, which
can be expressed by intrinsic parameters and
extrinsic parameters. The PTZ camera mainly has
two imaging models: the pinhole imaging model and
the complex camera imaging model.
Pinhole model is a linear model, that means it
simplifies the camera kinematic model, and does not
solve the lens distortion.
Some simplifications can make the calibration
problems easier, but at the expense of accurate.
This simplifications are (1) collocation of the
optical center on the axes of pan and tilt, (2)
parallelism of the pan and tilt axes with the height (y)
and width (x) dimensions of the CCD, and (3) the
requested and realized angles of rotation match, or
the angle of rotation does not require calibration. Xu
(Xu, 2010) uses SIFT feature match method to
calibrate the two camera. Marchesotti(Marchesotti et
al., 2005) uses geometry-based pixel offset matching
based on the position of the two cameras. Hampapur
(Hampapur et al., 2003) uses shape-based head
detection to achieve target matching.
The advantage of complex model is that the
accuracy is much better, and it considered the
kinematic model. Jain (Jain et al.,2006) adopt a
general formulation that declared does not make
above simplifications. Horaud(Horaud et al., 2006)
solve for a general pan–tilt kinematic model and
develop a close-form solution for a simplified pan–
tilt model. They establish the link between the
epipolar geometry constraint and the kinematic
model constrains. Both the Pinhole model and the
complex model were affected when the camera
change zoom.
The non-parametric method: The main idea of
non-parametric calibration method is to obtain the
corresponding relationship between the
corresponding point in space and fitting image point
(such as the genetic algorithm or neural network).
As an intelligent optimization algorithm, neural
network has been successfully applied on camera
cooperative-calibration. The camera calibration
method based on neural network can effectively