generated area of the object through two three-
dimensional coordinates information.
In this work, we proposed 3D-BBGAN for 3D
object generation. We demonstrated that our models
are able to generate novel 3D objects with more
detailed geometries. Through the addition of the
conditional information to the generator and the
discriminator in the training process, we have
realized the effective limitation of the probability
space of the generated object. We effectively limit
the probability space of generation object to shorten
the training time and improve the generation effect
of 3D objects. And by adjusting the information we
add to the generator, we can direct the size of the
generated object. Next, we will try to add the
appropriate conditional information to guide the type
of the generated object.
Figure 5: Objects generated by the 3D-BBGAN system
trained on the ModelNet10 chair class. Here we list the
generate results of the three bounding box information.
The graph on the left of each column represents the
generated 3D Object, the right of each column shows the
render result with the correspond bounding box
This work is supported by Sichuan Science and
Technology Program (2015GZ0358, 2016GFW0077,
2016GFW0116, 2018GZ0889) and Chengdu
Science and Technology Program (2018-YF05-
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